What Eats Carpenter Bees: Fascinating Predators Revealed

folder_openHymenoptera, Insecta
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Carpenter bees are large and robust insects that often draw attention due to their size and buzzing sound. You might wonder what creatures prey upon these seemingly intimidating bees. Well, despite their large size, carpenter bees have their fair share of natural enemies.

Birds, such as woodpeckers, are one of the main predators of carpenter bees. They frequently target the bee larvae found within the wooden tunnels carpenter bees create for nesting. These woodpeckers can skillfully extract the larvae from their hiding places.

In addition to birds, insects like the praying mantis, assassin bugs, and spiders may also prey on carpenter bees. These predators often wait patiently for the bees to approach before capturing them with swift movements.

What Are Carpenter Bees?

Characteristics of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are a species of large, solitary bees belonging to the genus Xylocopa. Here are some key characteristics:

  • Size: They are approximately 0.75-1 inch long.
  • Color: They have a midsection covered with yellow fuzz, while their abdomen is shiny and black.
  • Sexual dimorphism: Females have a black face, while males have a yellow face.

These bees are known for their remarkable physique and distinct shiny abdomen.

Behavior of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees have some unique behaviors:

  • Solitary nature: Unlike social bees that live in colonies, carpenter bees are solitary and do not live in groups.
  • Pollinators: They are excellent pollinators, using their powerful thoracic muscles to buzz pollinate flowers, particularly vegetables like eggplants and tomatoes.
  • Stinging: Female carpenter bees can sting, but they are not aggressive. Male carpenter bees, while appearing aggressive, cannot sting.

Life Cycle of Carpenter Bees

Let’s explore the life cycle of carpenter bees:

  1. Mating: Carpenter bees begin their life cycle by mating in the spring after emerging from overwintering.
  2. Nest building: After mating, female carpenter bees hollow out nests in wood.
  3. Egg laying: The female carpenter bee lays eggs in individual brood cells constructed inside the nest.
  4. Larva development: The eggs hatch into larvae, which feast on the pollen and nectar provided by the female bee.
  5. Pupa stage: The larvae develop into pupae within a cocoon, before emerging as adult carpenter bees.
  6. Overwintering: Adult bees will overwinter, waiting for the next spring to mate and restart the cycle.

Overall, understanding carpenter bees’ characteristics, behavior, and life cycle can help you appreciate the vital role they play as pollinators and their unique solitary nature.

Habitat and Diet of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter Bee Habitats

Carpenter bees (Xylocopa virginica) are native pollinators found throughout eastern North America, ranging from Florida and Texas to Maine and southern Canada. They are large, heavy-bodied bees, often confused with bumblebees but distinguished by their shiny black, hairless abdomens1. Carpenter bees are known for their distinctive nesting behavior in wood, preferring untreated and weathered wood. They can create tunnels and nests in a variety of wood types, such as cedar, pine, redwood, and cypress2.

When creating nests, carpenter bees drill into wood and create burrows, which create tunnels within wood structures. These tunnels can cause damage to untreated wood siding, building timber, and wood partitions. However, they usually do not pose a risk to treated or painted wood. Besides housing, their habitats also typically include gardens, where they can easily access flowers and plants for food.

Carpenter bees primarily consume pollen and nectar3. As pollinators, they play a crucial role in the survival and growth of various plants in their habitats, including flowers and vegetables4. They use a technique called “buzz pollination” to extract pollen from flowers5. This process involves the bee vibrating its muscles to dislodge pollen from the anthers. In addition, carpenter bees also feed on organic matter, supporting the decomposition of dead plant materials.

Carpenter bees, like all living organisms, have natural predators. Woodpeckers are known to hunt carpenter bees by pecking into the wood tunnels where the bees create their nests6.

By understanding carpenter bees’ habitats and diets, you can better appreciate their role in the environment and effectively manage their presence in your garden or near wood structures.

Pollination by Carpenter Bees

Types of Flowers Pollinated

Carpenter bees are remarkable pollinators that play an essential role in the fertilization and reproduction of various types of flowers. They are known for their unique ability to perform buzz pollination, using their powerful thoracic muscles to shake pollen grains out of a flower’s anthers.

These remarkable creatures are excellent pollinators for numerous plants, including fruits, vegetables, and other flowering species. Here are some examples of plants that benefit from carpenter bee pollination:

  • Eggplants
  • Tomatoes
  • Blueberries
  • Passionflowers

When foraging for nectar, these bees visit a variety of flowering plants, increasing the chances of cross-pollination and helping maintain biodiversity in ecosystems. Their large size allows them to access nectar from deeper flowers that smaller pollinators might not reach.

As a gardener or plant enthusiast, you can take advantage of these hardworking pollinators by selecting plants that attract them, such as:

  • Roses
  • Lavenders
  • Sunflowers

Remember, by planting a diverse array of flowers that bloom at different times, you provide a consistent food source for the carpenter bees and other pollinators, encouraging them to visit your garden and enhance pollination, resulting in healthier and more productive plants.

