Do Springtails Bite? Facts & Myths

folder_openCollembola, Insecta
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If you have ever seen a tiny little bug jumping in your bed and mistaken it for a flea, think again. It might have been a springtail. So do springtails bite like fleas, you might ask? Let’s check it out.

Springtails are tiny insects that you might often find in your bed, on your window sill, in your bathroom, kitchen, or near or even inside your swimming pool. But you will most often meet this creature in the winter.

Its unique ability to jump distances more than ten times its length, combined with its propensity to be more visible in the winter, has earned this bug the moniker snow flea.

And therein lie a lot of misconceptions about springtails. We will talk about some of these misunderstandings about springtails, especially the one about biting, in this article.

Do Springtail Bugs Bite?

Many people think snow fleas are like fleas, so they must bite like them too. That’s actually far from the truth.

They are just called fleas because they jump like them, not because they have any parasitic tendencies or else the ability to suck blood.

Springtails are actually mostly harmless to humans. They don’t bite you, and nor do they infest human tissue. In fact, they don’t even have wings to fly around, unlike fleas.

They are black or grey-colored insects, so they are more easily visible in the winter on the ice. But most springtails breed throughout the year and can live in all types of temperatures.

Do Springtails Bite Humans?

While they don’t bite you per se, they do have small pincer-like mouthparts called chelicerae. They use these pincers to break dead organic matter inside trees and eat them.

Snow fleas tend to eat a lot of things. They can eat bacteria, fungi, algae, leaf litter or plant litter, any organic matter, and even molds. Yes, you read that right – they eat molds like they were ice cream sundaes.

Sometimes, they can enter human skin through cuts or scrapes on your toes, your elbows, and other places underneath your foot.

While this is not particularly dangerous, they might start to enjoy it there, especially if they find a home in between your toes, where it can be quite moist.

They might not carry any viruses themselves, but they do eat a lot of feces, dead insects and mites, etc. So it is possible that they might carry disease. Therefore, it is best to keep these bugs at bay.

Is Their Bite Harmful?

They can get inside your cracks and cuts, but it is not particularly harmful. However, having them around is not a good idea either.

In some cases, you might end up drawing springtails into your lungs, especially when you are lying down. This is especially possible if you have an infestation in your bed.

To avoid this, you should regularly clean up your sheets, the underside of your bed, and your mattress, and make sure there are no moist areas in or around your bedroom.

If you have a leaky pipe in your bathroom, make sure that you fix it. If there are potted plants in your room, don’t let water stagnate in the soil in the pots.

Can They Cause Dermatitis?

Springtail dermatitis is a hotly contested topic in the scientific community. While many studies contend that it is not possible for springtails to give humans dermatitis, there are patient reports that demand further investigation.

Patients have shown symptoms like itching or burning around the area where the bug came in contact with their skin. You might get the constant urge to scratch the area, or you may also see a pink-colored bump on the skin.

In some cases, you might even experience a bit of bleeding if you scratch the area too much. Often, these symptoms are similar to an allergic reaction to grass or pollen.

Applying a bit of topical antifungal cream or ointment relieves the scratching and inflammation and will help to heal any small wound that might have occurred as well.

What Other Harm Can They Do?

Apart from everything that we mentioned above, springtails are nuisance pests that can cause a lot of trouble if they start infesting your house.

Springtails breed quickly and in large numbers. Springtail populations can grow without the need for much food, and all they need is a bit of excess moisture or dampness.

Fortunately, there are many ways to ward off a springtail infestation. Let us give you a short summary of how to do this.

Natural Solutions

There are many natural solutions and household items that can get you rid of springtails. You can use diatomaceous earth, a solution of neem oil, or any other essential oils, borax, vinegar, soap solution, or even bleach to kill these pests.

Cleaning and Vacuuming

Perhaps one of the quickest ways to suck up these small insects is just to vacuum your house thoroughly. Make sure you get into every nook and cranny of your home and especially look into areas that might have a little water, such as under the kitchen sink.

