Giant Stag Beetle: Gentle Giants of The Beetle World

folder_openColeoptera, Insecta
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In this article, we talk about giant stag beetles and explain everything you need to know in order to keep them as pets in your home.

There are around 1,200 stag beetle species in the world. Most of these beetles are huge, but there are a few that stand out in terms of size and appearance. 

The giant stag beetle is one of these.

These beetles are rare to come across and are kept as unusual pets by some people. You will be surprised to know that these beetles are highly expensive to buy.


giant stag beetle
Giant Stag Beetle


But why is this, and how should you go about getting some for yourself? How can you take care of a giant stag beetle? Let us know more about this insect through this article. 

What Are They?

Giant stag beetles (Lucanus Elaphus) are one of the biggest beetles in the US. It is the also biggest insect in the world that relies on dead wood for survival. 

Like all other stag beetles, they, too, have huge mandibles that look like the antlers of a stag. Including these huge mandibles, a giant stag beetle can grow up to 2.5 inches in length

Adult males have larger bodies and are often seen wrestling with mandibles to impress the females and gain mating rights. 

The females prefer to lay eggs in cracks of rotting wood. The giant stag beetle larvae are C-shaped and spend almost a year inside decaying wood to reach maturity. 

Where Do They Live?

Since the larvae hugely rely on dead and rotting wood to fulfill their diets, you will mostly spot the adult beetles near such logs in deciduous forests

This is especially true during the early stages of summer. Also, during nighttime, you might see them flying toward different light sources. 


stag beetle
Giant Stag Beetle


What Do They Eat?

Adult giant stag beetles usually do not spend a lot of time eating. They rely on the fat storage developed during the larval stage to survive. 

In some instances, adult stag beetles might consume aphid honeydew, rotting fruits, and plant juices. 

The larvae feed on the white-rot obtained from dead tree logs. 

Do Giant Stag Beetles Bite?

Like other stag beetle species, giant stag beetles are not aggressive toward humans. But you must be careful around them. 

These beetles have huge mandibles and strong chewing muscles. If you are touching these beetles, always wear safety gloves to avoid bites. 

What Happens if You Get Bit by a Stag Beetle?

If you get bit by a stag beetle, you will experience a good amount of pain. 

You might also experience redness, irritation, and swelling near the wound. But thankfully, the effect only lasts for a few minutes.

You will probably not need any medical attention, and the swelling should go away fairly quickly as well.

Are They Poisonous?

A giant stag beetle bite can be painful, but it won’t have any fatal effects as they are not venomous. 

In rare cases, the bites can trigger allergic reactions in the body. If that happens, seek medical help immediately.


Giant Stag Beetle


Life Cycle of The Giant Stag Beetle

The adult males usually flaunt their mandibles to impress the female to earn mating rights. 

Sometimes when more than one beetle is interested in the same female, they wrestle with each other to win mating rights. 

After mating, the female beetles lay eggs near some dead wooden log or tree. As soon as the larvae come out, it starts feeding on the decaying log. 

It takes around 1-3 years to complete the larval stage. They stay in a pupa for around 7-9 months before emerging as adult giant stag beetles. 

The adults live for a shorter period of time, and they spend most of it brawling and mating. 

Giant Stag Beetles As Pets

Giant stag beetles are fascinating to watch and can be kept as pets. But unfortunately, these insects are rare. 

You might have to search in several pet stores to find one that sells them. Getting a giant stag beetle is only the start. Here is a step-by-step guide to taking care of these insects as pets.

How To Keep

Once you get the pet insect, you must find a suitable tank for it to stay in. 

Ensure the tank spacious enough for the insect to move around. A fully grown adult male beetle can be easily accommodated in a 1-gallon tank. 

Also, avoid keeping more than one male in the same tank, as they might fight repeatedly. 

Add a thick layer of loose soil or hay to the bottom, as the females like to lay eggs in such spots. 

Since these beetles can fly, ensure that the tank is closed from the top and is well-ventilated. 


Giant Stag Beetle


What To Feed

Sliced fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, and pineapples are the best thing to feed your pet stag beetles. 

Instead of directly dropping them on the tank, place them on a sauce plate. This will help you keep the tank clean and easily remove the leftovers. 

If the leftovers are kept idle for a long, mold will start growing on them. To avoid such problems, you can feed beetle jelly to the insects. It s highly nutritious and doesn’t rot easily. 


