How To Get Rid Of Hair-Like Worms: 4 Tried and Tested Methods

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Did you find a hair-like thing in your bathtub and ran screaming out of there? Don’t worry; we will show you how to get rid of hair like worms easily and why you shouldn’t be bothered about them as much.

Hairlike worms, also known as horsehair worms, are usually found in watery areas, such as rain puddles, ponds, sinks, and bathtubs.

Even though they are harmless to humans, animals, and plants, they can still infest your home or garden.

So, getting rid of them from your surroundings is essential, and in this article, we talk about how to do it.

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How To Get Rid Of Hair Like Worm

What Are Horse Hair Worms?

Horsehair worms, also known as Gordian worms, are as thin as a horse’s hair, and that is the reason behind their strange name.

They have dark brown, yellow, or black bodies stretched up to 3.2 feet (one meter) or more. However, they are only 1/25th to 1/16th inch wide.

Also known as Cabbagehair or Gordiid, these worms are usually spotted in a loose, curled-up shape and can often be found in ponds,and swimming pools near homes.

You can also see them swimming in your sinks, bathtubs, and toilets.

These thread-like creatures are parasitic but do not worry; you aren’t their target. They usually live inside insects like beetles, cockroaches, crickets, grasshoppers, and other arthropods.

Are They Dangerous?

Hairlike worms are internal parasites that can only survive inside insects like grasshoppers, beetles, cockroaches, centipedes, etc.

Thus, they are dangerous to arthropods and other pests because they cramp their body walls before moving on to a new host.

The only way to stop them from reaching the next insect is to kill them, or else they will have it their way!

Do They Bite/Sting?

Horsehair worms are harmless to humans, pets, livestock, and animals and only parasites to insects, such as cockroaches, centipedes, beetles, millipedes, grasshoppers, etc.

For what it’s worth, they benefit humans since they help clear the pests away from homes and gardens.

Do They Have Venom?

These worms are entirely harmless to people, plants, and animals.

They are also quite an uncommon occurrence in your bathtub or sink. So, no, they are not poisonous and, thus, not harmful to you.

However, they are parasitic to a small population of insects. The females lay a string of eggs in the freshwater, which insects eat up unknowingly.

The larvae develop and mature inside the body, and when it comes out of the body wall, it kills the host.

Can They Spread Diseases?

It is uncommon for a creature as thin as a horsehair worm to spread diseases in humans, plants, or animals.

The best they can do is cause discomfort in the human intestinal tract before the acids dissolve them.

However, you must keep the sink, bathtub, toilet, and pet dishes clean with regular rinsing to keep the worm infestation at bay.

Are They Harmful to Humans or Pets?

As discussed above, horsehair worms are too thin or small to harm humans, pets, or plants.

A study explained that if humans swallow horsehair worms, they may suffer from mild intestinal discomfort though it is not dangerous.

There is also no study or case study to prove that horsehair worms cause infection in humans, plants, or animals.

An article published by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information talked about six people in Japan who ingested horsehair worms through a host.

There was no sign of infection, but a few complained about mild discomfort in their stomach. Some also vomited because the worm got stuck in their throat.

Horsehair Worm

How To Get Rid of It?

Horsehair worms are more of a help and less of a nuisance to human beings. However, they may infest your place often, so getting rid of them and keeping your home clean is necessary.

If you are wondering how to get rid of them, check the following pointers.

Rinse them away with water

If you find any species of horsehair worm on the floor, rinse them away with a bucket of water. If you find them in the toilet, remember to flush them thoroughly. If they are wiggling in your sink, turn the tap on and let them ride to the sink pipe.

Don’t let the hosts enter your home

If insects like centipedes, beetles, or cockroaches often infest your home, seal the entry areas, use an insecticide, and if you are killing it, immediately take it out before the juvenile worm comes out.

Install mesh filters

You can also use a mesh filter or screens to keep the worms at bay, especially those who can enter homes or gardens through water pumped out of farm ponds or canals.

Use filters

Ensure you are using filters when using the water for the domestic water system in your area. You can seek help from the local health department for the same.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why are horsehair worms in my house?

Horsehair worms may enter houses through their host. We already know that these parasitic worms lay their eggs in water.
The potential hosts drink this water and unknowingly let the larvae develop in their body cavities. The larvae feed internally on the host and, once developed, get out of it by crushing the body.

What is the treatment for horsehair worms in humans?

The simplest way to get rid of horsehair worms is to routinely rinse the bathroom and places where water accumulates, like a bathtub, toilet, sink, and rain puddles in the garden.
For infections, any mild stomach drug will work, and you might not even need that.

What causes horsehair worms?

Adult horsehair worms lay millions of eggs in water which the arthropods in the water eat up, thus becoming host to the larvae, which come out when matured, crushing the insect’s body.

How long do horsehair worms live?

Once the larvae are out of the host’s body, they continue to live for about 3 to 4 months, after which the typical life cycle of the horsehair worms re-starts.

Can horsehair worms hurt humans?

Horsehair worms are not the parasites of humans and, thus, do not harm them or animals. However, you must ensure that your home is free from horsehair worm infestation to keep the environment clean.

Wrap Up

The best thing about getting rid of hairlike worms is that you can easily remove them from your house. 

Just rinse the infested area with water, and usually, you will be free from the worms; if you have more to add to this article, comment below!


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: hair like worm, Insect Description, remove hair like worm

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100 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Paizly

    Free living soil nematodes are usually very small, typically less than 1 mm in length. This could be a displaced parasitic nematode, but I am inclined to think it may be a juvenile nematomorph (a.k.a. Gordian worm or horsehair worm). As juveniles, nematomorphs are parasites of insects and other arthropods. When mature, they exit their host when the host is in or near water, and they then complete their life cycle as free-living, non-feeding aquatic adults. I have seen several instances, and it is probably not unusual, where one has prematurely left a host that has died (e.g., squished on a sidewalk). If this is a nematomorph, perhaps its host died; maybe you got it with a garden implement. They are fascinating creatures and definitely harmless to humans.

    There are some pictures very similar to yours at:


  • Angela Hottinger
    June 21, 2013 5:35 am

    I was so freaked out when I look down and saw what looked to be a piece of white thread material in my grass, MOVING….WHAT? I yelled to my husband for him to view and see if he knew what this “moving white thread” was. When he said no…my reply was let’s Google it…and here I am. There are horses by my yard, therefore I believe this may just be my answer. I am very relieved to know that they are not harmful to the children or pets, or myself for that matter. Anyway…thank you for your answer it was very useful.

  • I saw an interesting worm in my garden I never saw before. It was as thin as a thread. More than four inches long. It was whitish, greenish, yellowish at the ends, and different dark colours in the middle. It appeared to be dancing. It was up in the air more than inch and twirlling a circular motion with a good half inch radius. It is a cool rainy day here in Southern Ontario. There were quite a number of them. Very interesting.
    I picked one up and I felt like I got a little shock. I do not know if it was my fear or not. I instantly dropped it and then picked it up again and did not feel anything. It coiled up in my hand like a screwed up spring.

    I have been working with soil and gardens for 60 yrs and have never seen this before. Do you know what it is? What do they do?

    • Perhaps one of our readers will have a suggestion as to the identity of your mysterious worms.

