How To Get Rid Of Asian Lady Beetles?

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Asian Lady Beetle


Why Are Asian Lady Beetles Harmful? 

ALBs were originally beneficial insects that help us eliminate various agricultural pests, especially aphids. 

But recently, the explosion in their population has become a cause for concern because they can be naughty house invaders who enter homes and cause a nuisance.

Below, lets see why this once boon for gardeners is slowly becoming a bane.

Outcompeting The Native Lady Beetles 

ALBs have been around for a while, but in recent years, their population has outpaced that of native ladybugs (Coccinellidae). They are quick and efficient at using resources in their vicinity. 

Even though native species are hardy, it is still necessary to pay attention and control the Asian beetle from out-competing them. 

Some of the key native ladybug species are Coccinella transversoguttata, Adalia bipunctata, and Coccinella novemnotata. 

Their existence is slowly coming under threat because ALBs are eating up most soft-bodied insects, leaving them with little to feed on. 

One more problem is that it is hard to distinguish between Asian and native lady beetles. Both are reddish and orangish with black spots on them.

A key distinguishing feature is the presence of an M-shaped mark on the back of an Asian lady beetle’s head. Moreover, they have a higher number of black spots than other species.


Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle aggregation


They Enter Homes in The Winter and Cause Damage

Asian lady beetles are not interested in entering homes in the summer. However, they may enter your house to keep themselves warm during winter. 

If they are in your garden, they can fly or crawl into the house through wall voids, cracks around window frames, and other small crevices in the structure of your home. 

Asian beetles do not intentionally damage houses, landscapes, or gardens. However, when they are frightened, they might secrete a yellowish acidic liquid with an unpleasant odor. This fluid can easily stain your doors, furniture, clothes, bedding, and other items.

They Can Bite 

Asian lady beetles are capable of biting human skin. This is a big problem, especially if you have children or pets at home. 

Their bites can break the skin, causing discomfort for a few hours. Some people may also exhibit an allergic reaction to the bites, so it is best to seek medical help if you see symptoms such as headache, nausea, or palpitations after a bite. Call a professional pest control company if you need assistance removing them.

How To Repel Asian Lady Beetles? 

If you already have these bugs in your house, it might not be such a great idea to use insecticidal sprays to kill them. Below we talk about a few natural ways to get rid of them.


The easiest way to eliminate these bugs is to use a vacuum and suck them in. 

It is best to use a shop vac rather than an indoor vacuum cleaner. With a shop vac, you can easily seal the bugs in a vacuum bag and then discard them at a place far away from your home. 

Since Asian beetles secrete that sticky yellow liquid when they are attacked, you don’t want to give them much of a chance before sucking them in. With a regular vacuum, you might end up with lots of stains all over your home. 

Thus, the best option is to get rid of them with a shop vac and dispose of the bag immediately. 

If you still want to use a bagless vacuum cleaner, stick a nylon stocking on the hose with a rubber band after you are done sucking them in. Afterward, simply remove and discard the bugs. 


Do Ladybugs Pee


Light Traps

Like many other insects, Asian lady beetles are also attracted to light. You can use this knowledge to trap them and then discard them.

You can buy light traps from the market or make them home with some basic materials, including clamp lights, a gallon jug, and black spray paint. 

Light traps work best to eliminate Asian beetles from dark and enclosed spaces, such as attics and the basement. 

When setting up a light trap for bugs, ensure that its light is the only light in the room so that the beetles come towards it and are easily captured. 

Also, always clean the trap after catching a handful of beetles.


While we do not suggest using insecticides inside the home, if you have a big infestation, there may be no other choice. 

Deltamethrin and bifenthrin-based insecticides might work best on Asian lady beetles. 

The good thing about using them is that they can kill several other bugs at one time, including flies, cockroaches, ants, and other pests. 

However, make sure that you leave the home completely closed for at least a day after spraying them. Spray the insecticide on cracks in windows, wall voids, and crevices in doors, furniture, storage areas, and attics. 

These bugs do not reproduce indoors, so you won’t have to contend with their eggs hatching later once you have done the treatment. 

How To Prevent Them From Coming Inside Homes?

The best way to get rid of Asian lady beetles is to make sure they never enter your home in the first place. Here are a few ideas to deter them from entering.

Check the inside and outside of your house for cracks or crevices regularly. These bugs can easily enter closed spaces through these holes. 

Look for even the tiniest of crevices because these wily beetles can enter holes even ⅛-inch in size. If you find any cracks or crevices, make sure to finish the repairs by the end of September. 


Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle


Seal cracks and spaces around the doors and windows, areas near cable wires, pipes, faucets, damaged roofs, soffit or dry vents, etc. 

Use elastomeric latex, silicone, or acrylic materials to seal the cracks, especially where materials like brick and wood meet, such as door outlines. 

Install door sweeps or rubber seals on the threshold of entry doors to stop the bugs from entering your home. 

If you find one or two of these beetles in the home, use soapy water on them to kill them instantly. You can also use a mixture of vinegar and water. 

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?



Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle


Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles




Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle aggregation




How Do Ladybugs Mate




  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Lady Beetles

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • They’re so darned cute and pleasant, I’d welcome the horde!

  • We had a contractor seal our window frames and fascia boards a year ago to weather-proof, and a bonus (that I noticed several months later) is that we have fewer insect visitors inside now, especially spiders. It might be difficult to block their entry into an older home, but screens and sealant might help? Good luck!!

  • These things invaded my apartment a few years ago by coming in through the air conditioning vents. My landlord cut back the grass around the air conditioning units and I’ve only seen a few since then. You could also try wrapping some screen mesh around your unit to see if that will block them out.


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