Potato Bug vs Jerusalem Cricket: Uncovering the Differences

folder_openInsecta, Orthoptera
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The potato bug and Jerusalem cricket are two insects that are often confused with each other, but they possess distinct characteristics making them unique in their own ways. While both insects can be found in gardens and have somewhat similar appearances, they have differences in their behaviors, diets, and impacts on plants.

Potato bugs, also known as Colorado potato beetles, are known to be serious pests of potatoes, causing significant damage to potato plants and other related crops. These beetles have a yellow and black-striped appearance and are dangerous to plants, as both the adult and larva feed on potato leaves, reducing yield and even killing the plants. On the other hand, Jerusalem crickets, often called “potato bugs,” are large, flightless insects with a striped abdomen and a unique head resembling a human face. They primarily feed on roots and decaying plant material, contributing to natural decomposition processes.

In summary, the potato bug and Jerusalem cricket are two distinct insects, with the former being a notorious pest of potato crops while the latter plays a beneficial role in breaking down organic material. Understanding their differences can help in proper identification and pest management in gardens and agricultural settings.

Identification of Potato Bug and Jerusalem Cricket


  • Potato Bug: The potato bug, also known as the Colorado potato beetle, is an insect with alternating black and white stripes on its wing covers. The beetle’s body has an oval shape.
  • Jerusalem Cricket: This insect, belonging to the Stenopelmatus genus, has a large, round head and a cylindrical body with striped, banded legs.


  • Potato Bug: Typically around 0.4 inches (10mm) in length.
  • Jerusalem Cricket: Can grow up to 2.75 inches (70mm) long.


  • Potato Bug: Black and yellow-striped pattern on the wing covers, while the body is orange-yellow.
  • Jerusalem Cricket: Their body is a mix of yellow-brown and black with contrasting bands on legs and body.


  • Potato Bug: Common in North America, particularly areas like the United States where potatoes are grown.
  • Jerusalem Cricket: Native to the western United States and parts of Mexico.
Feature Potato Bug Jerusalem Cricket
Size 0.4 inches (10mm) Up to 2.75 inches (70mm)
Color Black and yellow stripes Yellow-brown and black bands
Regions North America, United States Western United States, Mexico
Typical Appearance Oval shape with striped wing covers Large round head, cylindrical body

Habitats and Behaviors

Nocturnal Activity

Both potato bugs and Jerusalem crickets are nocturnal insects, meaning they are active during the night. This behavior helps them avoid predators, as well as conserve moisture in their environments. For example, in the hot, arid regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico where Jerusalem crickets are found, nighttime activity is essential for their survival.

Burrowing and Soil Interactions

Potato bugs and Jerusalem crickets share similarities in their burrowing habits and their interactions with soil:

  • Potato bugs (Colorado potato beetles) are known for their ability to burrow underground to overwinter. They are commonly found in garden beds and compost piles where they can find a supply of rotting plant matter.
  • Jerusalem crickets live primarily in the soil and are well-adapted for digging. They have powerful legs and strong jaws, which aid them in creating tunnels or burrows in soil, rocks, and logs.

Feeding Habits

The two insects differ in their feeding preferences:

  • Potato bugs feed primarily on plant leaves, especially those of potato and other solanaceous plants. Infestations can lead to significant crop damage.
  • Jerusalem crickets have a diverse diet that includes roots, tubers, and other plant material, as well as small insects like spiders. They typically don’t cause much damage to garden plants.
Potato Bug (Colorado Potato Beetle) Jerusalem Cricket
Primary Diet Plant leaves Roots and other insects
Impact on Crops Significant damage Minimal damage

Mating and Reproduction

Potato bugs and Jerusalem crickets have distinct mating and reproductive habits:

  • Potato bugs mate in the spring, with females laying clusters of eggs on the undersides of leaves. Each female can lay up to 350 eggs in her lifetime.
  • Jerusalem crickets mate through drumming communications, where they tap their abdomens on the ground. Females lay eggs in moist soil, where they will develop for several months before hatching.

Interaction With Humans and Environment

Potato Bug vs Jerusalem Cricket Bites

Potato bugs, also known as Colorado potato beetles, do not bite humans, while Jerusalem crickets can deliver a painful bite if handled or threatened. Here’s a comparison table:

Feature Potato Bug (Colorado Potato Beetle) Jerusalem Cricket
Bite humans No Yes
Painful N/A Yes
Venomous/Posionous No No
Bite warning signs N/A Hissing noise

Potential Harm and Infestations

Potato bugs can cause a significant damage to potato plants and reduce their yield. Jerusalem crickets, or niño de la tierra, are generally not considered as harmful garden pests, but they can cause damage to plant roots if present in large numbers.

Garden Pests and Treatment Techniques

Here are some techniques to deal with these insects in your garden:

  • Potato bugs
    • Remove them manually if infestation is minimal
    • Use insecticides, like neem oil or spinosad, to control infestation in potato fields
  • Jerusalem crickets
    • Remove debris, dead roots, and compost piles to discourage their presence
    • Keep your garden and flower beds well-watered to discourage nesting

Remember, it is crucial to follow proper gardening practices and avoid using harmful pesticides that can affect the environment and other beneficial organisms.


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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