      • Charla Tarrant
        September 7, 2023 1:41 am

        Gd morning looking up worms parasites we have them bad and every kind you got on here plus more There’s one eats his tail and another head pops out his side they’re very smart and after 3 days they know routine so if you haven’t killed all you best find another way I’ve been infected for 3 yrs now and my sister this past year it’s awful I’ve found that Wmona mixed with dawn kills but human can’t take and if you take cap of coke put grits baking soda and dash of red jello they runners will take back to queen if they digest first and get to water stomach explode yes it works Now I don’t want to die I want to see my daughter graduate can you help me my name is Charla Tarrant 5013 South point Ridge Rd Hampshire Tennessee 38461 land phone 9318051058 cell is 9312197206

    • I found about 30 of these string like willowy worms in my yard and was very concerned. I live in northern ontario and have had rain for a number of days leaving everything damp and wet. I have never seen anything like this. They are from 2 inches to 5 inches long – some are light coloured and some have both a light colouring and a darkening near the middle to the end. They were on the wet grass waving away and that drew my attention to them. I haven’t found any in the front yard where the sun shines longer, but mostly in the back near the house where the sun takes all day to arrive. I thought that perhaps I hadn’t mowed my lawn soon enough as it had grown a little too long (second cut since the beginning of grass season). Has anyone figured out what these are and if my pets are at risk?

    • did you ever identify this worm? i have them dancing in my backyard and worried about my pets. thank you!!

  • I saw an interesting worm in my garden I never saw before. It was as thin as a thread. More than four inches long. It was whitish, greenish, yellowish at the ends, and different dark colours in the middle. It appeared to be dancing. It was up in the air more than inch and twirlling a circular motion with a good half inch radius. It is a cool rainy day here in Southern Ontario. There were quite a number of them. Very interesting.
    I picked one up and I felt like I got a little shock. I do not know if it was my fear or not. I instantly dropped it and then picked it up again and did not feel anything. It coiled up in my hand like a screwed up spring.

    I have been working with soil and gardens for 60 yrs and have never seen this before. Do you know what it is? What do they do?

  • I should add that the light colour on the ends of the worm I described above, were about 3/4 in long on each end. The dark color was black, dark brown, and I think greenish hue. I do not have a camera to take a picture of it.

  • I have a video of the same described worm of David Pelly. How can I upload it? I think it’s a nemotode, as I sprayed my yard last year for grubs. Is this possible that it could be ?

  • I found a pinkish whitish worm that looks like a peice of string on my pool. it seems to like the water. when its not in water it curls up just like a slinkie toy. when its in water it seems to swim. Does anyone know?

  • Can someone please tell me what the difference is between the look of a baby earthworm thread and a parasite I have a bunch of tiny thread like worms under all of the bricks in my back yard and I am Not sure what they are please help

  • Where are all the bug and worm experts? Don’t universities have such experts? We need to hear from them to solve these mysteries.

    • Peggy Holmes
      March 12, 2016 5:07 pm

      Hello, I just found on of these in my garden. I am taking a master gardener program through the University of California, Davis. If you type in University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, you will find it.
      These are called horsetail worms. They are beneficial to our gardens and fields. They are parasites to grass hopper and other bugs that cause destruction to our plants.

    • Peggy Holmes
      March 12, 2016 5:07 pm

      Hello, I just found on of these in my garden. I am taking a master gardener program through the University of California, Davis. If you type in University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, you will find it.
      These are called horsetail worms. They are beneficial to our gardens and fields. They are parasites to grass hopper and other bugs that cause destruction to our plants.

  • Hi Peggy,

    Good to hear from you. I did a brief search as you stated and I did not find anything re the horsetail worms nor any kind of worms. Perhaps you can post the exact link. Thank you.

  • Hi Peggy,

    Good to hear from you. I did a brief search as you stated and I did not find anything re the horsetail worms nor any kind of worms. Perhaps you can post the exact link. Thank you.

  • John P MacLaughlin
    June 13, 2016 2:12 am

    Hi Folks. I live in Derbyshire, U.K. and have found there thread like worms in my garden. I have noticed them before on my two allotments and now in my back garden. I wonder is there any connection between them and horse manure.?. I have a plentiful supply of well rotted and fresh manure in my 4 large bins I have as compost heaps.. It has been very wet,damp and warm these past few days , and these worms seem to appear when the above conditions are around. They are fascinating to watch. I do not believe they carry any harmful effects to pets or humans. I am open to correction if my thoughts are wrong. Happy gardening folks.

  • Hi John, Good to hear from you and your experience with the thread like worms. Recently I was reading a transcript by Dr. Carey Reams on soil fertility and management. He was talking about worms. He said there are many types of nematodes. Even earthworms are members of the nematode family. What I took away from that information is that those thread like worms are a type of nematode. I doubt if they are harmful.

    But as you say, they are sure interesting to watch. They really do a lot of fancy dancing.

    Like snake charmers make cobra snakes dance.

    A whole bunch of them is like a dance show.

    Here is the transcript I am referring to:

    If you go to the main website

    there are lots of other transcripts and audios which are on human health.

    • These creatures live on and in humans. I live in Florida and they live in my ears on my clothes , sheets everywhere. I have a magnifying glass . When they crawl out my ear I use tape to catch them so I can look at them. Its very disturbing and uncomfortable. All my doctors think Om crazy.

  • Hi John, Good to hear from you and your experience with the thread like worms. Recently I was reading a transcript by Dr. Carey Reams on soil fertility and management. He was talking about worms. He said there are many types of nematodes. Even earthworms are members of the nematode family. What I took away from that information is that those thread like worms are a type of nematode. I doubt if they are harmful.

    But as you say, they are sure interesting to watch. They really do a lot of fancy dancing.

    Like snake charmers make cobra snakes dance.

    A whole bunch of them is like a dance show.

    Here is the transcript I am referring to:

    If you go to the main website

    there are lots of other transcripts and audios which are on human health.

  • I plant in kiddie pools because of gophers. This the first time in 25 years I have found these thread like worms in my gardens and inside my potatoes. I had my soil delivered by a different company this year but used very little in this bed. I wasn’t concerned until I found one inside a healthy looking potato. I have noticed a decrease in the number of earthworms in that bed. Any suggestions?

  • My opinion is that the soil is not as good as you think it is. And the potato looks better than it is. Pests will not attack a healthy plant or any part of it. There is order, purpose and control in Nature. Nature is intelligent design. If your crop is being attacked by pests, it is a sign that your product is not fit for human consumption and nature has sent in her quality control engineers to destroy that product so you will not eat it, to protect your health.

  • So, now how do I fix it? What can I do to fix the problem? I only plant blue potatoes in this bed. Guess I am not buying soil from this company again.

  • 1. I suggest you visit this website and read everything over.

    Then contact them:

    2. And join this discussion group:

    3. This is the moderator of the list:

  • 1. I suggest you visit this website and read everything over.

    Then contact them:

    2. And join this discussion group:

    3. This is the moderator of the list:

  • I also suggest that you read this book:

    Nourishment Home Grown, by A. F. Beddoe.

    You can get a free down load pdf on line.

  • I also suggest that you read this book:

    Nourishment Home Grown, by A. F. Beddoe.

    You can get a free down load pdf on line.

  • Hi , have you looked up Morgellons? You tube has a lot of info on this.

