Spittle Bug: All You Need to Know in a Nutshell

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Spittlebugs may not be a household name, but once you notice their presence, you’re likely to remember them. These fascinating little insects are best known for the frothy spittle mass they produce while feeding on plants like ornamental grasses, roses, chrysanthemums, clover, strawberries, herbs, and many other garden favorites ^[1]^.

As a gardener or nature enthusiast, understanding spittlebugs and their life cycle can help you better care for your plants. Adult spittlebugs, also known as froghoppers, are typically dark brown or black with a length of about 3/8 inch and two orange stripes across their wings ^[2]^. The nymphs, on the other hand, are ivory-colored with brown heads and can be found living inside the spittle or froth they create, hence their name.

Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be better prepared to handle and enjoy the natural world around you. Keep an eye out for the distinctive frothy masses on your garden plants, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert in all things spittlebug!

Understanding Spittlebugs

Spittlebugs, also known as froghoppers, are small insects that belong to the family Cercopidae. They are closely related to leafhoppers, but there are some key differences between the two.

Nymphs and Adults

The life cycle of spittlebugs consists of three stages: egg, nymph, and adult. Nymphs are the immature form of spittlebugs and are responsible for the production of a frothy spittle mass. This mass not only provides them with protection from predators but also assists in maintaining their moisture levels. On the other hand, adult spittlebugs, or froghoppers, are typically dark brown or black and possess two orange stripes on their wings, as seen in the Philaenus spumarius species.

Feeding Habits

Both nymphs and adults feed on plant juices by piercing the plant stems. While they don’t usually cause significant damage, spittlebugs might stipple leaves of various plants such as ornamental grasses, roses, herbs, and strawberries, to name a few examples from a UMN Extension article.

Managing Spittlebugs

If you notice spittle masses in your garden, don’t worry too much as these creatures are usually harmless to your plants. However, if you still feel the need to remove these insects, a simple method to consider is using a strong water spray to dislodge them.

Comparing Spittlebugs and Leafhoppers
Table 1:

Characteristic Spittlebugs Leafhoppers
Appearance Dark brown or black, orange stripes on wings Generally green or brown, smaller body size
Nymphs’ behavior Produce frothy spittle mass Don’t form spittle
Plant damage Might stipple leaves; relatively harmless Possibly transmit plant viruses, cause leaf curling

Now that you are familiar with spittlebugs, it’s important to remember that they are generally harmless to your plants and cause minimal damage, if any. Keep an eye out for these interesting insects in your garden to better understand their unique behaviors and characteristics.

Life Cycle of A Spittlebug

Egg Stage

In the initial stage of a spittlebug’s life, the females lay eggs that are usually hidden in plant crevices. These eggs need a safe and secure place to develop. Within a few weeks, they hatch into the next stage – nymphs.

Nymph Stage

Once the eggs hatch, they transform into nymphs. At this stage, the spittlebug is still not fully developed. Interestingly, these nymphs are found inside the spittle foam which gives them their name. The foam provides protection and moisture to the developing bugs.

Some features of nymphs are:

  • Found inside spittle foam
  • Known for their greenish or yellowish color
  • Undergo several molts during development

Adult Stage

As the nymphs grow and molt, they eventually reach the adult stage. Adult spittlebugs have a distinct appearance and possess an incredible leaping ability, which helps them escape threats.

Comparing nymphs and adults:

Nymphs Adults
Green or yellow color Brown or black with markings
Inside spittle foam No longer need spittle foam
Not fully developed wings Fully developed wings

As an adult, remember that your main focus is to reproduce and lay eggs to ensure the survival of the spittlebug species. Good luck in your spittlebug adventures!

Distinctive Features

Frothy Spittle

One of the most noticeable features of spittlebugs is the frothy spittle mass they produce while feeding on plants. This foam-like substance, also known as “cuckoo spit,” is secreted by the nymphs to protect themselves from predators and keep their bodies moist.

  • The spittle is sticky and frothy.
  • It can be found on various plants in your garden.


Spittlebugs, both nymphs and adults, display different shades of colors like green, tan, brown, and yellow. The nymphs are usually pale yellow, green, or tan, while adults may vary in color. The variation in colors helps them blend in with their surroundings, making them less obvious to predators.

  • Nymphs – pale yellow, green, or tan
  • Adults – different shades of green, tan, brown, and yellow

Physical Abilities

A remarkable feature of spittlebugs is their jumping ability. They have strong hind legs, which allow them to jump great distances relative to their body size. When they feel threatened, they can quickly escape by hopping away from danger.

  • Spittlebugs can jump long distances.
  • Their strong hind legs provide the power to jump.

Remember, when you spot some frothy spittle on your garden plants, it’s likely a spittlebug hiding within. Pay attention to their distinctive coloration and impressive jumping abilities. By understanding these features, you can identify and learn more about these intriguing insects.

Spittlebugs and Plants

Spittlebugs are small insects known for producing a frothy spittle mass while feeding on plants. They can be spotted on various garden plants, such as ornamental grasses, roses, chrysanthemums, clover, strawberries, and herbs, as well as woody plants like junipers and pine trees12.

