10 Dobsonfly Interesting Facts (And Their Larvae Too)

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Dobsonfly Interesting Facts

Discover the World of Dobsonflies: 10 Fascinating Facts

Did you know that DC comics launched a whole villain named after the larvae of dobsonflies? Read on to learn more such interesting facts about these insects.


The insect world never fails to amaze us with its diversity. If you are into nature and love to learn about insect species, the dobsonfly should pique your interest like no other moth.

The dobsonfly is one of the largest members of the insect world. It starts its life out as an aquatic bug and ends it flying in the skies.

It is most common in the Western Hemisphere, although you may also come across them in Central and North America.

Currently, there are30 species of dobsonflies around the world, but only one is common in the United States: the eastern dobsonfly (Corydalus cornutus)


Dobsonfly Interesting Facts


Dobsonfly Interesting Facts

So, of all insects in the world, why would you want to learn more about dobsonflies? Let’s have a quick look at some dobsonfly facts:

They live their entire lives as larvae.

The life cycle of a dobsonfly is one of the most intriguing details about this species. The bug gets to spend only a tiny fraction of its life cycle as a mature adult.

The larval stage alone lasts three to four years, making the total lifespan of a dobsonfly quite impressive.

After this, the pupal stage lasts a few months, from winter to spring. Once the adults emerge, they live only up to a week at most – just enough to reproduce.

Hence, despite having a total lifespan of several years, these moths live only a few days as adults.

The adult stage is so short that at this point, they don’t even eat! They use their food stores from the pupae stage to find a mate and bring the next generation forward.


Dobsonfly Interesting Facts


These bugs are hard to find: they only live near running water.

Dobsonflies are quite common, and you can find them all over the world. However, they’re especially abundant in Africa and Asian countries like Vietnam and China.

You can also find dobsonflies in Australia, Central America, and North America, although their subspecies aren’t as diverse in the western part of the world.

In the US, you will mostly find the eastern dobsonfly. In total, there are nine genera of dobsonflies, comprising dozens of species in total.

Their habitat is limited to places that are near rivers or running streams of water, where they live their lives as larvae, and then even as moths, they don’t go very far.

Some of them are large enough to cover your face.

Remember we mentioned that the dobsonfly is one of the world’s largest insects? You might be wondering exactly how big they are.

Well, these bugs can grow up to five inches long, and their wingspan may reach up to eight inches.

To give you a more visual example, a dobsonfly is large enough to cover most of your face. Don’t try to imagine it, or else you will have nightmares for the rest of the week!

However, not all species of dobsonflies are equally large. The five-inch-long ones are more predominant in Asian countries, especially China and Vietnam.

Some dobsonfly species are only two to three inches long. Moreover, the females are significantly shorter, not the least because they don’t have large mandibles in the front.

Regardless, this doesn’t rule out the fact that the dobsonfly has impressive dimensions.


Dobsonfly Interesting Facts


They look like something out of a horror movie.

Dobsonflies share quite a resemblance with dragonflies, especially with their wings spread apart. Like dragonflies, they have four veined and translucent wings.

However, dobsonflies cannot fly as well as dragonflies.

The color of these soft-bodied insects varies between yellow and dark brown. The exoskeleton comprises three segments, and like most insects, dobsonflies have three pairs of legs.

The mandibles of a dobsonfly are easily noticeable due to their large size and sickle-like shape.

Although the adult forms vary from one subspecies to another, the basic shape and structure mostly remain the same.

Despite their appearance, they are mostly harmless.

The large size of a male dobsonfly, together with their sickle-shaped mandibles, can make them quite scary, but those mandibles are all bark and no bite. The real biters are the females.

The males cannot bite – the mandibles are mostly used to defend against mating rivals. Even if a male dobsonfly bites you, it would just feel like a strong poke because the mandibles don’t have enough leverage to do any serious harm.

However, we can’t say the same about female dobsonflies.

Although the female dobsonflies have smaller jaws, their mandibles are strong, and they have sharp pincers capable of dealing powerful bites.

If you handle one of them carelessly, you might even end up with a bleeding wound. However, you can breathe a sigh of relief since they won’t bite you deliberately agitate them.

Thankfully, neither the males nor the females are venomous, and the pain from the bite doesn’t last very long.

The larvae form of dobsonflies is called hellgrammite – and these critters are also strong biters. However, you would be hard-pressed to find one around since they live in the water.


Dobsonfly Interesting Facts


They don’t like flying, but they aren’t bad at it either.

Despite having large wings similar to dragonflies, these bugs are nowhere as good as dragonflies when it comes to flying.

Although their exact flight speed is still unknown, they fly in a rather shaky and trembling manner.

However, they can still cover a significant distance when looking for a new water body.

Hellgrammite Interesting Facts

Now that you gathered some interesting knowledge about dobsonflies let’s learn about the larvae of dobsonflies – the hellgrammites.

The insect spends most of its time in the larval stage: this article would be incomplete if it didn’t cover hellgrammites as well.


Dobsonfly Interesting Facts


They live their lives underwater.

Unlike adult dobsonflies, which move to land after pupation, hellgrammites are completely aquatic.

They prefer to live in shallow and fast-flowing parts of rivers, streams, and creaks, usually hiding under logs or rocks.

One of the most interesting things about hellgrammites is that they prefer to live in clean waters with well-balanced pH levels.

