European Hornet vs Cicada Killer: Unveiling Nature’s Battle Royale

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European hornets and cicada killers are two impressive insect species often seen during the warmer months, but many people find it difficult to distinguish between them. Knowing the differences between these two fascinating creatures can help reduce unnecessary fear and misunderstanding.

The European hornet is an invasive species in the US, while the cicada killer is a native wasp. One key distinction between these insects is their nesting behavior, with European hornets constructing paper nests in aerial locations and cicada killers choosing to nest in the ground. Additionally, cicada killers are solitary, with each female digging her own nest, whereas European hornets live socially in colonies.

In appearance, both European hornets and cicada killers have black and yellow markings, but cicada killers have large rust-colored eyes and orangish-red wings and legs. By contrast, European hornets have distinct patterns on the abdomen and predominantly yellow-colored legs. Comparing their sizes, cicada killer wasps can measure up to 1.5 inches in length, while European hornets are generally smaller.

European Hornet vs Cicada Killer: Identification

Physical Attributes

The European hornet and cicada killer are two distinct species of large wasps. European hornets have a black-and-white-striped face with an abdomen featuring yellow stripes. They are the only true hornet species found in North America, nesting in hollow logs, trees, and outbuildings1.

Cicada killers, on the other hand, have a black abdomen with yellow markings on the thorax, as well as large rust-colored eyes, orangish-red wings, and legs2. They can be as large as 1.5 inches and are a native wasp species. The cicada killer’s abdomen is mostly black but has typically three yellowish stripes3.

  • European hornet:
    • Black-and-white-striped face
    • Yellow-striped abdomen
  • Cicada killer:
    • Black abdomen with yellow markings on thorax
    • Rust-colored eyes, orangish-red wings and legs
    • Three yellowish stripes on abdomen

Another species commonly confused with these two is the murder hornet. However, it is currently not found in North America4.

Geographical Distribution

European hornets are found in various parts of North America, while cicada killers are distributed across the United States within the geographical range of cicadas12. Each female cicada killer digs its own burrow in bare or open soil3.

Feature European Hornet Cicada Killer
Face Black-and-white-striped Black with rust-colored eyes
Abdomen Yellow-striped Black with three yellowish stripes
Wings Transparent Orangish-red
Legs Black Orangish-red
Distribution Various parts of North America United States within the range of cicadas

Behavior and Lifecycle

Mating and Reproduction

European hornets and cicada killer wasps have different mating and reproductive behaviors. European hornets (Vespa crabro) are social insects with a colony structure consisting of a queen, workers, and drones. The queen mates with drones and lays eggs throughout the spring and summer, producing worker bees and new queens.

Cicada killer wasps (Sphecius speciosus), on the other hand, are solitary insects. Males emerge from the ground first, followed by females. After mating, the female digs a burrow in bare soil and lays eggs on paralyzed cicadas.

Egg-to-adult time:

  • European hornets: About 4-6 weeks
  • Cicada killer wasps: About 3-4 weeks

Feeding Habits

Both European hornets and cicada killer wasps have specific feeding habits. European hornets are predators that hunt a variety of insects, including bees, flies, and beetles. They also feed on tree sap and overly ripe fruit. In contrast, cicada killers predominantly prey on cicadas. The female stings the cicada, paralyzes it, and transports it to the burrow where it lays its eggs. The hatched larva feeds on the paralyzed cicada.

Here is a comparison table:

  European Hornets Cicada Killer Wasps
Mating Social, in colonies Solitary
Prey Bees, flies, beetles Cicadas

In summary, European hornets and cicada killer wasps differ significantly in their behavior and lifecycle. European hornets have a social, colony-based structure, while cicada killers are solitary insects. Their feeding habits also differ, with European hornets consuming a variety of insects and cicada killers focusing primarily on cicadas.

Stings and Impact on Humans

Pain and Reactions

The stings of both the European hornet and the Eastern cicada killer can cause pain and reactions in humans. The European hornet’s sting is more painful due to its larger size and venom amount. Eastern cicada killer stings can be painful but are rarely experienced by humans, as they are not aggressive and only sting when handled or threatened.

