Do Velvet Ants Fly? Mysterious Colorful Flying Wasps Don’t Have Stingers

folder_openHymenoptera, Insecta
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Velvet ants are a mysterious lot. Their adults are nectarivores, while larvae are parasites. They mimic ants but are actually wasps. But do velvet ants fly? This is one more enigma that bug lovers can’t get an answer to because it is not a simple answer at all. Let’s see why.

It’s easy to get fascinated by bright, fuzzy insects. But the next time you see one – even something as small as an ant – have a look if it’s the infamous velvet ant.

Blessed with many colors and equipped with a long stinger, all species of velvet ant are notorious wasps that can easily be mistaken for ants milling around.

Though female velvet ants cannot fly, their sting lasts for a long and painful 30 minutes. Let’s take a dig into these little creatures.


Do Velvet Ants Fly
Velvet Ant


What Are Velvet Ants

Despite their name, velvet ants or cow killer ants are actually wasps belonging to the family Mutillidae.

Ants, bees, and wasps belong to the same order of Hymenoptera and hence have many similarities, such as a segmented body and elbow-like antennae.

The female velvet ant does not have wings and, thus, at first glance, looks very similar to an ant.

They have black bodies, and parts of their head, abdomen, and thorax are covered with bright, fuzzy hair of varied colors. They can grow to about ¾ inches in length.

The male of this wasp species looks different due to its black wings and a metathorax that is not fused.

The bright color of adult velvet ants is a warning sign to any potential predator.

Bright colors in the animal kingdom are often used to warn predators of a host’s venom – this is known as aposematism.

Can They Fly?

Male velvet ants can fly, similar to wasps, using their black, transparent wings. Females, on the other hand, cannot fly, which makes them look very much like ants.

A simple way to distinguish a wingless female velvet ant from regular ants (apart from the color differences) is to look at its body.

Ants usually have a small hump, whereas wasps do not.


Velvet Ant


To cover up for their lack of wings, female velvet ants are pretty agile and can move about quite fast.

They can also deliver a painful sting as a defense mechanism, though they are not aggressive unless provoked.

Lastly, their larvae are ground-dwelling and cannot fly.

Where Do They Live?

Velvet ants are born on the pupa of other insects, which the larvae then feed on to grow. Hence, where they live depends on where the host larva they feed is found.

Their general preferences are warm, dry, and sunny areas that are open and nesting grounds for their hosts.

In the US, they can be found in the arid areas of both the east and west coasts.

Different species are of velvet and are common in different areas. For example, Dasymutilla occidentalis is native to Nebraska.

There are some areas where they are found more commonly than the others, such as the southwestern U.S.

They are found commonly throughout Australia, in both urban areas as well as swamps.

What Do They Eat?

Velvet ant larvae are parasitic in nature. The female, instead of nesting, lays her eggs on the pupa of another insect that is already in a chrysalis.

This way, when the eggs hatch in the summer months, the larva feeds on the pupa until they can pupate themselves.

As adults, they feed exclusively on nectar and water like other wasps. Velvet ants are solitary in nature and do not congregate.

Adults do not feed on insects but can sting humans, animals, and pets.



Are They Dangerous To Humans or Pets?

If you encounter a velvet ant, it’s best to leave them alone or vacuum/ brush them out. It’s also best to keep your pets away from them.

Female velvet ants have a hard exoskeleton making crushing them underfoot a difficult job. Curious pets are likely to sniff or put these ants in their mouth, resulting in trouble.

Moreover, if threatened, they can deliver a painful sting which is among the most painful stings delivered by wasps! Their strong string has earned them the nickname of cow killer.

Though not fatal or poisonous enough to cause any harm, the sting can cause swelling, headaches, and even nausea.

The sting is usually localized, and the pain starts to subside in half an hour.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do flying velvet ants sting?

No, flying velvet ants do not sting. Only males of the species can fly, and they do not possess a stinger.
So, if you see a velvet ant with black wings – it is likely a male and safe to swat away with your hand. You can also use a book or anything else in your hand for this purpose.

Are velvet ants aggressive?

