Spiders with Six Legs: Unraveling the Mystery

folder_openArachnida, Araneae
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Spiders are fascinating creatures, known for their eight legs and intricate webs. However, did you know that there are some instances when spiders can have six legs instead of the usual eight? In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the world of six-legged spiders and help you learn all you need to know about these unique arachnids.

Sometimes, spiders can be found with only six legs due to an accident or injury. For example, they might lose a leg or two during a fight with a predator or an unfortunate encounter with a human-induced hazard. Despite their loss, these resilient creatures can still function and survive quite well in their environments.

It’s important to note that while six-legged spiders may be rare occurrences, they do exist, and understanding their situation can help paint a more accurate picture of their lives. So, keep reading to learn more about these six-legged wonders and how they’ve adapted to life with fewer limbs.

The Exceptionality of Six-legged Spiders

Six-legged spiders do exist, but they are rare and quite exceptional. In general, spiders have eight legs since they belong to the arachnid family. However, certain circumstances can cause some spiders to lose a pair of legs, creating the perception of a six-legged species.

For instance, spiders can lose their legs due to predation, injury, or molting issues. Some spiders can regenerate their lost legs over time. While these six-legged spiders are unusual, it’s important to remember that they do not represent a distinct species.

Comparing eight-legged and six-legged spiders, you might notice the following differences:

Feature Eight-legged Spiders Six-legged Spiders
Leg count 8 6
Mobility More agile Less agile
Species Natural Result of injury

Keep in mind that:

  • The leg loss in a six-legged spider is often temporary
  • A spider’s ability to move and hunt may be impacted by the loss of legs
  • The primary difference between six-legged and eight-legged spiders lies in their mobility and physical appearance

To conclude, while six-legged spiders might grab your attention and spark curiosity, they are simply the result of certain circumstances and not representatives of a unique species. Understanding this exception helps you appreciate the diversity and resilience of these fascinating arthropods.

General Anatomy

In this section, we will learn about the general anatomy of spiders with six legs. Don’t be surprised, as it is a rare occurrence in the arachnid world. Usually, spiders have eight legs, but some may have lost a particular set due to certain reasons, such as injury or a birth abnormality.

Arachnids consist of two primary body parts: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The cephalothorax houses the spider’s eyes, mouthparts, and legs, whereas the abdomen contains organs related to digestion and reproduction. In a six-legged spider, the appendages (legs) are mostly attached to the cephalothorax. However, they have fewer legs than their eight-legged counterparts.

Let’s take a look at some key features of spiders that help to distinguish them among other arachnids:

  • Cephalothorax: The combined head and thorax of a spider, containing eyes, mouthparts, and legs
  • Abdomen: The rear body segment that houses important organs for digestion and reproduction
  • Appendages: The legs of spiders; in this case, six legs instead of eight

Spiders, both six-legged and eight-legged, have a fascinating anatomy that allows them to adapt and survive in various environments. Although the six-legged variety is rare, understanding their general anatomy can help you appreciate the diverse world of arachnids and their unique characteristics.

Visual Features

When talking about spiders with six legs, it’s important to note that this is actually an anomaly, as most spiders have eight legs. Nonetheless, let’s discuss the visual features of these unusual six-legged arachnids.


You may find that six-legged spiders still have their characteristic pattern of eyes. Though most spiders possess eight eyes in two rows of four, their arrangements differ among species, so keep an eye out for unique patterns.

Colors and Patterns

These spiders come in various colors and patterns. For instance, some may have a distinctive dark brown violin shape on their cephalothorax, whereas others display more vibrant hues or even stripe patterns.

Albino Variants and Pigmentation

It’s rare, but some spiders might lack pigmentation and appear as albino. Albinism occurs due to a genetic mutation resulting in the inability to produce the pigment melanin, which usually gives spiders their coloration. Keep in mind that albino spiders are extremely uncommon.

In summary, six-legged spiders can exhibit a diverse range of visual features, including various eye patterns, colors, and pigmentation. As you observe these interesting creatures, be sure to appreciate their unique appearances.

Unusual Movement Capabilities

With only six legs, some spiders exhibit unique movement abilities that are fascinating to discover. Jumping spiders, for example, are known to identify biological motion even with their limited number of limbs. These little creatures can leap several times their body length to catch their prey or avoid danger.

