How to Get Rid of Camel Crickets: Quick and Effective Methods

folder_openInsecta, Orthoptera
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Camel crickets are common pests that can be a nuisance when they invade our homes.

They are attracted to cool, dark, moist, and humid areas, often residing in basements or other similar spaces.

These crickets, also known as cave crickets, are wingless and do not chirp, yet their large hind legs and long antennae make them easy to identify.

How to Get Rid of Camel Crickets

Camel Cricket

When it comes to getting rid of camel crickets, prevention is key.

Ensuring your home is well-sealed helps prevent their entry. In addition, reducing dampness and darkness in at-risk areas like basements can make your home less attractive to these wingless insects.

There are several methods to eliminate camel crickets from your home. These include using sticky traps, insecticides, or even natural repellents.

It is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each method to determine the best approach for your specific situation. Understanding

the habits and habitats of these pests will help you keep your home camel cricket-free.

Understanding Camel Crickets

Appearance and Size

Camel crickets, also known as cave crickets, are distinct insect species characterized by their large hind legs and long antennae.

They are brownish in color and have a humpbacked appearance. They are wingless and can grow up to one inch long.

Diet and Habitat

Camel crickets feed on various types of organic materials and food waste.

They are attracted to cool, dark, moist, and humid areas, often found in caves or basements of houses.

In homes, they can be considered nuisance pests, as they prefer to live near suitable habitats.

Camel Cricket

Species and Behavior

Among the several species of camel crickets, the most commonly found in homes are the greenhouse camel cricket (Diestrammena asynamora) which accounts for over 90 percent of respondents in a study conducted on camel cricket sightings.

They are nocturnal creatures and usually more active at night. It’s important to note that unlike other types of crickets, camel crickets do not chirp, as they have no sound-producing organs.

But just like normal crickets, they too can jump at you.

Camel Crickets Other Crickets
Brownish color Varies in colors
Humpbacked appearance More straight-backed
Wingless May have wings
Do not produce chirping sounds Often produce chirping sounds
Prefer cool, dark, and moist areas Prefer grassy, open areas
Nocturnal Usually active during the day
  • Features of Camel Crickets:
    • Large hind legs
    • Long antennae
    • Nocturnal
    • Do not chirp
    • Humpbacked appearance
    • Wingless
    • Attracted to cool, dark, and moist environments
    • No sound-producing organs

Signs of a Camel Cricket Infestation

Home Damage

Camel crickets can cause damage to your home, mainly by chewing on items they find. Examples of damage include:

  • Wood: They can gnaw on wooden structures, like furniture and baseboards.
  • Clothes & fabric: They have a preference for eating through clothes, upholstery, and other fabrics.

Chirping Sounds

Although camel crickets are wingless, they don’t make the chirping sound that other crickets do.

They’re silent invaders, making it harder to detect their presence through sound. Instead, keep an eye and ear out for other signs.

Camel Cricket


Camel crickets do not bite or sting humans. They have a long stinger-like appendage, but it is actually an ovipositor meant to deposit eggs.

Indoor Sightings

Indoor sightings are a clear indicator of an infestation. Camel crickets usually prefer damp, dark spaces:

  • Basements: They are often found in basements with high humidity levels.
  • Hidden corners: They tend to seek shelter in hidden corners and crevices.

Outdoor Hiding Spots

Camel crickets can also be found outdoors, hiding in various places:

Outdoor hiding spot Description
Mulch piles They love burrowing in warm, moist environments.
Stone piles Crickets can hide between stones and gaps.
Wood piles These provide shelter and a food source for them.

Preventing Camel Cricket Infestations

Eliminating Entry Points

To prevent camel crickets from entering your home, it’s essential to seal any openings or cracks. Be sure to:

  • Check foundation walls, windows, and doors for gaps
  • Seal cracks using appropriate materials like caulk or steel wool
  • Install or repair screens on windows and vents

Doing so will help keep these unwanted pests out of your living space.

Reducing Moisture

Camel crickets are attracted to moist environments, so it’s important to reduce humidity levels. To achieve this, follow these tips:

  • Utilize a dehumidifier in damp areas, such as basements and crawl spaces
  • Fix any water leaks or plumbing issues promptly
  • Ensure proper ventilation in rooms that tend to accumulate moisture

Maintaining reasonable humidity levels will make your home less inviting to camel crickets.

Possibly Sand Treader Cricket

Clearing Debris and Clutter around Your House

Camel crickets love to hide in dark, cluttered spaces. Removing these hiding spots will deter them from invading your property. Consider the following actions:

  • Clear away piles of wood, leaves, and other debris
  • Keep firewood at least 20 feet away from your house
  • Maintain a buffer zone around your home by cutting back tall grass and plants

Using Natural Predators

Introducing natural predators can help control camel cricket populations. Some options include:

  • Releasing predatory insects, such as spiders, in infested areas
  • Encourage birds or frogs to visit your garden by providing proper habitat

In conclusion, implementing these preventative measures will help keep your home free from camel cricket infestations.

How to Get Rid of Camel Crickets: Effective Solutions

Using Sticky Traps

  • Pros: Easy to use, non-toxic
  • Cons: Must be replaced regularly, not a long-term solution

One effective method to remove camel crickets is by using sticky traps. They are easy to use and trap these pests as they walk across the surface.

Applying Diatomaceous Earth

  • Pros: Natural, kills crickets effectively
  • Cons: May harm other insects, needs to be reapplied if wet

Another option is applying diatomaceous earth. This natural powder can be sprinkled around the infested area and kills crickets by damaging their exoskeletons.