Clean and dry your laundry and sheets with a good soap solution and add a bit of bleach if possible to get rid of springtails in your clothes.


There are several insecticides available in the market that can help with a springtail infestation. The most popular ones are Onslaught Fastcap, Onslaught Microencapsulated, Temprid SC, Transport Micron, Cyonara 9.7, Bifen, or Mavrik.

Removing Moisture

All these measures will only give you temporary respite, and you need to solve the problem at its root, which is dampness.

Fix all leaking pipes in your home; they are a den of springtail nest. Be especially vigilant in your bathrooms and kitchens, under the sinks.

Make sure that there is no place where there is stagnant water in your home. If you tend to leave out some water for birds on your window sill, ensure that you clean out the water every day.

If you have a pool or a large garden outside, regular cleaning is important. Skim the water at least once a week, and rake the leaves and dead organic material every fortnight or so to make sure that springtails don’t find enough food sources to stay in your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can springtails do to humans?

There is some evidence to show that springtails might cause dermatitis in some humans. However, scientists have been contesting this claim, and several studies show otherwise.

Otherwise, springtails are known to be largely harmless to humans. Neither do they bite us, nor do they lay their eggs under our skin.

Do springtails irritate skin?

Yes, springtails can cause skin irritations. They have small pincer-like mouthparts that can help them get inside the cracks of your heel and other areas in your arms and legs that have small cuts or bruises from shoes etc.

Do springtails get in your bed?

Yes, springtails can also get inside your bed. If you sweat a lot while sleeping or lying down, your bed can be a comfortably moist environment for springtails to infest.

They can also jump onto your bed from other moist areas in your bedroom, such as nearby bathrooms, window sill, or any other source of dampness.

How do I know if I have springtails?

Springtails are long, cylindrical in shape, and typically black or brown colored. You can easily spot them on ice because of their color – which is why they are sometimes known as snow fleas as well. They don’t have wings to fly, but they can jump like fleas by using an appendage under their abdomen known as the furcula.

Wrap Up

Springtails don’t bite. Whether they do cause some amount of harm to humans is still under investigation. But it’s likely that they are harmless to us.

However, these insects can breed in huge numbers and can infest large parts of your home, so make sure you keep away dead organic matter and damp areas from your home. Thank you for reading, we hope we cleared some doubts for you!


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Springtails

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45 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi, I have been having the same issues. Since I got some antique furnitures I’ve got bitten. It’s so ticklish but all I can find is the springtails. Did you find out what was the cause? I’m dying to know. We though bedbugs and fleas so called the pest control to spray. After it looks good but still got bitten once in a while. Please let me know. Thnx.

  • I have a reaction to the springtails as they spring off of me. Sometimes I get a slight rash but it always itches. I’ve been fighting an infestation for over two years. We have done it all and still will have flare ups. We waterproofed the basement, cleaned the vents. We had the house treated every month! I have thrown out rugs, fuzzy blankets and all fleece clothes. I found rinsing our clothes twice cleans them off the fabric. Although they do not bite, those with allergies to insect bites still are burning and itching. It’s truly awful.

  • Kirsten – every year the same corner in the same room of my home is invaded by, and I am not exaggerating, hundreds of thousands of these. They are also all around the exterior of that part of the house (implying a breach in the perimeter). The bad news is that I’ve not found anything that can stop them. The good news is that they do not seem to have done any damage at all to anything inside or out. They are kinda cute really, but the vast numbers of them gets pretty annoying.

  • Springtails do bite, and they can burrow in you, I read an Entomologist accidentally breathed in a springtail, it laid eggs in his sinuses and the eggs hatched and caused problems until he had them flushed out. I also have an infestation of springtails in my bedroom and have bites all over my body. I have been to an infectious disease doctor and she said they can live in your scalp. She believes my bites are from the springtails and we are working to get to the bottom of this misery I have been going through.

    • Please provide a link or other citation of the incident about which you read.

    • How did you treat the springtail issue to remove them from your home/bed?
      Thanks Kelly

    • Carletta Hall
      July 10, 2020 8:33 am

      Yes springtails do bite I have an infestation on my body and have been suffering through it for three years now does anyone know what kills springtails on the human skin?

