Natural Defenses: Plants That Keep Carpenter Bees Away

folder_openHymenoptera, Insecta
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Carpenter bees are known for their ability to bore into wood, which can cause damage to homes and wooden structures.

While these bees play an important role as pollinators, it’s understandable that homeowners may want to keep them at bay.

Luckily, there are specific plants known to deter carpenter bees, keeping your home and garden safe without harming these crucial pollinators.

In this article, we will explore various plants that repel carpenter bees effectively.

Plants That Repel Carpenter Bees

Understanding Carpenter Bees

Life Cycle and Behavior

Carpenter bees are large, approximately 0.75-1 inch long, with a distinct yellow fuzz on their thorax and a shiny, black abdomen1.

These insects play a crucial role as pollinators, visiting flower blossoms and gathering pollen through a process called “buzz pollination”2.

The life cycle of carpenter bees consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult3.

  • Egg: Female carpenter bees lay their eggs inside wood tunnels that they have excavated.
  • Larva: After hatching, the larva feeds on a stored pollen and nectar mixture provided by the female.
  • Pupa: The larva then pupates within a protective cocoon.
  • Adult: Finally, the adult carpenter bee emerges and starts the process anew.

The key differences between male and female carpenter bees include:

Male Carpenter Bee Female Carpenter Bee
Yellow face Black face
Harmless Stinger (rarely used)

Carpenter Bee Damage

Though beneficial as pollinators, carpenter bees can cause damage to wooden structures such as eaves, decks, and porch rails4.

Female carpenter bees bore near-perfect circular holes, measuring about ½ inch in diameter, to create their nests5.

This can weaken structural integrity over time, especially if the bees continue to use the same nesting area.

Some measures to deter carpenter bees can include:

  • Painting or staining wood surfaces
  • Using hardwood materials instead of softwoods
  • Installing metal or vinyl siding
  • Employing carpenter bee traps or natural repellents

Natural Repellents for Carpenter Bees

Plants That Repel Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees, though important pollinators, can be destructive when they burrow into wood structures such as homes.

One natural way to deter these bees is by planting various types of vegetation around your property.

  • Mint: This aromatic plant has a strong smell that repels many insects, including carpenter bees.
  • Citronella: Known for repelling mosquitoes, citronella also deters carpenter bees with its lemony scent.
  • Eucalyptus: These trees’ oils have insect-repelling properties that help keep carpenter bees at bay.

Choosing plants with strong scents can contribute to discouraging carpenter bees from invading your living spaces while also enhancing the visual appeal of your garden.

Essential Oils

In addition to plants, essential oils can also be an effective natural repellent against carpenter bees. By mixing these oils with water and spraying them around your property, you can create a barrier to deter these pollinators.

  • Lemon: The citrus aroma from lemon essential oil can be offensive to carpenter bees, making it a useful deterrent.
  • Eucalyptus: With its minty scent, eucalyptus essential oil repels various insects, carpenter bees included.

Preventing Carpenter Bee Infestations

Home Maintenance Tips

  • Regularly inspect your home for any signs of carpenter bees, such as tunnels and holes in wooden surfaces.
  • Seal any small cracks, gaps, and entrances with wood putty or caulk to prevent carpenter bees from nesting.

Carpenter bees prefer to bore into untreated or unpainted wood. Protect wooden surfaces by:

  • Applying a coat of paint on wooden structures such as deck railings, siding, and outdoor furniture.
  • Regularly checking and maintaining paint on these surfaces.

Creating an Unfavorable Environment

Carpenter bees dislike:

Consider utilizing the following features:

  • Positioning wind chimes or other noise-making devices near wooden structures
  • Ensuring proper drainage to avoid water accumulation near your home

Comparison of preventive measures:

Technique Pros Cons
Painting Effective in deterring carpenter bees Requires maintenance and repainting
Sealing gaps and cracks Prevents nesting opportunities Time-consuming
Creating vibrations Can repel carpenter bees May be bothersome to some people
Water drainage Helps in overall maintenance of structures Not a direct carpenter bee deterrent

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?


In conclusion, this article has explored the multifaceted nature of carpenter bees, shedding light on their life cycle, the potential damage they can inflict on wooden structures, and the various methods available for deterring them.

Emphasizing environmentally friendly solutions, we’ve delved into the use of repellent plants and essential oils, alongside preventive home maintenance tips and the application of carpenter bee traps and insecticides.

These strategies aim to safeguard our homes while respecting the essential pollinating role of carpenter bees in our ecosystem.


  1. University of Maryland Extension
  2. US Forest Service
  3. MU Extension
  4. NC State Extension Publications
  5. Penn State Extension


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Carpenter Bee

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Ive seen a bee that looks identical to the female of this type of carpenter bee in florida within the last year. I am in ft myers area.

  • I just saw a male exactly like the photo visiting shamrocks blossoms in my yard in Tampa, Florida. I’ve seen the metalic black females for years here. They far outnumber the regular bumble bees in my yard.

  • Michelle Anaya
    February 17, 2020 4:01 pm

    Looks like we’re may have a “nest” in St Pete. They bore holes in a dead branch, and we see the young ones, crawling around, struggling to fly once they get out.


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