It’s remarkable how these six-legged spiders can easily adapt to their reduced number of limbs. They can still run and climb surfaces, just like their eight-legged cousins. A characteristic that helps them do this is the microscopic hairs on their feet, which provide more points of contact and improve their grip.

Here are some noteworthy features of six-legged spiders:

  • Able to jump several times their body length
  • Can run and climb surfaces effectively
  • Microscopic hairs on feet for better grip

In comparison to spiders with eight legs:

Feature Six-legged Spiders Eight-legged Spiders
Legs 6 8
Jumping Ability Yes Yes
Climbing Ability Yes Yes
Running Speed Varies Varies
Microscopic Hairs Yes Yes

You might be wondering how six-legged spiders compare to their eight-legged counterparts in terms of speed and agility. It turns out that their capabilities vary greatly among different species, but many six-legged spiders can move quite efficiently despite their missing legs.

It’s clear that spiders with six legs have evolved unique ways to move and interact with their environment. As you explore the fascinating world of these creatures, remember that their remarkable abilities demonstrate the resilience and adaptability of the animal kingdom.

Diet and Hunting Techniques

Spiders with six legs are unique creatures, but just like their eight-legged counterparts, they are predominantly carnivorous. Their diet consists of various insects, such as flies, mosquitoes, and moths. In this section, you will learn about their hunting techniques and the prey they target.

These six-legged spiders employ different methods to catch their prey. For example, the jumping spider uses its incredible agility to leap onto unsuspecting insects. When hunting, these spiders rely on their sharp eyesight and impressive reflexes to secure a meal. Here’s a brief comparison of their hunting techniques:

Hunting Technique Spider Type Prey
Jumping Jumping Spider Flies
Ambushing Various Species Mosquitoes
Web-spinning Various Species Moths

Some spiders with six legs prefer to lay in wait, employing an ambush technique. They patiently hide, camouflage themselves, and strike when their preferred prey comes close. This method works best for catching fast-moving insects such as mosquitoes.

Web-spinning is another common method used by various six-legged spider species. These spiders build intricate, well-organized webs to trap their prey. Once an insect like a moth gets caught in the web, the spider quickly immobilizes and consumes it.

To sum up, spiders with six legs use different hunting techniques suited to the specific type of prey they target. Whether it’s using their agility as jumping spiders or patiently waiting to ambush a mosquito, these unique creatures are skilled and adaptive hunters.

Habitats and Survival

Six-legged spiders are not a common occurrence, but let’s explore how these creatures might survive and adapt to various habitats.

In order to survive, six-legged spiders would likely depend on similar environments as their eight-legged counterparts. For example, they might thrive in:

  • Warm climates
  • Rough conditions
  • Homes and yards

As you’d find with regular spiders, these six-legged variants would also rely on various adaptations to get by in their chosen habitats. Here are some ways they might adjust:

  • Developing web-spinning capabilities
  • Adapting hunting strategies
  • Modifying body structures to compensate for reduced number of legs

Now, let’s compare how six-legged spiders might survive in warm climates and rough conditions:

Environment Six-Legged Spiders Eight-Legged Spiders
Warm Climates Seek out sheltered areas to avoid dehydration Do the same
Rough Conditions Adapt to climbing and traversing uneven terrain Have an advantage with more legs to maneuver

Lastly, when it comes to living in and around homes, you might find that six-legged spiders would search for similar hiding spots such as:

  • Corners of rooms
  • Window sills
  • Under furniture

So, while six-legged spiders are a rarity, they would still employ various strategies and adaptations to survive and thrive in their chosen habitats.

Specific Spider Species with Six Legs

Believe it or not, true spiders always have eight legs. However, there are instances where spiders might lose a few legs due to injury, making them appear to have only six legs. In this section, we will briefly discuss several well-known spider species and their characteristics.

  • Tarantula: These hairy beauties can grow quite large and are found across many continents. They can regenerate lost legs over time during molting, allowing them to regain their full potential.
  • Black Widow: Recognizable by the red hourglass shape on its abdomen, the black widow is a venomous spider. If you encounter one, it’s wise to give it some space.
  • Wolf Spider: These fast runners are known for their excellent eyesight and exceptional hunting skills. They are generally harmless but can bite if they feel threatened.
  • Brown Recluse: This elusive spider poses a significant risk due to its venomous bite. Avoiding clutter at home can help reduce the chance of an encounter with a brown recluse.