      • Only way I can get them out of my skin, I mixed organic coconut oil and teatree oil together and smeared it on my places that itched the most. In about 15-30 minutes you will see them coming out of your skin. I had to get tweezers to help pull them out. It stings and itches as they are ascending. I believe they only infect people with certain blood types. There has to be a reason why some people are affected by them and others are not.
        I hope this helps. I’ve been fighting these things now for 4 years.
        Tanya B.

    • hi I’m currently trying to get rid of springtails in my home as well. Last year I thought fleas were bitting me, this year I assumed it was fungus gnats similar to fruit flies but now I’m pretty sure it’s springtails. went back and forth to doctor last year and the biopsy said it was definitely arthropod(bug bites). the only things that really helps my skin is a cream called mometasone(it’s a miracle worker) so ask doctor to prescribe for you. Feel free to ask me any question now or in future, God bless

    • Reply
  • instance of an entomologist aspirating an Isotoma species and in the process accidentally inhaling some of their eggs, which hatched in his nasal cavity and made him quite ill until they were flushed out.[21]

  • Also several stories of human infestation,

  • I have had problems with sores in my scalp and skin. I went to an infectious disease doctor at UCLA and she believes it is springtail, because a had a water leak behind my bed. I do believe an Infectious disease doc at UCLA knows their stuff.

  • Were you able to identify the bug I sent you?

  • i did provide all the links…. Sooooo!!!!!

  • I just move in a new build house. and after a storm weather. springtail over my patio and garage. and after rain they gone back to soil. I do have bites as well, it is very strange that people said they dont bite. and pest control people not even know how to deal with them. I think Australia government need to do action and reseach on them to stop them borther residents home. as the Australian melbourne weather in summer is geeting damper, not like the old days. Strange year of 2017.

  • The springtail infestation in my home came from a plumbing leak but once they were in my home they did not leave. When I discovered a plumbing problem, I took the little bugs to an entomologist who said they were springtails. I fixed the plumbing leak and had the home treated with pesticides, heated to 60 degrees for 6 hours, and dried out. I still have a problem with springtails. It is true springtails do not bite but in my experience, they poke you with their tail and lay eggs on you which turn into small red bumps or nests, which break open. The small nymphs come out and crawl all over you and go for moist areas like your eyes, nose, ears, pubic area, nasal passages, etc. Later on they seem to live in your nasal cavities, etc and breed so you have an outbreak every so often. This is no fun and having your home full of them is no fun either so please do not say that they cause no harm to humans. This is repeated over and over again and for me has lasted for many months with no relief. You become desperate. I even threw out almost everything out over and over again. Nothing works so it does harm humans bodies, minds, hearts and souls. Hope you have a great non-springtail day. Blessings, Elizabeth

    • Kennon Bradley Ashley
      July 24, 2019 9:27 am

      Elizabeth,im sure you’ve talked your problem by now.At least I hope so,because you are absolutely correct ,they are overwhelming.It takes a dedicated 2 to 3 month effort both in your home and yard to completely be free of this infestation,if you do need the proper advice,call or text me.
      I had this same problem,had to thoroughly research and tackle myself.exterminaters are a joke,and most haven’t a clue about thier profession,understandably,any Joe off the street works thier making next to nothing.
      Springtails live in the soil every and anywhere,the’re a natural way of taking care of decayed plant matter.When nests are disturbed or overpopulated they move.Its a difficult and demanding job,but can easily be done if effort is applied,for a couple hundred bucks and hard work,do it yourself and do it right.3184379978,. Kenn,feel free to text

    • Please help!! I am currently having this EXACT problem!! I am about to go to the ER and see if there is an antibiotic?? They thought at first I had scabies and the cream helped for a few days… But just gets WORSE. Ive tried oils and vinegar alcohol… I am miserable. Please is there ANY advice?? 7402442712 a text would be great!!

