Unveiling the Predators: What Eats Bed Bugs?

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In this article, we will explore the creatures that prey on bed bugs and how this knowledge can assist you in your battle against them.

While bed bugs may seem invincible at times, they do have predators that can impact their populations.

Introducing these natural hunters to your strategy for managing a bed bug infestation could provide you with another effective way to keep the situation under control.

Stay tuned to learn more about these bed bug predators and how they could help protect your home from these annoying pests.

What Eats Bed Bugs: The Bed Bug Predators Hierarchy

Insects That Eat Bed Bugs

There are various insects that can act as natural predators for bed bugs. Some examples include the following:

  • Cockroaches: The Oriental cockroach, German cockroach, and American cockroach are known bed bug predators.
  • Ants: Fire ants, Argentine ants, and Pharaoh ants can prey on bed bugs.
  • Centipedes: The house centipede is known to eat bed bugs.

  • Spiders: Jumping spiders, running crab spiders, yellow sac spiders, and wolf spiders are known to feed on bed bugs.

  • Assassin Bugs: The masked hunter (Reduvius personatus) preys on bed bugs.

What Eats Bed Bugs

Other Common Predators

Besides insects, some other animals have been known to eat bed bugs. These predators include:

  • Lizards: Various geckos and small lizards may feed on bed bugs.

  • Cats and Dogs: Although they are not their usual diet, pets like cats and dogs might occasionally eat bed bugs, either directly or due to grooming.

Here’s a comparison table of bed bug predators:

Predator Type Efficiency in Controlling Bed Bugs
Cockroaches Insect Moderate
Ants Insect Moderate
House Centipedes Insect Moderate
Spiders Arachnid Low
Assassin Bugs Insect Low
Lizards Reptile Low
Cats and Dogs Mammal Very Low

Keep in mind that while these predators can be helpful in controlling bed bug populations to some extent, they are not the most effective methods for eliminating infestations.

Integrated pest management strategies, including the use of properly labeled insecticides, are recommended for tackling bed bug infestations.

Consider using diatomaceous earth or other proven products to help control bed bug populations in your home.

Bed Bugs and Domestic Animals

When it comes to bed bugs and domestic animals, you might be curious if cats, dogs, or mice play a role in their control. Let’s delve into their relationship with bed bugs.

Cats are known for their hunting instincts, but when it comes to bed bugs, they may not be the most effective predators.

While they might occasionally catch a bed bug, this is not their preferred prey. Cats are more inclined to hunt insects like moths or spiders.

Dogs, on the other hand, can be useful in detecting bed bugs by scent.

Specially trained dogs can sniff out bed bug infestations, helping you identify and treat the problem early on. But like cats, dogs are not likely to prey on bed bugs.

Mice are also an unlikely ally in the fight against bed bugs. Mice primarily feed on plant materials and small insects.

While they might consume a bed bug if it’s available, they certainly won’t be an effective form of control.


Pest Control Methods

To keep your home free of bed bugs, it’s essential to explore various pest control methods.

A combination of extermination, natural remedies, and chemical solutions can be effective in managing these pests.

Extermination is a professional service offered by qualified pest control companies.

These experts use proven techniques and specialized equipment to eliminate bed bugs from your home.

Some common methods include heat treatment, steam cleaning, and insecticides.

Natural remedies are another option for controlling bed bugs.

Essential oils like tea tree, lavender, lemon, and peppermint have been known to repel these insects.

You can create a homemade spray by mixing a few drops of essential oil with water in a spray bottle.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) (learn more) is a popular non-toxic substance used to kill bed bugs.

The fine powder damages the exoskeleton of bed bugs, causing them to dehydrate and die.

Sprinkle DE around your bed, furniture, and any areas where you suspect bed bug activity.

Please remember to follow safety precautions when using these methods. Always read the labels and research the effectiveness of each treatment before use.

Below is a comparison table of the methods mentioned:

Method Pros Cons
Extermination Professional service, proven techniques, long-term results Can be expensive, may require multiple treatments
Essential oils Natural, non-toxic, DIY Can be less effective than other methods, may require reapplication
Diatomaceous earth Non-toxic, effective, affordable Can be messy, may require reapplication to ensure effectiveness

No matter which solution you choose, it’s crucial to monitor your home for any signs of bed bug activity.

Regular inspections, cleaning, and consistent preventative measures will help keep your home bed bug-free.

Understanding Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, flat, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of people and animals while they sleep.

They are reddish-brown in color, wingless, and range from 1mm to 7mm in size1. Here’s what you need to know about bed bugs:

  • Lifespan: Bed bugs can live several months without a blood meal2.
  • Spread: They can spread through travel, often hiding in luggage and being carried to new places3.
  • Hiding spots: Bed bugs can be found in mattresses, furniture, and other areas around the bed4.