    • I found the exact same thing after combing my hair cleaned the comb and i had it on the sink i thought it look suspicious and took a picture and my head has been itchy i live in Alaska

  • I have been plagued by black household bugs with wings for months now, going on a year. They are like tiny tiny tiny sticks and at their earliest stages, they appear to be tiny black lines, all in a row wherever they are left– on the wall–on a towel—-on a counter top, etc. As they grow their wings develop. But, the wings are there from its early days. As the bug grows it becomes less stick like and more triangular. I have been to numerous doctors, been prescribed meds for scabies, dermatitis, (my favorite, as it means nothing), lice…etc. None of these meds made the bugs go away. As I am small framed and thin, the doctors began to suspect drugs, and began making inquiries of me accordingly. I am not a drug user, at all…bu t profiling me in that way, as I am also a minority, came easily to most of the doctors and nurses who attended me. Exhausted with the fight beaten down and tired, the last doc I saw, after driving 45 minutes to evening urgent care. She diagnosed what I have as a that i had a “spiritual” problem, and needed to find a church to attend! Prior to that I was told that I suffer from delusions of parasitic somethings,….I don’t remember the full name of the diagnosis, but I do remember how crestfallen I was as this was the first in a series of doctors who really took the time to look at the samples—(pulled out of my body and hair, with tweezers). But, he stopped there claiming that what he saw under the microscope were not buts, rather particles of my own skin! With that he refused to examine hair strands or anything further.. I have to say that these black bugs bite me before burrowing, they can also slash at skin so as to create an entry point to burrow. (I know that this is similar to Scabies)….but I also know,…5 scabies treatments later, that it did not deter these black bugs at all. My son also has a good amount in his hair, but nothing on his body. The doctor said that he thought I might be confused. He says that there is no parasite that he knows of that can do all of these things, (burrow, bite, in both hair and body at same time,..etc). So,since the last in a series of doc visits asking for help, I have just been doing my best to learn to live with the black bugs. But, I have to say that my quality of life has suffered significantly. My children are confused and scared, and their lives too, have been so impacted. Please help if anything here sounds like something you can identify. This is NOT all in my head. Of this, I am SURE.

    • Hi Melana
      U r not alone.
      So sorry you’ve been mistreated by doctors. There are 1000s of people that are struggling with this
      ” invisible biting bug”.
      Or actually see the bug or bugs.
      Others describe the ” cut” like you get. I never got that. But I think thrrr t different bugs involved in this mystery.
      Many people are also being dismissed by drs and family and friends.
      Have you been to others web sites that talk about this? Or is this your first web site research ?
      Some people thing it is a bird or rat mite that is causing this problem. Others say morgellons
      Or a combo of both fungus and mites.
      Do you have any water problems around or under your house , or a leaking roof? What about birds nest. You don’t mention anything about that. I just don’t want to repeat what you’ve already read for yourself. I think it’s a combo of mite and fungus.
      There’s is a fungus called sporo schenkii. It’s found in dirt, mulch decaying wood, like under your house wher u might have a leak. Or same with your attic. Or a leak under your sink.
      Sporo schenkii is also found on bushes, trees, bark, birds nest. Mouse or rat nest swamps even cactus!
      Your pets can get it and bring the spores into the house.
      It’s kind of a which came first the chicken or the egg?
      If you got bit by a mite that has this fungus on it, you may get the fungus that way.
      Or if you have the fungus growing somewhere in your house, there are bugs that like to eat it and will go looking for it.
      What your describing almost sounds like a fungus gnat. What does it look like after it is fully formed.
      Are you finding your house has more bugs than normal? More variety than u normal ly find?
      Are you noticing more ” dust” than normal? Tell us more about what your seeing and finding in your home. Do you live near water? Is your house new or old?
      Do you have immune issues ? R u diabetic ?
      Talk to us. Tell us more. Take care.

    • Sharon Bradshaw
      November 7, 2017 1:46 am

      Yes morgellons.u also need to address the mold and dust in ur place. Not saying yr dirty. But mold also callers stinging and biting. Sensations.
      U may have birds nest or birds living in the attic, or tree nearby. Mice can also carry mites. Read the book YEAR OF THE MITE. U will learn a lot Writtten jane Ishka.
      This is different that war on mites.
      It will help to take to tidy up. Get rid of tings that dust and mold spores can land on. Get a GOOD air purifier. That will a lot. Also check / change ur furnace filter. Check the AC FILTERS too. All of those can collect mold. The spores get into the air. Land on ur skin. Get in ur lungs. Can make u very ill.
      Take care.

    • Thank you so much for sharing. You are not alone. I too have felt the same exact way. I have pictures and videos.

    • Have you heard of water fungus..
      You’re not crazy. There are literaly 10s to100s of thousand of people suffering. There is a Facebook group called “Not Mogellons. Water Fungus.” That’s the whole title. May be worth it to check out. Hope you peace and good health

  • Look I have been bit by something and I need to know what it is. it starts as a white round or worm like object. it bores into my skin then turns black. turns into a diamond shape object with black lines. if one of the line come off it grows and turns into a black long oval bug with two feelers on top. I believe that either the bugs are growing out of the feelers or the feeler drops off and turns into another bug. Help.

    • omg I have been having this exact same thing happen to me and two of my sons please help if u find out anything I’m losing it for real ughb

  • Did anyone find relief or a cure? I’ve found the same thing in my home and in my skin. I think its some type if fly larva or beetle. Tried everything .

  • I’m dealing with the exact same thing I’m Texas and everyone thinks I’m crazy!!

    • Stoney Lawson
      August 13, 2022 2:26 pm

      Your not crazy, of course the doctors will say you are.
      Never say the word “Morgellons ” at a doctor’s office…..never.

    • Hi. I’ve been suffering with this exact problem for a year now, and it just gets worse.

      I had people thinking I was crazy but my partner now has them and my boss saw a red sore appear (in real time) on my head when I had an attack. I purchased a microscope and I can see what appear to be mites, potentially demodex. Seeing my GP today (I won’t be brushed off this time) to see what the diagnosis is.

      If anyone has any information please let me know, and of course I’ll do the same.

  • my family lives in north Florida, right at Georgia line. we r having the same problem. Along with a few more odd things that are new to us. An the same thing is going on at my neighbors house, they moved in just after we did. this is all new to us since our families moved here. we are steady trying to find out what they are and what is causing it. we are starting to think it may have something to do with the water. Does anyone else having these problem have well water by chance?

    • Up on a mountain in murphy
      June 14, 2022 6:52 pm

      I also wanted to ask you if you have seen the big plane that flys through our area at least 1 or twice a month ? If so do you know why it flys through here or where it goes to ? There isn’t any airport around here. And it flys super low . Also I was in Cleveland a few days ago and omg the jet trails there were unreal like there were so many that it almost blanked the sky. I have never seen so many . Have you seen that where you are . I haven’t seen them like that here in murphy yet that is .

    • Yes, I have well water and I’m in Ohio. Same problem y’all. Tiny specs first that I’d feel move, then burrowing and biting white ones that look like a shrunken grain of rice, next I started seeing like a long hair that I could see and feel moving under my skin. I’ve also discovered that they are in my digestive tract too. I threw up two different days and in the mucus was long skinny clear threadlike worms. Couldn’t really see them until I poured 91% isopropyl alcohol on them. That must have made them really mad because they started spinning in circles. Everyone here thinks I’m crazy too.

  • I have identical pictures – hundreds of them. I’m in San Antonio TX and had to move out of a house we purchased a year prior. I’m getting closer to finding the answer. Where I am right now based on spending every waking hour trying to figure out what’s making my 4 year old scream in the middle of the night itching, and myself with two years of open wounds that won’t heal until recently – I’m closed in on scalaris which is my current focus, but also eriophyes gall mites and oak tree mites, oak tree midge. With all of these be sure to google the metamorphosis of each and specifically the female form. I’ve learned WAY more about insects than I have ever ever wanted to. You have to identify what it is! Or some the the fixes may make it worse.