    • I have been in contact with a woman who had a proven springtail infestation in her hair/head x 7 months ( ongoing springtail infestation in hair despite nightly washing. Springtails identified in her hair by an entomologist). She also felt biting/crawling sensations elsewhere under her skin. She seemed to have acquired the infestation outside of her house, as no springtail infestation and no potted plants were present in her home. This woman applied ivermectin topically x 2 months and took doxycycline by mouth x 3 months prescribed by a physician. Doxycycline possibly had the effect of killing Wolbachia, symbiotic bacteria that facilitate reproduction in some springtail species – according to S. L. Hopkin in his 1997 Biology of the Springtails. Any long term antibiotic therapy requires concurrent administration of a high quality probiotic and should only be taken with a prescription from a qualified health care provider. Additionally, this tack is not evidence-based, as research on this topic, despite being sorely needed, is woefully lacking. Best wishes!

  • I concur with the last comment. This pest has been prevalent in last three homes. It has been very expensive to fight. No one “knows” or wants to “know” about it. Pest controller offered to refund after treating one home.. It has been like a home invasion that will not end or go away. Medical profession have no knowledge or comprehension and labelled as deranged rather than investigate problem. They were hard to identify because of lack of understanding of the prevalence of this creature’s existence in suburbia. Agriculture Dept said..shouldnt bother us. Quite the contrary. They have created havoc. Cost us virtually everything and still there. That is what they do..reduce back to the dust.

  • I have springtails!!! For months this 1 Pest Control Co. couldn’t even identify them. Yes they bite,breed,infest the human body. Yes they burrow under my skin. Do when I read the commenter Elizabeth it was like she was naming off my systems. When she spoke about the eyes,nose,ears,pubic areas,under arms anywhere that’s warm & or damp they like. Yes they burrow under skin. I asked my Dr for the ointment for “scabies”. Leave it on the skin for 12 hrs then shower it off. Just as soon as your free of them all that has to happen is 1 mating on your skin & there you are back in the soup again. Boy howdy…Aloe Vera Works…lotion, creams & so forth. I’ve noticed a difference with a qualified pest control company. My most severe problem is my scalp. They burrow into my scalp & just hatch at will. They are horrible. I’m buying some Sulfer 8 tomorrow. See how that works…Apple cider Vinegar in a spray bottle works too. Can spray it every where except eyes. Put a little in nostrils on finger tip. I know it sounds gross ,but it works. Good luck

    • I’ve experienced this first hand,and tried everything before finally coming across one,very long as by a company called bugspray,,or at least the website linked to BUGSPRAY.COM,I thought I was dealing with sand mites,turned out to be these springtais.BUGSPRAY.COM then I clicked Springtail control,its very lengthy,but explains why it’s so hard to free your home and self of them.The problem is outside,the home and personal infestation is a symptom.I finally kicked thoer little asses myself for about 200$,i didn’t order thier brand,i went to a local Co_op and Wal Mart and bought the brands available,however I did house the techniques they listed.That website explained everything.the why,when,where,what and how !!!

  • I have the same thing such as elizabeth and Carletta were talking. My problem is that I cant get rid of the springtails from my scalp. I went to many doctors but they dont believe me and some gave me the same medicine as for lice but it is not helping . Did anyone succeeded to heal 100 % and what are the medicine or natural alternatives did you use ? I also tried aloe vera but i have to eash it daily and i have long messy hair it is vv hard to comb it with small comb everyday . Please need your help

  • Someone PLEASE help me!!! I’ve been infested with springtails since around January and I have literally tried everything I can find to try internal and external natural and super toxic! I am losing weight, my hair, my skin elasticity, my ???. I’m surprised I haven’t been hospitalized or died from chemical exposure alone not to mention allergic and neuro reactions to the pests or medications I’ve tried (ɑӏӏ ҍվ ʍվ օաղ ժօíղց տíղϲҽ ҼѴҼɾՎ ժօϲեօɾ ɑղժ հօտթíեɑӏ ɾҽƒҽɾտ ʍҽ եօ թտվϲհ). My own daughter has even abandoned me and thinks I need psychiatric help. I have them everywhere especially my ears and scalp. Salt baths give temporary relief and permethrin takes care of them once they’re out of me but I haven’t found anything that will completely kill the ones already in my body. Diatomaceous earth seemed to get the most reaction but I’m not sure if that was more it or the ivermectin I had taken but neither helped more than a few days then right back to square one ?

