How Long Do Flying Ants Live? Factors and Duration Explored

folder_openHymenoptera, Insecta
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Flying ants are an intriguing subject, as they play a vital role in the life cycle of ant colonies. These winged ants, also known as alates, are the reproductive members of an ant colony, and their primary purpose is to find a mate and establish a new colony. Their lifespan can vary depending on a range of factors, such as their species and environmental conditions.

The lifespan of flying ants is typically short, with some species only living a few days to a week. Their sole purpose is to mate during the nuptial flight, and once that task is accomplished, their life comes to an end. It is important to understand that this brief existence is an essential part of the ant colony’s survival, as it ensures the continuation of their species.

Various types of ants display different traits and characteristics. For instance, winged ants can be distinguished from termites due to differences in their antenna and wings. Knowing these distinctions can help in understanding their role in the ecosystem and managing any unwanted infestations.

Understanding Flying Ants

Life Cycle

Flying ants, also known as winged ants or alates, go through a life cycle consisting of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The process begins with the queen ant laying eggs, which hatch into larvae. Next, larvae develop into pupae before finally emerging as adult ants. Some adults will become sexually mature alates, preparing for their nuptial flight.

  • Egg
  • Larva
  • Pupa
  • Adult

Mating and Reproduction

During the nuptial flight, sexually mature male and female alates congregate around tall objects such as trees, chimneys, or building vents. This event marks their mating process. After mating, male ants typically die, while the fertilized queen ants will shed their wings and look for a suitable location to establish a new colony.

  • Nuptial flight
  • Males die after mating
  • Queens shed wings

Role in Ecosystem

Flying ants play a crucial role in the ecosystem as they help promote biodiversity through their mating process. By establishing new colonies, they contribute to the health of their surroundings and provide food for various predators such as birds and other insects.

  • Promote biodiversity
  • Establish new colonies
  • Provide food for predators

Overall, flying ants are an important part of the ecosystem through their life cycle, mating, and reproduction processes. It is essential to understand their significance in promoting biodiversity and maintaining balance within their environment.

Characteristics Flying Ants Non-flying Ants
Wings Yes No
Life Stage Sexually mature alates Workers, soldiers, and reproductive queens
Nuptial Flight Participate N/A
Role in Ecosystem Promote biodiversity, establish new colonies, provide food for predators Workers and soldiers support the colony, forage food, and tend to young

Flying Ant Species and Identification

Common Species in the UK

Let’s talk about some common flying ant species found in the UK:

  • Black garden ants: These ants are small, with a black or dark brown body. They commonly nest in gardens and can be a nuisance in outdoor environments.
  • Argentine ants: These are small, dark brown ants that are known for their invasive tendencies and rapid colony growth.
  • Carpenter ants: These ants are larger than most other species, with a reddish-brown or black coloration. They typically nest inside wood.
  • Fire ants: They are red or reddish-brown and known for their painful sting, typically invading lawns and gardens.

Differentiating from Termites

To differentiate flying ants from termites, consider the following features:


  • Elbowed antennae
  • Front wings longer than hind wings
  • Pinched or “wasp-waist”
  • Body black, brown, or reddish


  • Straight antennae
  • Uniform wing length
  • Thick waist
  • Body cream or white, dark brown or black for swarmers

Comparison Table

Feature Flying Ants Termites
Antennae Elbowed Straight
Wing Length Unequal Equal
Waist Pinched Thick
Body Color Black, brown, reddish Cream, white, dark brown or black

Wood and Structural Damage

Carpenter ants and termites have a significant impact on wood and structures. Carpenter ants nest in wood but don’t consume it, while termites feed on wood. This crucial difference results in different types of damage:

  • Carpenter ants: They leave behind frass, a sawdust-like material, as they excavate their galleries in wood.
  • Termites: They produce a more substantial structural damage since they consume the wood. Dry wood termites are particularly problematic, as they don’t require moisture from the soil while infesting wood.

Proper identification is essential to choose the right approach for pest control and protect your home or property from these wood-loving insects.

Signs and Causes of Infestation

Swarm Behavior

Flying ants typically appear during their mating season, which explains their swarming behavior. They gather in large groups, often near tall objects like trees or chimneys. Swarms are a sign of a possible infestation, as ants are preparing to form new colonies. Keep an eye out for these swarms, especially near your home.

Locations in Your Home

Flying ants may enter your home through small openings like windows, doors, or cracks in walls. While their presence could be incidental, it’s essential to inspect these areas for potential nests or colonies. Some common nesting locations include:

  • Decaying wood
  • Wood structures
  • Moist or damp areas

Inspecting these areas in your home can help you identify and address possible infestations. Look for ants with wings, as their presence indicates a potential colony nearby.

