Parasite Identification in Stool: Visual Guide with Graphic Pictures

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Parasites in stool can be an unsettling sight, but understanding their origins and effects is crucial for maintaining good health. These tiny organisms can find their way into the gastrointestinal tract and cause a variety of illnesses, ranging from mild discomfort to severe complications.

For example, giardiasis is a diarrheal disease caused by the microscopic parasite Giardia duodenalis, which lives in the intestines and is passed through stool 1. Another example is Strongyloides, a parasitic disease caused by nematodes (roundworms) that enters the body through exposed skin, like bare feet, and is more common in tropical or subtropical climates 2.

Identifying parasites in stool can help prevent the spread of these organisms and aid in proper treatment. This process typically involves a fecal (stool) exam called an ova and parasite test (O&P) that detects the presence of eggs or the parasite itself 3.

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Overview of Parasite in Stool

Common Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal parasites can cause discomfort and health issues in humans. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Protozoa: microscopic single-celled organisms like Entamoeba histolytica
  • Helminths: worm-like parasites such as hookworms and roundworms
  • Ectoparasites: external parasites like ticks and fleas

These parasites are more prevalent in tropical regions and developing countries but can also affect people in the United States.

Symptoms and Signs

Infection with intestinal parasites can lead to various symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gas and bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss

Some people may not show symptoms at all, making it crucial to undergo proper testing.

Causes and Risk Factors

Intestinal parasites can be contracted through:

  • Contaminated food: consuming undercooked meat or unwashed fruits and vegetables
  • Contaminated water: drinking unclean water or swimming in contaminated bodies of water
  • Poor sanitation: living in areas with inadequate waste disposal systems
  • Travel: visiting tropical regions or developing countries

Practicing good hygiene and ensuring proper sanitation can help reduce the risk of contracting intestinal parasites.

Identifying Parasites in Stool

Stool Examination

Stool examination is a common method used by doctors to identify parasites in fecal matter. Some of the entities commonly found in stool include worms, mucus, and organisms causing infections such as ascariasis, pinworms, giardia, and toxoplasmosis. For example, the CDC mentions the diagnosis of Trichomoniasis by detecting trophozoites through a microscopic examination of stool.

Pros of Stool Examination:

  • Non-invasive
  • Direct observation

Cons of Stool Examination:

  • Sensitivity varies
  • Multiple samples may be required for accuracy

Stool Tests

Stool tests are another option for detecting parasites in stool. These tests can be more sensitive and specific compared to direct stool examination. For instance, stool antigen testing is preferred for identifying Giardia infections.

Pros of Stool Tests:

  • Higher sensitivity
  • Can identify specific parasites

Cons of Stool Tests:

  • May require additional laboratory processing
  • Can be more expensive

Here is a comparison table of the two methods:

Stool ExaminationVariesModerate to HighLowNon-invasive
Stool TestsHigherHighModerateNon-invasive

In summary, identifying parasites in stool can be done through stool examination or stool testing. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, with stool tests providing generally higher sensitivity and specificity compared to direct examination.

Symptoms of Parasite Infection

Digestive Symptoms

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Abdominal pain
  • Mucus in stool

Parasites in the intestine can cause various digestive symptoms. For example, giardiasis, a diarrheal disease caused by the microscopic parasite Giardia duodenalis, can lead to nausea, bloating, and abdominal pain. Another common symptom is diarrhea, which is often accompanied by gas and foul-smelling, greasy stools that tend to float.

Systemic Symptoms

  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Dehydration

Apart from digestive issues, parasites can also cause systemic symptoms, impacting overall health and wellbeing. People infected with parasites can experience weight loss due to malabsorption of nutrients. Fatigue is another common symptom, with the severity typically increasing with the number of loose stools per day. Dehydration may also occur, as a result of fluid loss from diarrhea.

Skin Symptoms

  • Itching
  • Rash
  • Anal itching

In some cases, parasitic infections can manifest on the skin, causing irritation or rashes. For instance, people with strongyloidiasis, caused by the roundworm Strongyloides, may experience itchy skin, hives, and anal itching.

Comparison of Symptoms

Abdominal pain✔️ 
Weight loss  
Itching ✔️
Rash ✔️
Anal itching ✔️

Treatment and Medication

Prescribed Medications

Your doctor may prescribe specific medications depending on the type of parasite in your stool:

  • Antibiotics: Common for treating bacterial infections and some parasitic infections such as Giardia duodenalis.
  • Praziquantel: Often used to treat tapeworm infections.
  • Albendazole, Mebendazole, or Ivermectin: Common treatments for helminthic infections like ascarisis, hookworms, and Strongyloides.

