Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts: All You Need To Know

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Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts

Scarlet tiger moths are one of the most beautiful insects in the world. Their bright, red underwings and black upper wings belie the fact that they are moths, not butterflies. Learn more about these bugs in the article below.

Moths are usually pastel-colored and rather dull looking. While most of the species are like that, there are some that are almost as attractive as brightly colored butterflies. 

The scarlet tiger moth is one of them. Many consider them to be the most beautiful moths in the world. 

Let us learn more about these attractive insects and a few fascinating facts about them in this article. 


Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts


Scientific Classification Table 

Family ErebidaeTigers, Ermines, Footmen and allies (Arctiids)
Identification Black forewings with yellow spots and bright orange hindwings with black spots that look like eyespots.Sometimes the hindwings are yellow. 
Size Large sized
Wingspan Size 1.88 – 2.2 inches
Range UK and Wales
Lifespan Few weeks
Life Cycle Eggs, larvae, pupae, adults
Diet Adults: nectar from flowers like hibiscus and petuniaCaterpillars: Herbaceous plants like common nettle
Conservation Status UK BAP: Not listed
Other Common Names Callimorpha Dominula

What Does A Scarlet Tiger Moth Look Like? 

Scarlet tiger moths belong to the Arctiidae family in the Lepidoptera order. They are a type of tiger moth, as the name suggests.

A scarlet tiger moth can be identified by the bright colors on its body. 

The forewings are black with yellow spots. But the real attraction is the hindwings; these are bright orange in color with black eyespots that look very much like bug eyes.

Little do observers know that these eyespots have a specific purpose – they are a tool to signal the predators that they are not appealing prey.

Moreover, these spots make them appear bigger. 


Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts


The colors of the wings also have the same function – while it may look beautiful to us, these bright colors mean something entirely different to predators in the wild.

They signify danger or a hard to eat prey. This is an excellent example of aposematic coloration.

On rare occasions, you might spot a scarlet tiger moth with yellow hindwings as well.

Scarlet Tiger Moth Size – How Big Does Scarlet Tiger Moth Get? 

Scarlet Tigers fall in the category of large moths. 

They can have a wingspan of 1.88 – 2.2 inches. The moth caterpillars are black to grayish in color with white and yellow dots on the body. 

An average healthy caterpillar can grow up to 1.6 inches long

You must note that the growth significantly depends on the quantity of food that they consume during the larval stage. 

Scarlet Tiger Moth Lifespan – How Long Do Scarlet Tiger Moths Live? 

Adult moths don’t live for long. A healthy scarlet tiger moth can survive for a few weeks and spend most of their lives caterpillars. 

Another interesting thing to note here is that these insects can spend around four months inside their cocoon before emerging as adults. 


Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts


The time can vary according to the size of the moth. 

In the wild, there is always a danger of them being hunted down by potential tiger moth predators like bats, small mammals, reptiles and birds. 

Scarlet Tiger Moth Life Cycle


Scarlet tiger moths adults emerge in the months of June and July. Soon after emerging, these adults mate. 

During mating, the eggs get fertilized inside the female body. 

Later the females carry these eggs to good food plants like common nettle, comfrey, and green alkanet and lay them there. 

Egg Hatching

Within seven days, the eggs hatch.

As soon as the caterpillar comes out, they directly start eating the shells of the eggs from which it hatched. 

These eggshells are a rich source of protein and vitamins. 

Once that is done, they start feeding on the host plant (we mention which ones in a little while). 

From time to time, they keep shifting from one host plant to the other to get sufficient food out of them. 

These larvae can easily eat plant matter weighing 2,700 times their own body weight. It is crucial for them to eat properly to be able to grow into healthy tiger moths. 


Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts


Once they have eaten enough, they leave the host tree and start searching for secure spots to start pupating. 

It might take a while to find the right spot as they are extremely careful about avoiding predators at this stage.  

Pupation & Becoming Adults

The moth remains in the cocoon for around four months. The time can be longer depending on the size and strength of the adult that emerges from the pupa. 