Pain levels:

  • European hornet: High
  • Eastern cicada killer: Moderate

Risk of stinging humans:

  • European hornet: Moderate
  • Eastern cicada killer: Low

Myths and Misconceptions

Eastern cicada killers are sometimes confused with the much-hyped murder hornets due to their size and appearance. However, they are two different species, and cicada killers pose very little threat to humans. Murder hornets, on the other hand, can pose a threat to humans, although the risk is relatively low.

Species Size Color Aggressiveness to Humans
Eastern Cicada Killer 1-1.5 inches Black with yellow stripes Low
Murder Hornet 1.5-2 inches Red and orange Moderate

Key takeaways:

  • Eastern cicada killers are often mistaken for murder hornets.
  • Cicada killers have lower aggressiveness to humans than murder hornets.
  • Both stings can cause pain and reactions in humans, but the risk of being stung by an Eastern cicada killer is relatively low.

Ecological Impact of Invasive Species

The Asian Giant Hornet as a Threat

The Asian giant hornet, native to Asia, is an invasive species with devastating effects on honeybee populations. In areas where it has become established, such as Japan, it is responsible for killing about 50 people a year and proves to be harmful to agriculture. The hornets can prey on honeybees by decapitating them and eating their thoraxes, thus wiping out entire hives in hours.

In North America, entomologists have spotted these hornets specifically in Washington State, raising concerns about the possible impact on the Pacific Northwest’s honeybee populations.

Key threats:

  • Honeybee population loss
  • Agricultural impact
  • Human health risk

Management Strategies

To protect the honeybees and agriculture, it is crucial to develop and employ management strategies for combating the spread of Asian giant hornets.

Monitoring: Setting up traps and monitoring devices facilitates early detection of the hornets, helping to prevent them from establishing a foothold in new areas.

Eradication: In case of an infestation, specialists can use targeted approaches to locate and destroy nests to minimize further spread.

Public awareness: Raising awareness among the general public, particularly in high-risk areas, helps people understand the risk and participate in reporting sightings.

Comparison table: European hornet vs Cicada killer

Feature European hornet Cicada killer
Size 18-28 mm 25-40 mm
Prey Bees, wasps, cicadas, etc. Cicadas exclusively
Impact on agriculture Can damage plants and fruits Limited impact

In summary, Asian giant hornets pose a significant threat to honeybees and have serious consequences for agriculture. Effective management strategies such as monitoring, eradication, and public awareness play a vital role in controlling the spread of these invasive species.

Similar Species and Declining Populations

Types of Cicada Killers

There are several species of cicada killers, such as the Pacific Cicada Killer (Sphecius convallis), Western Cicada Killer (Sphecius grandis), and Eastern Cicada Killer (Sphecius speciosus). They are part of the digger wasp family and are often confused with other stinging insects like the giant Asian hornet, paper wasps, and sand wasps.

As an example of their similarities, let’s take a look at Sphecius speciosus and the European hornet (Vespa crabro):

Feature Sphecius speciosus (Eastern Cicada Killer) Vespa crabro (European Hornet)
Size 1.5 – 2 inches 1 – 1.4 inches
Color Black and yellow-orange abdomen Black, red, and yellow stripes

While they have some similar features, they can be distinguished by their unique characteristics.

Cicada killer characteristics:

  • Solitary
  • Rarely sting humans
  • Hunt and paralyze cicadas to feed larvae

European hornet characteristics:

  • Social insects
  • More likely to sting if disturbed
  • Create nests and feed on various insects

Conservation Efforts

Populations of some stinging insects have steadily declined due to various factors, with some experiencing declines of 30 to 40 percent. This affects not only hornets and wasps, but also crucial pollinators like bees and butterflies. Conservation efforts to protect their habitats and food sources are essential to preserve dwindling populations.

Organizations such as Penn State are working to research and implement conservation strategies to help maintain stable populations of these insects and their ecosystems. Identifying and understanding the differences among various species of stinging insects can aid in these efforts and lead to more effective action plans.

