The Essential Guide to Understanding Paper Wasps

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In this article, we will talk about everything about paper wasps.

If you notice a wasp with yellow markings, you must run in the opposite direction.

Well, wasps like yellow jackets and paper wasps are indeed known for their stinging habits. But are they both equally aggressive?

Are paper wasps useful in any way? Is it right for us to be scared of them?

This article will answer all the questions revolving around paper wasps.


Paper Wasp


What Are Paper Wasps?

Paper wasps are insects with black bodies and yellow markings. They belong to the Vespidae family of insects and are known for the unique nests they build.

They are social wasps that live in colonies. You can find them in forests and grasslands.

Also, if you notice closely, you will see that female adult paper wasps are significantly bigger than males and have a few extra spots on the body.

You can find them in various parts of North America, South America, and Canada.

You will be fascinated to know that paper wasps were called “European paper wasps” earlier as they were abundant in European agricultural regions.

These insects grow to about 3/4 to 1 inch and have slender bodies.

Paper Wasp Types

There are various types of paper wasps. Let us take a look at a few main ones:

Arabian paper wasps

Arabian paper wasps are brightly colored insects with long-yellow antennae. These have large yellow eyes, which are darker than the body.

If you look closely, you will notice three distinct black spots on the head. These insects show an average growth rate of 0.98 inches and create noise while flying.

On a warm, sunny day, you will find them around water sources. They do so to drink and carry water back to their larvae in the nest.

These nests are mostly found in cracks. You can also find them suspended from the bark of trees or on concrete walls.

These are common in the UAE and coastal areas. They are semi-social insects, and the queen is similar to the workers.


Paper Wasp


Northern paper wasps

Northern paper wasps live in a huge nest. During the summer, these nests can grow up to 6 to 8 inches wide.

You will be fascinated to know that the physical appearance of these wasps varies according to habitat.

There are around 3 species of Northern paper wasps in the United States, and they can be identified by their striped patterns.

Most paper wasps have slender waists and reddish markings and can deliver painful stings.

They, too, create umbrella-shaped nests using wood pulp and saliva.

European paper wasps

The European paper wasp is a big bog insect with yellow markings on the body.

They have a slender body shape where you can observe a clear constriction between the body and the thorax.

Due to their yellow markings and large bodies, they might look a lot like yellow jacket wasps.

However, if you notice carefully, you will observe that the European paper wasps have long hind legs, which trail below the insect’s body while taking flight.

These wasps are comparably less aggressive than yellow jackets, but they can deliver painful stings.

They also help you get rid of pests in the garden and yard.


Paper Wasp


Indian paper wasps

Indian paper wasps are fascinating social insects that live in large colonies.

However, unlike other paper wasp species, these insects live non-randomly in their nests.

Doing so helps them efficiently exchange food and reduces the chances of spreading an illness or infection.

This also prevents the infection from reaching the queen and keeps her safe and alive for a long time.

Other nesting habits are similar to the others on the list.

They, too, build umbrella-shaped nests with a paper-like mixture of saliva and wood pulp.

These are some of the common species of paper wasps.

There are many more of these fascinating little creatures scattered across the globe with equally fascinating habits and behaviors.

What Does A Paper Wasp Eat?

Various paper wasp species are omnivores and rely on plant and animal matter to complete their diets.

These insects are experts at hunting down insect larvae, aphids, and caterpillars.

The social insects are also fond of honeydew left by aphids and nectar. Paper wasp species in America are excellent at hunting caterpillars.

Due to their active pest-hunting habits, they can be considered beneficial insects.

The larvae rely on animal leftovers that adult paper wasps bring to the nest, like chewed-up aphids and caterpillars.


Paper Wasp on Goldenrod


Where Do Paper Wasps Live?

As mentioned above, these insects live in large wasp colonies. These wasps build a unique umbrella-shaped nest with a paper-like material.

Due to their capacity to build these nests, they are also called umbrella wasps.

These nests have various hexagonal cells and are hung from tree bark. The entire structure is connected to the tree by a petiole.

Also, since they actively hunt pests like caterpillars, you can find them in pest-abundant regions. At times, you might notice them flying around flowers, collecting nectar.

How Do Paper Wasps Make Their Nests

The paper constructs the umbrella-shaped nest using a mixture of wood fiber and saliva. The mixture creates a brown material that later becomes a paper-like substance.

The nest-building process is initiated by the queen, who emerges in the spring after overwintering.

