Do Wolf Spiders Climb into Beds? Facts and Prevention Tips

folder_openArachnida, Araneae
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Wolf spiders are often seen roaming in homes, raising concerns about whether they pose a threat to people sleeping in their beds. These hairy arachnids can measure from 1/2 inch to 2 inches long and sport various markings or lines in shades of brown, grey, or black OSU Extension Service.

These creatures typically reside in the great outdoors, but may sometimes wander indoors in search of warmth and shelter, particularly before winter hits Home & Garden Information Center. While their appearance may be intimidating, wolf spiders are not known to cause significant harm to humans, and their presence in a home does not indicate an infestation.

Understanding Wolf Spiders

Habitats and Adaptations

Wolf spiders are adaptable arachnids that can inhabit various environments, such as grasslands and deserts. Some examples of adaptations include:

  • Nocturnal behavior, enabling them to hunt under the cover of darkness and avoid extreme temperatures
  • Excellent eyesight to locate prey and avoid predators

Hunting and Prey

These spiders rely on their powerful physical abilities to catch prey, as opposed to web trapping. Key hunting features include:

  • Ability to jump, allowing them to target and capture prey efficiently
  • Preference for insects as prey, including crickets and ants

Physical Characteristics

Wolf spiders exhibit distinctive physical characteristics, such as:

  • Body length ranging from 1/2 inch to 2 inches 1
  • Hairy appearance and brown to gray coloration, often with various markings or lines 1

Comparison between wolf spiders and other spiders:

Feature Wolf Spiders Other Spiders
Size 1/2 inch to 2 inches long 1 Varies
Web Usage No web trapping, hunt on the ground Some use webs to capture prey
Hunting Strategy Jumping, powerful legs Varies

Wolf Spiders and Human Interaction

Wolf Spider Bites and Symptoms

Wolf spiders can bite if mishandled or trapped next to the skin1. A bite from a wolf spider typically results in:

  • Initial pain
  • Redness
  • Potential localized swelling1

Symptoms generally subside within 24 hours1. No serious medical consequences have been noted1.

Potential Threats to Humans

Although wolf spiders are not considered poisonous, they pose some potential risks to humans2, such as:

  • Allergic reactions: Some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to the venom.
  • Fear and anxiety: People with arachnophobia may experience increased stress around wolf spiders.

In comparison to other household spiders, wolf spiders appear less threatening due to their non-poisonous nature and lack of severe symptoms from bites12.

Spider Type Venomous Severity of Bite Symptoms Dangerous to Humans
Wolf Spider No2 Mild1 Low12
Other Household Spiders (e.g. Black Widow) Yes Moderate to Severe Higher

It’s important to remember that wolf spiders are more afraid of humans than we are of them. They are unlikely to climb into beds or seek close contact with humans. Keep a respectful distance, and the likelihood of an interaction resulting in a bite is minimal.

Presence of Wolf Spiders in Homes

Attracting Factors

Wolf spiders are commonly found in various environments, including homes. They are usually attracted by:

  • Food: An abundance of insects and other small creatures in or around the house.
  • Shelter: Gaps or crevices that offer hiding spots and protection.

It is important to keep homes clean and seal any entry points to minimize their presence indoors.

Common Hiding Places

These spiders tend to hide in different places within a house, such as:

  • Basements: Moist or damp areas, especially near walls.
  • Corners: Quiet and undisturbed corners, both high and low.
  • Window/Door Frames: They may enter through windows and doors, especially if there are gaps or weak screens.

While it’s rare for wolf spiders to climb into beds, they could potentially do so when seeking shelter or food. It’s crucial to address any possible infestations to minimize the likelihood of these spiders climbing into beds or other areas where people reside.

Hiding Place Accessibility for Spiders Prevention Tips
Basements High Reduce moisture, seal gaps in walls or floors
Corners Medium Regular cleaning and decluttering
Window/Door Frames Medium to High Check window seals, screens, and door frames

Use these tips to minimize the presence of wolf spiders in your home and prevent them from accessing your bed or other living spaces. Remember, although their bites are not dangerous, it’s best to avoid direct contact and handle them cautiously.

Do Wolf Spiders Climb into Beds?

Reasons for Crawling into Beds

Wolf spiders may climb into beds for a few reasons:

  • Searching for prey: Insects are often attracted to the warmth and shelter of beds.
  • Comfort: Beds provide a darker and cozier environment for wolf spiders to rest.

Although wolf spiders are ground-dwelling and usually prefer burrows, they might still find their way onto your bed.

Prevention Measures

To prevent wolf spiders from climbing into your bed or any other furniture, follow these measures:

  • Keep your bedroom clean and clutter-free.
  • Regularly vacuum floors and furniture, including underneath the bed.
  • Seal exterior cracks and crevices to reduce hiding places.(source)
  • Reduce other insects that serve as food for wolf spiders.
  • Install tight-fitting door sweeps and screens in windows.

