How to Get Rid of Yellow Sac Spiders: Easy and Effective Tips

folder_openArachnida, Araneae
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Yellow sac spiders are small, agile creatures that can sometimes find their way into our homes. These spiders can be yellow, white, or even greenish, with their legs and upper body being darker than their abdomen. Mainly garden-dwellers during the warm season, they can make their way indoors in the fall, and their bites can cause discomfort when they get trapped against a person’s skin in clothing or bedding source.

Dealing with these unwelcome guests may seem challenging, but there are several methods to effectively manage and prevent their presence. In this article, we will provide practical tips on how to get rid of yellow sac spiders, ensuring a more comfortable living environment. From home maintenance to natural deterrents, these simple steps will help you keep your home spider-free.

Identifying Yellow Sac Spiders


Yellow sac spiders have a distinctive appearance, making them easy to identify. They have two main species in the United States: Cheiracanthium inclusum and Cheiracanthium mildei.


Yellow sac spiders are small to medium-sized spiders, ranging from 1/4 to 3/8 inches in length.


These spiders can vary in color from pale yellow to light green or beige, with a darker colored stripe or line running down their backs.


Yellow sac spiders have eight legs, with the front pair being longer than the rest. This characteristic helps them move quickly and climb efficiently.

United States Species: Cheiracanthium Inclusum and Cheiracanthium Mildei

  • Cheiracanthium Inclusum: Primarily found outdoors in gardens, they often enter homes during autumn. Their egg sacs can be found on the undersides of leaves or other foliage.
  • Cheiracanthium Mildei: Commonly found indoors, especially in corners, behind shelves, and on walls or ceilings. They spin small silken sacs as their resting place.

Comparing the two species:

Feature Cheiracanthium Inclusum Cheiracanthium Mildei
Habitat Outdoors, gardens Indoors, homes
Egg Sac Location Under leaves, foliage Corners, walls, ceilings

Both species are active hunters and don’t rely on webs to catch their prey. As a result, they sometimes bite humans when they become trapped between skin and clothing or bedding.

Yellow Sac Spider Habitats and Behaviors

Indoor Habitats

Yellow sac spiders can be found in various areas of a home, such as:

  • Ceilings, walls, and corners: They are known to spin a silken sac web near corners of ceilings and walls.
  • Attics and basements: They may reside in attics or basements due to the presence of clutter where they can hide.
  • Bed: They may accidentally encounter humans in bed when they become trapped between skin and sheets.

Outdoor Habitats

Yellow sac spiders can also be found in several outdoor areas:

  • Gardens, trees, and woodpiles: Some species choose to deposit their eggs on the undersides of leaves or other foliage.
  • Vegetation: They may reside near vegetation seeking prey or protection.
  • Cold and warm environments: Yellow sac spiders adapt to both cold and warm climates, as they can be found in various regions.

Diet and Prey

Yellow sac spiders have a diverse diet, primarily consisting of:

Prey Hunting Techniques
  • Active hunters: They search for prey instead of capturing it within a web, as mentioned by the College of Agriculture.

Nocturnal Nature

  • Nighttime activity: Yellow sac spiders are primarily nocturnal and are more likely to be encountered during the night when they hunt for prey.

Bite and Venom

Bite Symptoms

Yellow sac spider bites may cause:

  • Initial pain similar to a bee sting
  • Redness and swelling

These spiders usually bite when they get trapped between a person’s skin and clothing or bedding 1.


Yellow sac spider venom is not considered life-threatening. It can cause the following symptoms at the bite site:

  • Pain and redness
  • Swelling and itchiness

Comparison with Brown Recluse Spider Bite

Let’s compare the bites of Yellow sac spiders and Brown recluse spiders:

Feature Yellow Sac Spider Bite Brown Recluse Spider Bite
Pain Moderate Mild to severe
Redness Yes Yes
Swelling Usually Sometimes
Necrosis (tissue damage) Rare Common
Severity of symptoms Less severe More severe
Medical attention requirement Rarely Often

Treatment and Medical Attention

If bitten by a yellow sac spider, you can try the following at home:

  • Clean the bite area with soap and water
  • Apply an ice pack to reduce swelling
  • Use over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications

Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen, such as increased pain or an allergic reaction.

Prevention and Control Methods

Sealing Gaps and Cracks

To prevent yellow sac spiders from entering your home, seal gaps and cracks around doors, windows, and the foundation. Examples of common entry points include:

  • Window frame gaps
  • Door frame gaps
  • Cracks in foundation

Sealing these areas not only helps with spider control but also reduces energy consumption by improving insulation.

Cleaning and Clutter Management

Maintain a clean and clutter-free environment to discourage spider infestations. Regular cleaning activities to consider are:

  • Dusting ceiling corners and walls
  • Vacuuming windowsills and floors
  • Removing leaf piles and old vegetation near the foundation

These cleaning practices also help control other pests like ants and flies.

Pest Control Services

Hire professional pest control services for a comprehensive solution to yellow sac spiders. Professionals can identify risks, apply targeted treatments, and provide recommendations for ongoing prevention.

Natural Remedies and Essential Oils

Yellow sac spiders dislike certain natural scents, such as peppermint oil and vinegar. Make a repellent spray by mixing:

  • 10-15 drops of peppermint oil
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/4 cup of vinegar

Spray the mixture in corners, around windows, and near garbage areas to deter spiders.

Traps and Vacuum Techniques

Use spider traps and vacuum cleaners to capture and remove yellow sac spiders. Place traps in locations where spiders commonly retreat, such as:

  • Ceiling corners
  • Behind furniture
  • Near entry points

Regularly vacuum floors, walls, and ceilings to remove spiders, egg sacs, and webs.

Here’s a comparison of spider control methods:

Control Method Pros Cons
Sealing Gaps and Cracks Deters spider entry, saves energy Requires regular maintenance
Cleaning and Clutter Prevents infestations from multiple pests Time-consuming
Pest Control Service Expert assistance and comprehensive solutions Costly
Natural Remedies & Essential Oils Chemical-free and eco-friendly May require frequent application
Traps and Vacuum Techniques Direct removal of spiders and webs Needs consistent monitoring & work


  1. Spider Management Guidelines–UC IPM




  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Sac Spider

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • I have been bitten many times by these spiders, and each time I react horribly, with blisters, cellulitis, and horrid itching. However, everyone else in my cirlce of knowledge has never reacted that way to any spider bite, and I am sure they have been bitten by these common spiders. Probably I am simply allergic to them I suppose.

  • I received a bite from one of these earlier this month and it hurt for almost an hour requiring ice to alleiviate the pain . Next day seemed okay, just red at the site. However, this (the following) week , a semi hard knot has arisen at the bite site and though tender, it is not painful, just red. We will see what follows!


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