Three Simple Steps to Remove Camel Spiders Effectively

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Camel Spider

Spotted a camel spider around the house? These arachnids may not be venomous, but they can leave painful bites. Here’s how to get rid of camel spiders from your home and surroundings.

Camel spiders usually dwell in the desert regions of the world, but you can also find them hiding in gardens around California, Texas, and other southwestern states.

These intimidating spiders can deliver painful bites that cause problems like excessive bleeding, redness, and swelling.

If you live in one of these states, you need to take proper measures to drive these spiders away from your garden. Read the article to know all about it.

How To Get Rid Of Camel Spiders

How To Identify A Camel Spider

Interesting, camel spiders are not spiders. They are a type of solpugid, a cross between a spider and a scorpion.

One of the main differences between them and spiders is that, unlike real spiders, they do not have venom and silk gland.

Moreover, they use a trachea for breathing which makes their oxygen intake faster and helps them to run fast while hunting.

These insects are usually found in deserts in Middle East Asia, the Southwestern states of the US, and Mexico. They have many names, such as wind scorpions, sun spiders, etc.

Camel spiders are bigger than normal houses spider. They usually grow to about 6-8 inches in length.

Camel Spider

They have eight legs, but it might look like they have ten due to two extra leg-like appendages called pedipalps, which are actually sensory organs.

Their tan-colored body helps them merge well with their desert surroundings. This keeps them safe from predators.

Also, if you look at one closely, you will notice tiny hair on their body, which helps to insulate them from the deadly desert heat.

Why Are They Dangerous?

There are many stories and urban legends which portray these spiders as mammoth, deadly creatures.

Some of these myths say that camel spiders can grow up to 2 feet in height, jump up to nearly three feet, and are poisonous enough to kill a large camel.

Another belief is that they are extremely fast, scream while they run, and can lay eggs under camel skin.

Well, the reality is entirely different, these spiders are not venomous at all, and they most certainly can’t kill camels.

They are fast but not extremely fast. A camel spider can run at a speed of 10 miles per hour.

However, they can be considered dangerous due to their ability to deliver painful bites to people.

Camel Spider

Camel spiders have massive plier-like jaws that easily break past human skin.

The camel spider bites can cause problems like intense bleeding, swelling, redness, and irritation. Therefore you must be careful around these insects.

If one of them bites you, make sure that you wash the wound with soap and apply an antibiotic ointment to it. Once that is done, cover the wounded region with a bandage to prevent an infection.

How to Get Rid of Sun Spiders?

During mating season, it is not uncommon to see these nocturnal spiders wandering around gardens and yards in states that are naturally dry and arid.

Since these spiders can bite, it is good to get rid of them if you keep noticing them regularly near your house.

Using chemical pesticides in liquid form is not a good idea, as they don’t work well against arachnids.

Spraying them directly on the camel spiders can kill them, but during the breeding season, others will repopulate the place in no time.

Camel Spider

Therefore the best way to keep them away from your homes is by keeping them free from pests like insects and lizards who are food for these spiders.

If there is a large number of these spiders in your home, you must call pest control specialists.

If you find only one or two of them inside your home, you can remove them by driving them out.

You will need the following things:

  • broom,
  • vacuum,
  • caulk,
  • spider-repellent chemicals,
  • sticky traps, and
  • draft guards

to effectively remove them from your home.

Here is a step-by-step guide to using these materials to get rid of camel spiders:

Step 1: Finding the Spiders

In order to get rid of the spiders, you must be able to track them and know where they live in your house or neighborhood.

You can use sticky traps to lure them out. Place them in corners and gaps around your furniture.

If they wander around those corners, they will get stuck in the traps, and you can get rid of them easily.

You should also thoroughly clean abandoned rooms, drawers, and closets using a vacuum to make sure that they are not hiding there.

Camel Spider

Step 2: Controlling the spiders

Once these spiders are stuck in the sticky traps, you can either kill them or release them in the wild. Keep re-inspecting the same spaces for more of them to appear.

You can kill any moving camel spiders you find on your re-inspection. Use pesticides like pest-control dust and spray in cracks and gaps where these bugs usually appear.

You also need to seal the possible entry points they can use to enter your home using caulk.

Step 3: Keep other pests away

Since they mostly hunt and consume other pests like lizards, scorpions, and small insects, removing them from your home and nearby surrounding will create a food shortage for them.

This will keep them away from your home. Apply insect repellent outside your house for good results.

How To Prevent Them From Coming Inside Homes?

To prevent sun spiders from coming back to your home, you must constantly check the spots where you encountered them first.

Since they usually live in places that are quiet and do not have any disturbances, attics and basements are ideal for them.

Regularly check these spots and keep cleaning them with a vacuum.

Also, these spiders can live in children’s sandboxes, which is why you must be extremely careful when the kids are playing with sand.

Camel Spider

Frequently Asked Questions

What kills a camel spider?

Liquid-based insecticides can be used to kill camel spiders. You can spray it directly on the spider to get the best results.
Also, camel spiders are prey for toads, big scorpions, and bats. You can also use sticky traps to catch spiders and kill them.