  • First it was, and still it is bedbugs, then head lice then and still, scabies and now I am see lint that I think is wrapped around some black bug. Have taken pictures and I am collecting them. Would love to share pictures to help anyone.

    • I have the sane thing.these things use fibers and my quality of life has made me feel crazy and I’m afraid I might give it to someone. the doctors think I’m crazy..

    • Sharon Bradshaw
      February 14, 2020 7:12 pm

      Hi there, so sorry to hear u r struggling with this.
      Hate to freak u out, but u prob have more then one type of bug. Does ur house have mold in it anywhere ? This is one of the many stages of a mold type sickness.
      U r either living with it, in your home, yard or work building or have been bitten by a bug carrying a mold or fungus. Many bugs eat mold. They become attracted to us when we r living in, breathing in mold spores. have U looked at these under a microscope yet? U can get a good one online, for under $30.00. Or there r others U can attach to ur phone, and allows u to take pics.
      Believe or don’t, this is Morgellons.
      Morgellons is a combo of mold, fungus and for many people mites too. Most often bird or rat mites.
      They r tiny. No larger than the period here .
      There is soooo much to say about Morgellons. The first being it is REAL!
      You are NOT DELUSIONAL.
      Those bugs sound like mites. They have tiny little hairs on them. That’s what make u itch. The hairs.
      If u really want to understand the science of MORGELLONS go to FACE BOOK GROUPS BBits a private group , not open to public.
      Also he has a ground for protocol support.
      His protocol works.
      Nothing works fast. Just like u didn’t get this fast, it came on over time. It will leave in time.
      But ur life will become more manageable more tolerable quickly.
      The brain fog calms down, lesions and itch calm down so u can sleep.
      People make the mistake of going off the protocol to soon. They may do ok for a few weeks evrn a month. But then the balance gets off again and mold, morgellons symptoms start up.
      Just follow what he says, talk to others on his groups ask questions.
      I’ve watched his group grow to almost 10,000 people.
      Not just because he a nice guy lol, but because the protocol is getting people well. Word is spreading. Once u read about the protocol, and how it works, what each thing addresses, u will understand more what ur dealing with.
      I’m on there too. It’s the most logical info aboit morgellons and what it is that I’ve found.
      It’s not from chemtrails or ur government trying to control the populations or from Aliens.
      It’s also found in the soil. It’s found in damp places. Like under ur house if u have a water leak, from a pipe. Or even from ur tub. Tubs can leak right where the rein is. They get old and rusty, just takes a tiny pin hole to create a moisture problem.
      If u r a Gardner or forest worker, logger…. u can get it thst way b
      Also read about SPOROTHRIX. another fungus found in soil,trees, bushes. It’s related to morgellons end can also mske u very very sick.
      Doctors don’t know much about it either these days. Used to be common back when we had little farms and supplied our own veggies and livestock.
      Sporo is also called rose handlers disease.
      Drs may not know about it, but they can at least read about it.
      They r very very closely related.
      Sporo doesn’t produce the long HYPHE thst morgellons does tho.
      U can get tested for sporo and treated.
      With an anti fungal and sometimes antibiotics
      Funny. Morgellons and sporo r so close nature. They will recognize one, but not the other.
      Once u find me on FB in his groups, u can contact me on messenger if you would like.
      Your answers and treatment r there.
      They don’t sell anything.
      U can buy what’s used in the protocol at several places. Farm supply store has tye FENBENDAZOLE that treats the parasites and fungus.
      Look for liquid iodine. 46 % u only need one drop with thst one. Or start at 5%. Work up. Slower. Magnesium used is major. It’s helps u get rid of all the parasites and algae, mold, fungus in ur body.

      Go read. See what I think.
      Simple science.

    • Mark, are you still willing to show pictures. I know I am not losing my mind and I need someone to what I am seeing.

    • I would love to see them I have the same problem and my family and friend keep saying it’s lint and they think I’m crazy. I know it’s somethingi feel it crawling on me

  • Catherine Medeiros
    August 18, 2019 3:39 pm

    Omg!i have the exact same thing! Been suffering for years. They are on my skin and sometimes under the surface.and they are also on my clothes mainly around the neck line inside my shirts. The photo is exactly the same as whi have.

  • PSA: This worm is very toxic to humans!!!! It seems to go by various names but the bottom line is that it YES IT IS DANGEROUS! My family and I moved into a home about 8 months ago and one by one we all began to have a variety of symptoms. Symptoms that nightmares are made of. So severe you may think it’s toxic mold or heavy metal poisoning. Some symptoms might vairy in severity just like any other illness. But the symptoms that are consistent in each one of us is alarming enough for me to speak out. I am a very shy individual and have no desire to lead anyone astray. I only want to raise awareness to this issue. Because there is little to no information on the subject. If you Google it, it says it does not have any harmful effects on humans. And that’s if you look up horsehair worms/Gordian worms. If you look up Morgellons or maybe you have heard of it, you will hear it’s not real or a delusion. That was CDC’s first response to what’s going on and now it seems to be related to Lyme disease. But after my entire family has became ill around or near same time, I’m not sure I buy that. Weakness, fatigue, spasms, blurred vision, muscle pain, confusion, depression/anxiety/irritability, itchy skin, rash.and heart palpitations. That’s just the beginning! I have kidney damage, my pregnant daughter is having complications with her pregnancy, another daughter has lung damage, and another daughter is now infertile. All of us have had lung issues, swelling of organs such as kidneys, liver, gallbladder and pancreas. And if all that doesn’t scare you I am certain the other symptoms will. Because not only do you feel like you are going to die you will begin to have very odd symptoms that make you feel like you just might be losing your mind. My spasms turned into what I thought was twitching. Twitching in eye lid,face,legs, feet, arms, and hands. But then you quickly begin to notice that there seems to be something moving under the skin. And through out it all you will probably notice hair loss (lots of it). But then you feel your hair begin to move and it almost seems alive. Upon further inspection you may see what appear to be tiny moving pieces of lint. They are not limited to creating havoc inside our bodies. They cause more issues than a month ever did when it comes to clothing, furniture, curtains,towels,ect. You will notice strings in every piece of fabric in your home starting to unravel. You will see hairballs, dust bunnies, mop strings that also seem to now have life. Talk about questioning your sanity. Can’t really find much information on this issue to say where it came from. Seems to have lots of speculation about being caused by chem trails. I do not know what the truth is when on when or how it originated but I can say with absolute certainty that it can and will make you and your family very ill. It seems to like damp areas. It also can be living in your toilet and the drain traps in your home. Lots of videos on YouTube. You will find more videos for morgellons than horsehair worms. But if you type in horsehair worms in humans as well as morgellons, you will see and hear the exact same stories. They are sometimes hard to spot & they are hard to get rid of (still have them). And to find a doctor that knows anything about this new parasitical infection is to say the least is a challenge. This seems to be a growing health issue and needs awareness brought to the subject. And to anyone having these issues, you are not crazy and you are not alone!