As adults, they feed on nectar and are often seen around gardens with plenty of flowers. 

Where Is Scarlet Tiger Moth Found & Their Range?

Scarlet tiger moths prefer to be in coastal habitats like fens, floodplains, wetlands, riverine habitats, and beaches. 

You will also find them in open woodlands, gardens, and ditches. 

They are found in different parts of the UK and Wales. A big population of these tiger moths is found in West and South England. There are some isolated populations in Kent. 

While most of these beautiful moths live in the UK, there are a few populations in the rest of Europe as well, spreading upto Turkey.

In the US, they have been spotted in Jersey during the last 20 years. 

You can find them roaming around during the daytime, basking in the sunlight, or resting on leaves. They are active during the night.  

What Do Scarlet Tiger Moths Eat? 

Scarlet tiger moth adults live longer than the other tiger moth species. 

Unlike their relatives, they actively drink nectar from hibiscus, petunias, goldenrod flowers, and verbenas. 

The scarlet tiger moth caterpillars eat a wide variety of herbaceous plants like common nettle, honeysuckle, rose, sallows, and common comfrey. 

The caterpillar often shifts from one host plant to another to get strong enough to transition into the pupation process and later emerge as an active adult.


Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts


Are Scarlet Tiger Moths Poisonous?

Scarlet tigers are not poisonous, but it is not safe to touch these insects directly. 

When the adult tiger moth feels threatened, they release a foul-smelling liquid that makes the predators sick and makes them look unappealing as prey. 

This smelly fluid can trigger allergic reactions in the human body. 

You must also note that various colors of tiger moths are a sign to the predators that hunting and eating will not be a wise choice. 

Touching the caterpillars is also not advisable as the bristle-like hair in the body might pierce through the skin and cause rashes and irritation. 

Do Scarlet Tiger Moths Bite? 

Scarlet tiger moths do not bite or sting. These insects are not aggressive and quite delicate. But don’t be complacent around them. 

As mentioned in the previous section, they emit a fluid that can cause allergic reactions in the human body. If you want to touch them, it is wise to wear safety gloves. 

How To Attract Scarlet Tiger Moth? 

Scarlet tiger moths are a treat to watch. The orange hindwings with black spots are rare to find in other moths. 

If you reside in Europe and want to attract these moths to your garden, here are a few tips to take note of:

Have a bright flowering garden

Adult moths are fond of flowers and rely on nectar to fulfill their herbivorous diet. Add a variety of flowers like hibiscus, petunias, goldenrod flowers, and verbenas to lure them in.


Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts


To attract female tiger moths, you can add some of the following plants: 

  • Common Nettle 
  • Honeysuckle
  • Rose
  • Sallows
  • Common comfrey
  • Willow 
  • Black walnut
  • Paper birch
  • Smooth sumac
  • Persimmon
  • American chestnut and
  • White oak

These trees/plants are excellent host plants for the caterpillars to grow. The females will prefer to lay eggs in spots filled with good feeding options for the larvae. 

Use lights

Unlike other tiger moths, scarlet tiger moths are day-flying species. You can find them flying around the garden in the daytime, but they are also active at night. 

Moreover, these insects are attracted to light sources in the dark. Keep the porch lights on to lure these insects to your yards or gardens. 

You can also put a portable light in the middle of your garden to get better results. 

Keep predators away

It is obvious that scarlet tiger moths won’t be around areas filled with potential predators; therefore, you must keep birds, lizards and small rodents away from the garden. 

The females will only lay eggs in your garden if is free from all predatorial dangers. 


Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts


Scarlet Tiger Moth Meaning?

Tiger moths are associated with different kinds of symbolism across many cultures. For example, white-colored tiger moths are considered to be a sign of kindness and peace. 

Also, spotting tiger moths is often taken as a sign to be kind to people around you. This is because of the gentle and innocent nature of these insects. 

People also believe that Isabella tiger moth caterpillars can predict the weather. 