Natural and Man-Made Habitats

Burrows and Soil Types

Cicada killer wasps and European hornets have distinct preferences in their burrow construction and soil types.

Cicada killer wasps:

  • Create solitary burrows in bare/open soil
  • Females dig individual burrows for egg-laying.

European hornets:

Species Burrow Type Soil Preference
Cicada killer Solitary Bare/open soil
European hornets Colony Hollow trees/barns

Urban and Agricultural Settings

Both species have different interactions with urban and agricultural environments.

Cicada killer wasps:

  • Likely to be found in gardens and parks.
  • Less impact on human activities.

European hornets:

  • Found in rural environments, banging on windows at night due to attraction to light.
  • May cause concern if nests are built near human dwellings.


  1. University of Maryland – Identifying Common Household Insect Pests 2
  2. Illinois Extension – It’s big, but it’s not a murder hornet: How to identify large wasps 2
  3. Cornell University – CICADAS and CICADA KILLERS… subtitled… “Is This A Murder Hornet” 2
  4. NCSU Entomology – A Side by Side Comparison of the Asian Giant Hornet and Other Insects








  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: European Hornet

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11 Comments. Leave new

  • I know this is an old post but I just ran across this when researching the huge bees that gather around the truck of a tree in our front yard. We are in western North Carolina. I just wanted to say that these European Hornets do reuse the same nest. These have been here every year for the last four years. So interesting!

  • I live in the Raliegh area. I found these bees swarming around the trunks of my large oak tree in my back yard. I feel I need to have them removed. What should I do. Will they hurt the tree?

    • Hornets sometimes take bark from trees to chew to provide paper pulp for their nests, and they will also be attracted to sweet sap as food. We don’t provide extermination advice, but we don’t really have issues with eliminating non-native species.

    • I’m in spring City TN the European hornets kill the trees they bore the center out we had a tree to fall where they bored it out to build their nest

  • Hi!

    Do these bees bore through wood? We have found a giant nest of bees that look like this that have chewed through our shed roof! Thank you for the help!

  • Hi!

    Do these bees bore through wood? We have found a giant nest of bees that look like this that have chewed through our shed roof! Thank you for the help!

  • B. A. Reinking
    June 25, 2016 12:19 pm

    In Blue ridge GA. Large Hornets, fly towards lights and fires at night. Attact Humming Birds and other birds at bird feeders. Are in groups and the sting is super painful. They are large. If one leaves porch light on at night they congregate. Scarey and intrusive.

  • Jerry Henson
    July 13, 2016 12:42 pm

    In Cherokee County North Georgia around 2:30 AM this morning . In deep woods moving a dead branch off of ground near pet cemetery. I had a very bright flashlight and heard the familiar buzzing sound. Very much like a humming bird sound . Very creepy. I started trying to move away after he buzzed me a couple of times. Got stung on inside of wrist near large blood vein. Worst sting pain to date and I’ve had many. Much worse than scorpion or bald faced hornet. Made yellow dot, circled by pale blue then very large red swollen area for hours leaving stiffness in wrist movement. I now think he came at my flashlight. I’ve seen them go after my car headlights after finding and spraying huge nest in massive dead oak tree hollow on bottom. I have been right to dread this sting since first seeing one of these buzzing a floodlight at night many years back. Avoid if at all possible! If you hear/see one at night, lose the flashlight!

  • Linda Hedrick
    May 14, 2019 11:00 am

    I am in a quandrey about the hornets in the trunk of our oak tree. Sap is coming out and some of the bark is buckling around the base. Small butterflies are there fluttering to get at the sap also. This has been happening for several years, maybe 3. I don’t know what might be going on inside the tree. Are they nesting or just harvesting sap.

    • Many insects including Butterflies and Moths, Hornets, Ants, many different Beetles and countless more insects find sweet sticky sap to be an incredibly attractive and energy inducing meal. If you value this tree, you should have a professional arborist inspect it to determine how to save it.


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