    • Nancy PeaceAnn
      May 30, 2020 10:49 am

      Joi, thanks for sharing your experiences. Parasites are no joke. I looked this up today after spotting a strange thinner than hair filiment type thing waving around in my garden. Probably isn’t what you’re dealing with, but I’m gonna see if I can get a pic and then kill the thing if I can still find it. Good luck to you and your family. <3

    • I have the same thing going on. And it seems to me somebody would want to figure out what they are but I have been through 6 or 8 drs.They act like your crazy. Scoured the internet. Look like horsehair worms to me and my hair is moving on its own and falling out like crazy. Iam immun compromised and also I only have 1 kidney. What ever this is I have tried everything around the house to kill it. Its all over the place. Especially my clothes. Possibly n

  • Morgellons, no doubt.

  • I live in Canada alberta
    I have hundred of tgzm and mt family think i am crazy all but my oldest he has them athis place not sure if he gace them to usbut no one but ke and gim get bit and i feel crazy some time to be always looking and getting bit by them

  • I live in Canada alberta
    I have hundred of tgzm and mt family think i am crazy all but my oldest he has them athis place not sure if he gace them to usbut no one but ke and gim get bit and i feel crazy some time to be always looking and getting bit by them

    • Excuse us?
      We have not idea what you want. We do not recognize the words “tgzm, gace, usbut, ke and gim”.

  • Same same and same. Plenty of pictures. I have lupus and arthritis and a heart condition and the are all over me. Inside and out, my partner and son have it as well but no were near as bad, everyone around me think I’m going crazy and I don’t want to leave the house in case I infect others, I sometimes feel invisible things falling down my skin and when grabbed by a tissue there is nothing there, look thru my phone and bam there it is. Sometimes even feels as tho there are hundreds coming out one after one.

  • michelle purvis miller
    February 13, 2020 2:33 am

    My family has been plagued by seemingly the same thing. These “bugs” look like they hAve hairs all over that seem to move like feelers. My son hAs them all in his hair as do my mom and I. The itch is mom and i both have sores that we pull insects out of. They are on our clothes. I’m our feces even as gross as that sounds! My poor little dog has them on her too. My husband seems the only one not affected by them.i know they are here aNd even I have called my mom crAzy when she told me some of the things I am telling you. They do not seem to die I hAve big bombed my house cooked them sprayed alcohol used live meds also scabies meds all to no avail. This all started when my husband started remodelling our 1960s trailer and shed. We have been told there isn’t anything on us to bring accused of being drug addicts or meth heads I assure u I wish that were the problem as this is horrifying to me I am terrified to even have visitors or leave my house for fear of spreading it. I did hAve a bunch of plants in my yArd last summer that I brought in when it for cold. Also help clean out warehouses and abandoned houses so when told scabies I thought it was possible but these things get bigger than mite and none of the treatments for mites help
    Please help us I can’t get an exterminator because I don’t know what to tell them to kill

    • Hang in there. I am going through the same thing. My kids are miserable and having mental health issues because of it and it stunted my son’s growth. I am going to follow Sharon’s advice above. You should do the same. What ever I have has brought an avalanche of carpet beetles into my home. They are literally eating my hard wood floors. I figured out the mold thing Sharon is talking about and have been cleaning like crazy. I am already on supplements and several really help. Most of my sores are completely gone. I take microb-x and big doses of cinnamon too. Microb-x is just Thyme, Clove, and Oregano. You will be very sick as you start getting rid of all the toxins so don’t give up. Keep at it and you will get better. When I am really sick I do a coffee enima which sounds gross but it is a life saver. REad up on the enimas – they are to help your liver with the toxin build up in your system. I don’t have migrains any more because of them. So lots of ways to feel better! It’s a combination of stuff though. Not just 1 thing – so start the fight now and in 3 months you will be better. And in 6 months you will be alot better – but expect to stay on treatment for atleast a year. My heart hurts for you – I can hear your pain in your message!

    • Bird or rate mites.

    • Sharin Bradshaw
      June 30, 2020 8:57 pm

      This is from mold.
      U have MORGELLONS. Get tested for Lyme. DO NOT HABE WESTERN BLOT TEST DONT. Very fallible test. Some people also have bird and rat mites. Drs will tell u morgellons isn’t real and that these mites can’t live on humans. Or reproduce consuming human blood. They can. Drs just don’t get updates. Morgellons is real. It’s a fungal infection. Ur pets can get it too. To much to type.
      ALSO – tho desperate it seems to be related for some people. Look for bird nest under eaves of ur house, attics too. When birds leave nest, they leave behind thousands of mites. Those mites then go looking for a blood meal.

      R y getting only bites? Or do u have lesions too? Open sores. Also if u have indoor outdoor pets or u r a Gardner, work outdoors, google
      SPOROTHRIX. cats especially. Wiki actually has good info on sporo. Sporo and morgellons r very similar. Drs don’t believe morgellons is real. Don’t bring in ur samples. They will say u have DELUSIONAL PARASITOSIS.
      You don’t. Morgs is real.
      Dewormer, iodine drops red reshi magnesium.

      If u want knowledge and emo support FB has a great group. Morgellons support, AND morgellons protocol support too. These groups r STEVE BEDDINGFIELDS. Once u understand what , it will make sense why. It’s way to much to type here. It’s as fascinating as it is gross, scary, U will learn soooo much about this fungal illness and how to manage / treat it.

  • I have morgellons so bad. Its horrific. I have tonnnssss of gross pictures. Its been taking over my life. But i have found something tjay works . i would love to join the group. Im on fb under Meagan brower

    • Hi Megan. Please find Steve beddingfield face book group.
      Morgellons support science
      This is REAL SCIENCE GOING ON HERE. BIOLOGY. We r our own walk biospheres. Where and how we live has a lot to do with this. moldy homes.
      Weaker Immune systems get it first. That’s why some I’m sane family don’t get symptoms.

    • Sharin Bradshaw
      June 30, 2020 9:02 pm

      HOW R U DOING ? Look up for some reason I can’t text correctly. My cursor won’t go past or delete these last words > Bird or rat mites.

  • Omg I have the same thing and not one Dr is able to figure this out they say it’s in my head for the last for tears I feel like I’m so alone in a dark place and I cant get my life back I’m very scared i know my son has them they are in my hair skin eyes nose clothes food i dont know what to do

  • Have had exactly the same thing i have been using my google lense and ran across you guys this has been driving me crazy please help

  • If anyone has any idea of what pest we have, it could save mine, my dad’s, and my 3 cats lives..
    It is flat black tadpole looking thing that is in our stool.there are so many different stages, at night all our rugs start to have tiny black circle bugs coming out, some are bigger, with a tail. We have a super tiny salt like granule, that is shiny that is on our pillows, bedding, everywhere my cats lay, and I believe it starts the bug. Also on our walls, is a larger oval thing that leaves a wet looking residue and also an indent in our walls …. and hardwood floors, we have had 5 pest control come, no one can identify it. I know this sounds impossible, but it has different colors, some translucent white flat with a triangle shape tail..we are so exhausted mentally and physically, my dad is a war hero, 100 % disabled vet and said he’d go back to Vietnam if he could identify and finally be rid of tbis… I am soo worried we have had every stool sample, all negative, my cats vet 8 times, I lost 47 pounds , have wierd skin lesions, scabby dried ones come out my nose, and when I cough too. Same for my dad. My stool is full of larger oval ones. We clean all day, and then they just appear on our floors and walls again. I will email pics to ANYONE who could please help us. I have gone to the ER 3 times also, and 2 times they’ve sent me to a mental hospital for weeks at a time. So I can’t kill this without a diagnosis. My vet knows my cats are sick and that something is alive in my cats but has never seen anything like it….. I am desperate for answers, since we are all soo sick …..please help!!