By nature, velvet ants are not aggressive. Their first reaction to a threat is to scuttle away. However, if the threat persists, they release a vile odor to deter predators.
Failing that, they sting, which is quite painful. Poking or stomping them with a foot can result in being stung.

What happens if a velvet ant stings you?

Velvet ant stings are not fatal. The poison is not enough to be medically significant or require anti-venom.
But it will result in intense pain, redness, and localized swelling. Some may also experience headaches and nausea during their peak moments.

What kills velvet ants?

Due to their sting, female velvet ants hardly have any natural predators. To date, only the American toad has been recorded as eating them.
All other common predators, such as birds and lizards, seem to avoid them. But, they are susceptible to insecticides and can be killed if an infestation occurs.

Wrap Up

If you see a flying velvet ant, you can rest assured that they are not dangerous. However, a walking velvet ant is something you should be cautious about.

At least, they are solitary and never in groups, so the chances of being accosted by hordes are nil. Thank you for reading!








Red Haired Velvet Ant:  Larger file
Red Haired Velvet Ant









  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Velvet Ants

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18 Comments. Leave new

  • Hello,
    We saw a white haired velvet ant yesterday while hiking in the Santa Monica mountains, off Stunt Rd. (Red Rock Canyon).
    It was burrowing/digging in the dirt and could not care less whether we were there or not.
    It (she) was beautiful and large. I had never seen an ant like this. Once I looked it up, I was surprised to know it was an ant. She was all alone.

  • Hello,
    We saw a white haired velvet ant yesterday while hiking in the Santa Monica mountains, off Stunt Rd. (Red Rock Canyon).
    It was burrowing/digging in the dirt and could not care less whether we were there or not.
    It (she) was beautiful and large. I had never seen an ant like this. Once I looked it up, I was surprised to know it was an ant. She was all alone.

    • They are called Ants, but they are actually flightless female Wasps. Both ants and wasps are classified together in the order Hymenoptera.

  • What a name!!

  • So named because her sting (the females are wingless) is supposed to be so painful it can kill a cow. DO NOT GET STUNG.

  • You’ve got to be kidding me. *shiver!
    I’m going to have nightmares!

  • I’ve given the answer before as an explanation of the name. The cow killer gets in the hoof where it can’t be reached and stings, the cow runs amok, maybe breaks a leg, and has to be put down.

  • The way I remember which one stings and which one doesn’t is, “Wings no Stings, Stings no Wings” or “No Stings, Wings, No Wings, Stings”

  • We see a lot of them a little north of you in Atlantic County NJ.

  • They are in my yard right now in Dallas,TX

  • So, if it looks like a believer any minus striping and without fur, it was 3/4″ and shiny bright red, what would you say?

  • I found one of these in my backyard today and another one with wings. A few day ago I was bit by the one with wings. Wow painful can’t describe how much it hurt. It bit me 3 times and scared the daylights out of me. Can you tell me where they like to make their nests. I need these gone asap.
    Thank You,

  • Found one in my pocket a few minutes ago, am now the proud owner of my first velvet-ant sting. :V

    I’m in south-east Alabama, for reference

  • Walking our dog in a sunny morning cemetery I spied a pale green fuzzy ant (?) a little less than
    5/8 of an inch long, trucking along quite purposefully on the asphalt…It looked like a tiny toy, but no visible legs or eyes…I’ve seen other large “velvet ants” that were red and black, but never this lovely soft green…Sorry to have missed a chance for a photo…Can’t seem to find anything like it
    on any of the bug websites…

  • Spotted another of the big fuzzy ants yesterday morning, same general
    location, except it wasn’t a very pretty color, sort of faded, no-
    color…Watched it awhile, to see if it had a mate or companion…
    Fascinating little critter…

  • David Schneider
    September 10, 2021 8:56 am

    Here where I live, just south of Albuquerque, NM, I saw one, had gloves on, and picked it up between forefinger and thumb. Watched it squirm in my grasp and then watched it curve its abdomen around, extend a long sharp barb, and drive it through my glove into my thumb. Instant karma. Very, very painful. Dropped it and it scurried off. My bad . . .


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