What Do Hornworms Eat? Understanding the Caterpillar’s Diet

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What Do Hornworms Eat

Are you planning to raise hornworms in your home? Or worried about an infestation in your garden? Either way, questions like “what do hornworms eat” and how it affects us will be on top of your mind. Let’s answer them for you.

Planning to breed hornworms as feeder insects for your pet lizard? Well, then, you need to learn what to feed the hornworms to keep them healthy.

These insects can eat surprisingly large amounts of food every day, up to four times their weight. Thankfully, hornworms are fairly easy to feed as they’re herbivores and can survive on a variety of vegetables and other plant matter.

What Do Hornworms Eat

What Do Hornworms Eat in the Wild?

As hornworms have a diverse herbivorous diet, they can feed on various plant matter found in nature. These insects mostly eat the leaves of solanaceous plants and weeds. Green tomatoes and other vegetables are a part of their diet too.

Hornworms often flock to agricultural lands to feed on crops like eggplants, peppers, tobacco, potatoes, etc., which is why they’re categorized as pests.

You may also notice plenty of hornworms in regions with mulberry trees, as these insects love feeding on mulberry leaves.

What Do Different Types of Hornworms Eat?

There are primarily two types of hornworms commonly found and used as feeder insects – tomato hornworms and tobacco hornworms.

Their most common diets are evident from the name itself. The tomato hornworms prefer to feed on tomatoes and tomato plant leaves, while the tobacco hornworms love tobacco leaves.

However, in addition to tomato and tobacco plants, both types of hornworms also love other crops and plant matter mentioned earlier.

What Do Hornworms Eat

How Does the Hornworm Diet Impact Humans?

Unfortunately, much of the hornworm diet consists of crops and plants. Wild hornworms can cause extensive damage to agricultural farms and plantations.

Fruits and vegetables fed on by hornworms are no longer fit for human consumption, which means they go to waste.

While a small number of hornworms can’t do a lot of damage, infestations may call for pest control measures immediately.

Of course, the diet of hornworms you keep at home won’t impact you as you’re in control of what they eat. There’s no reason to worry as long as they don’t escape.

What To Feed Hornworms at Home?

Although hornworms have a huge appetite, you won’t have much trouble keeping them well-fed at home. You likely have some of the most common hornworm foods at home already.

You may regulate the quantity of food to control the growth rate of the hornworms as needed. Once they grow into adult moths, it might be hard for you to use them as feeder insects. Common foods that you can feed them at home include:

Hornworm chow

As the name suggests, hornworm chow is a pet food created specifically for hornworms. It is a mix of various ingredients, such as flake yeast, linseed oil, grapevine and dandelion leaves, agar, etc.

Hornworm chow has a longer shelf life than fresh foods, which makes them easy to stock up on.

Tomato plants

As mentioned earlier, hornworms love feeding on tomato plants. However, bear in mind that tomato leaves have toxins that your hornworms can retain.

If you’re planning to use your hornworms as feeder insects, don’t offer them tomato leaves, and never use wild hornworms to feed your pet.

What Do Hornworms Eat

Mulberry leaves or silkworm chow

You can feed your hornworms soft mulberry leaves, too. It’s one of the favorite foods for these insects. However, getting a regular supply of mulberry leaves can be difficult unless you have mulberry trees around your home.

As an alternative, you may use silkworm chow, another worm food which you can make using mulberry leaves.


You can even use vegetables as food for your hornworms. Don’t worry; you need not buy any special veggies for them.

Hornworms can eat various common vegetables that you might be buying regularly anyway. These include potatoes, celery, tomatoes, mustard greens, red bell peppers, collard greens, etc.


Tobacco leaves are a viable hornworm food, too, especially for tobacco hornworms. However, not all hornworms are capable of secreting the toxins they consume from tobacco. This can potentially turn them toxic and unsafe for your pet to eat.

Grapevine Leaves

Grapevines are a great source of fresh leaves for your hornworms. Not only are grapevine leaves easily available, but they’re also quite nutritious.

Grapevine leaves are perfect for feeding various other worms too. Eating grapevine leaves won’t make your hornworms turn toxic either, which makes them perfect for feeder hornworms.

Dandelion Leaves

Like grapevine leaves, dandelion leaves are a safe choice for those who want to feed their hornworms fresh leaves too.

Dandelion leaves are suitable for feeder worms, as they too are free of toxins. Just make sure not to feed your pets any dandelion leaves treated with weed killers or other toxic chemicals.


You don’t have to provide water separately, as hornworms absorb the moisture they need from their food.

Besides the fact that they don’t even need to drink water, these worms can easily drown. If you still fear that your hornworms aren’t getting enough water, you may sprinkle some water on their food.

Diet Variations

Although hornworms are herbivorous, they might become cannibalistic or kill and eat other insects if they lack moisture and protein. To prevent such a mishap, make sure to provide them with a balanced diet.

What Do Hornworms Eat

Can Hornworms Eat Fruit?

Commercially cultured hornworms don’t usually feed on fruits, especially. However, wild hornworms might eat unripe fruits alongside the leaves of the plant.

Hornworm attacks on fruit plantations aren’t too uncommon either. But if you are planning to offer some fruit to pet hornworms, it is unlikely they will eat them.