  • Elizabeth Anderson
    June 6, 2019 8:24 am
    • Thanks a lot elizabeth for trying to help but i livr in north africa I xant reach this company are there any alternativez ?

    • Thanks elizabeth a lot .I will try to buy cedar oil from my country but unfortunately there is no fog machine i can buy. I have been dealing with collembola for 2 years now. all you said is correct. they live in scalp and sometimes in private areas. I cant get rid of them. Apple cider kills them but they are back again. plz tell me how you cleaned ur body and scalp. please please tell me the routin you used to clean ur body and head

  • Elizabeth Anderson
    June 6, 2019 8:28 am
  • Marianne Johnson
    June 10, 2019 8:42 am

    My husband thinks I am crazy!!! I had a huge head sore that I scratched open and put peroxide on then diatomaceous earth every night. It eventually went away. Them it was in my nose. Now seems to be around my eyes. Ugh!

  • Deborah Mcsweeney
    March 23, 2020 9:25 pm

    Go to Read his ebook its free. He has dealt with springtail infestation for over 20 years. Managed to control them with diet and some supplements along with some medications. Take Glutathione to boost your immune system to these pests. Find the source, get rid of it. Then clean your environment and take baths in 1-2 cups epson salt, 1/2-1 cup borax and 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. Also take internally all three at lower doses such as 1 tsp salt plus 1/8 to 1/4 tsp of borax and then drink water mixed with 1-4 drops of 36 percent Hydrogen peroxide or 48drops of food grade 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. NEVER DRINK REGULAR hydrogen peroxide always get food grade. You can bathe with regular hydrogen peroxide. Wash clothes and house with same until you can get solution of 10 percent Use 10 percent tetasodium EDTA mixed with 10 percent Amonia chloride and 80 pecent water. Use this to disinfect your house and surrounding areas especially bedroom and bathroom. Use same solution for your hair and body. Wash wait up to 10 minutes then rinse. Build up to the times and the amounts listed as everyone is different. IF diagnosed with paranoid parisites dont get mad as two of the meds help turn off the attraction to these bugs, one is pimozide and the other is Zyprexa. Used at a lower dose than used for psychotic patients, these meds work to make your body less attractive to these bugs. WOnder why your spouse is not bothered by these things and you are? IT is because his body makeup does not attract them. OR he/she is on a diet that does not attract them. Start by eating only eggs and then increase what you can eat by adding meats first and then vegetables. ABSOLUTELY NO OILS and NO OILY FISH. THese things attract them and make them more active. YES YOU ARE CONTAGIOUS. UNTIL you get this under control do not go on public transportation and do not let people ride in your car or come to your house. It isnt fair to pass these along to others, it is a nightmare for the person dealing with this condition.

  • I’ve been dealing with this for 4-5 years, thinking at first it was exczema, then thinking lice, and trying everything possible. I have samples of the dead bugs that I need to send away to confirm (where do I do this?), but think it’s springtails. I was diagnosed with scabies, but nothing has worked. I have lesions that look like small crusted scabies, somewhat mole like, with bullous scabies, all over my body, and scalp. I have scabies looking bites, that itch, and are infected. Some things have worked but nothing has eradicated them. They have burrowed into my scalp, which is why surface and environmental treatments haven’t woked. Ive used oralIvermectin along with/Perm creams numerous times without success. I’ve started using a NearInfrared light/red light therapy schedule, that has helped make some of the lesions fall off, but they’re spreading, and moving from the light. I’ve plan to get a few more lights to do all over body. It has helped with the discomfort, as well as killing many which I find. The dead bugs range from skinny and gray to small red and mite like. My goal is to eliminate the lesions, to clear my skin. I’ve used evrything imaginable but peroxide works, although it ruined my hair and made it break off, along with the cedar oil, and red light. I will read the suggestions above and hope to find some relief. I’m highly allergic to insects, and spiders, supposed to carry an epi pen, so now this all makes sense. Ive felt flu like symptoms, and Lyme disease like symptoms for years, without relief. I have a yeast overgrowth in my body and feel there is a connection with the failure of eradiction with the parasite too. Ive consulted infectios disease specialist who said I, and the previous doctor was wrong with the scabies diagnosis, and that I needed to see a dermatologist, but that he could see nothing wrong with me (He didnt look at my scalp, and barely looked at the outbreak on my body). If anyone knows how to eradicate this nightmare, please let me know. I have no idea what the source is… I am exhausted from cleaning, changing linens, and trying to not go crazy while I feel them crawl all over my body. Thank you to everyone for your info here.