When spittlebug nymphs feed, they pierce the plant stems and suck the plant juices1. This usually doesn’t cause significant harm to annuals and perennials, but the feeding can sometimes lead to distorted and discolored leaves in certain plants like holly3.

Here are some plants commonly affected by spittlebugs:

  • Ornamental grasses
  • Roses
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Clover
  • Strawberries
  • Herbs
  • Junipers
  • Pine Trees

Although the meadow spittlebug is one of more than 30 species in North America, it is often found on goldenrod shoots4. To manage spittlebug populations, focus on eliminating plant debris and maintaining a clean garden environment.

In conclusion, spittlebugs are small insects that are mainly harmless to plants. However, it’s essential to keep an eye on them and maintain a clean garden to prevent any potential damage.

Damage Caused By Spittlebugs

Spittlebugs are small insects that can cause damage to your plants. When they feed on plant stems, they create a frothy, white substance known as spittle. The damage caused by spittlebugs varies, but it is usually not severe.

In cases of severe infestations, spittlebugs can cause leaf distortion, wilt, or discoloration. For example, Two-Lined Spittlebug damages holly leaves while feeding, leading to blotches on the underside of older leaves or wilt on young leaves 1(https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/two-lined-spittlebug/).

Here’s the impact spittlebugs can have on different plants:

  • Ornamental grasses: Wilting and yellowing of leaves.
  • Roses and chrysanthemums: Damage might not be as evident, but plants may show signs of stress.
  • Strawberries: Reduced fruit production or misshapen berries.
  • Herbs and clover: Visible damage to leaves, reducing their overall vigor.

Even though spittlebugs can feed on a variety of plants, their damage is usually not to the extent that it threatens the plants’ health 4(https://extension.umn.edu/yard-and-garden-insects/spittlebugs). Fortunately, you can manage them with proper care and occasional intervention, ensuring your garden remains healthy and beautiful.

Controlling Spittlebugs

Natural Predators

Predators can help keep spittlebug populations in check. Some natural enemies of spittlebugs include:

  • Ladybugs
  • Lacewings
  • Ground beetles

These beneficial insects can be attracted to your garden by planting various flowers and providing a good habitat for them.

Mechanical Control

Mechanical control methods are non-chemical ways to manage spittlebugs in your garden. Examples include:

  • Hand-picking spittlebugs from infested plants
  • Removing weeds, which can harbor spittlebugs and their eggs
  • Washing off the spittle masses, along with the nymphs inside, using a strong stream of water

Organic Control Methods

Organic methods are natural and environmentally friendly ways to control spittlebugs. Some options are:

  • Neem oil: A natural pesticide that can help manage spittlebug populations
  • Insecticidal soap: A mild, biodegradable solution that can be applied to infested plants
  • Homemade spray: Create your own spittlebug repellent using garlic, hot peppers, and liquid soap

Always follow label instructions and test a small area of your plants before applying to the whole plant.

Chemical Control

In some cases, chemical control may be necessary to manage spittlebugs. Several insecticides are labeled for spittlebug control on turf and can be effective if applied correctly. Remember to:

  • Choose a labeled pesticide for spittlebugs
  • Follow all label directions
  • Apply with good coverage, ensuring that spray formulations are used over granular ones for better effectiveness

Keep in mind that chemical control should be a last resort, as it can have negative impacts on the environment and non-target organisms. Always try natural and organic methods first.

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?


Spittlebugs are known for the frothy spittle mass they produce while feeding on various plants in your gardens. They might seem like a nuisance, however, they generally don’t cause significant harm to most plants. In this friendly guide, we’ve covered the important aspects of spittlebugs and how they affect your garden.

You’ll find that these little critters feed on a wide array of plants such as ornamental grasses, roses, chrysanthemums, clover, strawberries, and herbs, to name a few. Their nymphs pierce plant stems and suck on their juices, but don’t worry, as the damage they cause is usually minimal.

In case you come across spittlebugs in your garden, remember that dealing with them is simple. A hard water spray will assist in removing them from your beloved plants. Chemical insecticides aren’t always effective, due to the protective frothy covering that these bugs produce. Just keep an eye on your garden, and take action when necessary.

Hopefully, this concise yet informative guide has provided you with all the essential knowledge about spittlebugs. Now you can confidently tend to your garden, knowing how to spot and manage these small insects. Happy gardening!


  1. Spittlebugs in home gardens | UMN Extension 2 3
  2. Managing Pests in Gardens: Vegetables: Invertebrates—Spittlebugs
  3. Two-Lined Spittlebug | Home & Garden Information Center
  4. Spittlebugs – Wisconsin Horticulture 2




Red Insect













Spittlebug Spittle




  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi Dhir

    Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Spittle Bugs

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • I also have an infestation of spittlebugs and found out that the larva feeds off the juices of the plants. I don’t know what the mature spittlebug eats or if it is harmful to the garden plants. I sure would appreciate any info on these meadow spittlebugs.

  • Carmen Curry
    July 23, 2013 9:02 am

    Since they eat leaves, is it safe to assume that they are not poisonous? I have a little boy that loves to check out different bugs and hold them if it is safe.


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