    • The wet spots they leave behind, do they sometimes look kinda like blood with spots in it? I’ve seen this too.

  • CarolinaMidtownista
    March 26, 2021 7:39 am

    I have them in my nose. The triangle scablike slug sailboat.. the white wormlike blobs nemotodes have migrated to my eyes. At first I thought it was pin worms or thread worms. Now I’m scared they are gonna get to my brain. I think it may be heart worms. My vector was scabies mites. Also the bottom of my feet and toes have these hair like parasites. When feet get wet they swell and eventually peel. My doc sent me to get a mental health evaluation. The hospital gave me a drug test. I just want to live and keep my eyesight!7

  • Patricia Wehrs
    March 27, 2021 7:05 pm

    I have them as well in morenci,az. Nobody else in the house seems to be bothered by them, actually claiming not to have them at all. They think I’m crazy , they say it’s hairballs or fuzzies off of clothes or rugs. They do burrow, they caused sores , they are in my hair,my nose,my ears, feels like something is in my eyes,on my lashes and eyebrows,I pull them of of and out of my clothing, bedding, even shoe laces. I feel like I’m losing my mind on occasion , I’ve even broke down crying because for some reason nobody else has them or thinks they do. In fact nobody else looks at the pictures I have taken over the years ( hundreds of not thousands) and sees what they think is a bug. I can feel when they move around on me, and I can feel when they drop off,the bigger ones anyways, what’s worse is I also believe they do the same to pets as well. When they get really bad and there’s an overwhelming amount of them, there’s a smell I noticed with my hair, and my cat’s. Even after being washed, conditioned, and combed through with flea combs there was a smell of just recently rancid deli meat slices. The smell didn’t go away with washing, only when most, because I don’t dare say I got them all,of the bugs were out of my hair. I also believe they are only really bad during certain cycles during their lives. They are really bad for a while,then bam it’s as if by magic they are gone,then just as I’m getting used to feeling like a human again they start up again and just as bad as before. Please if anyone else has this same thing going on with them and knows anything about them , please get ahold of me.

    • Hello i have same thing i been dealing with it for 5 years they are real and i say they are only effect to people that have body fill of toxins and bad food health issues and had some kimda trama happen just a few years before hand as well they are passed on my one son girlfrien d at the time and i feel like a piece of crap for calling her crazy and even my own son i believe has a form of them still but he has learned to just do bad drug in place of thinking he crazy and will not talk about it.
      I have learned to find some thing thst will help with the issue of bits crawling and its almost kill a larg part of them if you do it pretty much the way i say.
      I dont say to know if it works but it 100% pet and human safe no chemicals to worry if you having bad hair trouble and feel them then buy baking soda arm and hamer is best not little not get 4 big box or 12 little fridge size one at same time you buy baking soda get apple cider vinegar 4 bottle to a goods 4 lt and them you need eucalyptu oil and clove oil as well as tea tree oil this one is big one and peppermint oil if you can but the main 3 are clove tea tree and eucalyptus
      Ok now this is the part that your family will call u crazy fir but hear me out oh and borax buy 2 to 3 box of borax as well this is need as.well and like i said this ia part you will get judge by family so can do when alone do this alone !!!
      So i been doimg lots of interesting things as to watching thousands of you tube on morgell a to other as to bird mits and other mite but i been trying mix and match thing and this is my go t9 once every few months i do this to sepf daily at first for 2 months i cant remember now its been 2 years that i have had it under control so start by putting baking soda dry all in hair and rub like powder all over face eye lash brown try to get some in ears and nose then work way down to feel you about a box let it stay on you and in hair as long as you can . At that time i mix water half and half apple cider in a spray bottle i like to use hot water then add 1/4 cup borax and some clove and eucalyptus as well peppermint if you have any set aside to cool and desolve the borax tywn por in spray bottle make 1 lt mic or better.
      Its not a great smell nut you will not care as it helps and it sdoes take out any old.order you have. So now it get this jumper i call them jumper so to start to get to the nest in your couch bed clothes you are going to take bakimg soda thats why souch pit full on bed this you can say it to clean it its commercial 101 use for baking and all well you are still covered head to toe in bakimg soda i put hate on and every time i feel.something on face i put mire dry baking soda on face arms ect so now we have bed cove in soda and take your laundry bedding to wash take 1/4 cup baking sodaa and 1/4 cup borax in hot or as hot as u can as well i had to change laundry soaps from gain to armand hamer or purex only low spelling as its the smell they love so no more nice bounce ect by the cheap plain bounce u can as sheet wash and the bedroom bed floor any carpet even your pillow cover with baking soda for min 1 hour then get a new shop vac that you buy bags for the med one cant keep bag after you are done and the bags a big must as it contains the jumper as i believe the baking soda just put them in a zombie state so this is why you need new bad and then place vacume in a place that is in full away from.your main cleaning or.your mail house if u in shed or garage so know we have are room but the jumper what they dig and hide in are.clothes as are self
      So snow we have d9ne bed carpet ect we are still all.covered in bakimg soda and if its add more as this part u dont want to be attacks by the next you are about to attack so i put hair in hat and even gloves and shoe ling sleeve and paints .
      Ready now start in your closet with far end ajd from top to bottom spray everything in a good mist of mic tou dont have to make it weat just make sure you have a good.mist to have gotten on everythin then work wat out get to door spray door both side if you have cork bords up toss out now they love to nest in that shit as well as.foam floor matts and now that yo7 are 8n room staer with high all round and work you way to floor spay bed ect every let it sit on for day or so then vacume so you repeat in every room you can do it day bu day room by room but the faster you do the lest time.yu will have to keep doing self in baking soda as to you now its been 3 to 4 hour yep that long baking soda will jot hurt you at all i now even take a 1/4 tsp dail with water feel like ut has helped me kill the one in side me
      And grab that bottle of apple cider vinegar now and i tub but if you do then add the bottle.or 2 to water and soak for 30 min if dont bath now you take bittle and pug sink in washroom.add mire hot water and gran cloth start to take cloth loaded full dont.ring out and start to put on hair get it wet and then reapt working.down body now thats done jump in shower wash off and atart to use a shamoo for dandruff narizol i use or head and shoulders peppermint
      And for body wash i niw use irish spring or use a coconut with peperpmint or tea tree one they hate that smell wash dry and untill you can get a good 2 weeks in and every room and all laundry done in that Apple cider and borax as well was down floor and house.with borax and aple cider vinegar and then sprinkle the oil all over house
      It will take a good week to see a big impact but even first time u do you will feel really good and you will stop them from becomimg.big and only small one will come and it become less and less to your self and people stop looking at you crazy