It is crucial to follow the exact dosage and duration as directed by your healthcare professional for optimal results and to avoid potential side effects.

Over-the-Counter Treatments

Some general over-the-counter (OTC) treatments may help manage parasitic symptoms. Examples of OTC options include:

  • Anti-diarrheal medications
  • Laxatives
  • Pain relievers to ease discomfort

It is essential to consult your doctor before taking any OTC medication to ensure it’s suitable and won’t interfere with prescribed medications.

Precautions and Warnings

When undergoing treatment for parasites in the stool, keep in mind the following precautions:

  • Ensure proper food and water hygiene to prevent reinfection or worsening symptoms.
  • Stay hydrated to compensate for fluid loss due to diarrhea associated with giardiasis.
  • Do not self-diagnose based on graphic pictures of parasites in stools, as certain medical professionals need to confirm an accurate diagnosis.
  • Remember that some medications can cause side effects in your digestive tract or your urine, so consult your doctor if you have concerns.
  • Get proper rest and support your immune system throughout treatment.
  • Maintain regular follow-up appointments with your doctor to track your progress and adjust treatment if needed.

By staying vigilant and following your prescribed treatment plan, you can successfully treat and prevent recurrent parasitic infections in your stool.

Prevention and Risk Reduction

Personal Hygiene

  • Wash hands frequently, especially after using the toilet and before handling food
  • Avoid contact with contaminated soil, common in poor sanitation areas

Food and Water Safety

  • Cook meat thoroughly to avoid tapeworm infection
  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly
  • Drink bottled water or treat tap water through boiling or filtration

Travel Precautions

In developing countries and subtropical regions, practice the following:

  • Use insect repellent to prevent lice infestation
  • Be cautious about consuming street food
Prevention MeasureDeveloped CountriesDeveloping & Subtropical Countries
Avoiding contaminated soil
Cooking meat thoroughly
Washing fruits & vegetables
Drinking bottled/treated water
Using insect repellent 
Avoiding street food 

Examples of signs and symptoms:

  • Stomach cramps
  • Anemia

Remember to maintain good hygiene, ensure food and water safety, and take precautions when traveling to reduce the risk of parasitic infections.

Complications and Special Populations

Health Complications from Parasites

Parasitic infections can lead to various health complications. Some common issues include:

  • Malnutrition: Parasites can consume essential nutrients, depriving the host of proper nourishment.
  • Vomiting and dehydration: Some parasites can irritate the digestive system, causing vomiting and frequent diarrhea, leading to dehydration.

For example, the parasite Giardia can cause these symptoms, along with stomach cramps and weight loss. In extreme cases, parasites can also affect other organs, like when Schistosomiasis leads to blood in the stool or urine, enlarged liver, and problems passing urine.

Parasite Infections in Children

Children are more susceptible to parasitic infections due to their developing immune systems and increased exposure to contaminated sources. An intestinal worm infection may cause symptoms such as:

  • Insomnia: Sleep disruption due to discomfort and pain.
  • Irritability: Mood changes and increased frustration.
  • Teeth grinding: A nervous habit that can occur during sleep.

Swallowing the microscopic eggs of parasitic worms, like pinworms, can infect children, often due to unsanitary conditions or poor hygiene practices.

Parasites and Pregnancy

Parasitic infections during pregnancy can pose risks to both the mother and the unborn child. Common issues include:

  • Increased risk of complications: Some parasites can lead to anemia, premature birth, or low birth weight.
  • Transmission to the unborn child: Certain parasitic infections, like Toxoplasmosis, can be passed from mother to child, potentially causing severe health issues in the newborn.
ParasiteRisk to MotherRisk to Unborn Child
GiardiaDiarrhea, dehydrationPossibility of transmission (rare)
Toxoplasma gondiiFlu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodesBirth defects, blindness, or intellectual disabilities

It is crucial for pregnant women to take precautions to avoid parasitic infections and seek medical attention if they suspect an infection.


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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32 Comments. Leave new

  • What good are you if you cannot help anyone, AND u don’t even really try or give advice except “go to a doctor”. Don’t u think if we haven’t tried that already and got no kind of help that any of us would be writing you…I have a couple of those “twig” looking things in a bottle and NO One could help me coz they (doctors) didn’t care to try to help either. Doctors do not have much knowledge about parasites. Actually hardly anyone including CDC have much knowledge about creepy critters either. These things are all over me for almost a year and cannot find ANY help.