Protecting Wood Structures from Carpenter Bees

Preventive Measures

To protect your wood structures from carpenter bees and potential structural damage, consider taking these preventive measures:

  • Choose hardwoods: Carpenter bees prefer softwoods like pine, fir, redwood, and cedar. Opt for hardwoods instead when constructing or renovating your home or outdoor structures.
  • Paint or varnish: Carpenter bees are less attracted to painted or varnished surfaces. Apply a quality paint or varnish to wood surfaces regularly to keep them protected.
  • Seal openings: Use caulk to fill any existing tunnels or gaps in your wood structures. This will prevent infestation and discourage the bees from creating new tunnels.
  • Use traps: Placing carpenter bee traps near potential nesting areas can help reduce the number of bees near your wood structures. Be sure to check and empty the traps regularly.
  • Hire an exterminator: If you notice an infestation, consider contacting a professional exterminator to help you properly and safely address the issue, minimizing any structural damage.

Remember, taking these preventive measures can help protect your wood structures from carpenter bees, prevent tunneling, and maintain the integrity of your property.

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?

What Eats Carpenter Bees?

Predators of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are an essential part of the ecosystem, but they also have their fair share of predators. Some common predators that feed on carpenter bees include:

  • Birds: Species like bee-eaters and shrikes hunt carpenter bees, capturing them in-flight as a food source.
  • Insects: Praying mantis and hornets are known to prey on carpenter bees, attacking them while they are foraging or near their nesting sites.
  • Flies: Maggots of certain fly species, such as parasitic flies, attack carpenter bee larvae inside their tunnels in the wood.

Remember, some insect predators might be beneficial in controlling carpenter bee populations, especially if they cause damage to wooden structures.

Bees as Part of a Balanced Ecosystem

Carpenter bees, like other bees, play an important role in the ecosystem as pollinators. They help plants reproduce by transferring pollen between flowers. Apart from that, they also serve as a food source for many predators.

In this balanced ecosystem, carpenter bees are both:

  • Pollinators: They contribute to the growth of various plant species by facilitating the transfer of pollen.
  • Prey: As a food source for predators, they support the survival of their predators, keeping the ecosystem’s balance in check.

In summary, carpenter bees are a key component of the ecosystem, providing various benefits not only for plants but also for their predators. By understanding their role, you can better appreciate their presence and learn more about conserving and maintaining a balanced ecosystem.


  1. University of Maryland Extension
  2. Clemson University Home & Garden Information Center
  3. Penn State Extension
  4. US Forest Service
  5. Buzz Pollination
  6. Woodpecker Predation



  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Carpenter Bee

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13 Comments. Leave new

  • JamaicanJewel
    June 3, 2013 10:29 am

    Although this is an old posting, I have carpenter bees as well and routinely see that actually fall out of the air, struggle for five to ten minutes and die. Just happened [6/3/13 1:15PM] again – I watched this whole process over ten minutes. Very troubling!

  • JamaicanJewel
    June 3, 2013 11:29 am

    I found another site that asked the question, ‘Do carpenter bees play dead?’ describing the same thing as I, with the twist that she observed the behavior after what seemed like a ‘fight’ between two bees. And indeed, I just checked again [2:23PM] and the ‘dead’ bee is gone. So, could they be stinging/stunning each other during a mating ‘fight?’

  • For two years in a row at about this time of year, the carpenter bees fall from a tree I have in my front yard. They go to this tree when it blooms, but then over a several day period I’ll have a pile of dead carpenter bees underneath the tree. I’ve seen them fall, struggle along the ground and within 15 or 20 minutes they die. At first I thought it might be the pest control people, but they only spray around the foundation, then I noticed about a block away carpenter bees dead on the sidewalk below a tree exactly like mine. I’m assuming it has to do with this type of tree, but I’ve never heard of such a thing.

  • betsy durstin
    May 28, 2016 9:23 am

    I do not worry about the carpenter bees now that they are gone. They were ruining my home and barn and costing thousands of dollars. So good bye carpenter bees.

  • Sherry Thomson
    April 3, 2019 4:23 pm

    I’ve been searching to try to find an explanation but I can’t… This site is the closest I’ve come. I have wood bees that live in my deck railing. This year, I’m finding at least 5 males a day, slowly dying or dead every day! From what I understand, they die after mating INSIDE the nest. But can they also die outside of it? I’m so sad seeing it everyday. ?

    • We wouldn’t rule out predators.

    • Sherry,

      Same here, but happened last year too. Same thing too, some are dead, whereas others struggling. I think some of mine were females, didn’t check to see.

  • Same here..two years in a row now. Found about 7 dead or almost dead struggling under the holes of their nest in our car port. Don’t remember it happening in prior years, just the last two.

  • Though these comments were years ago, they describe exactly what I’ve been seeing this spring: multiple dead carpenter bees on our porch steps every morning (they have holes nearby). No idea what could be killing them, but it is sad!

  • I just found 8 struggling carpenter bees this morning under my deck. A couple were dead. Never saw that many flying around but I do have several holes from them. Strange occurrence for sure.


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