What Fish Eat Bloodworms? 20 Species of Fish That Eat These Pink Worms

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What Are Bloodworms

Bloodworms are a favorite food of most fish, but it’s important to know how and how much of them to feed. Below we answer what fish eat bloodworms and how you should feed them to the fish.

If you are an aquarist, and you have a range of beautiful fishes in your tank like mollies, betta, cory catfish, clownfish, angelfish, goldfish, etc., you must be aware of bloodworms and how beneficial they are for your little water babies.

But do you know that despite the range of great advantages, there can be serious problems if you don’t know what quantity of bloodworms should be fed to different fish?

What Are Bloodworms

Yes, different species of fish have different requirements, and you must plan a diet according to that.

In this article, we will talk about the freshwater and saltwater fish species which can consume bloodworms and how often you should feed them with these worms to keep them healthy.

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Types of Bloodworms

Bloodworms can be purchased in three forms. Here are a few details on each of the types:

Live Bloodworms

Live bloodworms are fresh and packed with nutrients. This is great for fish, especially during the breeding season when they require a nutrient-rich balanced diet.

Despite the advantages, you can only store live bloodworms for a short time; they must be fed to the fish within 2-3 days of purchase. Otherwise, they might pupate and evolve into adult midge flies.

This is a problem since you have to purchase them frequently.

Feeding dead worms to your fish are the last thing you want to do, especially when you want to keep diseases at bay.

You should know that live bloodworms are a little difficult to find at pet shops since they usually only keep frozen or freeze-dried ones.

What Are Bloodworms

Frozen Bloodworms

Frozen bloodworms are a better alternative, as these worms can be easily stored for up to 6 months.

They are easy to find and have a lower chance of transmitting diseases to the fish.

This happens due to the fact that most of the disease-causing bacteria die when they are frozen into cubes and sheets.

The frozen bloodworm can be a little less in nutrients compared to live bloodworms.

When you are feeding these to the fish, refrain from dropping a whole cube directly into the fish tank.

This will cause a sudden drop in the temperature, increasing the risk of temperature shock. Thaw them a little before dropping them into the tank.

Freeze-Dried Bloodworms

Freeze-dried bloodworms are the cheapest of the three.

If you are on a tight budget, these are the best option for you. However, freeze-dried bloodworms have the lowest nutritional value compared to the other two.

Apart from being cheap, they don’t need any additional preparation time. Just soak them a little in water before feeding them to fish, and you are set to go.

Can Fish Eat Bloodworms?

Bloodworms are a tasty treat for fresh and saltwater fish, to enjoy. These worms are packed with crude protein and are considered a laxative for fish.

As mentioned above these, there are three different varieties of these worms, and they are fed to aquarium fish to fulfill the nutrient requirement, especially during the breeding season.

Consuming bloodworm also increases the immunity of fish, which helps them to steer clear of diseases.

In the sections below, let us take a look at the different fish that eat these worms.

What Are Bloodworms
Blood Worms

Can Goldfish Eat Bloodworms?

Yes, goldfish like to consume bloodworms. If you have them in your aquarium, you can feed them bloodworms as a treat.

Avoid overfeeding bloodworms to them, and make sure that the worms remain a treat. Do not make it a staple, as it may cause health problems to the goldfish.

Can Guppies Eat Bloodworms?

Guppies are small bright-colored fish that are adored by many. These tiny creatures are often found in different aquariums.

Guppies enjoy consuming bloodworms. If you have a few of them in your tank, you can feed them brine shrimp, bloodworms, and white worms (mosquito larvae)

Can Betta Fish Eat Bloodworms?

Yes, betta fish can consume bloodworms. However, if you have betta fish in your aquarium, there are certain things that you must know before feeding them bloodworms.

Make sure that there are no leftovers after adding the worms to the tank; the leftover fragments will rot and cause an increase in the ammonia content in the tank.

How Many Bloodworms To Feed Betta?