    • Robin,
      Do not get angry with the editorial staff of What’s That Bug? because you have a bug up your butt and we don’t know what it is. If we are no good to you, please search elsewhere on the internet for the advice you desire. We are being honest. We do not have the necessary credentials to diagnose human parasites, diseases or mysterious things people find when passing feces.

    • It looks like a species of a hair worm. There are different species, but they live in and on people. There are many on YouTube with it too. Do 10 day of Praziquantel, and 10 day Strongid paste or pills together. Then follow up with 5-10 day Albenazole, or Fenbenazole. If Drs won’t give meds, go to Tractor Supply or Horse product selling place of Horse wormers. Look online of mg/ pound to figure how much u need per dose/day. Praziquantel can make u very dizzy and stuff. So don’t drive or anything on it. It’s suppose to do that to kill parasites ok. It will dilate ur pupils too, it’s suppose to do that. Horse medicine will not hurt u at all!! I have taken it before for dewormers, just don’t do more than need ur body weight/ mg. These will also kill any other parasite inside or out u may have, and not know about ok. Trust me please, very experienced in horses and going through something similar to u. Drs, don’t know much about parasites at all or how long to treat. U might have to retreat ur self once a month till gone ok, cuz they take year to grow and u have to break egg cycle of the year ok. So do up to year or til gone before if need too, once a month ok. I hope it helps u, and I will pray for u too. Take Care, from Holly.

    • What’s that bug? The make of the website, not guess what’s in your poop.

      Once you mention medical anything, YOU tie their hands because to stay around, they must stay within their legal and ethical boundaries.

      Have you considered a physician, perhaps an infectious disease or one who specializes in parasites.

      The fact that you went off on the people here got you nothing nor will it ever anywhere. Step back, clear your head and move forward without expecting people to put their everything on the line to deal with a woman who, quite frankly, is acting like she needs an all together different kind of help.

      Through my stomach issues,2 boys each with worms once, I have seen
      a many things that look close to that.

      I am currently seeing an ID dr. He is the 3rd because the first two didn’t help me.

      I very calmly moved on. If your visits went anything like your reaction here, it would be hard to get help.

      I have a pain disease that 75% of drs did not believe existed 22 years ago. Today it is 100% accepted. It was a long road but worth it. I had horrid experiences with some healthcare people but I can say that even though I was, I never talked with someone you just did and especially to people whose hands are tied. There are online places for parasites. There are ways to mail them off. There are answers. Use your energy there. Good luck. I hope you find help and good juju. You need both.

    • What’s that bug? The make of the website, not guess what’s in your poop.

      Once you mention medical anything, YOU tie their hands because to stay around, they must stay within their legal and ethical boundaries.

      Have you considered a physician, perhaps an infectious disease or one who specializes in parasites.

      The fact that you went off on the people here got you nothing nor will it ever anywhere. Step back, clear your head and move forward without expecting people to put their everything on the line to deal with a woman who, quite frankly, is acting like she needs an all together different kind of help.

      Through my stomach issues,2 boys each with worms once, I have seen
      a many things that look close to that.

      I am currently seeing an ID dr. He is the 3rd because the first two didn’t help me.

      I very calmly moved on. If your visits went anything like your reaction here, it would be hard to get help.

      I have a pain disease that 75% of drs did not believe existed 22 years ago. Today it is 100% accepted. It was a long road but worth it. I had horrid experiences with some healthcare people but I can say that even though I was, I never talked with someone you just did and especially to people whose hands are tied. There are online places for parasites. There are ways to mail them off. There are answers. Use your energy there. Good luck. I hope you find help and good juju. You need both.

  • IT does look like a twig. Have you eaten any fruits? Berries etc? Sometimes you can eat a soft piece of twig or grass and not notice it. Go to your doctor and ask for a stool examination for OCP test just to be sure.
    good luck

  • IT does look like a twig. Have you eaten any fruits? Berries etc? Sometimes you can eat a soft piece of twig or grass and not notice it. Go to your doctor and ask for a stool examination for OCP test just to be sure.
    good luck

  • pretty sure those are some kind of peel.. probably peppers, which could explain the discomfort

  • Besides the gross factor, it looks like this person has been eating plums with the skin.

  • Ummm, gross. TMI.

  • Morgellons Disease ?

