What Is A Cow Killer? Why Are Red Velvet Ants Called So?

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Have you heard of a bug called a cow ant? Now that you have, you might be wondering what is a cow killer and what the reason behind its name.

Many people believe a cow killer is an ant, but it is actually a wasp. The reason why they are named so is because of their physical resemblance to worker ants.

They are also called cow killers because their females deliver excruciatingly painful stings and not because these wasps are powerful enough to kill a cow.

Continue reading if you are intrigued to learn more about cow killers and why they are called so.


What Is A Cow Killer
Velvet Ant


What Are Cow Killers?

Cow killers, commonly known as red velvet ants, are wasps with large and hairy bodies.

The female wasps are wingless with a brightly colored (primarily red and black) pile of body hair resembling a working ant.

They are about ¾ inches long and have reddish-orange hair predominantly on the head, thorax, and abdomen.

The male cow killer looks similar to the female but is larger and carries two pairs of dark brown wings.

The female velvet ant can be found scurrying on the ground during warm summer, whereas the male often hovers over flowers for nectar.

Some species of cow killers can also be nocturnal. These solitary wasps also produce a unique warning sound (like squeaking or chirping) if they feel threatened.

The wingless wasp can also give a painful sting if the presence of potential predators threatens them.


Velvet Ant


What Type of Insect Is a Velvet Ant?

All velvet ants come from the Mutillidae family. They are, thus, wasps and not ants, as others mistakenly refer to them.

The word ‘velvet’ is used because the female wasp is brightly colored and without wings, giving them a strikingly velvety appearance.

They are called ants because of their uncanny resemblance to ants.

Why Are Velvet Ants Called Cow Killers?

Many people think that the velvet ants are called cow killers because they have the strength to kill cows. It is, however, not true.

The reason why they are called cow killers is because of the female velvet ant’s powerful sting. It is just a euphemism for the sting being so powerful that it can even kill a cow.

How Bad Is Their Sting?

The female cow killer is a stinging insect capable of delivering extreme pain with a single bite.

The species of velvet ants ranks 3 out of 4(the most painful sting) on Schmidt’s Index of Sting Pain.

They use large stingers as the egg-laying ovipositor but can seriously hurt human skin. Their sting, however, is not toxic or poisonous to humans.


Velvet Ant


What Do Velvet Ants Eat?

The adult velvet ants eat nectar and water from the flowers like milkweed. Some may also feed on insects like flies or beetles.

The larvae feed on the host or its larvae and kill them. The female usually lays eggs in the host’s nest, like bumble bees, beetles, and other wasps.

Do Velvet Ants Fly?

The female velvet ants are wingless and, thus, cannot fly. You can often see them running on the ground or digging in the soil, usually searching for food or a potential host’s nest to lay eggs.

The male has a dark brown pair of wings and can fly around. You can spot a male cow killer hovering over flowers like milkweed because it drinks their nectar.

Where Do They Live?

Cow killer ants can be found around the world. In the USA, they can be spotted in Nebraska, where Dasymutilla occidentalis species of red velvet ants are the most common.

You can also locate them from the east of Florida to Connecticut and the west of Missouri and Texas.



Are They Dangerous To Pets or Humans?

The cow killer ants are not aggressive. However, female ants can give a painful sting to human beings or animals if they feel threatened or unsafe in a situation.

Their sting is one of the defenses to protect the eggs or their own life.

A cow killer’s sting is very powerful, as mentioned earlier, so it is advisable not to disturb or get close to these wasps.

Even though they deliver painful stings, red velvet ants are not dangerous to pets or human beings since their sting is not poisonous.

There have been no reports of any casualties due to their bite.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a Cow Ant a Wasp?

Yes, a cow killer ant is a wasp, but because of their uncanny resemblance to worker ants, they are referred to as red velvet ants.
They belong to the Mutillidae family and are solitary insects, with males flying to mate with females and the latter laying eggs in a potential host.

Why is it called a cow killer?

It is called a cow killer because of the female red velvet ant’s ability to deliver a painful sting if threatened, provoked, or stepped on. The sting pain is excruciating, but it is not poisonous.
The pain is said to be so powerful that it can kill a cow, but this is just a saying and has no basis in truth.

How painful is the cow killer?

The sting of the cow killers is ranked 3 (4 being the most painful) on the index of Schmidt’s stinging pains.
Thus, the pain caused by a cow killer’s sting can be excruciatingly bad. They should be left alone even if you spot them.

What happens if you get bit by a cow killer?

If a cow killer bites you, expect pain for 30 minutes. However, this is not a regular insect bite pain; it is one of the most painful stings by a wasp, as per research.
The explosive aftereffects of pain may include swelling, boils, breathlessness, dizziness, anxiety, and more.

Wrap Up

Cow Killers prefer to live in open areas like pastures, forests, and lawn vegetation.

However, you can also spot them in urban and suburban areas as they are often seen digging soil or scurrying from one place to another.

So, ensure you do not disturb or step on them because their bite will make you scream.










  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi Dhir

    Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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