How Big Do Camel Spiders Get? Are They Big Enough to Kill Camels?

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Camel Spider

Camel spiders are famed for growing to almost half the size of humans, but it is mostly just a myth. So then, how big do camel spiders get in reality? We answer this question below.

Camel spiders are solitary creatures found in the desert regions of middle-eastern countries, southwestern USA, and Mexico.

Several myths related to this creature abound, including one that they are longer than two feet and can grow big enough to eat a camel.

Read on to know more if they are really as huge as internet memes are making them out to be.

How Big Do Camel Spiders Get

Are Camel Spiders Longer Than A Foot?

In most cases, camel spiders do not grow beyond half a foot in length. Their overall weight is also quite low – they weigh only about two ounces.

It is a myth spread during the First Gulf War in 1991 when a widely-circulated image of two camel spiders strung together exaggerated their original size.

They are dark brown or tan with fine hairs running all over their bodies and have four pairs of legs.

Most people confuse their legs for five pairs (10 legs in total), whereas two of them are actually pedipalps (pair of second appendages) used for detecting and hunting their prey.

Camel Spider

How Fast Can They Run?

Camel spiders are also known as wind spiders because they are pretty fast and ‘run like the wind.’ The fastest camel spiders can run at a speed of 10 miles per hour.

It is essential to get clear on how fast they can run because many people mistakenly believe these creatures can run as fast as 30 miles per hour and jump up to 3 feet high!

All this is just a myth; 10 mph is the fastest they have gone to date. Also, they cannot jump.

Where Do Camel Spiders Live?

Sun spiders are commonly found in the deserts of middle east Asia. They love to live in hot and dry regions. Even so, they shy away from the sun and are primarily nocturnal.

In America, they live in the southwestern desert states of the United States and Mexico. They are found in all continents except Antarctica and Australia.

They spend their days hiding under the cracks and crevices of desert rocks to stay cool. They only come out at night for hunting purposes.

Are Camel Spiders Spiders?

The most interesting thing about camel spiders is that they are not spiders at all. They belong to the Solifugae family: part spider and part scorpion. However, they are neither scorpions nor true spiders.

The reason why they are named camel spiders comes from a famous (but made-up) story that they eat up the insides of a camel.

Even though the myth was busted years ago, the name has stuck to this poor creature.

Camel Spider

What Do They Eat?

Camel spiders can eat a variety of creatures, including termites, lizards, gerbils, beetles, snakes, and even birds. Basically – anything they can find in the desert and can easily overpower.

However, they can sometimes also eat up creatures much smaller than their size if there is nothing around them.

For example, they also eat flies and soft-bodied insects, which makes them quite beneficial for humankind.

They use their sensory organs (the pedipalps we mentioned earlier) to detect and hunt their prey.

They hunt by grabbing the creature with their jaws and squeezing it. Then, they use their powerful digestive juices on the poor prey, turning its insides into a liquid that they can easily suck on.

Since there is not much food available in the desert regions, these creatures store fat in their bodies for nourishment, surviving for days without eating anything.

Are They Dangerous?

While there are stories that say that some camel spiders chase humans to give them painful bites, none of them are true.

Firstly, camel spiders are primarily nocturnal, and it is unlikely for us to see them during the day.

Moreover, if you find them chasing you, it is likely that they are looking for shade rather than picking up a fight.

They are not a threat to humans in this sense, but they can give painful bites if threatened.

They do not have venom glands like other spiders, but they are aggressive toward their prey. Hence it is best not to disturb them if you find one.

Camel Spider

Frequently Asked Questions

Can camel spiders hurt you?

Yes, they can if they bite you. In most cases, camel spiders are not aggressive and do not go out of their way to come in touch with human beings.
However, they may chase you occasionally because they are looking for shade. They may also get aggressive and give painful bites if provoked or threatened.

Are camel spiders more giant than tarantulas?

Goliath tarantulas are known to be the biggest spiders in the world of animals. So, camel spiders are not bigger than tarantulas.
Tarantulas aren’t just bigger, they are also stronger than camel spiders. However, camel spiders do have a very strong bite.

What is the predator of a camel spider?

There are many predators who love feeding on these bugs in the desert – some of which include bats, scorpions, and even black widow spiders.
The female black widow spider can easily defeat camel spiders in a fight. Scorpions and bats are nocturnal hunters; it is easier for them to hunt camel spiders.

What are camel spiders afraid of?

Camel spiders may probably be afraid of predators like bats, scorpions, and toads, who hunt these creatures during the night.
But their biggest enemy is starvation because it is not easy to find food in the middle of a vast desert.

Wrap Up

Camel spiders grow to fairly large sizes, but they are not as huge as they are made out to be on internet memes. They are usually nocturnal, and if they see you during the day, they will probably not try to come near you.

However, note that these spiders can give you a painful bite, so make sure to keep away from them and not threaten them in any way.

Thank you for reading!

Camel Spider


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Camel Spiders

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • I truly don’t understand how this is continuously misrepresented as one creature… from the beginning it seems obvious, to me, that one has the other’s abdomen in its jaws, and that they seem tiny compared to the pliers and hand holding it… 🙁

    • Dear Javen,
      Thanks for your comment. We tried to make it very clear how a wide angle lens created the illusion of gargantuan Camel Spiders, but everyone on the internet does not visit our website.


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