However, hornworms don’t need fruits in their diet anyway. A proper combination of vegetables and leaves should provide them with all the nutrition they need.

Do Hornworms Need Water?

The fact that more than 80% of a hornworm’s body is water might make you think that they drink plenty of water. On the contrary, these insects rarely have to drink water.

The food eaten by hornworms usually gives their body all the water needed to function properly. Unlike most other animals and insects, hornworms don’t need any extra water in addition to their food.

You won’t have to make any special provisions to give water to your hornworms, which is excellent because hornworms are tiny insects that can easily drown.

How To Feed Your Hornworms?

To keep your hornworms healthy and growing, you’ll have to feed them properly. Assuming that you plan to use them as feeder insects for your pet, you’d also want to be careful about what you feed them.

As you might have noticed by now, some of the foods preferred by hornworms can turn them toxic. Eating such toxic insects can harm or even kill your pet.

Provide them with a balanced diet consisting of ample green veggies and leaves, besides hornworm or silkworm chow.

What Do Hornworms Eat

How To Cook Hornworm Food?

You’ll have to cook the hornworm chow before you can feed it to your hornworms. The commercially available hornworm chow usually comes in the form of a powder.

You need to boil four cups of water for every 0.5 lb of hornworm chow and add the powder to the water. Stir it until the mixture has blended well and there are no lumps.

You can now turn off the burner and let the mixture cool. However, keep stirring it so that it doesn’t form lumps.

Finally, pour out the mixture into a container and leave it there for an hour or two to solidify. Once the mixture has solidified, the hornworms can eat it.

How Much Do Hornworms Eat?

Despite their tiny size, hornworms have a huge appetite. However, the exact amount of food depends on how mature the hornworms are; and whether they’re going through a growth stage. A hornworm eats about 1 oz of hornworm chow while in the pupae stage.

How Often Should Hornworms Eat?

While hornworms are easy to feed, there’s a catch – you’ll have to provide them with fresh food every day, without fail.

Not getting food for even just a single day can kill them. You need to feed younger hornworms even more frequently, as their bodies require more water during the growth stage.

Wrapping up

Procuring food for hornworms isn’t too difficult. If you have a garden with a few nightshade family plants, it might be very easy for you.

However, keep in mind that it doesn’t take hornworms very long to grow from the larval stage to maturity before pupating and turning into moths. The female moths later lay hornworm eggs on plants, usually of the nightshade family.

The hawk moth (also called hummingbird moth) can act as pet food too. However, baby lizards might have trouble catching them to eat. Thank you for reading, and we hope this guide helps you raise your hornworms perfectly.


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Hornworms

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14 Comments. Leave new

  • The host is more likely to be a bird pepper, a Capsicum than a Solanum based on the shape of the fruits.

  • Erinnyis sp., likely E. alope with that long caudal horn.

  • Bostjan Dvorak
    March 21, 2017 1:06 pm

    It seems to be Macroglossum troglodytus (troglodytus) Butler, 1875 – but could be one of the other, closely related Macroglossum species as well. Interesting documentation!

    Best wishes

  • Bostjan Dvorak
    March 21, 2017 1:06 pm

    It seems to be Macroglossum troglodytus (troglodytus) Butler, 1875 – but could be one of the other, closely related Macroglossum species as well. Interesting documentation!

    Best wishes

  • Barbara L Edwards
    August 7, 2017 4:58 pm

    is it poisionous?

  • Bostjan Dvorak
    June 18, 2019 7:32 am

    Dear Daniel, dear Prema,

    what a wonderful and detailed picture of a Sphinx leucopheata – caterpillar! This is the third record known to me, and I didn’t know it also lives in Guatemala. – This species is seldom found in larval stage, and a few years ago, I had puzzled for quite some time about the caterpillar’s origin, untill I published a short paper about “Three difficult to define neotropic hawkmoth species’ caterpillars” (in EZ 2016) – and then read the comment on it by Ian Kitching on his website, where this species (as the only one among them) could be defined as Sphinx leucopheata. The photos I had referred to were taken by J. Dodson and J.C.K. Morales, on two places in Mexico between 2010 and 2013, and I pictured a sketch of them. Premas photo is even more detailed, showing the hairy-tuberculous surface of the horn, which is curved in an unusual, very distinct way in this species. The colours are generally similar to those of other Sphinx-genus members, but the central dorsal stripe is a peculiarity again. – On which plant or place did You find this gorgeous animal?

    Great Thanks for sharing and best wishes,

    • Thanks for the detailed comment Bostjan. As we are unsure if Prema will check for comments, we will forward your response to her.

  • Bostjan Dvorak
    June 20, 2019 2:09 am

    Dear Prema, dear Daniel,

    Thank You very much. I posted my sketch from 2016, but had some problems wih transforming to “jpg”-type. You will eventually recognize the plant due to the leave-shape. It is really a wonderful animal – in a wonderful nature. Thanks so much for Your kind invitation! – I have to mention that Your country is my teacher Prof. Emmerich Weisshar’s favourite research area; he wrote many books about the Mayan languages.

    Best wishes and a great Corpus Christi day,

    • Thanks much Bostjan,
      At first I didn’t understand your comment, until I realized you submitted an image of your sketch. I will be posting it momentarily and linking to the camera image submitted by Prema.


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