Your pet betta fish will keep eating all the bloodworms that you throw in the tank, even when they are full.

This is why you must avoid overfeeding them. You can add 1-2 bloodworms a meal to avoid the problem of constipation.

Refrain from dropping a whole frozen cube at once, as it will drastically drop the water temperature and also cause overfeeding issues.

What Fish Eat Bloodworms

How Often Should You Feed a Betta Fish Bloodworms?

Blood worms are a rich source of fat and protein, and excessive amounts of it can cause problems for the betta fish.

You must keep an eye on the feeding frequency. As a rule of thumb, feed bloodworms twice a week, and you will be fine.

Can I Feed My Betta Bloodworms Every Day?

Do not feed bloodworms to betta fish every day as it contains high amounts of proteins and fats.

Consuming them daily will be a little too much for these fish, and it can lead to health problems like constipation.

Can Axolotls Eat Bloodworms?

Axolotls love to eat bloodworms. These fish enjoy consuming the worms, especially during the early stages.

Once they grow to be adults, you can feed them bigger prey like earthworms, red wigglers, and more.

Can Axolotls Eat Freeze Dried Bloodworms?

Yes, axolotls can feed on freeze-dried bloodworms, but since these are low in nutritional value, it is best to feed the frozen or live bloodworms.

Since they are carnivores, they also eat other insects, shrimp, and more.

How Many Bloodworms To Feed Axolotl?

Bloodworms are great for the young axolotl to help them grow. If you are feeding them frozen bloodworms, you can add one cube per axolotl on a daily basis.

This will keep consumption balanced.

Can Mollies Eat Bloodworms?

Like the others on the list, mollies also like to eat bloodworms. These freshwater fish are highly popular in aquariums due to the wide variety of colors and patterns.

Mollies usually consume the algae that are built up in the aquarium, but since they are omnivorous, bloodworms complete the protein requirement.

What Fish Eat Bloodworms

Do Plecos Eat Bloodworms?

Plecos are active consumers of algae which makes them a valuable addition to your aquarium, especially when you want to keep it clean.

Being omnivorous in nature, these species enjoy the small treats of bloodworms and shrimp.

Do Tetras Eat Bloodworms?

There are tons of colorful tetras available, which makes them a popular addition to an aquarium. These freshwater fish also love to consume bloodworms to fulfill the protein requirement.

Do Cory Catfish Eat Bloodworms?

Yes, cory catfish can consume all three types of bloodworms (live, frozen, and freeze-dried). To fulfill their diets, they will happily eat anything that is soft and can easily fit in their mouths.

Do Kuhli Loaches Eat Bloodworms?

Kuhli loaches can be excellent for cleaning your aquarium as they actively hunt for leftovers and crumbs in the aquarium.

But you must feed them separately as well to make sure that they don’t go hungry. They enjoy eating food that sinks, such as live blackworms, frozen bloodworms, and more.

Can Glofish Eat Bloodworms?

Glofish are an exotic addition to your aquarium due to their florescent colored bodies. These fish enjoy eating food like bloodworms, brine shrimp, flake food, sinking pellets, and more.

Do Gouramis Eat Bloodworms?

Gouramis are another highly popular aquarium fish that requires low maintenance and care from your end.

They do enjoy bloodworms and mosquito larvae treats. However, overfeeding them will cause problems like constipation.

What Fish Eat Bloodworms

Do Clownfish Eat Bloodworms?

Clownfish can eat bloodworms, but make sure you only serve them as treats.

Bloodworms can provide a good amount of protein to the fish, but they won’t be able to provide the other necessary nutrients that pellets and flake food will provide to the clownfish.

Can Oscars Eat Bloodworms?

Like most of the fish on this list, the oscar fish is also omnivorous in nature.

As a result, they can easily eat live, frozen, and freeze-dried bloodworms. They also enjoy having brine shrimp and other veggies like boiled peas, lettuce, and more.