She chooses an appropriate spot to build the nest and lays the eggs.

The wasps hatched from the eggs help to further grow the colony and build the nest.

The nest is hung from a solid surface, like tree bark, wall, stone, etc.



Life Cycle of A Paper Wasp

Like most insects, paper wasps undergo the four stages of metamorphosis: eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults.

The cycle starts in the spring when the queen emerges from her long winter hibernation. The fertile queen then searches for the ideal spot to build the nest.

Once she gets the right spot, she lays eggs, and the wasps hatched from these eggs work to make the colony and the nest bigger.

The newly hatched wasps are mostly workers who build the nest, collect food, and look after the larvae. By peak summer, the queen starts laying around 200 eggs per day.

She also constantly releases pheromones to keep the colonies together.

The nest is further expanded using wood pulp and saliva to accommodate the growing population.

By late summer, the wasp population in the colony reaches its peak. This is when the queen lays eggs that produce future queens.

The eggs also produce fertile males, which will later help to create new colonies.

By the arrival of autumn, the existing queen dies, and the wasps in the colony leave the nest to chase sugary food and sweet nectar.

The potential queens move to safe hibernating spots after mating with the fertilized males.

These future queens hibernate in a warm and safe spot throughout the winter before emerging in the spring and repeating the entire process.

Also, as winter approaches, the existing members of the colony die due to the cold and lack of food sources.

The others die in the cold weather because there is no food available.



How Long Do Paper Wasps Live?

As mentioned above, most paper wasps in the colony die by the early winter due to the cold and food scarcity.

However, the new fertile queens survive this winter by hibernating throughout the cold and emerging in spring to build a new colony from scratch.

These insects can die earlier if attached to humans or their potential predators.

Do They Bite/Sting?

Yes, these insects are the sworn enemies of garden pests, but are they harmful to us?

Unfortunately, yes, these insects have stingers and can deliver painful stings.

Therefore, it is best to keep your distance from a paper wasp or a paper wasp nest.

Are They Poisonous/Venomous?

These insects are not poisonous or venomous to humans. However, the bites can trigger allergic reactions in the body.

If you get stung by a paper wasp, seek immediate medical attention.

You will notice some swelling, redness, irritation, and inflammation around the area of the sting.

Do not be careless around these insects, and always wear safety equipment before touching them.

Are They Harmful or Beneficial to Humans?

Paper wasps are both harmful and beneficial to humans. The stings can cause excruciating pain and allergies.

But they can also be an excellent tool to help you get rid of garden pests naturally without using pesticides.


Paper Wasp


What Are Paper Wasps Attracted To?

Adult paper wasps are attracted to flower beds with brightly blooming flowers to satisfy their appetite for nectar.

They are also particularly attracted to the honeydew on leaves left by aphids.

Since they hunt pests like caterpillars, they prefer to be around areas with abundant prey.

How to Get Rid of Paper Wasps?

Paper wasp infestations can be a menace to deal with. The sight of these stinging insects buzzing around your house can be too much to handle.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get rid of paper wasp nests.

You can remove the paper wasp nests physically.

However, you must note that this method is quite dangerous and can get you hurt.

Before approaching the nest, wear all necessary safety equipment to avoid those nasty stings.

Use a broom or stick to topple the nest. Once it hits the ground, do not approach it for a while, as the wasps will attack you.

You can also use chemical repellents to drive these insects away from your home.

However, these repellents can be harmful to children. You can avoid using chemicals and build some homemade wasp traps to eliminate these insects.

The best way to remove a paper-wasp nest without getting hurt is to call professionals.

If you are scared of dealing with these insects, it is best to leave the heavy lifting to the experts.



Interesting Facts About Paper Wasps

Here are a few fascinating facts about paper wasps that you might have missed in the article:

  • Adult female paper wasps are bigger than male paper wasps. Also, only the queen survives the cold winter months; the rest of the colony dies.
  • Paper wasps were earlier called “European wasps” due to their abundant populations in the agricultural lands of Europe.
  • European paper wasps may look a lot like yellow jacket wasps, but the latter are more aggressive and notorious for their stinging habits.

Paper Wasp Vs Yellow Jacket

It is quite a task to differentiate between a yellow jacket and a paper wasp. Both of these insects have yellow markings, are similar in size, and live in large wasp colonies.

However, if you look closely, you will notice the paper wasps are slightly leaner and larger. Also, yellow jackets have rounded, dark wings, and paper wasps have pointed, translucent wings.