  • Ok. I am sick and tired of people saying that springtails are harmless. That is Total BS.
    I spent a year of my life, trying to figure out what type of bug was in, and around, our home. (South Carolina, USA) It almost ruined my marriage and my life. (Because of Uneducated responses, like the ones on This website, saying that springtails just Could NOT be the cause) Only to find out, there is an Infestation of springtails all around & in our home!!
    I am STILL in the midst of trying to get rid of them.. Ortho defense, diatomaceous earth, bleach, vinegar, etc. NOTHING has gotten rid of them. We have no leaks, no mold that we know of. However, these bugs get on me and it feels as though I’m being stung by a bee, or bitten by an ant, over and over again!
    Obviously, some people are Sensitive to this insect. Also, there are HUNDREDS of species, of this insect. So, How do YOU know that what I’m feeling isn’t a springtail? How do You know what these people are dealing with Definitely isn’t a springtail issue?!? You Don’t!!
    So please, Please, for the Love of human kind, STOP being SO Matter of Fact, & acting 100% SURE that springtails aren’t the issue at hand!!
    There is, sadly, nowhere Near enough research for any of us to be proven right or wrong. So stop acting like you know For Sure, or, you’re the authority, writers. You know as well as I do there are new discoveries Every Single Day..
    (I recommend looking up Frans Janssen. Expert on springtails) If you’re having issues with what you think is springtails, Please look up the correct way to collect samples (So Super easy!) Then, Please send in samples! Or maybe even donate to the cause..
    But, to you “so called professionals” out there, especially the ones who are actually Responding to people on This website, STOP being so stinking Definitive in your answers. Just because springtails don’t bother You, or someone you know, Does NOT mean that others aren’t affected by these tiny, complicated, little monsters.
    I don’t want to be ugly, or confrontational, I truly don’t.. but this kind of junk, making people feel “crazy”, “deranged”, or “delusional” because you don’t Know what’s up, it just makes me sooo darn angry..

  • Ok. I am sick and tired of people saying that springtails are harmless. That is Total BS.
    I spent a year of my life, trying to figure out what type of bug was in, and around, our home. (South Carolina, USA) It almost ruined my marriage and my life. (Because of Uneducated responses, like the ones on This website, saying that springtails just Could NOT be the cause) Only to find out, there is an Infestation of springtails all around & in our home!!
    I am STILL in the midst of trying to get rid of them.. Ortho defense, diatomaceous earth, bleach, vinegar, etc. NOTHING has gotten rid of them. We have no leaks, no mold that we know of. However, these bugs get on me and it feels as though I’m being stung by a bee, or bitten by an ant, over and over again!
    Obviously, some people are Sensitive to this insect. Also, there are HUNDREDS of species, of this insect. So, How do YOU know that what I’m feeling isn’t a springtail? How do You know what these people are dealing with Definitely isn’t a springtail issue?!? You Don’t!!
    So please, Please, for the Love of human kind, STOP being SO Matter of Fact, & acting 100% SURE that springtails aren’t the issue at hand!!
    There is, sadly, nowhere Near enough research for any of us to be proven right or wrong. So stop acting like you know For Sure, or, you’re the authority, writers. You know as well as I do there are new discoveries Every Single Day..
    (I recommend looking up Frans Janssen. Expert on springtails) If you’re having issues with what you think is springtails, Please look up the correct way to collect samples (So Super easy!) Then, Please send in samples! Or maybe even donate to the cause..
    But, to you “so called professionals” out there, especially the ones who are actually Responding to people on This website, STOP being so stinking Definitive in your answers. Just because springtails don’t bother You, or someone you know, Does NOT mean that others aren’t affected by these tiny, complicated, little monsters.
    I don’t want to be ugly, or confrontational, I truly don’t.. but this kind of junk, making people feel “crazy”, “deranged”, or “delusional” because you don’t Know what’s up, it just makes me sooo darn angry..