Do Ghost Shrimp Eat Bloodworms?

If you are interested in building a shrimp-only aquarium, the ghost shrimp are a great addition. And it is not hard to meet their dietary requirements.

You can feed them bloodworms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, and more. Try mixing up the diet to make sure that they get sufficient nutrients.

Can Rainbow Sharks Eat Bloodworms?

Rainbow sharks can eat live food like insect larvae and worms, crustaceans, and different aquatic insects.

They can also eat other types of food, such as spinach and lettuce. You can easily feed them live, frozen, and freeze-dried bloodworms.

What Fish Eat Bloodworms

Can Cichlids Eat Bloodworms?

There are different species of Cichlids found across the regions of Africa, South and Central America, and Asia.

These fish are omnivorous in nature but lean slightly more on the herbivorous side. But they do enjoy meat sources like bloodworms and even smaller fish on some occasions.

Can Dwarf Gouramis Eat Bloodworms?

Yes, dwarf gouramis can eat bloodworms. But you must be careful about the number of bloodworms that these fish eat.

If you are giving them too much of these, you are inviting health problems.

Can Platies Eat Bloodworms?

Just like mollies, these fish also love to eat bloodworms. But since they are omnivorous in nature, the diet should contain a good mix of nutrients.

Bloodworms are only rich in iron, proteins, and fats. Try giving them other food as well to keep them healthy.

Can Angelfish Eat Bloodworms?

Angelfish enjoy the treat of frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, plankton, and more. But you need to be careful with the feeding quantity.

If you have angelfish in your aquarium, make a thumb rule of feeding them bloodworms once a week.

Do Crayfish Eat Bloodworms?

Crayfish enjoy eating bloodworms, especially frozen ones since they easily sink to the bottom of the tank.

Bloodworms can be a great protein-based snack or treat for the crayfish residing in your aquarium.

What Saltwater Fish Eat Bloodworms?

Most types of saltwater fish are predators of bloodworms, who are easy prey for most aquatic creatures.

The exotic blue mandarin is a prime predator of these marine water worms. They are hunted by other crustaceans like shrimp for the rich quantity of protein present in them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Eats Bloodworms?

Bloodworms are almost at the bottom of the aquatic food chain, due to which most of the freshwater fish eat them.
Some of these fish include mollies, betta fish, clown fish, angelfish, and gouramis. They actively hunt and eat them.
They are also hunted by saltwater fish like the exotic blue mandarin. Crustaceans like shrimp are also predators.

Are bloodworms healthy for fish?

Bloodworms are healthy for fish, especially during the breeding season, as it is an amazing source of protein.
Bloodworms also act as a great laxative and help to increase immunity in fish. It is also a good source of iron which helps to cure diseases like anemia in fish.
However, do not overfeed bloodworms to fish, as it can lead to problems like constipation.

How often can fish eat bloodworms?

Feeding a lot of bloodworms to your fish is not a wise move as it can lead to severe issues like constipation.
Try feeding them bloodworms once or twice a week to maintain a healthy diet. Also, include other food items to fulfill the dietary requirements of the fish.

What eats bloodworms in saltwater?

Since they are tiny in size, bloodworms are actively hunted down by saltwater fishes for protein, fats, and iron.
Species like the exotic blue mandarin and other big shrimp love to hunt and consume these worms and are considered regular predators.

Wrap Up

Although bloodworms are laced with lethal weapons like copper teeth and deadly venom, they are widely hunted and consumed by species in both freshwater and saltwater.

Due to the high amounts of protein, fats, and iron, these worms are a great food source for fish.

If you have an aquarium, it is great to feed bloodworms to the fish as they are easily available in any nearby pet shop that sells aquarium supplies.

But merely purchasing bloodworms is not enough. Different species of fish have varied diets and nutritional requirements; therefore, you must tweak the bloodworm feeding frequency in such a manner that it suits each of the species.

We hope this article gave you the required information. Thank you for taking the time to read it.


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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