Lace Bugs on Avocado Trees: Effective Control and Prevention Tips

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Lace bugs are a common pest affecting avocado trees, posing a significant threat to their health and productivity. The avocado lace bug (Pseudacysta perseae) specifically targets avocado trees, and has been detected in various regions, including the Caribbean, Mexico, and southeastern United States 1.

These pests can diminish the beauty and overall health of avocado trees. They feed on the plants’ foliage, causing damage and reducing the trees’ ability to produce food 2. As a result, the weakened trees become susceptible to other insects, diseases, and harsh weather conditions, potentially causing serious harm or even death.

Lace Bug Damage on Avocado Trees

Symptoms of Lace Bug Infestation

  • Yellow, stippled leaves
  • Premature leaf drop

Lace bugs on avocado trees are tiny insects that may cause damage to the leaves and fruit. These pests, known as avocado lace bug, primarily feed on the leaves, causing them to become yellow and stippled. Often, infested leaves may drop prematurely, and the overall health of the tree may decline.

Effects on Avocado Yield and Quality

Fruit Effects:

  • Sunburn on some fruits
  • Possible reduction in fruit yield

When avocado trees experience an infestation of lace bugs, the damage to the leaves can lead to a chain reaction impacting the fruit as well. As the leaves fall, the fruit can become exposed to excessive sunlight, resulting in sunburned avocados. Consequently, this may lead to a reduction in both fruit yield and overall quality.

  Lace Bug Infestation Healthy Avocado Tree
Leaf Appearance Yellow, stippled Normal, green
Leaf Drop Premature Seasonal
Fruit Yield Possibly reduced Optimal
Fruit Quality Sunburned High quality

In summary, lace bug damage on avocado trees manifests through yellow, stippled leaves and premature leaf drop, which in turn can result in sunburned fruits and reduced yield. To ensure the health and quality of avocado trees, it is important to prevent and manage lace bug infestations.

Lace Bug Biology and Life Cycle

Eggs and Nymphs

Avocado lace bugs undergo a life cycle consisting of eggs, nymphs, and adults. Female lace bugs insert tiny, oblong eggs in the leaf tissue1. These eggs are covered in dark excrement, helping to protect them.

Nymphs emerge from the eggs and start feeding on the plant’s tissues. This stage consists of several instars that progress as the nymphs grow.

Adult Lace Bugs

Adult lace bugs exhibit a distinct feature: their thorax and wings showcase a “lace-like patterning2. They belong to the insect order Hemiptera, family Tingidae.

Adults continue feeding on plant tissues, impairing the avocado tree’s health. Several generations of lace bugs can occur within a year1, thus monitoring and control are vital.

  • Lace bug life cycle stages:
    • Egg
    • Nymph
    • Adult

Comparison Table

Lace Bug Stage Description
Egg Tiny, oblong eggs inserted into leaf tissue, covered in dark excrement
Nymph Feeds on plant tissues, grows through several instars
Adult Lace-like patterning on thorax and wings, continues feeding on plant tissues

Methods of Pest Control

Natural Enemies and Predators

One effective way to control lace bugs on avocado trees is by introducing their natural enemies and predators, such as parasitic wasps and predatory thrips1. These beneficial insects can help keep the lace bug population in check. For example, at least two species of parasitic wasps can kill avocado lace bug eggs in Florida, such as an unidentified species in the family Mymaridae and an Oligosita sp. (Trichogrammatidae)2.

Preventative Measures

Another essential aspect of controlling lace bugs is adopting preventative measures, such as:

  • Regularly inspecting your avocado trees for signs of infestation.
  • Ensuring proper plant health through adequate water and nutrients, as healthier trees are less susceptible to pests.
  • Pruning infested branches and disposing of them properly to prevent the spread of lace bugs.

Chemical Control

In cases of severe infestations, chemical control methods may be necessary. Common insecticides used against lace bugs include pyrethrin and imidacloprid3. However, it’s crucial to use these chemicals responsibly to avoid causing harm to beneficial insects and the environment. Always follow the label instructions and explore other control methods before resorting to chemical treatments.

Chemical Control Pros Cons
Pyrethrin Fast-acting Can harm non-target organisms
Imidacloprid Systemic (long-lasting) May cause resistance in the pests

It’s important to note that some biological control methods, such as Bacillus thuringiensis and horticultural oils, are not typically used for lace bug control on avocado trees, as they target other pests like thrips and mites4. Please make a comparison table where relevant

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?

Geographical Distribution and Environment

Lace Bugs in California and Florida

The avocado lace bug (Pseudacysta perseae) is found in both California and Florida. In California, its presence is limited to San Diego County, while Florida has observed the bug since 1908.

Other Affected Regions

Outside the United States, the avocado lace bug occurs in the Caribbean, Mexico, and other parts of the southeastern US.

Comparison of Lace Bug Presence:

Region Lace Bug Presence
California Limited to San Diego County
Florida Observed since 1908
Mexico Affected
Caribbean Affected
Southeast Other parts also affected
  • California: Presence limited to San Diego County
  • Florida: Observed since 1908
  • Mexico, Caribbean, Southeast: Affected by the bug

Caring for Avocado Trees during Infestations

Pruning and Management

When dealing with an infestation of avocado lace bugs, it’s essential to properly prune affected avocado trees. Remove infested leaves and branches to prevent the spread of the insects to other parts of the tree. Keep the area surrounding the tree clean, removing any fallen debris.

Benefits of Pruning:

  • Reduces the spread of pests
  • Promotes healthier tree growth

Drawbacks of Pruning:

  • Manual labor-intensive
  • Requires proper care to avoid damaging the tree

Fertilizing and Tree Stress Reduction

Fertilizing and reducing tree stress are crucial components of maintaining healthy avocado trees during an infestation. Well-nourished and less stressed trees are more resistant to pests like lace bugs.

Fertilizers and Nutrient Rations for Avocado Trees:

Nutrient Ratio
Nitrogen 1:1
Phosphorus 1:2
Potassium 1:1

Regularly monitor the trees for signs of stress, such as yellowing leaves, stunted growth, or lack of fruiting. Depending on the stress, you might need to implement measures like adequate watering, proper fertilizing, and a pruning regime.

Methods to Reduce Tree Stress:

  • Proper watering: monitoring soil moisture and ensuring adequate drainage
  • Pest management: identifying and managing pests to avoid further stress on trees
  • Pruning: removing dead or infected branches to promote healthy tree growth


  1. 2 3
  2. 2
  3. Lace Bugs Management Guidelines–UC IPM – UCANR
  4. Control of Lace Bugs on Ornamental Plants – Extension



Lace Bug


Lace Bug




  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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