Camel Cricket and Burrowing Owl

Vacuuming Crickets and Their Hiding Places

  • Pros: Quick removal, can reach hidden areas
  • Cons: May miss some crickets, not a long-term solution

A good strategy for reducing the cricket population is to regularly vacuum their hiding places. This helps to quickly remove adult crickets and their eggs before they have a chance to multiply.

Using Insecticides and Sprays

  • Pros: Effective, long-lasting
  • Cons: Can be harmful to humans and pets, may contaminate the environment

Lastly, applying insecticides and sprays can help to control camel crickets.

However, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, as some chemicals can be harmful to humans and pets.

Natural and DIY Solutions to Eliminate Camel Crickets

In this guide, we will explore natural and DIY methods to eliminate these unwelcome guests.

Peppermint Oil Spray

  • Ingredients: Peppermint oil, water, spray bottle
  • Pros: Natural, non-toxic, pleasant smell
  • Cons: May need frequent application

Peppermint oil is known to be a natural repellent for camel crickets.

Combine a few drops of peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle and apply the mixture around your home, especially in your basement or garage.

White Vinegar Solution

  • Ingredients: White vinegar, water, spray bottle
  • Pros: Natural, cost-effective, multi-purpose use
  • Cons: Strong smell, may damage some surfaces

A mixture of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle can be an effective and natural way to eliminate camel crickets.

Spray the solution around areas where you have spotted these crickets. Bonus: white vinegar also helps to clean surfaces.

Molasses and Water Trap

  • Ingredients: Molasses, water, container
  • Pros: Non-toxic, simple to set up
  • Cons: Can be messy

Create a trap by mixing equal parts molasses and water in a container.

Place the container in an area where you have seen camel crickets. The sweet scent will attract them, and the sticky substance will trap them.

Soapy Water Spray

  • Ingredients: Dish soap, water, spray bottle
  • Pros: Easy to make, non-toxic
  • Cons: May need frequent application

A soapy water solution is another simple and natural method to deter camel crickets.

Combine dish soap and water in a spray bottle, and apply it to areas where the crickets are present.

Here is a comparison table of the natural and DIY solutions:

Method Main Ingredients Pros Cons
Peppermint Oil Spray Peppermint oil, water Natural, non-toxic, pleasant smell May need frequent application
White Vinegar Solution White vinegar, water Natural, cost-effective, multi-purpose use Strong smell, may damage some surfaces
Molasses and Water Trap Molasses, water Non-toxic, simple to set up Can be messy
Soapy Water Spray Dish soap, water Easy to make, non-toxic May need frequent application

Ensuring a Cricket-Free Home

Routine Inspections

Inspect your home for any entry points that camel cricketsmight use to get indoors:

  • Check for cracks in your foundation.
  • Look for gaps around windows and doors.
  • Examine utility lines and piping entrances for openings.

By sealing up these access points, you’ll significantly reduce the risk of a cricket invasion.

Small Camel Crickets

Maintaining a Clean and Dry Environment

Camel crickets are drawn to dark, damp spaces. Keep your house clean and dry to avoid attracting these common pests:

  • Use a dehumidifier in basements and other moist areas.
  • Keep firewood and other clutter away from your home’s foundation.
  • Clean gutters to prevent water buildup.

Here’s a comparison table of two methods to discourage camel crickets:

Method Pros Cons
Sealing entry points Prevents crickets from entering your home Takes time to identify and fix every gap
Maintaining a clean and dry environment Discourages cricket infestation Requires ongoing effort

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to keeping your home free of unwanted camel cricket guests.

Camel Cricket



  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Camel Crickets

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9 Comments. Leave new

  • I just found this website. We recently moved into this house and I have been seeing this cricket all over the house. It is a one story house without a basement. I have looked at all the other questions and your answers and my dilemma is we do not have any places in the house that is harboring the nest, like large piles of wood. They are everywhere and are scaring my grand babies to death How do we get rid of this cricket?

  • i see these all the time and am so freaking scared of them that i throw every lose object in the vacenity of me at it, it looks to much like a spider for me to touch it, but in all reality even though i know what it is, it still scares the SHIT out of me!!!

    • Jacob, they are much too quick for that and really, really don’t want to harm you. My cat caught one recently and i put it outside with a plastic cup and some cardboard. Probably fed a bird. I think it may have had a broken leg. I’m just a silly old girl and nobody needs to listen to me, but I think these little guys are awesome.

  • I love these little fellows. They have been living in my (nasty old unfinished) basement for years. When I looked them up to find a good image I came across this site. Most sites just tell how to get rid of them. they are not harming a thing. Thank you.
    Carol (the augerson)

    • Hi Carol,
      We would really love to tag you as with the Bug Humanitarian Award, but alas, we don’t know how to tag comments. If you ever send in a photo of a Camel Cricket, be sure to mention your tolerance.

  • Stephanie Jones
    June 14, 2014 11:22 pm

    My son, Noah, just caught two of these (at least I think they are Camel crickets) in our damp garage in Seoul, South Korea.
    He would like to know firstly if they are likely to be Camel crickets?
    Secondly, how long do they live?
    Thirdly, what do they eat as he is keep them in a special mini fish tank at the moment & wants to keep them as pets!
    Fourthly, any other tips gratefully received.

    • The conditions under which they were found makes Camel Crickets a likely possibility. We doubt they will live much longer than a year. The habitat should be kept damp. According to BugGuide: “Most are omnivorous and will feed on most anything organic. Many (if not most) will catch and eat other smaller animals when they can. In houses may chew on paper products, occasionally fabric.”

  • Live in Illinois, seen several in recent months in laundry rm in basement.

  • I was outside a friends’ house the other day, and saw one of these guys. I freaked out a bit, as I’d never seen one before, but thought that it looked cool. (Found in Chicago, Illinois)


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