How Fast Is A Huntsman Spider? Can It Chase Down Humans?

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How Fast Is A Huntsman Spider

Huntsman spiders don’t spin webs; they attack and hunt their prey down with superior speed. So how fast is a huntsman spider? Let’s find out.

Usain Bolt runs at a speed that is equal to about 5.3 times the length of his body.

But a huntsman spider (also known as the giant crab spider) can reach up to 42 times their body length! Even animals like Cheetahs are no match for that speed.

Despite their super speed, Huntsman spiders are not very dangerous to humans.

They usually dwell under the bark of dead trees or in crevices between rocks. They won’t attack unless you disturb or threaten them.

Male Huntsman Spider

How Fast Can a Huntsman Spider Run?

The Huntsman spider is one of the fastest species of spiders on earth.

A giant huntsman spider, usually male, can run at a speed of nearly 196 inches per second (about 2.2mph), and female huntsman spiders can also run at similar speeds.

Now, that might not sound very impressive to you. However, that’s not the right way to look at their speed.

Consider this: a spider can only travel as much distance as her legs will carry her, and the same is true for a human.

Therefore, the right measure to compare is how much distance she travels as compared to her body length rather than just the actual speed number.

If you measure the huntsman spider by diameter, it can reach about 12 inches.

This is because huntsman spiders often have legs that are between 9.8 to 11.8 inches in length.

However, the average huntsman spider is only about 5-6 inches long.

Now, compare the 196 inches per second figure we talked about earlier: that’s about 40 times the length of the average huntsman.

If you put that in perspective with the fastest human on earth, Usain Bolt, he only runs at about 5.2 times his body length!

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Do Huntsman Spiders Intentionally Chase You?

Huntsman spiders do not intentionally chase after humans. They usually run only when they are provoked or if they sense danger. But this does not mean that they are chasing you.

The spider is most likely looking for a place to hide.

Remember, to the spider, you are a huge being that they think is out to hurt them.

However, sometimes a female huntsman spider might run to chase you if she perceives that you are a threat to her egg sacs.

This is when she can get very aggressive.

Now, it can be quite scary when you see a giant huntsman spider, sometimes the size of a dinner plate, running toward you.

But the fact is that the vision of a huntsman spider is not very clear.

They might just be desperately trying to flee from you. It does not mean that the spider is chasing you.

In fact, like most spiders, their eyesight is so poor that they hardly use it at all. They use their legs for hunting prey. Their legs help them sense vibrations in the ground and figure out where the prey is moving.

How Fast Is A Huntsman Spider


Should I Worry if I Get Bitten by a Huntsman Spider?

Most species of huntsman spiders generally do not bite humans.

However, they will attack and bite if you disturb them. These spiders are venomous, but their venom isn’t strong enough to harm humans.

When a huntsman spider bites, you might feel a fair bit of pain, and there will be some swelling around the area. This localized swelling will stay for a while.

Depending on the intensity of the bites, you will feel other effects. Sometimes, you might get a headache. You might also feel nauseous or even start vomiting.

However, the bite will usually not require hospitalization.

But if you feel your pulse rate is irregular or if the effects seem to be severe, it is best to seek medical attention.

To treat the bite at home:

  • The first thing you must do is lie down and relax.
  • Clean the affected area with water
  • Treat it with a skin-safe disinfectant.
  • Press an ice pack to soothe the area.
  • Don’t wrap a pressure bandage as it will only cause the pain to worsen.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest spider in the world?

The Moroccan Flic-Flac is the fastest spider on earth, with a speed of about 100 body lengths. The giant house spider is another contender for the top spot with a one mph speed.

Huntsman spiders are also one of the fastest spiders in the world.

A particular species of huntsman spider, Holconia hirsuta, can run at a speed of more than 40 times their body lengths per second.

Do giant huntsman spiders jump?

Huntsman spiders don’t usually jump, but they look like they are jumping when they fall from a height while escaping.

While they are not the largest spiders, huntsman spiders are quite sizeable, and their long legs extend out, giving them a crab-like appearance. This crouched, crab-like position makes them look like they are jumping down.

Are huntsman spiders friendly?

Huntsman spiders are non-aggressive. They may not look friendly, but they are unlikely to seek you out and chase or bite. However, one wouldn’t classify them as friendly either.

Huntsman spiders are usually found under loose bark but may enter your home, but having one around the house is not like having a pet.

They will hunt for food like small insects and cockroaches around the house. They will not attack you unless provoked, but it can be a horrifying sight to watch them hunt.

What spiders move very fast?

Aussie huntsman spiders move very fast. They can reach incredibly high speeds within seconds.

Several other fast-moving spiders include Moroccan flic-flac spiders, flattie spiders, giant house spiders, and wolf spiders.

How Fast Is A Huntsman Spider

Wrap Up

Huntsman spiders have a bit of a bad reputation because of their name. But contrary to popular belief, they don’t hunt or prey on humans.

So, if you see a huntsman spider on your sun visor or inside your home, don’t panic.

As long as they don’t feel threatened, they won’t attack. Thank you for reading! 


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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