A Closer Look at the Polka Dot Wasp Moth: Nature’s Tiny Wonder

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The Polka Dot Wasp Moth, also known as the Oleander Moth, is a captivating and colorful species found mainly in the southeastern United States and Central America. With its striking appearance, the moth displays bright orange wings covered in bold, metallic blue polka dots, making it easy to spot among the foliage.

This remarkable moth is not only admired for its beauty but also for its role in controlling pests. The caterpillars, known as Oleander caterpillars, feed on toxic Oleander plants, helping to manage these harmful plants in the environment. Adult Polka Dot Wasp Moths, despite their wasp-like appearance, are harmless and do not sting or bite. Their vibrant colors serve as a warning signal to predators that they are unpalatable, a survival tactic known as aposematism.

Polka Dot Wasp Moth Overview


The Polka Dot Wasp Moth (Syntomeida epilais) is an eye-catching insect, known for its wasp-like appearance. It has a slender body structure with striking patterns on its wings and abdomen.

Size and Wingspan

  • Wingspan: Between one and two inches
  • Body length: Around one inch

These moths are relatively small in size, with a wingspan usually ranging from one to two inches. Their body length is typically around one inch, making them easy to spot in the wild.


The Polka Dot Wasp Moth showcases a vibrant color palette, including:

  • Iridescent blue/green color on the body and wings (source)
  • Bright red abdomen, contrasting with the blue/green hues
  • Black polka dots adorning the wings

These colors not only make the moth visually appealing but also help deter predators, ensuring its survival in the wild.

Habitat and Distribution

Range in North America

The Polka Dot Wasp Moth, also known as the Oleander Moth, is native to North America. It has a wide distribution, found primarily in the southeastern United States, including states such as:

  • Florida
  • South Carolina
  • Mississippi
  • Texas

In these areas, the moths are commonly found in environments such as gardens, urban landscapes, and suburban areas.

Caribbean and Central America

The Polka Dot Wasp Moth can also be found in other parts of the continent, including the Caribbean islands and parts of Central America, such as Mexico. They are known for their adaptability to various environments, making them prevalent in these regions as well.

Life Cycle and Feeding


The polka dot wasp moth begins its life as small spherical eggs, which are pale cream in color. The adult female moth lays these eggs on the leaves of its preferred host plant, the oleander.

  • Pale cream color
  • Spherical shape
  • Laid on oleander leaves

Larval Stage

After hatching, the polka dot wasp moth enters its larval stage as the bright orange oleander caterpillar. During this stage, the caterpillar’s diet consists almost exclusively of oleander leaves. The caterpillars consume these leaves, which contain cardiac glycosides.

  • Bright orange in color
  • Feeds primarily on oleander leaves
  • Cardiac glycosides from oleander leaves provide defense mechanism for the caterpillar

Major Characteristics of Oleander Caterpillar:

  • Orange body with black hairs
  • Black hairs provide some protection from predators

Due to their consumption of oleander leaves, oleander caterpillars can cause defoliation in oleander plants. However, this defoliation is often only a minor issue for mature, healthy plants.


As adults, polka dot wasp moths lose their bright orange coloration and black hairs, instead developing striking white dots covering their bodies. These beautiful moths still feed on the nectar of oleander flowers, continuing to rely on the plant as a primary food source throughout their life cycle.

  • White dots replace the orange coloration
  • Nectar of oleander plant remains primary food source

Comparison Between Larval and Adult Stage:

Feature Larval stage Adult stage
Color Bright orange White dots
Hair Black hairs None
Food source Oleander leaves Oleander flowers’ nectar

The polka dot wasp moth’s unique life cycle, appearance, and feeding habits make it a fascinating insect that has a special relationship with the oleander plant throughout its life stages.

Host Plants and Damages Caused

Oleander Bush

Desert Rose Plants

  • Another common host plant for Polka Dot Wasp Moth is the Desert Rose.
  • Feeding on Desert Rose plants can result in harm to the plant’s shoots and affect their overall health.

Other Plants

  • Polka Dot Wasp Moths can also infest other ornamental plants.
  • Examples include plants in the Caribbean region, where the moth is a significant pest.

Table: Polka Dot Wasp Moth Host Plants and Damages

Host Plant Damage Characteristics
Oleander Bush Skeletonizing feeding Primary host plant
Desert Rose Harm to shoots Popular ornamental plant
Other Plants Varies Found in Caribbean region

Polka Dot Wasp Moth caterpillars can cause extensive damage to various host plants. The caterpillars have urticating hairs, which can cause pain if handled. They are often found in clusters on smooth areas of tree trunks and can be identified by their striking colors and patterns. It is essential to monitor infestations and take appropriate action to protect valuable ornamental plants from harm.

