Cottonwood borers are a common pest that can cause significant damage to trees such as cottonwood, poplar, and willow. These large black and white longhorned beetles lay their eggs at the base of host plants, and when the larvae hatch, they tunnel around the crown and buttress roots of the trees, causing serious harm.
Getting rid of cottonwood borers is crucial for the health and longevity of your trees. In this article, we’ll discuss methods to control and prevent these pests, ensuring your trees remain vigorous and pest-free. Stay tuned for practical tips and solutions to tackle this gardening challenge.
Understanding Cottonwood Borer
Life Cycle
The cottonwood borer (Plectrodera scalator) is a member of the longhorned beetle family, Cerambycidae. Its life cycle consists of four stages:
- Eggs: Females lay eggs in niches they cut into the bark at the tree base.
- Larvae: Creamy white grub-like larvae tunnel around the crown and roots.
- Pupa: The larva develops into a pupa inside the tree.
- Adult: Mature beetles emerge in late spring or early summer.
Cottonwood borers mainly infest cottonwood, poplar, and willow trees. Their feeding and tunneling activity usually occurs at or below the soil line.
Physical Characteristics
Here are some physical characteristics of the cottonwood borer:
- Size: Adults typically measure 1.25 to 1.5 inches in length.
- Color: They have a distinctive black and white pattern on their bodies.
- Antennae: Long, black antennae are a notable feature of this beetle.
Comparison Table: Cottonwood Borer vs. Other Longhorned Beetles
Feature | Cottonwood Borer (Plectrodera scalator) | Locust Borer (Megacyllene robiniae) | Red-Headed Ash Borer (Neoclytus acuminatus) |
Length | 1.25 – 1.5 inches | 0.75 – 1 inch | 0.5 – 0.75 inch |
Primary Color | Black and white | Black and yellow | Reddish-brown |
Key Host Trees | Cottonwood, poplar, willow | Black locust | Ash, oak, hickory |
Antennae Length | Nearly as long as body | Body length | Shorter than body length |
Larval Appearance | Creamy white, grub-like | White, legless | Creamy white, cylindrical |
Pros of the cottonwood borer:
- Occupies a specific ecological niche within its host trees.
Cons of the cottonwood borer:
- Weakens and damages the structural integrity of the host trees.
- Can cause decline or death of young or infested trees.
Identifying Infestations
Signs of Infestation
One common sign of a cottonwood borer infestation is the presence of frass, a mixture of chewed wood and insect excrement, around the base of the tree or near trunk and branches. Adult borers may leave tiny holes on the trunks and branches, while larvae can create galleries or tunnels within the tree, weakening its structure.
Flagging, or wilting of leaves, is another sign of a potential infestation as it indicates the disruption of water and nutrient transportation within the tree due to larvae damage.
Commonly Affected Trees
Cottonwood borers often target trees like:
Here’s a comparison table of the trees affected by cottonwood borers:
Tree Type | Susceptibility to Infestation | Additional Info |
Cottonwood | High | Most commonly targeted by cottonwood borers |
Poplar | Moderate | Second most common target |
Willow | Moderate | Less susceptible than cottonwood & poplar |
To prevent infestations, adopt proper tree care practices like regular pruning, watering, and mulching. Keeping trees healthy minimizes the chances of cottonwood borer infestations.
Effective Treatment Methods
Chemical Treatments
There are a few insecticides that can help treat cottonwood borer infestations. Two common examples are:
These insecticides are available as contact insecticides and systemic insecticides. Contact insecticides kill borers on contact, while systemic insecticides are absorbed by the plant and kill borers when they eat the plant tissue.
- Effective in reducing borer populations
- Can protect valuable landscape trees
- May harm non-target organisms
- May require multiple applications
Comparison table:
Insecticide | Type | Pros | Cons |
Permethrin | Contact | Rapidly kills borers on contact | May harm beneficial insects |
Carbaryl | Contact/Systemic | Can protect trees for up to a year | May require multiple applications |
Cultural Practices
Cultural practices involve non-chemical methods to prevent and manage cottonwood borer infestations. Some examples include:
- Protect young tree trunks with physical barriers like tree wraps, which can help to prevent egg-laying
- Prune and remove infested branches to reduce borer populations and prevent the spread of infestations
- Encourage natural predators such as birds, which can feed on adult cottonwood borers
- Burn infested wood to destroy larvae and prevent further infestations of wood borers
These practices, when combined with attentive monitoring and timely treatments, can help to keep borers in check and maintain the health of your trees.