Ant Infestation Indicators:

  • Swarm sightings, indoors and outdoors
  • Ants with wings, inside and around your home
  • Nests found in wood or damp locations

Nest Locations:

  • Decaying wood
  • Wood structures
  • Damp or moist areas

It’s crucial to address ant infestations promptly to prevent damage to your home and minimize the growth of ant colonies. Acting fast and taking preventive measures can help keep your home ant-free.

Impact and Control Measures

Potential Harm

Flying ants are typically harmless; however, their swarming behavior may cause anxiety or distress to some people. In large numbers, they may lead to infestations and pose a hygiene risk.

Natural Remedies

To get rid of flying ants without using chemicals, try these natural methods:

  • Soap: Mix dish soap with water and spray it on flying ants. This breaks the water surface tension, making it difficult for the ants to escape.
  • Water leaks: Repair any water leaks, as the moisture attracts flying ants.

Some pros and cons of natural methods include:


  • Eco-friendly
  • Low-cost


  • May not be as effective as chemical methods
  • Requires more effort and time

Chemical Methods

If ants persist in your home, consider using chemical methods for pest control:

  • Poison: Baits containing borax can be used to poison flying ants.
  • Moisture control: Using dehumidifiers or fans to reduce moisture levels will help eliminate ant infestations.

Refer to the comparison table for differences between natural and chemical methods:

Method Pros Cons
Natural Eco-friendly, Low-cost Less effective, More effort required
Chemical Highly effective, Fast action Harmful to environment, Higher cost

Distinguishing Flying Ants from Other Insects

Physical Features

Flying ants can be differentiated from other insects like termites through several key characteristics. Here are their main physical features:

  • Antennae: Elbowed antennae, as opposed to straight antennae found in termites.
  • Wings: Front wings are longer than hind wings and tinted brown.
  • Body: Pinched or “wasp-waist” with black, brown, or reddish coloring1.

Behavioral Patterns

Flying ants exhibit unique behavioral patterns compared to other insects or even their fellow ant species, such as:

  • Mating flights: Male flying ants and queen ants participate in mating flights, typically during warm and humid weather.
  • Nesting: Unlike termites, flying ants often search for sweets, honey, or grease as food, and feed on meats, dairy products, pastries, fruits, animal fats, vegetable oils, as well as dead or live insects2.
  • Communication: Ants communicate through releasing special pheromones, which can warn other ants about danger or guide them to food3.

Here is a comparison table between flying ants and termites:

Characteristics Flying Ants Termites
Antennae Elbowed Straight
Wings Unequal length Equal length
Waist Pinched Absent
Body color Black, brown, or reddish Pale, translucent

Working with Pest Control Professionals

Calling a Pest Control Company

When dealing with flying ants, it’s crucial to work with professional pest control companies to ensure safe and effective treatment. For example:

  • ABC Pest Co. – Offers a comprehensive flying ant solution.
  • XYZ Pest Control – Specializes in flying ant removal and prevention.

These professionals follow EPA guidelines for pest management, ensuring environmentally-friendly solutions.

Maintenance and Prevention Tips

To keep flying ants at bay, follow these maintenance and prevention tips:

  • Seal Cracks: Regularly inspect your home for cracks and gaps, and repair them to block entry points.
  • Keep Surroundings Clean: Remove dust, food debris, and standing water to discourage ant colonies.

A good practice for immediate action is to use a vacuum to remove ants or ice to freeze their pathways. However, it is always best to consult a professional for a long-term solution.

Comparison Table: DIY vs Professional Pest Control

DIY Pest Control Professional Pest Control
Low cost High cost
Temporary relief Long-term results
Risk of improper use Application by trained experts
Limited knowledge Access to specialized methods

In conclusion, working with pest control professionals and following maintenance tips can help prevent flying ants from infesting your home.

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?


  1. University of Maryland Extension
  2. University of Maryland Extension
  3. Ask Dr. Universe





Flying Ant



  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • discover that we have a colony ,what is the next approach?

  • we have several colonies of flying ants, live in Connecticut, I am pretty sure that they are not termites as they have segmented bodies and are in the ground , no mounds nearby. their wings are longer than their bodies and there are tons of babies ? I think. what should I do they are
    near my chicken coop and less than 20 feet from my house, should I leaave them be, or eradicate them with a cedar oil. I will be spraying my lawn as it is a veritable ant hill farm
    but i have not seen this type of activity before , is this due to my neglect?

  • we have several colonies of flying ants, live in Connecticut, I am pretty sure that they are not termites as they have segmented bodies and are in the ground , no mounds nearby. their wings are longer than their bodies and there are tons of babies ? I think. what should I do they are
    near my chicken coop and less than 20 feet from my house, should I leaave them be, or eradicate them with a cedar oil. I will be spraying my lawn as it is a veritable ant hill farm
    but i have not seen this type of activity before , is this due to my neglect?


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