Now, let’s compare some of the characteristics of these spiders in a table:

Spider Venomous Leg Regeneration Habitat
Tarantula No Yes Various, mainly terrestrial
Black Widow Yes Unknown Distributed worldwide
Wolf Spider No Yes Cosmopolitan, diverse habitats
Brown Recluse Yes Unknown North America, mainly indoors

When observing spiders in the wild or at home, it’s critical to remember a few key points:

  • Avoid handling unfamiliar spider species
  • Eliminate hiding spaces by keeping living areas tidy
  • Be cautious when reaching into dark spaces

Always exercise caution and respect when dealing with spiders, as these amazing creatures play essential roles in our ecosystems.

Defensive Mechanisms

Spiders with six legs, although unusual, canstill exhibit various defensive mechanisms. Here we will discuss some of these mechanisms to shed light on how these fascinating creatures protect themselves.

One common defense mechanism is the use of venom. While not all spiders are venomous, some do possess toxins that can be harmful to their predators. For instance, should a threat approach, the spider can deliver a venomous bite to either immobilize or deter the attacker. Be aware that not all spider bites are dangerous to humans, but some can cause pain or allergic reactions.

Another strategy involves physical adaptations. Some spiders have evolved markings or colors that make them blend in with their surroundings. These camouflage features help them avoid detection by predators.

Here are some defensive mechanisms used by spiders:

  • Venomous bites
  • Camouflage
  • Fleeing

Remember, spiders can also be harmful to us through their defensive mechanisms. It’s essential to be cautious when encountering them. Some bites could cause severe pain, allergic reactions, or other complications if left untreated. If bitten, it’s crucial to seek medical advice promptly.

In comparison to eight-legged spiders, six-legged ones might have a harder time moving or escaping from danger, making their venomous defenses even more critical. Always be respectful and give them space, as they want to avoid confrontation as much as you do. Embrace the fascinating world of spiders and appreciate their unique qualities.

Friend or Foe? Spider Encounters

When you encounter a spider, it’s natural to wonder if it’s a friend or a foe. Most spiders are actually predators that help control pests in the environment. They feed on insects and other arachnids, keeping their populations in check.

However, not all spiders are harmless. Some species can deliver painful or harmful bites, like the broad-faced sac spider. Although their bites typically cause a painful erythema similar to a bee sting, there have been instances of severe secondary infections linked to their bites.

On the other hand, there’s the brown recluse spider, which is known for its venomous bite. While their venom can pose a threat to humans, these spiders tend to avoid confrontation and only bite when threatened or disturbed.

To better understand whether a spider is a friend or a foe, consider the following:

  • Most spiders are predators that help control pests.
  • Some can deliver painful bites but are generally not aggressive.
  • Always exercise caution when handling or encountering spiders.

Remember, while there may be a few harmful spiders, most are actually beneficial due to their predatory nature. Thus, it’s essential to recognize their role in the ecosystem and treat them with respect.

Regeneration and Molting


Molting is a process that allows spiders to grow by shedding their hard-exterior exoskeleton. Young spiders molt more frequently, while older spiders molt less often. For example, Araneomorphs stop molting when they reach sexual maturity1.

During molting, spiders usually remain hidden or still, since they can’t move until their new exoskeleton hardens. This defenseless state leaves them vulnerable to predation, so they mostly molt at night or in secluded areas1.

Regeneration and Autotomy

If a spider loses a leg, it may be able to regenerate it through a process called autotomy. Unlike molting, which occurs for growth purposes, regeneration is mainly associated with healing injured body parts2.

Some spiders are known to lose their legs intentionally to escape predators or traps. This survival tactic is called autotomy and works because spider legs can grow back during the regular molting process2. However, not all spiders are capable of doing this, and those that can may experience a decrease in their overall performance until the leg has fully regenerated2.

In summary:

  • Molting: a process that allows spiders to grow by shedding their exoskeleton.
  • Regeneration: healing injured body parts, such as lost legs.
  • Autotomy: a survival tactic where a spider may intentionally lose a leg to escape predators or traps.

Fascinating Spider Facts

You might have heard about spiders with six legs, but did you know that this is actually a myth? In fact, all spiders belong to the class Arachnida, which means they have eight legs, not six. If you happen to come across a spider with less than eight legs, it’s likely because it has lost some due to injury or predation (source).