Prevention and Maintenance
Proper Fertilization and Watering
A healthy tree is more resistant to pests like the cottonwood borer. To maintain healthy trees:
- Apply the right amount of fertilizer to support tree growth.
- Provide supplemental water during dry periods.
For example, a 10-10-10 fertilizer can promote robust tree health, making it less susceptible to infestation.
Pruning and Mulching
Regular pruning and mulching can further deter cottonwood borers:
- Prune dead or damaged branches to reduce egg-laying sites.
- Apply mulch around the tree base to retain moisture.
Following these practices, you can minimize the risk of cottonwood borers infesting your trees and keep them healthy and vibrant.
Prevention Method | Pros | Cons |
Proper fertilization | Supports healthy tree growth | Needs regular upkeep |
Supplemental watering | Prevents tree stress | Must monitor droughts |
Pruning | Reduces egg-laying sites | Requires proper skills |
Mulching | Retains moisture | Needs regular upkeep |
Bug Control Recommendation Tool
Cottonwood Borer Distribution
North America
Cottonwood borers are found throughout North America, primarily infesting cottonwood, poplar, and willow trees1. These insects are common in areas where their host trees grow and can cause significant damage to young trees2.
Key Features:
- Infest cottonwood, poplar, and willow trees
- Widely distributed in North America
Rocky Mountains
The Rocky Mountains region also has a presence of cottonwood borers, due to its suitable habitat for cottonwood trees. These trees provide shade and produce yellow flowers, attracting the borers3. In this region, borers can be a notable concern for various tree species.
Examples of Trees at Risk:
- Cottonwood
- Poplar
- Willow
Table 1: Comparison of Trees Susceptible to Cottonwood Borer Infestation
Tree Species | Native to Rocky Mountains | Provides Shade | Yellow Flowers |
Cottonwood | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Poplar | Yes | Yes | No |
Willow | Yes | Yes | No |
Additional Tips for Dealing with Tree Borers
Identifying Other Tree Borers
There are various types of tree borers that can infest your trees, such as bark beetles, longhorn beetles, and wood-boring beetles1. When dealing with an infestation, it’s essential to identify the specific type of tree borer you’re dealing with. Here are some common examples of tree borers:
- Bark Beetles: Holes as thick as a pencil lead along the main trunk and major limbs2.
- Longhorn Beetles: Adult borers are conspicuously colored black and white, measuring 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches3.
- Wood-Boring Beetles: Reddish frass in bark crevices or around entry holes4.
To identify the specific type of tree borer, you can compare their physical appearance and the signs of damage caused by each. This will help you in determining the most effective method to tackle their infestation.
Enlisting Expert Help
If you’re unsure of the type of tree borer infesting your tree or need assistance with an infestation, consider enlisting the help of an expert. Professionals in the field of tree care and pest management can provide valuable advice and recommendations on how to deal with tree borers effectively. They can:
- Accurately identify the specific type of tree borer
- Provide tailored recommendations for treatment options
- Help prevent future infestations
By working with an expert, you can save time, effort, and ensure the health of your trees in a more efficient manner.
10 Comments. Leave new
I’ve been looking for a site like yours for a bit now. I want to thank you for posting the picture of the cottonwood leaf beetle. I found one tonight just inside my window. It was very helpful knowing exactly what I’m looking at.
I used to be very big into entomology but haven’t had out my pins in almost 15 years. Now the kids are excited about figuring out what the bugs are that they find and bring home to mom. This was helpful tonight. Thank you.
I just now found that bug. Thank you for the info!
Thanks found that yesterday and had no idea what it was
Yes!! Just found this beetle hanging out on our back porch yesterday. Contacted AG department and collected specimen.
You didn’t mention your location, but the Cottonwood Borer is a native insect to the center of the country, with most of our sightings coming from Texas and Oklahoma. We don’t believe the agricultural department will have concerns regarding a native species.
I found one in front of my door in northern Oklahoma. Blackwell,ok to be exact Is it a harmful beetle does it bite or sting??
Does not sting. Might bite if carelessly handled, but bite not venomous.
I just found one on my driveway. Never seen one before.
Just killed one on my patio in DFW. The thing was huge probably about 1-1/2 body length with 1-1/2 antennas. Intimidating looking bug for sure
We have seen a few in our yard this year and we have cottonwood trees .
Southeast Missouri