Defense Mechanisms and Mimicry

Mimicry of a Dangerous Wasp

The Polka Dot Wasp Moth, also known as the Oleander Moth, has a remarkable appearance that helps it ward off predators. By mimicking the appearance of a dangerous wasp, it deters potential threats. Some notable features that contribute to this mimicry include:

  • Size: Similar in size to many wasps
  • Colors: Light brown and vibrant orange coloration
  • Antennae: Wasp-like antennae

This nocturnal moth even takes its mimicry a step further with its butterfly-like, transparent wings, which have a wingspan of around 4-5 cm. Although the moth is not actually harmful like a wasp, it successfully tricks predators into thinking it is dangerous.

Toxins and Human Contact

Polka Dot Wasp Moths are known to consume the toxic sap from the Oleander plant during their caterpillar stage. This results in the moth containing cardiac glycosides, which can be toxic to some animals.

While humans are less susceptible to the toxicity of cardiac glycosides, it is still advised to avoid direct contact with the moth. If handling a Polka Dot Wasp Moth is necessary, wearing gloves is recommended to minimize any potential risks.

To summarize the key points:

  • Cardiac glycosides: Present in the moth due to consumption of toxic sap
  • Toxicity: Can be harmful to some animals, but less harmful to humans
  • Safe handling: Use gloves when direct contact is necessary

Here is a comparison between the Polka Dot Wasp Moth and a dangerous wasp:

Feature Polka Dot Wasp Moth Dangerous Wasp
Size Similar Similar
Colors Light brown & orange Varies
Antennae Wasp-like Wasp-like
Wingspan 4-5 cm Varies
Nocturnal Yes No
Harmful to humans Minimal Potentially

Management and Control

Insecticide Options

  • Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
    • A naturally occurring bacterium found in soil
    • Targets caterpillars specifically, with low to no toxicity for beneficial insects or humans
    • Must be applied when caterpillars are young and actively feeding
  • Soap-based insecticides
    • Pesticide soaps act on contact, disrupting insect cell membranes
    • Safest for beneficial insects, pets, and the environment
    • May require multiple applications during infestations

Biological Control Agents

  • Predators
    • Several predators, such as predatory stinks bugs, feed on polka-dot wasp moth caterpillars
    • Encourage their presence by providing suitable habitat and avoiding harmful pesticides
  • Parasitoid Wasps
    • Some small wasp species can parasitize moth larvae, decreasing the pest population
    • Encourage their presence by planting flowers that provide nectar and pollen

Cultural Practices

  • Pruning
    • Remove infested branches and dispose of them properly to prevent the spread of caterpillars
  • Sap Management
    • Avoid over-pruning, which can cause sap oozing and attract moths
    • Use gloves when handling sap-covered branches to protect yourself from potential irritation
  Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Soap-based insecticides Biological Control Cultural Practices
Effectiveness at controlling moths High Moderate Moderate Low
Impact on beneficial insects Low Low None None
Risk of harm to humans Low Low None Low (sap)
Repeated applications needed Yes Yes No No

Remember to keep an eye on your yard and act quickly when you notice any signs of an infestation. Early intervention can make all the difference in keeping your plants healthy and free from Polka Dot Wasp Moths.

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?

Subspecies and Scientific Classification

The Polka Dot Wasp Moth is a fascinating and unique creature. It has three main subspecies:

  • Syntomeida epilais epilais
  • Syntomeida epilais jucundissima
  • Empyreuma pugione

Here’s a brief comparison table of the three subspecies:

Subspecies Features
Syntomeida epilais epilais Aposematic coloration; widespread in Florida
Syntomeida epilais jucundissima Smaller size, more pattern variations, prevalent in Caribbean
Empyreuma pugione Vivid orange and black pattern; mainly found in Mexico

The Polka Dot Wasp Moth is part of the family Erebidae, under the order Lepidoptera. Its scientific classification is as follows:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Insecta
  • Order: Lepidoptera
  • Family: Erebidae
  • Genus: Syntomeida
  • Species: S. epilais

The genus Syntomeida is more commonly known as Wasp Moths. Syntomeida epilais walker is a synonym for the same species, Syntomeida epilais.