Spiders use special silk-spinning structures called spinnerets, located at the back end of their abdomen, to create their intricate webs. This feature is quite unique to these eight-legged creatures, enabling them to catch prey, create a shelter, and even move around (source).

In comparison to insects, spiders have only two main body parts and lack antennae. Due to a vast range of sizes and shapes, their eyes can number eight in total. These differences make spiders stand out from insects and contribute to their fascinating nature (source).

On a lighter note, some spiders have been featured in publications such as National Geographic, highlighting their unique behaviors and intriguing survival mechanisms. For example, ogre-faced spiders weave a small web between their front legs and then dangle above areas where prey are likely to pass (source).

To sum up, remember that spiders have:

  • Eight legs, not six
  • Spinnerets for silk production
  • Two body parts and no antennae

So next time you come across a spider, try to appreciate their fascinating features and remarkable adaptations.

Related Arachnids and Insects

When you’re studying spiders, it’s essential to be aware of their relatives, other arthropods that share many similar traits. Some notable related arachnids and insects include:

  • Ticks: These small, blood-sucking arachnids are common pests and can transmit diseases to humans and animals. They have eight legs and a simple body structure consisting of a cephalothorax and an abdomen. More information about ticks can be found here.
  • Scorpions: These arachnids have a more robust appearance with their pincers and venomous stingers. Like spiders, they have eight legs and a two-sectioned body. Scorpions are typically found in warm, dry environments.
  • Mites: These tiny creatures are barely visible to the naked eye and closely related to spiders. They have eight legs and can be found in various environments, from our homes, plants, animals to our bodies.

Features of arachnids include:

  • Two body sections: cephalothorax and abdomen
  • Eight legs

On the other hand, some insects that may resemble six-legged spiders are:

  • Ants: These six-legged insects are just one example of insects with a similar body structure to spiders. They have three body sections, antennae, and differ from spiders by having only six legs. More on ants can be found here.
  • Assassin bugs, wheel bugs, and dragonfly nymphs: These predatory insects have six legs and share some hunting strategies with spiders, such as using mimicking, stalking, or ambush methods.

Characteristics of insects include:

  • Three body sections: head, thorax, and abdomen
  • Six legs
  • Antennae

A unique, closely related arthropod you might come across is the Harvestman (also called daddy longlegs). While they look like spiders, they have a single fused body section and only two eyes. Harvestmen are not classified as spiders because they differ in their anatomy and behavior. More about harvestmen can be found at this source.

Here’s a comparison table of some common traits among these creatures:

Property Spiders Insects Harvestmen
Body sections 2 3 1
Legs 8 6 8
Antennae No Yes No
Single eyes Varies No Yes
Venomous fangs Yes (most) No (most) No

Now that you know some of the key differences and similarities between these related arachnids and insects, you’ll be better equipped to study and understand spiders and their role in the ecological balance.

Concluding Thoughts

In this article, we’ve explored the fascinating world of six-legged spiders. These unique creatures come in many forms, such as the venomous Australian redback spider and the agile wolf spiders. We’ve seen how some spiders use their six legs to their advantage, like the clever ant-mimicking spiders, which can be easily mistaken for ants.

In contrast, other creatures like the snow fly and the springtail may share some similarities with spiders but belong to different groups. These insects thrive in colder environments, while spiders are mostly found in warmer climates.

Some spiders possess remarkable features that may surprise you. For example, the jumping spiders have extraordinary vision and impressive jumping abilities. Their vibrant and rich colors have fascinated researchers and spider enthusiasts alike.

Here’s a comparison table of some of the spiders and insects we’ve discussed:

Creature Legs Venomous Mimicry Habitat
Australian redback spider 6 Yes No Warm climates
Wolf spider 6 No No Warm climates
Ant-mimicking spider 6 No Yes Warm climates
Snow fly 6 No No Cold environments
Springtail 6 No No Cold environments

Remember that spiders and other creatures with six legs are diverse and varied. It’s essential to approach their study with curiosity and respect. By doing so, you’ll gain a better understanding of these fascinating creatures and their unique adaptations. Happy exploring!


  1. Growing Spiders 2
  2. Spiders Regenerate Lost Legs 2 3


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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