    • Hello i have same thing i been dealing with it for 5 years they are real and i say they are only effect to people that have body fill of toxins and bad food health issues and had some kimda trama happen just a few years before hand as well they are passed on my one son girlfrien d at the time and i feel like a piece of crap for calling her crazy and even my own son i believe has a form of them still but he has learned to just do bad drug in place of thinking he crazy and will not talk about it.
      I have learned to find some thing thst will help with the issue of bits crawling and its almost kill a larg part of them if you do it pretty much the way i say.
      I dont say to know if it works but it 100% pet and human safe no chemicals to worry if you having bad hair trouble and feel them then buy baking soda arm and hamer is best not little not get 4 big box or 12 little fridge size one at same time you buy baking soda get apple cider vinegar 4 bottle to a goods 4 lt and them you need eucalyptu oil and clove oil as well as tea tree oil this one is big one and peppermint oil if you can but the main 3 are clove tea tree and eucalyptus
      Ok now this is the part that your family will call u crazy fir but hear me out oh and borax buy 2 to 3 box of borax as well this is need as.well and like i said this ia part you will get judge by family so can do when alone do this alone !!!
      So i been doimg lots of interesting things as to watching thousands of you tube on morgell a to other as to bird mits and other mite but i been trying mix and match thing and this is my go t9 once every few months i do this to sepf daily at first for 2 months i cant remember now its been 2 years that i have had it under control so start by putting baking soda dry all in hair and rub like powder all over face eye lash brown try to get some in ears and nose then work way down to feel you about a box let it stay on you and in hair as long as you can . At that time i mix water half and half apple cider in a spray bottle i like to use hot water then add 1/4 cup borax and some clove and eucalyptus as well peppermint if you have any set aside to cool and desolve the borax tywn por in spray bottle make 1 lt mic or better.
      Its not a great smell nut you will not care as it helps and it sdoes take out any old.order you have. So now it get this jumper i call them jumper so to start to get to the nest in your couch bed clothes you are going to take bakimg soda thats why souch pit full on bed this you can say it to clean it its commercial 101 use for baking and all well you are still covered head to toe in bakimg soda i put hate on and every time i feel.something on face i put mire dry baking soda on face arms ect so now we have bed cove in soda and take your laundry bedding to wash take 1/4 cup baking sodaa and 1/4 cup borax in hot or as hot as u can as well i had to change laundry soaps from gain to armand hamer or purex only low spelling as its the smell they love so no more nice bounce ect by the cheap plain bounce u can as sheet wash and the bedroom bed floor any carpet even your pillow cover with baking soda for min 1 hour then get a new shop vac that you buy bags for the med one cant keep bag after you are done and the bags a big must as it contains the jumper as i believe the baking soda just put them in a zombie state so this is why you need new bad and then place vacume in a place that is in full away from.your main cleaning or.your mail house if u in shed or garage so know we have are room but the jumper what they dig and hide in are.clothes as are self
      So snow we have d9ne bed carpet ect we are still all.covered in bakimg soda and if its add more as this part u dont want to be attacks by the next you are about to attack so i put hair in hat and even gloves and shoe ling sleeve and paints .
      Ready now start in your closet with far end ajd from top to bottom spray everything in a good mist of mic tou dont have to make it weat just make sure you have a good.mist to have gotten on everythin then work wat out get to door spray door both side if you have cork bords up toss out now they love to nest in that shit as well as.foam floor matts and now that yo7 are 8n room staer with high all round and work you way to floor spay bed ect every let it sit on for day or so then vacume so you repeat in every room you can do it day bu day room by room but the faster you do the lest time.yu will have to keep doing self in baking soda as to you now its been 3 to 4 hour yep that long baking soda will jot hurt you at all i now even take a 1/4 tsp dail with water feel like ut has helped me kill the one in side me
      And grab that bottle of apple cider vinegar now and i tub but if you do then add the bottle.or 2 to water and soak for 30 min if dont bath now you take bittle and pug sink in washroom.add mire hot water and gran cloth start to take cloth loaded full dont.ring out and start to put on hair get it wet and then reapt working.down body now thats done jump in shower wash off and atart to use a shamoo for dandruff narizol i use or head and shoulders peppermint
      And for body wash i niw use irish spring or use a coconut with peperpmint or tea tree one they hate that smell wash dry and untill you can get a good 2 weeks in and every room and all laundry done in that Apple cider and borax as well was down floor and house.with borax and aple cider vinegar and then sprinkle the oil all over house
      It will take a good week to see a big impact but even first time u do you will feel really good and you will stop them from becomimg.big and only small one will come and it become less and less to your self and people stop looking at you crazy

    • I as well have the exact symptoms,I feel like something is falling in my eyes, my hair is falling out,I look at everything I put on,the cat even looks before she sits down, I feel little stingers that poke up from my skin. My doctor also recommended that I stay off drugs. I qas so offended,after 10 years I changed doctors,my kids laughed at me like I’m crazy.all I know is that what ever this is,has invaded my body.there has to be an explanation,it’s almost as if doctors know but won’t tell you or can’t live in ohio,and have delt with this for 2an half years,all I know is that we have to keep searching to find answers.

    • Hi Patricia, I also am suffering from whatever this is & it’s HORRIFIC!! WHEN U mentioned the smell part I wanted to cry bc now I know I’m not the only 1 dealing with this TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE SMELL!! ???????????? IT’S SOOOOO BAD…How did u get them out of ur hair? It seems like everyone I wash my hair it gets worse?!!? If u would/want to pls give me a call. 850-four nine one-2664. Thanks, Tiffany

    • I have been going through the same thing for two years now, I get the same thing, being dismissed by doctors, I finally went to uconn determology with my samples. I’m waiting to hear something. Good luck to you. And…I believe you…

    • You are not alone. They all thought I was crazy. On drugs. Hallucinating. My own family. I’ve also done all the things you have. And I can’t get answers because apparently “nobody sees what I see’ but I’m going to an infectious disease Dr soon. I will not stop pushing till I have answers. I almost died from this. Hell if I let it win.

  • This all sounds too familiar. Are we living a nightmare or is there actual hope for some scientist(s) to step up to the plate and finally acknowledge that this is real with emperical evidence to back it up? Been there, done that with 8 doctors and 3 ER/hospitals. If it’s not body mites or scabies they won’t treat it, much less acknowledge you. I even had one ER doc tell me that I should consult a pest control company, that perhaps they can help me. At first I thought she was kidding but I soon realized she was not. I then told her “what am I supposed to do? Have the pest control tech spray chemicals on my body and head?!” She them gave me a look like I was mentally ill or on drugs. Neither of which I am, suffice to say. With all the exams I received, I was never physically touched/examined nor were the specimens I brought in ever examined or analyzed. Sent pics to CDC, Dept of Agriculture, US Forestry, Dept of Interior, anyone and everyone. I was desperate at this point, being shunned and shut down for over a year of dealing with this infestation that grows worse in each passing moment. Finally I got a response from the least likely of places – a biologist and bug specialist from CalFire. She told me this is right up her alley as this is what she does for a living. She has compassion for me and is determined to find out what is happening with me and will see it through to the end with a full diagnosis. Apparently I am not the only one she reached out to. There are countless others up and down my state of California whom are also afflicted with the very same thing. Same symptoms, same type of bugs, etc. What started as a little incident a year and a half ago had now blown into a major infestation in my body. They are under my skin, my scalp, in my hair, my eyes, my ears, my sinuses, my stool, everywhere. It’s like they are obligate parasites. They burrow under the skin, create a cocoon, lay their eggs and become a host. Once the eggs hatch they consume the host’s body and burrow their way to the surface of your skin. Some have wings and will fly away while others will burrow back into you and start the process all over again. Thus the periods of activity and dormancy which wreck havoc on your body (physically) and your mind (mentally). There is one thing that they absolutely do not like – 100% pure essential oils. God put them there for us to use and use them I do. It seems to be the only thing that keeps them at bay and can actually kill them if you are diligent in their use. I also advise to shave your head and keep it shaven if you have them in your hair and scalp. It is the only way to get them under control. Showering everyday using a loofa on your skin and a scalp scrub for your scalp will greatly reduce their numbers and to help you rid yourself of these pesky pests. Also you must include a daily regimen of your home environment being dust free – air cleaners with hepa filters are great for this. Mind you, vacuuming up to 3x a day is involved as well as washing all your clothes in hot water with a sanitizer as opposed to bleach is imperative. All bedsheets, blankets, bedding, and towels should also be washed in hot water with bleach. All washed items should be dried on hot setting. Spraying floors, furniture, fixtures, carpets, and drapery with a bleach solution or lysol disinfectant spray will kill them on contact. If you have a sensitivity to bleach or phenols and cannot use these products, this is where the essential oils come in. Peppermint oil is a disinfectant and a cooling agent (they don’t like the cold). Tea tree oil is an anti-fungal and a anti-microbial. Clove oil and cinnamon oil are potent eugenols, with clove being the most potent. Even more so that bulbs of the chrysanthemum flower. Eugenols kill by penetrating the exoskeleton and extract all the moisture from their bodies rendering them dead by dehydration. Cinnamon does the same to lesser effect but it also burns them. You may need to experiment with the different strengths and combinations to find the best formula that works for you. 100% pure essential oils must always be diluted and never applied or ingested full strength. There are also different formulations for topical and ingestion applications. Be sure to consult an herbologist or essential oil specialist before experimenting or using these oils. Usually the place such as a health food store or essential oil dispensary has a specialist on the premises to consult. They may even have a book in the shop in which you can look up different oils, their uses, and the proper ratios in which to use them combined with other oils, water,etc. If these options are not available to you, do your research on the internet. There is a lot of valuable info in oil uses and you will find that some manufacturers such as DoTerra will actually give you a free consult and are more then willing to help you find the right solution that works for you. At any rate, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT TREAT YOURSELF,PETS,YOUR HOUSE, OR ANYTHING WITHOUT FIRST CONSULTING WITH AN EXPERT AND ESSENTIAL OIL DICTIONARY!! You can seriously hurt yourself and others if you don’t know what you are doing, are unsure of the applications, or just need clarification. I still consult with a expert everyone and then. Better safe then sorry. Heed the warning labels on use, ask questions, ask questions, ask question. Knowledge is power in this case. There are a lot of good shampoos, conditioners, soaps, and body washes with these oils in them. Again, compare and consult. Do your homework. You will be far better off and can eradicate symptoms and critters in far less time if you do so. Dilligence is the key.