  • I feel your frustration and everything you said I have experienced myself. There is more to this story but that is another discussion. I have been sick for 7 years and have had my fill of those who claim to know enough to be dangerous but not enough to help anyone. I would appreciate a response like “ I don’t know” but unfortunately these same scholars have opinions that don’t have any place in medicine and if all else fails you may have a referral to a mental health facility for an evaluation because parasites have been eradicated and no one can possibly have parasites if they live in the U.S. !!! Wrong, wrong, wrong! The same ignorant mindset cost a man his life after having an organ transplant in Baltimore, Md. The transplant was a success but he died from a parasite infection from a blood transfusion that was not tested for parasites!! I would say we are far from eradicating parasites and most local health dept’s. will confirm that with the many cases they continue to treat with no end in sight. So the medical community and those dealing with parasite infections have two different opinions, although one is backed up by bonified and proven cases and I couldn’t tell you what the medical community uses to support their opinion and not sure they know! I will make one suggestion only because I have seen parasites similar to the photo you provided and believe it or not it is associated with the liver fluke and they look like grass but they are actually very thin skin like material that is roiled up tightly and appears as a twig or blade of brownish grass like entity. Look up tomato skins rolled up and it will be under liver flukes. I can’t be sure but it is the only thing I can suggest because I have seen some and they are quite unique. I hope it helps and good luck to you in getting well.

    • Oh my god!this has been going on in me too for like 10 yrs but the dictors said i didnt have worms.around that time i got rhis parasite i got exposed to hepatitis c but yet indont have it.the doctor told me that my body was able to fight it off.i wonder if i have liver flukes and how did i get them.i wonder if it was from being exposed to hepatis c

    • Do you have very many friends? You are angry, disrespectfuland ugly to people who at not parisitologists. What are your qualifications for the things, applicable or not to this young woman. Maybe they are tomatoes and maybe she needs to be at the ER. Why do you know so much about your poop.

      All of you examining it are putting yourselves k in far more danger than that parasite probably is.

      The psyche referal might not be a bad idea, not because you are not sick, but because you apparently need to find more healthy activites, literally.

      Much luck. Be kind.

    • Do you have very many friends? You are angry, disrespectfuland ugly to people who at not parisitologists. What are your qualifications for the things, applicable or not to this young woman. Maybe they are tomatoes and maybe she needs to be at the ER. Why do you know so much about your poop.

      All of you examining it are putting yourselves k in far more danger than that parasite probably is.

      The psyche referal might not be a bad idea, not because you are not sick, but because you apparently need to find more healthy activites, literally.

      Much luck. Be kind.

  • I just passed a similar looking “twig” please if you have an answer updates us!

  • Any updates? Mine are identical!!

  • Hello! I have this same Twig like parasite in my stool, but do not have a diagnosis. Does anyone know what it is????

  • Oh man…I had 2 black twig like things in my stool last night.
    I should have saved it. But i didnt. I did take it out of the toilet and it seemed to break apart if I touched it.
    I was very constipated before that. Idk if that had anything to do with it. I live in the suburbs of NY and never been out of the country.

  • Oh man…I had 2 black twig like things in my stool last night.
    I should have saved it. But i didnt. I did take it out of the toilet and it seemed to break apart if I touched it.
    I was very constipated before that. Idk if that had anything to do with it. I live in the suburbs of NY and never been out of the country.

  • I’ve passed something similar today…not anything I’ve eaten recently because I’m on a liquid diet. My curiosity of what it might be brought me online to find this site. I had multiple ones that look like two to three inch hay-like twigs…like horses would eat. I’ve recently been using a liver cleansing tincture, and suspect it may be related to that. I wish everyone success on finding more answers.

    Even though this site doesn’t have answers, I appreciate that it brings people together to comment if they know anything.

  • I’ve passed something similar today…not anything I’ve eaten recently because I’m on a liquid diet. My curiosity of what it might be brought me online to find this site. I had multiple ones that look like two to three inch hay-like twigs…like horses would eat. I’ve recently been using a liver cleansing tincture, and suspect it may be related to that. I wish everyone success on finding more answers.

    Even though this site doesn’t have answers, I appreciate that it brings people together to comment if they know anything.

  • I just had this same issue as well and found these comments. Im not sure what it is but I did read that it can possibly be due to low fiber? God I sure hope that’s it but if it is a worm I hope I can at least lose a few pounds first. Lol. Sorry,just tryin to make light of a icky and scarey situation. I truly hope it’s the fiber and all find their answers.

