Wall Spider: All You Need to Know – Quick Guide to These Unique Crawlers

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Wall spiders are fascinating creatures that have caught the interest of many people. As their name implies, these spiders are commonly found on walls, both indoors and outdoors. They exhibit incredible adaptability to various environments, making them a prevalent species around the world. In this article, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about wall spiders to better understand their habits, features, and significance in the world of arachnids.

To start, let’s explore some of the key characteristics of wall spiders. These often-small spiders display diverse appearance and behavior across different species. From their unique hunting styles to distinct webs, wall spiders showcase an exciting range of traits that are sure to intrigue you. Additionally, we will provide examples of noteworthy species to illustrate the incredible variety found within this group of spiders.

Lastly, we’ll discuss some pros and cons of having wall spiders around your home. While they may provide some benefits like pest control, there are certain drawbacks to consider as well. By examining these factors, you will gain valuable insights into the intriguing world of wall spiders, ultimately fueling your appreciation and knowledge of these remarkable eight-legged creatures.

Understanding Wall Spiders

Wall spiders are a group of small spiders that can often be found in and around human dwellings. They belong to the larger family of spider species, with over 40,000 identified spider species worldwide. To help you identify wall spiders from the rest, let’s look at their appearance, behavior, and some common examples.

You may notice them on walls, ceilings, and corners of your home, spinning their small and irregularly-shaped webs for catching prey. Wall spiders are generally small in size, which makes them inconspicuous and easy to overlook. Their appearance can vary depending on the specific species, but they usually have a small body and long legs. Some common examples of wall spiders are the Yellow Sac spider and the Filistatid spiders.

To identify wall spiders, pay attention to their distinctive characteristics:

  • Small body size
  • Long legs
  • Irregularly-shaped webs
  • Found on walls, ceilings, and corners
  • Often live close to human dwellings

Another way to identify spider species is by closely examining the shape of their abdomen and other physical traits, as these can help you narrow down your focus to a specific group of spiders, like fishing or nursery web spiders.

When identifying wall spiders in your home, remember to be gentle and cautious. Most of them are harmless to humans, but it’s always best to err on the side of caution, as some spider species can be venomous. If you’re unsure, it’s better to consult an expert or use a reliable online reference for accurate identification.

Now that you have a basic understanding of wall spiders, you can better appreciate the role these little creatures play in our ecosystem. Just remember to treat them with care and respect their space.

Habitat and Behavior

Indoor Habitats

Wall spiders can often be found indoors, where they choose to reside close to walls and corners. They are commonly seen around:

  • ceilings: They build their webs in the high corners of a room
  • windows: They love the extra light and temperature fluctuations
  • attics, closets, and shoes: These dark, undisturbed spaces provide plenty of hiding spots

Wall spiders are known to be wanderers, so you might catch them during daytime hours roaming around your home. They favor spaces with stable temperatures and humidity levels, so you might also find them in cellars where cellar spiders tend to reside.

Outdoor Habitats

These spiders are also prevalent outdoors, where they build their webs in a variety of locations such as:

  • eaves: offering shelter and protected spaces
  • leaves: creating easier access to their prey
  • cracks and crevices: providing small hiding spots
  • stones, debris, and wood piles: offering opportunities for cover and warmth

Wall spiders are more likely to be active during the day, preferring to remain undisturbed during colder temperatures. As they can jump short distances, don’t be surprised if you see them leaping from one spot to another in their pursuit of food or shelter.

Diet and Hunting Strategy

Wall spiders rely on their webs to catch their prey. As a hunter, they are quite efficient, utilizing a unique strategy to secure their food source.

These spiders usually prey on ants and other small insects. They spin their silk webs close to the ground, where ants are likely to walk or crawl around. The unique aspect of a wall spider’s web is its versatility, allowing it to stretch and adapt to different surfaces.

For example, wall spiders are known to construct their webs:

  • On tree trunks
  • On walls of buildings
  • Along the edges of sidewalks

By placing their webs strategically, they increase their chances of capturing potential prey. Once an ant or other small insect gets trapped in the web, the wall spider quickly moves in to immobilize it with venom and wrap it in silk for later consumption.

When comparing wall spiders to other spider species, they are adept in adapting the structure of their webs to maximize their hunting success.

Types of Wall Spiders

Black Widow Spiders

The Black Widow Spider is easily recognizable by its dark color and the red hourglass marking on its abdomen. These spiders are generally found in dark, undisturbed areas such as corners or basements.

  • Color: Dark with red hourglass marking
  • Size: Around 1.5 inch (including legs)

Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown Recluse Spiders have a distinctive violin-shaped marking on their cephalothorax and six eyes arranged in pairs.

  • Color: Dark brown to light brown
  • Size: 0.24 to 0.79 inch (body length)

Jumping Spiders

Jumping Spiders are the most active hunters among wall spiders. They are commonly found near windows or other well-lit areas, as they rely on their excellent vision.

  • Color: Varies, typically black or dark brown with white or orange markings
  • Size: 0.12 to 0.79 inch (body length)

Wolf Spiders

Wolf Spiders are fast, nocturnal hunters that do not build webs but instead use their speed and agility to capture prey.

