Ask What’s That Bug – Identify an Insect

Do you have a bug you need identified? Do you want to submit an interesting photo of a bug? The more information you can give us, the better your chances of getting your bug identified. Season? Geographic location? Picture(s) should be as clear and well-lit as possible.

We can all agree that there are a tremendous number of types of bugs across the globe so we need a little help from you in getting the identification correct. So when you complete the form below, please err on the side of too much information vs. too little information. The 2-3 clear and well-lit photos should ideally include a common item like a penny or a ruler to help us understand the relative size of the bug if possible. Low resolution pictures will not get a response. If you don’t know the plant the bug was on, please also include a picture of it.

We will try our best to identify the insect for you. You can check back to our homepage under the section Recent Bug Identification Requests to see if we have got to your request.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

Please note that What’s That Bug will not respond to any medical related bug identification requests. We are not medical professionals – our recommendation will always be to seek professional medical assistance if needed.

By submitting an identification request and/or photo(s), you agree that you either took the photo(s) yourself or have explicit permission from the photographer or copyright holder to use the image and you give permission to use your words and image(s) on and other publications. Also, you consent and agree that is the owner of any and all content you submitted. grants you an irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license (exercisable without payment of royalty or other compensation) to the content you submitted.
