The Real Size of Huntsman Spiders: Comparing Myths and Facts

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Everyone knows that huntsman spiders can be pretty big, but how big is a huntsman spider exactly? In this article, let’s explore how big this giant spider can get and whether there are any others who are equal in size.

The giant Huntsman, banana spider, giant crab spider – there are a lot of aliases for Huntsman spiders.

And all of these names indicate one thing – some of these arachnids are huge! In fact, the Giant Huntsman spider has been recorded as one of the largest spiders in the world.

But how big can they really get compared to others, and are all of them really that big? Read on to find out.

Huntsman Spider: Eusparassus walckenaeri


What Are They?

Huntsman spiders are part of the Sparassidae family. These spiders are infamous for their speed, size, and mode of hunting.

They are found in tropical climates around the world and are often known by different names because of the areas they live in.

Large species of Huntsman spiders are called giant crab spiders because of the unique structure of their legs, which makes them look and walk like crabs.

They live in woody areas and are quite hairy.

Some species of this spider in Southern Africa are called rain spiders or lizard-eaters. These are often confused with Baboon spiders or Tarantulas because of their size.

Huntsman spiders are one of the species that do not build nests to catch their prey. Their main advantage is their leg span, one of the largest in the world. It helps them run fast and catch their prey off guard.

How Big Do Huntsman Spiders Get?

Huntsman spiders are usually one inch in length, but their leg spans can be as much as five inches. This is the median of the species.

The Giant Huntsman spiders also belong to the Huntsman spider family. They are native to Laos and have the largest leg span in the world.

Some of these spiders can grow up to a foot in leg span.

Sometimes Giant Huntsman spiders are compared to the ‘size of a dinner plate,’ competing close to the birdeater tarantula, the largest spider in the world by weight.

How Big Is A Huntsman Spider? #1 Answer


Where Are They Found?

Members of the Sparassidae family are found scattered all over the world in temperate and tropical regions in Asia, Africa, parts of Australasia, the Mediterranean basin as well as North and South America.

Usually, these spiders live under the loose bark of trees, in rock crevices, and in logs.

There are a few huntsman spiders (such as the Delena) that stick together as groups, sitting under dead tree bark and stumps or rocks and slabs.

Some huntsman spiders also make their way into houses and cars, hiding in wall cracks and running inside cars on sun visors.

Anywhere they can find a safe, warm place to hide.

What Are Some of The Other Big Spiders in The World?

There are a number of spiders in the world that can put up a good competition to the giant huntsman spider. Here are two of the largest in the world that you should be aware of.

The world’s largest and heaviest spider is the Goliath birdeater. This belongs to a species of tarantula that can weigh about 6 ounces.

The spider is found in the rainforests and swaps of northern parts of South America and feeds mainly on large insects for food.

The Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater is a spider about 11 inches in size. It is found in the Brazilian rainforests.

It is said that, though not fatal, the bite of a Salmon pink spider is able to deliver bites as hard as a grown cat.

Interestingly enough, this is a popular pet choice for a lot of people who like to have arachnids around.

Huntsman Spider

Frequently Asked Questions

How big is the biggest huntsman spider?

The world’s largest Huntsman spider was a Giant Huntsman that had a body size of 1.8 inches and a leg span of 12 inches.

This spider belonged to a rescue farm in Queensland, Australia, in 2015 and was named Charlotte.

How big is a huntsman spider in Australia?

Australia is infamous for its dangerous-looking spiders and a hotspot for Huntsman spiders of the world.

One of the largest Huntsman spiders to have been spotted in the world belonged to Queensland. It had a leg span of 12 inches and was known to feed on possums.

What’s the biggest spider in Australia?

One of the largest spiders in Australia belongs to the family of Goliath spiders and is commonly called the whistling spider.

The Selenocosmia crassipes, a species from Northern Australia, has a body of 2.3 inches and a leg span of about 7 inches.

How poisonous is a huntsman spider?

Huntsman spider is a venomous creature, and the poison can prove fatal to animals and insects they are hunting.

These spiders are not deadly to humans but can cause painful bites if one gets bit. But the bite can be managed with some basic medical attention.

How Big Is A Huntsman Spider? #1 Answer

Wrap Up

If giant, long-legged spiders are what you are scared of, we suggest you beware if you come across a Huntsman.

However, to be completely fair, these creatures are timid and gentle, and rarely will they attack you.

But many people often get scared of them simply because of their appearance and their habit of finding themselves in human homes.


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Huntsman Spiders

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8 Comments. Leave new

  • I have one in my kitchen too. I am a clean freak, so there are no cockroaches. I want people to feel welcome in my home – but giant huntsman spider- you are not welcome!!

  • まつもとマイケル
    September 7, 2014 5:23 am

    Huntsmen spider is not a danger but i do inform you to use caution when dealing with spiders like this because the bite is very very painful. They can grow to a leg span of up to 30cm and can become aggressive.

  • Is the huntsman spider poisonous?
    I see them all over at Hoomaluhia botanical garden here on Oahu and even at inspire church at Waikele Center in Waikele, Waipahu Hawaii.

  • Is the huntsman spider poisonous?
    I see them all over at Hoomaluhia botanical garden here on Oahu and even at inspire church at Waikele Center in Waikele, Waipahu Hawaii.

  • Found one of these in my bathroom in Eresos on Lesvos, it was as the description, big enough to fit in my hand. My wife who doesn’t like spiders decided to call it a Greek Tarantula, which added to the size even had me a little nervous 🙂 It moved extremely fast but I managed to catch it and let it go unharmed into a neighbouring empty house where it can build webs to its heart’s content. Wish I had taken a photo, but the shock of its size had me struggling to remember my own name let alone that I had a camera 🙂

  • Almost all spiders have venom that they use to kill prey. These have venom, but it is not medically significant to humans. A reaction to a bite should be localized and not something to worry about. Spiders mostly bite people in self-defense. This occurs when they are trapped against our skin and the pressure pains them. One may also act aggressive if you handle her egg sac or hatchlings. Like most wild animals they will avoid us if they can and will bite in fear. So, don’t grab the spiders and be aware that spiders under clothes may bite and that’s it.


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