  • Color: Brown or gray with dark markings
  • Size: 0.24 to 1.38 inch (body length)

Other Types

Some other common wall spiders include the Hobo Spider, Yellow Sac Spider, and American House Spider. These spiders can have varying colors, sizes, and characteristics:

  • Hobo Spider
    • Color: Brown with a V-shaped pattern
    • Size: 0.31 to 0.7 inch (body length)
  • Yellow Sac Spider
    • Color: Yellow, white, or greenish
    • Size: 0.25 to 0.5 inch (body length)
  • American House Spider
    • Color: Brown with lighter markings
    • Size: 0.12 to 0.24 inch (body length)

Remember, spiders can be beneficial as they help control insect populations in your home. However, some may pose risks due to their venom. It’s essential to know how to identify these spiders and take precautions when handling them.

Reproduction and Lifecycle

In the world of wall spiders, reproduction is an essential part of their life cycle. Let’s explore how males and females interact to create new life, and how eggs are handled in this process.

When it’s time to mate, male wall spiders search for female partners. Once they find a potential mate, they engage in courtship rituals to attract the female. Successfully attracting a female is crucial, as the process helps avoid being mistaken for prey.

In some species, the male wall spider transfers sperm to the female by depositing it on a small silk mat. He then uses his pedipalps to insert the sperm into her reproductive opening. This process ensures the fertilization of her eggs.

Once the eggs are fertilized, the female creates an egg sac using her silk. This sac provides a secure environment for her offspring to develop in. Typically, she attaches the sac to a hidden spot on a wall or other structure, ensuring they are safe from predators. Here are some key features of wall spider reproduction:

  • Males engage in courtship rituals to attract females
  • Sperm transfer often occurs via a silk mat
  • Females create secure egg sacs for their offspring

After the eggs develop and hatch within the sac, tiny spiderlings emerge. These baby spiders face many challenges, such as finding food and shelter while avoiding predators. As they grow, they molt their exoskeletons to accommodate their increasing size. Once they reach adulthood, the cycle begins anew, and these spiders play their part in the intricate dance of reproduction and life.

Remember to appreciate the fascinating world of wall spiders, their reproductive processes, and the delicate balance of their life cycle. By understanding these creatures better, you can gain a greater appreciation for the natural world and its wonders.

Human Interaction

Bite Symptoms and Treatments

Wall spiders are typically not aggressive towards humans unless disturbed. If you accidentally disturb one, for example, by putting on a shoe with a spider inside, there is a risk of being bitten. Although not highly venomous, wall spider bites can cause pain, swelling, and sometimes nausea. If you experience these symptoms after a bite, it’s essential to seek treatment. Here’s what you can do:

  • Clean the bite area with soap and water.
  • Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers for pain relief.
  • Consult a medical professional if symptoms worsen or persist.

Prevention and Pest Control

To minimize your interactions with wall spiders and prevent them from entering your home, simple steps can be taken:

  • Seal cracks and gaps around windows, doors, and walls.
  • Keep your home clean and decluttered.
  • Store shoes and clothing off the floor.
  • Regularly vacuum in corners, under furniture, and other hiding spots.

For more effective pest control, consider engaging a professional exterminator. They can assess your situation and apply appropriate treatments to keep wall spiders at bay. With their expertise, your home can become a less welcoming environment for wall spiders, protecting you and your family from potential bites. Remember, prevention is key, and maintaining a clean and sealed home is the best way to minimize human interaction with wall spiders.

Wall Spider Myths and Facts

You might have heard some myths about wall spiders, so let’s separate fact from fiction. Despite their somewhat scary appearance, wall spiders are mostly harmless to humans. They are beneficial to have around your home, as they help control insect populations.

Myth: Wall spiders are aggressive and dangerous to humans.
Fact: Wall spiders are generally shy and will more likely run away than attack you. These spiders will only bite in self-defense, and their venom is not dangerous to humans.

Myth: Wall spiders are an indicator of poor hygiene or a dirty home.
Fact: The presence of wall spiders in your home simply means they have found a suitable environment with plenty of food (insects) to survive. Keeping a clean home can deter some pests, but wall spiders can still be present even in well-kept houses. Remember, they are there to help control those pesky insects!

Here’s a comparison table to give you some key differences between wall spiders and their popular cousin, the black widow spider:

Wall Spider Black Widow Spider
Mostly harmless Venomous and dangerous
Shy and non-aggressive Can be aggressive
Commonly found indoors Prefers outdoor habitats

As a guide to recognizing wall spiders, here are some of their features:

  • Small body size, usually less than half an inch in length
  • Typically brown or gray in color
  • Often found on walls, ceilings, and corners around your home

Overall, it’s important to remember that wall spiders are not something to fear. They serve a purpose in the ecosystem and can actually be beneficial to have around. Embrace your friendly wall-dwelling friends and let them help you keep your home insect-free!






  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Wall Spiders

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6 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi guys!
    It’s Uroctea durandi or a closely related species

  • We have been keeping an eye on a resident wall spider “Tiny” much like the one depicted here. She has two boyfriends (I presume) who live on the same molding. She is about 2 mm and they are less than 1. We do not see them catching anything. There are no ants in the house. We conclude they must live off of some creature too small to see. What could that be? Dust mites?

  • I have these on my house walls too; so glad I finally found this website identifying what spiders they are. I believe they also prey on booklice and fleas, which are rampant on the walls that are slightly mouldy (especially the corridor where the light is often off which might explain the mouldiness). I have personally observed, more than once, a wall spider throwing silk across a booklice that got near its nest and taking it back to feed on.


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