While taking flight, the long hind legs of the paper wasp go behind the body.

One of the key differences between the two is the way they build their nests.

Yellow jackets build their nest underground in a pre-existing burrow or hole. The paper wasp constructs an aerially suspended nest on tree branches, walls, and stones.

A paper wasp nest has an upside-down umbrella shape, and a yellow jacket’s nest has one opening with multiple layers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Paper Wasp Vs Mud Dauber

Paper wasps and mud daubers are both types of wasps with distinct physical characteristics and nesting habits.
Paper wasps build hexagonal nests using wood pulp, while mud daubers construct cylindrical or tubular nests using mud.
Paper wasps are eusocial and live in small colonies, while mud daubers are primarily solitary. Both wasps feed on spiders and other insects.

Are paper wasps good to have around?

Paper wasps have stingers and can deliver painful stings, so it is best to keep your distance from them and their nests.
They are not poisonous or venomous, but their bites can trigger allergic reactions.
Paper wasps can be both harmful and beneficial to humans, as their stings can cause pain and allergies, but they can also help get rid of garden pests naturally without pesticides.
Always wear safety equipment before touching them.

What is the most aggressive paper wasp?

Red paper wasps are a social species that live in colonies and build their nests from plant and wood fibers. They are considered one of the most aggressive paper wasps.
They can be aggressive, and their stings cause pain, swelling, and itchiness.
It is recommended to avoid them, but if stung, apply ice and hydrocortisone cream. Those allergic to wasp stings should seek medical care immediately.

How do you treat a paper wasp bite?

In most cases, a wasp sting can be treated at home without medical care.
To treat a local skin reaction, wash the area with soap and water, apply ice, raise the affected body part, and consider taking an antihistamine or pain reliever.
If symptoms worsen, call 911. Home remedies include applying a meat tenderizer paste, baking soda paste, or a cool, wet tea bag to the sting area for 15-20 minutes.

Wrap Up

Paper wasps are a large family of social insects that construct fascinating umbrella-shaped nests.

The nest material looks and feels like paper and is a mixture of wood pulp and saliva.

These insects are excellent at taking down pests like caterpillars, aphids, and more.

However, they are also notorious for stinging humans and causing excruciating pain. The stings can trigger allergic reactions in the body.

Use the information given in the article to stay safe from these insects. Thank you for reading the piece.


Brazilian Nocturnal Wasps:  genus Apoica







European Paper Wasp Nest


Paper Wasp Nest


Hornet Nest







  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Paper Wasps

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5 Comments. Leave new

  • Greetings. We live in the heart of Oklahoma and have noticed a difference in the coloring of our red wasps this year. They seem to have changed colors and resemble those from Australia. Is it possible they have migrated from Australia or is this a winter time nature molting thing? Normally the wasp have a dark red coloring on their body and only their wings are black. Lately we’ve notice them having a yellow face, dark black shoulders, wings and legs. The normal red color body is crossed with an orange tint and almost a yellow tint as well. Again a dark red color seems to be the normal, not yellowish orange.
    Please advise as we are very curious and have had an overabundance of red wasp nesting’s this year, starting around mid-summer. Are these a new species or that we’ve never noticed this change before?

    • Red Wasps are Paper Wasps in the genus Polistes, and we are quite confident that there was no migration across the ocean from Australia, though introduction of species assisted by humans, either knowingly or accidentally, is always a possibility if visitors from Australia transported a fertile queen. BugGuide lists 19 species of Paper Wasps in North America and you may be observing a different species than you normally see. We would not discount the possibility of a hybridization between species from the same genus. All this is pure speculation without an image.

  • Greetings. We live in the heart of Oklahoma and have noticed a difference in the coloring of our red wasps this year. They seem to have changed colors and resemble those from Australia. Is it possible they have migrated from Australia or is this a winter time nature molting thing? Normally the wasp have a dark red coloring on their body and only their wings are black. Lately we’ve notice them having a yellow face, dark black shoulders, wings and legs. The normal red color body is crossed with an orange tint and almost a yellow tint as well. Again a dark red color seems to be the normal, not yellowish orange.
    Please advise as we are very curious and have had an overabundance of red wasp nesting’s this year, starting around mid-summer. Are these a new species or that we’ve never noticed this change before?

  • Jonathan Strauss
    April 2, 2016 4:31 am

    Very painful stings apparently

  • Thanks for this information. I found a nest at Lagunas de Volcan, Chiriqui, this week and wondered what these vespids were.


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