The concept might be wrong, but it is always fascinating to know how various people see meaning in these insects.  

One of the most common symbolism related to tiger moths comes from the practice of flying toward light sources. 

Yes, the flying of tiger moths near lights is taken as a signal that the individual requires to embrace the inner light in their soul. It is always wise to move from the dark to the light.


Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts


Some people also take this sight as a sign that being too close to the fire will burn you up. 

Here the fire/light is considered a seductive source, and the moth flying toward it is a warning not to get lured by such things. It gives a lesson that everyone must think before rushing into any decision.

Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts?

Given below are a few more fascinating facts about these brightly colored tiger moths: 

  • The black forewings of a scarlet tiger moth can sometimes emit a metallic green sheen. However, this can only be observed if you look at them from different angles and lights. 
  • The garden tiger moths also have bright orange hindwings but they have navy blue spots on them. The scarlet tiger moth has black spots on top of its orange hindwings.
  • Other than the body color, the scarlet tiger does have any physical resemblance with any other moth in the UK. This makes it easy to recognize them in the region. 
  • Apart from coastal areas, you can also find these insects in damp spots like rocky cliffs. 
  • Being a frequent feeder of nectar, these insects are considered important pollinators. They can be counted in the beneficial insects list. 


Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts


How To Get Rid Of Scarlet Tiger Moth? 

These brightly colored moths are great to look at, but that doesn’t mean they are equally good to touch or play with. 

Children can especially get hurt by the foul-smelling liquid that they emit.

Keeping these moths away from your home is a wise choice to stay safe. Here are a few hacks to drive these insects away from your garden and home:

Use pheromone traps

A Pheromone trap attracts these insects to fall on a sticky surface where they get stuck. You can buy these traps from the nearest pet store. 

Install them in areas where you notice frequent moth activity. Once they land on a sticky surface, you can throw the moth out and put it back in the same place.

Invite predators like birds

Birds love to eat caterpillars and scarlet tiger moths. Having them around your garden will not only remove the existing moths but also prevent them from coming back. 

Sprinkle some bird feed in your garden regularly, and in no time, they will hunt down all the caterpillars and the moths.


Scarlet Tiger Moth Facts


Use natural remedies

Vinegar is an excellent natural repellent for woolly bears. Tiger moth caterpillars do not like the smell of vinegar as it is an excellent repellent. 

Spray some drops of vinegar on plants where the caterpillars gather, and you won’t see them there after a few days. 

A garlic, pepper, and water mixture are highly effective for killing tiger moth caterpillars. 

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?

Frequently Asked Questions 

Are scarlet tiger moths poisonous?

Scarlet tiger moths are not poisonous. However, it is not safe to touch these insects with bare hands. 
They release a foul-smelling liquid when they feel threatened by predators and humans. 
This fluid makes them look unappealing as prey. It can also trigger allergic reactions in the human body.

Is a scarlet tiger moth rare?

The scarlet tiger moth can be easily spotted in different regions of Wales, West, and South England. 
Since they are active during the daytime, you can spot them in gardens feeding on nectar. 
They prefer to be around coastal habitats like fens, floodplains, wetlands, and other riverine habitats.

Are tiger moths poisonous to touch?

Not all species of tiger moths are poisonous to touch. But there are a few that are dangerous. 
The Australian tiger moths are poisonous and touching them without any safety equipment can cause problems like dermatitis. 
Always remember to wear safety gloves while touching these insects.

Can I touch luna moth?

Luna moths are quite rare to spot in their adult stage. 
If you see one, try not to touch these insects as they are extremely fragile and the slightest pressure can break their wings and kill them. 
Touching or grabbing them will hurt or even kill these beautiful moths.

Wrap Up 

Scarlet moths are one of the most beautiful species of tiger moths on earth. If you live in the UK or in nearby areas of Europe, you can watch them in gardens and yards all through the summer.

Unlike others in their family, they are visible during the day and live much longer as adults.

We hope the article gave you all the information you needed to know about these bugs. 

Thank you for taking the time to read it!












  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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