What are camel spiders attracted to?

Camel spiders usually prefer to be in places that are quiet and shady. They search for gaps and crevices in rock to stay away from the desert heat.
They prefer to hunt at night when the temperature goes down a little. At night they get attracted to different light sources.

Can you spray for camel spiders?

You can use liquid-based pesticides to get rid of camel spiders. They will kill them when sprayed directly, but it won’t be very effective during the breeding season.
More camel spiders will quickly repopulate the area in a short time. You can use sticky traps for better results.

What are camel spiders afraid of?

Camel spiders do not like living in places with cold temperatures, which is why they are found dwelling the desert areas.
They are also afraid of the active predators in the desert. Toads, big scorpions, and bats are some of the top predators of camel spiders in the desert.

Wrap Up

Camel spiders are certainly a big threat to the common pests residing in your house, but they are not safe as they can bite you and cause problems.

If you have pets or infants at home, you should drive out these solpugids on priority. While they are not venomous, their bites can be very painful.

Start by finding where these insects live and use products like pesticides and sticky traps to get rid of them.

Thank you for reading the article.


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi Dhir

    Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Camel Spiders

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8 Comments. Leave new

  • I think the “carnage”section is VERY unfair of you. If I had seen something like this I would have killed it too. Every heard of the expression “better safe than sorry”? I have a baby nephew I often babysit. And a cat. I’m familiar with most bugs, coming from the country and living in a rural area. But if it’s something I can’t identify, I jar it if I can, if I can’t i kill it. I once saw what I later was told was a velvet ant, which would have given my nephew, my cat, or myself a very painful sting. I haven’t come across a bug to sting or bite me that I have not had a horrible allergic reaction to.

    You really shouldn’t go judging people like that. It’s not too much to want to be safe inside your home, from something that could be poisonous and end up causing serious health issues. Maybe you’d like to live in a home where roaches and earwigs crawl freely over clothing, and food, and flatware, and mosquitoes and fleas bite freely, but I don’t. I’d call that sort of scenario living outdoors.

  • And on a second thought. You’re calling what these people do “carnage” but you are making money off Google Adsense Ads about bug extermination. With a ironic little “we don’t endorse bug extermination” plug that’s completely useless. Hypocritical much? You can go into adsense and filter what ads will be displayed.

    • Dear carolinealicia,
      Upon approving your comments, we reread our original response on this post to try to figure our why you were so judgmental of our answer, first calling us “unfair” and then feeling compelled to write back to call us “hypocritical.” There is nothing unfair about trying to educate the public, for free, that a creature is harmless. Nowhere in our response did we insult the person who submitted the query, either by using nouns or adjectives to personally attack. Our simple response stated a fact about the harmlessness of a Solpugid, and a determination that the action leading to the creature’s death was without cause. While we would love to be able to run our FREE site without advertisers, the fact of the matter is that it would be cost prohibitive. We need the advertisers, or we would have to shut down a site that we hope is bringing free information, and perhaps a bit of entertainment, to the web browsing public. Our site’s content makes it clear that we feel strongly about Unnecessary Carnage, and there is no irony intended with our disclaimer that we do not endorse extermination. We also believe in free speech, which is why we have allowed your insulting comments to us to post. We also pity you that you have such anger in your life, and we hope you may one day find peace.

  • Chinchillazilla
    June 20, 2012 9:28 pm

    I know this is quite an old post, but I just discovered it. The line “Need you be so melodramatic about a bug (which by the way there are trillions of?!)” really upset me. Flocks of passenger pigeons used to blot out the sun for hours at a time as they flew over, but that didn’t stop humans from driving them to extinction in a few hundred years.

  • I know this is a really late post, but we were blessed with a heroic solpugid. We live in the rural desert and have 14 cats, 12 of whom were born and raised in a feral colony nearby. When bugs come into the house, we generally catch them and take them outside. The feral cats, though, see them as prime prey and attack, even the black widow spiders. We have tried to discourage them to no avail. One night one of the largest solpugids I have seen was spotted by our Persian about 4″ up a wall. The cat went over, put his nose on it, and got quite a pinch! Since then, he and all the other cats have been much less aggressive toward bugs in general. By the way, I don’t know why none of them ever got bit by a black widow. I know of 2 adult females the cats found in the pantry, caught, and dragged into the kitchen.

  • 1st off I’ll say, ever since a child I’ve been a lovers of, most, things creepy crawly. Never been afraid of snakes, respectful but not scared and well versed in the species in my area so I know which ones could actually hurt me as I enjoy catching snakes when I can. Recently, last 2 months, I have seen, and subsequently squashed into oblivion with no shame, 5 wind spiders, solufigids, camel spiders or any other alias they go by. All about 1in to 1 and a half and blond in color. I take no shame in stomping them into extinction if in my house. If outside, live and let live no prob. But 2 of them I only noticed when they came booking out from under furniture seeming to want to have one of my toes as a meal.idk if they were confused, just being defensive or what but I’m not exaggerating when I say they were trying to predate my feet. They scare me, so yes I’m squashing outta fear, but I just wish they’d get outta the house, or stay hidden when I’m in the vicinity!


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