    • Lacey Daulton
      August 17, 2021 11:07 pm

      I read this in the midst of a springtail infestation that is ruining my life. I moved from Virginia into an infested house in Arizona. I have been itching since July and couldn’t figure out what was biting me because they were so tiny. They even sent me to the ER 4 days ago because they had been getting inside of my EAR. I felt like a bug had been crawling in my ear for about a week. Lo and behold, a horrified ER doctor is later irrigating a bunch of springtails, their casings, and even what looked like larvae out of my ear canal. Absolutely revolting and horrifying. Everywhere on Google says they never should have been able to do that. Anyway,your comment was extremely validating. Thank you.

  • These little jerks are driving me bananas. I’ve heard over and over again that that don’t bite.. but the people who say they don’t bite have simply never been bitten by one. I don’t think they leave much in the way of marks when they do, which might explain the naysayers. I’m honestly not sure about the burrowing stuff (although I’m praying it’s not true, but I certainly can’t say for sure it isn’t) What I do know is that they are far from “harmless” as the “professionals” would have you believe..
    I’m a bit OCD, I’ll admit. I have killed anywhere from 800-1,000 springtails today in my bathroom..(rained yesterday) I can’t NOT when I know they’re there. This is an old house, but it’s on top of me keeping it as dry as I can, and using pesticides. I learned that once cleaners and pesticides dry, other springtails will come back at eat what’s left (not just the dead s-tails, but the film left by the cleaners, too. Smh)
    Ortho did nothing. Terminex did nothing. Granules haven’t helped. We plan to tear down walls that have had leaks in them, but it’s today I found them in my bedroom.. and on my bed.. in numbers. Being OCD, I clean, and I clean as close to perfect as I can. My home isn’t a sty (some clutter here and there) and now I find them in my bed..
    I’m about to go crazy. I’ve tried so many things. Is my only option moving? Because even then there’s no guarantee the next place can’t have/get them, too. I feel like I’m going to lose my mind.

  • Yes I have a springtails! I have been dealing with this for a little over a year now and no matter what I do I can not get rid of them. They have put me in the mental hospital twice because they believe I’m crazy. Some of my family now has them and a few friends now I don’t look so crazy! I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy they Sting me constantly moving around. Sores every where my skin is scared I had to shave all my hair off my eyebrows and pubic hair. There’s nowhere on my body they won’t go. Including my teeth which they have ruined. I’ve lost 60 pounds and quite some days my will to live. Im tired of constantly cleaning, having infected sores everywhere especially my feet and face. They have matted my eyes shut 4 times. I’ve used everything cedar oil cedarwood chips, epsom salt, disinfectant,perminthrin,invermictin,viniger, pesticides, alcohol, bleach, and more. The only thing I’ve found that gets them off you at any degree is kleen green enzymes. And even it doesn’t completely wipe them out. I don’t know what else to do. I’ve spent so much money it’s ridiculous and I have nothing left.