If you find these larval bugs in your backyard pond or dobsonflies near it, that means your pond is quite clean.

Even trace amounts of pollutants cause these insects to seek a different water body.

They eat a lot of aquatic pests and are great for keeping water bodies clean.

While dobsonflies don’t feed as adults, their larvae are aggressive predators in the water.

Hellgrammites hunt and feed on a variety of other aquatic insects, mayflies, immature chironomid midges, stoneflies, and even small fish.

Also, you should note that hellgrammites are fish food themselves. Anglers often use these larval insects as fish bait.


Dobsonfly Interesting Facts


DC named a comic villain after them.

This insect looks a tad gross in their larval stage, somewhat resembling a centipede. They are so ugly; DC actually made a comic villain named after them!

They are generally black, tan, or dark brown, with flattened and elongated bodies.

In addition to the three pairs of legs, the abdomen also has eight pairs of leg-like appendages on the sides. Each of these appendages has a hairy or cottony gill tuft at the tip.

Each of the actual legs has a tiny pair of pincers beside the mandibles in front of the thorax.

Hellgrammites also have a pair of hooked leg-like appendages at their rear end that allows them to anchor to the surface and prevent themselves from getting washed away in the current.

They are usually two to four inches long.

They live their lives in the water, but that’s not where they lay eggs

Although hellgrammites are aquatic, adult dobsonflies don’t lay eggs in water.

Instead, they lay eggs in shady vegetated areas adjacent to water bodies or rocks poking out of the water’s surface.

Female dobsonflies can lay up to 3,000 eggs in the form of large egg masses. These egg masses resemble bird droppings which often get overlooked by predators.

The eggs take about two weeks to hatch. Once it’s time, the egg mass turns liquid. The hatchlings can now drop into the water and continue their lifecycle.


Dobsonfly Interesting Facts


Wrap Up

We hope by now we have been able to pique your interest in dobsonflies! These insects look really scary, but they are actually gentle creatures who can’t do you much harm.

Thank you for reading, and keep on exploring the amazing world of insects!




























  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Dobsonflies

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18 Comments. Leave new

  • I used to love looking for these in the ditch when I was a kid (I lived in a very rural marshy area in VT) but I never knew they were Dobsonfly larvae! I did know they were called Hellgrammites though. Glad to know more about them almost 20 years later 🙂

  • Looks like the bug Khan used against the Enterprise crew!

  • haha it reminds me of “the tingler.” http://goregirl.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/the-tingler3.jpg

  • Please send more!

    • I found one of those today in a river in Central Ky. I didn’t know what it was but wasn’t about to grab it with those jaws lol.

  • these things creep me out something fierce

  • My skin crawls just looking at this thing. The only way I’d get a picture like that is if I had a 100x zoom on my camera! What it changes into is even creepier! Thanks for creeping me out for the day!

  • Joseph Clarke
    July 20, 2014 8:26 pm

    I found one in Conway Mo July 19, 2014. It was in the river down the street from my house and it got on my nephews shorts.

  • Do you sell live hellgrammites for fishing

  • ProjectScaliber
    June 23, 2017 6:57 am

    This past month I caught a bunch of hellgrammites by my work site in Moreno Valley, Riverside County of Southern California, I found a interesting trait as they are cannibalistic, and some carry a Barb on the tail like that of a hookworm

  • Thomas R Miller
    March 30, 2019 7:36 pm

    Growing up in the hills of West Central PA near Hollidaysburg and loving to fish, I found it a delight to walk the edge of streams and catch (what locals called) soft shelled crabs (crayfish) for bass bait. It was in doing that that I was introduced to lifting rocks in fast moving shallow water and finding, what to me, became the best bait for catching crappies, etc. – the hellgrammite. They were tough and you could catch quite a few fish on one bait if you played the game just right. If you try it, one thing you’ll learn early on is those tweezers can inflict a bite that will bring blood but you learn quickly and the pain is short lived. A second thing you’ll learn is that the hellgrammite moves backward more than he’ll go forward; so, you’ve got to be quick in retrieving him from the rock. A third lesson to note – the hellgrammite has 4 little hairlike “feelers” at the tail end. That little critter has a lot of life remaining in him after your hook is slipped under the shell that surrounds the body behind the head (That’s how I put it on the hook for bait). You’ve got to use your finger nails to pitch those little hairs off or sure-a-shootin’ he’ll take your hook under a rock if one is available. If you’ve never tried it before, go lookin’, catch yourself a hand full (recommend having a pail with you- more than 1 in your hand can be a problem) and have fun fishing.

  • I have went up the Sacramento river, above the damn. I was with both of my brother’s, Steve & Johnny. Before going down to the river we asked the guy in the store if anyone was catching any fish? He told us that no one was catching anything, nothing hopeful. My brother Steve was looking under rocks for helgies. We all started looking and before long we had quite a few. The first cast nailed a 3lb rainbow. We had a blast, I can’t remember if we caught 12 or 14 trout, ( all good sized fish )!! We went back to the store and showed the guy the fish. He couldn’t believe that we had just caught those in the river. He asked where we got em’? I asked myself, “where does he think we got them?” My brother Steve answered him by saying, “in the water” I’ll never forget that day or the Hellgrammite’s!!!

    • Awesome story. Doesn’t the store owner know that fishermen are notoriously protective of their best fishing spots?

  • The North Fork of the Navarro River is a great place to find them in the spring and summer.


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