  • I live in the UK and upon finding one of these things in the toilet after doing a Duncan brought me to this site.
    I’ve recently had to take medication because I found another 1 of these things a couple of months ago and went to my doctor. He gave me a couple of tablets to get shut of worms but I found another about half hour ago which brought me to this site.
    I had a Chinese takeaway a couple of nights ago so wonder if it’s bean shuttes or something or vegetable peel maybe??
    Still no answers yet so I’ll just keep my eye on what comes out of my muddy eye after a Duncan.

  • I live in the UK and upon finding one of these things in the toilet after doing a Duncan brought me to this site.
    I’ve recently had to take medication because I found another 1 of these things a couple of months ago and went to my doctor. He gave me a couple of tablets to get shut of worms but I found another about half hour ago which brought me to this site.
    I had a Chinese takeaway a couple of nights ago so wonder if it’s bean shuttes or something or vegetable peel maybe??
    Still no answers yet so I’ll just keep my eye on what comes out of my muddy eye after a Duncan.

  • I have been dealing with problems for years also. I have been treated many times and after treatment I pass stuff for days, when it finally comes out. I stay blocked and constipated. I pass 7, 10, 12 inches at a time. how can I upload a picture?

  • I have had same issue, also occasional shortness of breath.

  • I have pictures; description and appearance look same. Just received test kit.

  • Hi Everybody

    I am from Switzerland. I have been sick for the last 4 years (after working in Italy on a biological farm the summer before and Eating raw milk and unfortunately raw meat). I had the Incredible luck that I have now a very good MD caring for me. He is a specialist in parasitology. I come from Switzerland.

    Google Dr. Klinghardt: He is very famous and publishes a lot.

    Read this. You have parasites as I have and it is possible to have even the larva stages after years of infection.

    I am very goal-oriented. Find someone with the permission to prescribe the whole bunch of medicines relying upon kinesiology-testing (that’t the only Thing which can Diagnose them, because after years of infection they are everywhere hiding in your Organs, but mostly not obvious or just in some frequency in your belly).

    Don’t do according to my experience and the experience of my MD:
    -Manuel therapies (because they both can spread them through your whole Body!)
    -Clark Therapie (she was a Genius in diagnosing Bugs, but her therapies have never ever helped someone to get healthy according to my MD and he has a lot of People who are infected for 10-20 years and have tried nearly everything)
    -don’t work with People who do not test if their medication can be tolerated by your vital Organs (liver, Pankreas,…), because after killing they have to be removed in short time from the Body!

    Do according to my experience:
    -Find someone who can heal by magic (I found someone and he works with my MD and me for my Health); but it must be someone really talented
    -consider heavy metals, environmental toxics and so on…most People have both (parasites and those toxics).

    That bug in the Picture could be a liver fluke. Flukes are the reason for chronic issues according to Hulda Clark. According to my experience it is true. They look like that if they die ( ). But 95% of MD and most of the ND are not going to take you serious if you tell them. They laugh About that and offer some psycho-pharmaceuticals. Just leave if you meet them.

    I wish you the best

  • Hi Everybody

    I am from Switzerland. I have been sick for the last 4 years (after working in Italy on a biological farm the summer before and Eating raw milk and unfortunately raw meat). I had the Incredible luck that I have now a very good MD caring for me. He is a specialist in parasitology. I come from Switzerland.

    Google Dr. Klinghardt: He is very famous and publishes a lot.

    Read this. You have parasites as I have and it is possible to have even the larva stages after years of infection.

    I am very goal-oriented. Find someone with the permission to prescribe the whole bunch of medicines relying upon kinesiology-testing (that’t the only Thing which can Diagnose them, because after years of infection they are everywhere hiding in your Organs, but mostly not obvious or just in some frequency in your belly).

    Don’t do according to my experience and the experience of my MD:
    -Manuel therapies (because they both can spread them through your whole Body!)
    -Clark Therapie (she was a Genius in diagnosing Bugs, but her therapies have never ever helped someone to get healthy according to my MD and he has a lot of People who are infected for 10-20 years and have tried nearly everything)
    -don’t work with People who do not test if their medication can be tolerated by your vital Organs (liver, Pankreas,…), because after killing they have to be removed in short time from the Body!

    Do according to my experience:
    -Find someone who can heal by magic (I found someone and he works with my MD and me for my Health); but it must be someone really talented
    -consider heavy metals, environmental toxics and so on…most People have both (parasites and those toxics).

    That bug in the Picture could be a liver fluke. Flukes are the reason for chronic issues according to Hulda Clark. According to my experience it is true. They look like that if they die ( ). But 95% of MD and most of the ND are not going to take you serious if you tell them. They laugh About that and offer some psycho-pharmaceuticals. Just leave if you meet them.

    I wish you the best


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