  • I have done extensive research on this subject and this is defiantly up for debate. But they have documented proof some people were attacked by them.A woman said they do not have funding to research whether the 100s of species bite or not which I think she is correct.My theory is they like moisture so they don’t care where it comes from they probably like sweat and blood also its moisture to them .I could be wrong I have no proof .But I will post links detailing people that say they do bite and are parasites.I even saw info saying they are parasites on a exterminators business page wand I doubt they would post false info.I never say never I leave all possibilities open just like how some say Morgellons is fake and it is not fake they have enough people with it to know it is real and doctors treat it.Saying a certain insect does not do something is like saying a human doesn’t do something.I would have to question a legit entomologist with some questions like could climate change maybe change their behavior>Can they maybe breed with parasitic insects and develop into a different species? They had a case of a woman who said springtails were biting her all over people said no they are not.Exterminators came and set traps all around by her and guess what was on it.Springtails.If the have 6000 or 8000 how can one say they don’t do a or b? Nobody has the time or funding to study this in detail.Ok here is the proof I have found which I found a man who mocks some of these scientists ? Like why? Why would a white coat just fabricate some lie about am insect ? I don’t know I am open minded .I am not swayed one way or another I say its possible because I believe I am attacked by them I was being attacked and i I finally brushed a bug off my hair and it was a springtail only moving bug I found. They call you delusional.But I think must humans know when something is wrong .Some are delusional sure they are but all of them? No I doubt it.I believe most people do not have parasitosis that something is attacking them then nobody believes them and they then develop parasisosis.I never had it but do I know? I am sure I do.Some people probably have bed bugs others may have scabies some have spiders some have fleas some a parasite inside others can have demodex badly which effects my face and scalp it burns and itches and can also be on other parts of your body so look into demodex if you think something is attacking you that you cannot find their is a logical explanation for everything some just harder to find.But do not go straight down the rabbit hole of I have Morgellons.Here is some info what I found on Springtails

    • Try sending bug spe imens embedded in your skin to Jonah Ventures (after first calling the owner Joe – he will suggest a certain specimen kit ti purchase). Do not cut out of your skin. However. If you can pull off the bugs in skin crusts & send as many as possible to Joe in one of his kits he can perform DNA identification of the bugs embedded in your/whomever’s skin providing proof they do infest humans – assuming he finds Springtails.

  • dang this is still going strong huh. what i found for my experience that absolutely pummels them is spinosad. kinda expensive. hope it helps if you choose to try it. stay strong, this is just a video game.

  • Only way I can get them out of my skin, I mixed organic coconut oil and teatree oil together and smeared it on my places that itched the most. In about 15-30 minutes you will see them coming out of your skin. I had to get tweezers to help pull them out. It stings and itches as they are ascending. I believe they only infect people with certain blood types. There has to be a reason why some people are affected by them and others are not.
    I hope this helps. I’ve been fighting these things now for 4 years.
    Tanya B.

  • I have been dealing with these things for years. They are in my hair and scalp, all over my body and my private area ( more around the middle area the most). I have them in my nose, ears and lungs. I can hack them up in different stages of development. I don’t have a job, insurance or a significant other to help financially, so no income, because these things have turned my life upside down. But my loving sister took me to a Christian clinic that has a sliding scale fee ( it was still a lot). The doctor gave me several different parasitic medications over the past 5 years and he ran tests as well. I still didn’t get releif from the itching, lesions, sound in my ears (like bacon popping), sinus headaches or the coughing up these bugs. I started thinking I was going crazy. As I was researching, I read to mix coconut oil and teatree oil together to help with mites on your skin. I thought I had carpet mites. Instead it was springtails coming out of my body and scalp. I was shocked and surprised. The springtails came out of my skin in different stages of development from the same hole. I used tweezers to pull them out. Im still working to rid myself. I treat myself in small areas at a time, because of some bleeding.

    I had been working at my cousins home for the past 5 years trying to help her keep it clean (she’s a hoarder and disabled). I have worked outside of her home as well. She has natural springs all around and stagnant water. I have read all these posts and now I know how to battle these pesky bugs.
    Just a thought, I wonder the reason why some people are affected physically is because of blood type and/or the chemistry which we all have different body odors. Also, perfumes and deodorants that will attract them. I hope I have helped someone. I know Ya’ll have helped me with your posts of what to use around the house.
    Yes, they bite and infected the skin of me and my dog.
    Tanya from Alabama


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