Let your beetles mate only if you intend to breed them. Mating reduces the life span of stag beetles; therefore, you must be sure before taking the step. 

Let the beetles mate at a young age as the fertility is higher during that time. 

After mating, put the female in a separate tank with one or two rotting logs and fill it with flake soil. Remove the tree bark from the logs to make it easy for the beetles to chew through.

Taking Care of the Little Ones

The key to handling grubs properly is to provide the amount of moisture to them. Moisture is one of the essential ingredients for the survival of larvae. 

You must balance the moisture content as too much of it will hinder the breathing of the larvae and will kill them.



Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a giant stag beetle?

You can find giant stag beetles near in the deciduous forest near piles of dead and decaying wood. 
These beetles can be seen during the months of early summer. In most cases, you will find the adults mating or wrestling to earn mating rights. 

How much is a giant stag beetle worth?

Since giant stag beetles are rare and fascinating to look at, people want to keep them as pets. 
These insects are very expensive. 
Recently a man from Japan sold a giant stag beetle for $89,000. If the beetle is huge and unique, people will pay more.

Can you touch a stag beetle?

Yes, you can touch a stag beetle, but you must be careful while doing so. Since they have huge mandibles and strong chewing parts, they can deliver painful bites. 
Therefore it is wise to wear a pair of safety gloves before picking or touching them. 

Is it illegal to keep a stag beetle?

Stag beetles legally can’t be sold in the UK. Many species of these insects are rare, which is why constant efforts are made to protect them from humans. 
They also fall in the category of ‘priority species in the UK according to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Even in the US, the regulations regarding owning and movement of these beetles are quite strict and they may need a license from the respective state.

Wrap Up

Giant stag beetles are rare insects. Due to their huge build and appearance, they can make good pets. 

But if you are interested in keeping them, it is crucial to pay special attention to them. 

Use the tips and tricks mentioned above to keep them healthy and strong. Thank you for taking the time to read this piece. 















Giant Stag Beetle



Giant Stag Beetle




Giant Stag Beetle




Giant Stag Beetle
Giant Stag Beetle





Giant Stag Beetle





  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Stag Beetles

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19 Comments. Leave new

  • Most stag beetles can break pencils in half with their mandibles

  • Edibility note:
    You could eat like the Romans did with this one. They’d find the grub living in wood [though, granted, I’m pretty sure I’ve found Lucanus grubs in compost also] and fatten them on flour-and-wine. Only the wealthy would be indulging in such a treat.


  • That is one very beautiful, cool looking bug! I can see how people would be scared of it though. Still, that’s no reason for the Big Squish.

  • Very similar to our Mountain Stag Beetle at

  • That is definitely a very cute picture. It’s nice to finally see a Giant Stag Beetle alive, and being held by someone. Hopefully, this will help people realize that they have no need to fear this bug!

  • I found a stag bettle alive today

  • I found this bug by a light at my way north Atlanta (Acworth) home and was going to kill it. This bug, along with its friend at another light will live due to your shining endorsement.

  • Justin Mahaffey
    June 16, 2014 7:38 pm

    I live in cowpens sc. Went outside for a smoke and found one on my porch. Body alone was aprox. 1 1/2 inches long. Pincers included prob 3in total. Scouped him up and let him/her go in the bushes.

  • So I found what looks like a male, he appears to be in great condition, I am so amazed at him, can any one provide any more feedback on what kinds of things to keep in his habitat. Please email me any advice.

  • Awesome

  • Susan Wandler Patti, it’s the bug from our game!!!! You should like this page.

  • Mary B. Di Cecco
    July 11, 2016 11:02 am

    I found a beautiful lady Stag Beetle this morning in our backyard here in south coastal Rhode Island. She was very feisty, too, so I let her win the battle and quietly left the area.

  • I saw this beetle in Decatur IL in 1991 or 1992. We were having a garage sale and I was walking around the yard barefoot. I saw this beetle and ran inside to get my Aunt & Uncle to show them. Never knew what it was until now.

  • It is a stag bestle

  • I live in Shiloh Illinois, and while mowing the lawn today (9/7/2019), I came across one of these stag beetles. Unfortunately, it was already dead. Creepy looking bug, but cool nonetheless.

  • I have one of these giant stag beetles in a plastic bottle, found dead on my front porch. I live in Monroe, TN and first time ever to see.

  • April Witthoeft
    July 2, 2022 9:44 pm

    I found one today crawling on my patio furniture. I’m in St. Charles, IL


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