  • Are these dust-bunnies a real living entitie? Are they what is plauggeing my cat ? I almost lost her twice 2 weeks ago from breathing problems, the vet said she. has/had a lung infection.she stopped breathing twice on means make noises when she breaths when ?sleeps

  • I live in northern Ontario and have a summer camp on the shore of Lake superior. My cottage is all wood. The other night I looked up on the ceiling of the loft and thought I saw a spiderweb hanging. I threw a couple of things at it and did contact but it didn’t come down. It appeared to be stretching and then coiling up at one end and it was definitely moving of its own accord It was white thread like about four or 5 inches long. I finally got the broom and got it down and it was moving on the broom. So I got a Kleenex to take it off the broom and discard it and I did get a shock when I picked it up through the Kleenex! It looked very much like the picture submitted by Paizly.

  • I have this also itching to death I have demodex bad and my bed keeps getting these tiny black things I use a scope and its always a black balled up piece of string or so it seems

  • Michael P Cincinnati
    November 16, 2021 2:28 pm

    Oh I forgot to add I have tons of photos .I also have these sores with a white tiny thread like thing that curls around in circles.They say have no sugar that is impossible for me I eat nothing but sugar.I had ivermectin and alb4ndaloze no luck

  • I am in Indiana and have been suffering with the same thing as mentioned above for three months. Has anyone made a breakthrough or figured this out? Please message me, I am getting desperate. My three year old daughter is suffering as well now. Before all of this, completely healthy. Now she is waking up crying from itchy feet, belly button pain and recently had a seizure.

  • Someone please help me I’m dealing
    With this all alone my dog and I. I can’t do this anymore

  • I was digging in clay soil today and saw what looked like a piece of fine white thread between 2 chunks of clay. I picked up the chunks and the thread started moving strangely, wriggling into the clay. I took some photos & a video which I posted on Twitter. The photos are in the thread under the video:

  • Been dealing with this for over a year now it’s taken my life from me I have shaved my head 2 times I have tried every home remedie there is has anyone found any long term relief from this please help I would try anything to get a little of me back

  • I have noticed Sulfur8 shampoo helps. I wash my hair in that and scrub every inch of my scalp several times then leave that shampoo on my hair for a good 10-15 mins. No conditioner except once a week. I’ll use sulfur8 conditioner, get a fine tooth comb and while conditioner is in my hair, I comb through it several times. Blow dry it very good, hot as possible. I’ve been washing everything with way more Borax than needed plus bleach and arm & hammer laundry detergent, I wash smaller loads usually 3 times as hot as possible then dry them 3 times. Before I even consider them clean. Once a week I pour baking soda on my mattresses, leave it a good 5 hours, vacuum it, then spray the heck out of it with vinegar. Windex seems to kill the ones that bite. I also saturate my body in that brown listerine, hop in a hot hot shower and wash my entire body and face with Sulfur8 shampoo, then I soak in a baking soda and epsom salt, hot bath for 30mins. This is exhausting. I still have the problem..but it is better. My hair doesn’t seem to be falling out as badly. Make sure to bathe in this everyday. They love make up…don’t wear it. Don’t mask the sulfur8 smell with anything, no perfume, lotion, nothing. Lastly the tanning bed, keeping my bowels cleaned out and a pin worm treatment seemed to help tremendously as well…but don’t put tanning stuff on your skin or anything greasy or oily. I’m still searching for the long term cure myself. If anyone knows anything, please let me know. 3 years of this and I’m not myself anymore. I don’t care about my appearance like I use to, stay tired all the time & just mentally exhausted from this God Forsaken thing

  • I have the same thing and it’s been horrific. Please please someone help identify this monster. It gets into my clothes and is often surrounded by fiber or hairs

  • Chadwick James
    November 8, 2022 1:12 pm

    I have also been suffering from this diabolical parasitic/fungal disease for 1 year now. Does anyone know of any websites where there is any more information on what appears to be Morgellons disease or some kind of parasite or fungus. Has anyone out there gotten an official diagnosis? This is starting to look like a bio weapon. Please contact me me with any new information and anything that has helped slow or stop the symptoms. God help us all, CJ
    6084087717, text or call anytime

  • Hi, I don’t really know who I am responding to but all I KNOW FOR SURE Is I have some kind of infestation…at first I thought it was cat hair since I have 4 inside cats and 3 are long haired.
    It seems whatever it is has many stages…they are usually in some type of pod or cocoon and if I smash it, their is a very thin hair like work that comes out as well as what appears to be black little bugs.
    They are coming out my eyes, ears and skin as well as driving one of my cats insane, as well as myself….they never go away and they live in line and inside. Mee…I blow my nose and it looks like a big mucus but I press on it and the hair and the bugs start moving. Also, they seem to be taking over my hair…I can literally pull out a few strands and throw them in the sink and they start moving…

  • Me to please

  • Did anyone ever find out what this tiny parasitic worm is that is living outside of our homes as well as inside moving around “dancing” freely, and it can cause infestation in people/pets? I’m asking because I have been very sick from this, and several doctors I’ve seen are stumped on giving a legit diagnosis. I originally thought maybe some type of opportunistic fungi/mold, but I am thinking because of the severity of all my symptoms that this is a parasitic infection. Anyone with info as far as identifying what this thing is please contact me. Thanks K


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