Polka Dot Wasp Moths share some characteristics with other common moths but have distinct features as well. Here are some of their unique characteristics:

  • Bright colors, acting as a warning to predators
  • Metallic blue or green patterns on a red or orange background
  • Iridescent blue or green polka dots on black wings

These eye-catching patterns set them apart from other moths and make them easily recognizable in their natural habitats.


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi Dhir

    Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Polka Dot Wasp Moth

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28 Comments. Leave new

  • We discovered this colorful bug in Richmond Hill, Ga on Thanksgiving Day 2009. We’ve never seen such a beautiful bug here in the Coastal Ga before and wondered if it might be poisonous?

  • I have this , they are very pretty when moth comes they never leave my yard and do not live long I enjoy watching from cocoon to caterpillar to moth very interesting . I have a 12 ft oleander tree. they only eat the parts at bottom until there is no leafs left then I will start seeing the moths, when leafs are grown back here they come again.

  • This beautiful Poka Dot Wasp is constantly around the Milkweed plant in my Butterfly Garden in northeast Florida.

  • Several Polka Dot Wasp Moths are seen in my Butterfly Garden.

  • I just photographed one on a palm tree at the Moon Palace Resort in Cancun. Did not know what it was but a google search was successful and led me to this page as well.

  • My husband is allergic to wasps. We have these Polka Dot Wasp Moths since we have a bunch of oleander in our backyard. I was wondering if this Wasp Moth was poisonous and stings like regular wasps??

    • Wasp Moths do not sting. The caterpillars do feed on poisonous oleander leaves and we believe they might retain toxins to help avoid predation, but we cannot confirm that speculation at this time. There is no mention of the caterpillars of the Polka Dot Wasp Moth being poisonous on the otherwise extremely comprehensive account on Featured Creatures.

  • Heather Kuczer
    October 6, 2014 11:28 am

    I just found a polka dot wasp moth. are they rare. can they sting you

  • How do u get rid of them.

  • I just saw one in Tampa, FL. North Tampa, if that helps. It freaked me out.

  • I have these right now! Do they sting? Do they become that wasp? Or are you nominating two bugs?

    • The Oleander Caterpillar is the larval stage of the Polka Dot Wasp Moth, which mimics a wasp but is a moth and does not sting.

  • Brother Lance
    April 26, 2017 11:22 am

    Saw a massive nest of these critters under the over-hang of an abandoned bldg. here in St. Augustine! Actually very beautiful close up with a beautiful blue body & bright red backside! The black wings look as if someone spattered white paint on them. Never seen one before but I am a native New Yorker and there are certainly some ~curious~ creatures down here in ‘Floriduh’ !!

  • Does this polka dot wasp moth bite or sting humans

  • Patty Denniston
    September 14, 2017 11:53 am

    Great site. We just saw one in Ocala, Florida. When i was Young in Miami, Florida, we had a lot of them, but they had red dots on them. Once in awhile they would land on my shoulder or arm and they were just like a butterfly would feel. My husband had never seen one and was surprised that it didn’t sting. Again, Thank you this site

  • This seems to be a site for people who like bugs. We just want to know how to get rid of them! The mud nests of these beautiful creatures fill our portico ceiling and doorway and their cute little wooly worms munch our oleander bush down to bare branches in no time. We’re not really interested in enjoying them as pets but we would like to know if there is an effective way to control them.

  • My daughter took photos of one that visits our flowering lantana. It resides above the porch in a corner overhang of the roof. She said it didn’t seem disturbed at all by her presence and it looks striking against the bright yellow flowers! We have never seen this type moth before. We are in Waycross, GA – an area just north of the Okefenokee Swamp and about an hour west of Jekyll Island.

  • Barbara Johnson
    October 3, 2018 6:08 pm

    Found one of these in my flower garden today. They are absolutely beautiful. Came on this site to find out what they were. It was very informative I look forward to seeing more

  • I have this moth among my succulent plants especially likes the underside of my desert rose plant’s. Will it harm this plant.

  • I am overrun with them in Tallahassee FL- they are making nests all over the front of my house- really nasty black-hairy looking nests. How do you get rid of them for good? I hosed away their nests and sprayed bug spray but they came back full force.

  • My boyhood friend and I found a number of these moths when we were growing up in Miami. we didn’t know what they were, so my pal and I called them “American Butterflies”. We knew as children that they were harmless because we caught a few in our hands and didn’t get stung. Upon moving to Naples Florida I have seen about three of them. It was great to see your name and description of these. I still call them “American Butterflies”.


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