Bed bug bites can cause allergic reactions and itching for some people.

Recognizing the signs of bed bug infestations is crucial in order to prevent their spread and to seek appropriate treatment if necessary.

If you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation, it’s essential to take certain steps for prevention and control. Some anti-bed bug treatments include:

  • Thoroughly inspecting your luggage and belongings after traveling.
  • Vacuuming and cleaning mattresses and furniture regularly.
  • Using approved pesticides for bed bug control5.

Stay vigilant and take preventive measures to keep these pesky insects at bay and protect your home from infestations.

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?

The Influence of Environment on Bed Bug Predators

Your environment plays a significant role in determining the predators of bed bugs.

In this section, we’ll explore how different environments influence the presence of these predators.

In your home, bed bugs often reside in places like bedding and furniture such as sofas, chairs, and dressers.

Predators like spiders, centipedes, and some species of ants may find their way into your living spaces, often preying on these pests.

However, these predators might not always be present in your home.

Factors such as cleanliness, temperature, and humidity can impact their populations.

For example, regularly vacuuming your floors and furniture can reduce the number of bed bugs, making it more challenging for their predators to find them.

To summarize:

  • Environmental factors influence the presence of bed bug predators
  • Common predators include spiders and ants
  • Bedding and furniture are prime hiding spots for bed bugs
  • Keeping your home clean can help minimize bed bug infestations but may also reduce predator populations

Other Protectors Against Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs are pesky insects but, fortunately, they have some natural enemies you can rely on. There are various insects and bugs that act as bed bug predators, helping to control their population.

For example, dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) feed on dead skin cells and bacteria, not bed bugs.

However, dust mites can compete with bed bugs for the same resources and indirectly affect their growth and reproduction.

On the other hand, masked hunters (Reduvius personatus), a type of assassin bug, and cone nosed bugs actively prey on bed bugs.

Masked hunters camouflage themselves using dust and other debris, patiently waiting for their prey.

Moreover, centipedes and mites are also known to feed on bed bugs.

There are even other insects like the grasshoppers (Pyralis pictalis), who join this fight against bedbugs indirectly.

Grasshoppers feast on plants that bed bugs use as hiding spots which can expose them to other predators.

In addition to these natural predators, some smells can also be helpful in repelling bed bugs.

The Periplaneta americana, commonly known as the American cockroach, emits a smell that can deter bed bugs.

Remember to consider these helpful insects and bugs as your allies in keeping your home bed bug-free.

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In conclusion, while bed bugs are a challenging pest, they do have natural enemies. Predators like cockroaches, ants, centipedes, spiders, and assassin bugs can play a role in controlling their populations.

However, relying solely on these predators for bed bug control is not practical. Integrated pest management, including professional extermination and safe chemical treatments, remains the most effective approach.

Remember, understanding these predators can be a part of your strategy, but it should not replace professional pest control methods.


  1. CDC – Bed Bugs – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  2. Bed Bugs: Get Them Out and Keep Them Out

  3. Bed Bug Prevention, Detection and Control

  4. How to Find Bed Bugs

  5. EPA – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency



  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Bed Bug

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6 Comments. Leave new

  • Hello, I am another Kat and I live in Chowchilla, CA in an almond orchard out in the country and have been inundated with these stinky bugs that sometimes fly. They even smell when no one touches them. When it rained they came inside in droves and are always here for the last month. How do we get rid of them? Are they the same bug as Kat’s?

  • Hello. I found 5 or 6 bugs in a few screw holes of my wood bed frame. I assumed they were bed bugs but after researching a bit, I’ve found that the ones I killed were larger than bed bugs and their color was more of a gray color than red brown. I didn’t notice any hairs but I squished them pretty quick because I was freaked out. My daughter looked at pictures of bed bugs and feels too that what we have are slightly different. They girls did have bites and I found the ink black blood smears on the mattress encasement. I’ve never found shed skins or eggs. I found two more of the same bugs under the carpet when I tore it up and replaced it with tile. There’s been no sightings or bites since, it’s been 30 days. The one bug I found was 1/4 inch long and very wide. Not fat or puffy, but wide. Any opinions would be helpful. Thank you.

    • Swallow Bugs, Bat Bugs and Bed Bugs are all blood suckers in the same family, and both Bat Bugs and Bed Bugs will readily feed on humans.

  • michael allen
    October 25, 2015 3:15 pm

    I found what looked like bed bugs on my matressi dryed all clothes and my moms bombing tommorow after research and questioning i discovered they’re no bed bugs what a relief

  • Diane Davidson
    May 26, 2016 3:20 pm

    You all have been very helpful in your reply and description thank you and now i’m going to see about some kind of pestiside or fumigation im getting a matal bed and am going to paint all my furniture.


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