Pros of prevention measures:

  • Decreases the likelihood of wolf spiders entering your bedroom.
  • Creates a cleaner and healthier living space.
  • Reduces other pests and insects.

Cons of prevention measures:

  • Requires regular maintenance and cleaning.
  • Might not guarantee complete elimination of wolf spiders.
Comparison Wolf Spider Other Spiders
Habitat Ground, burrows Webs, corners
Prey Insects Insects

In summary, while wolf spiders might occasionally crawl into beds, keeping a clean and clutter-free environment can help reduce their presence and give you a more peaceful night’s sleep.

Controlling and Reducing Wolf Spider Presence

Spider-proof Strategies

To reduce the likelihood of wolf spiders climbing into your bed, take measures to control their presence within your home. Start by sealing exterior cracks and crevices to minimize hiding spots. Regularly vacuum both spiders and their webs to keep them under control. Maintain a clutter-free indoor and outdoor environment to remove potential habitats. Install tight-fitting door sweeps and screens in windows to prevent spider access.

Natural Repellents

Using natural repellents can be an effective way to keep wolf spiders out of your living spaces. Some options include:

  • Keep food covered: Storing food in sealed containers reduces the number of insects in your home, which can attract wolf spiders searching for a meal.
  • Adjust lighting: Change exterior lighting to sodium vapor bulbs, as they are less likely to attract insects that serve as food sources for wolf spiders.
  • Introduce natural predators: Encourage ownorage_poplatory birds or other natural predators to your garden to help maintain a balance in the ecosystem and reduce the wolf spider population.

Professional Pest Control

In severe cases or continuous infestations, you may need to opt for professional pest control. Some methods of dealing with wolf spiders are:

  • Insecticide barriers: Apply insecticides around the exterior perimeter of your home, along with entry points, to create a barrier against infiltrating wolf spiders.
  • Insect traps: Set up traps for the insects that wolf spiders prey on, thus reducing the food source and making your home less appealing to them.
  • Expert assistance: Consult a pest control professional to assess the infestation and recommend the most effective treatment plan.

In conclusion, taking preventive measures and focusing on non-chemical control options can help you maintain a wolf spider-free environment and avoid waking up with unwanted nighttime visitors in your bed.

Benefits of Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders, an abundant spider family found in various environments from grasslands to forests, are often misunderstood creatures. Despite their intimidating name and appearance, these spiders offer several benefits, mainly due to their predatory nature.

  • Predators: Wolf spiders act as effective natural predators for insects and other arthropods, which helps in controlling pests in gardens and farmlands. Their hunting strategies include stalking and ambushing their prey, without needing webs.
  • Beneficial: The presence of wolf spiders in your environment can be advantageous by reducing the population of pests, such as flies, mosquitoes, and various plant-eating insects. This, in turn, contributes to a healthy ecosystem and supports plant growth.
  • Pests: Although some people might regard wolf spiders as pests due to their occasional indoor presence, they are not harmful to humans and pets. Their bites, though they cause some pain and redness, do not lead to severe medical consequences and typically subside within 24 hours1.

In conclusion, while it’s normal to feel uneasy about wolf spiders, these creatures play an essential role in maintaining balance in ecosystems. By being aware of their benefits, we can learn to appreciate their presence and understand their importance in nature.


Wolf spiders are known for their athleticism and hunting abilities, rather than web construction1. As such, it’s uncommon for them to climb or seek refuge in beds.

  • Unlikely to be found in beds
  • Rely on hunting, not webs

These spiders typically prefer undisturbed, calm environments3. Therefore, a bed with regular human activity is generally not an appealing habitat.

  • Favor undisturbed areas
  • Avoid human activity

However, like any spider, it’s not impossible for a wolf spider to occasionally find its way onto a bed. To minimize the likelihood, maintain a clean living space and remove any clutter where they might hide.

  • Cleanliness is key
  • Remove hiding spots

In summary, while it’s unlikely for wolf spiders to climb into beds, acknowledging their preferences and maintaining a tidy environment can further reduce risks.


  1. Oklahoma State University – OSU Extension 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  2. 2 3 4
  3. UMN Extension




  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Wolf Spiders

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • This is interesting. The spiders I’ve seen in my pool are black but have the babies on the back. If I drop the spider on the ground the babies scurry away in all directions. Are there other water spiders that carry their young on their back?


    • This behavior is unique to Wolf Spiders, though many Scorpions and other Arachnids have similar maternal behavior.

  • This is interesting. The spiders I’ve seen in my pool are black but have the babies on the back. If I drop the spider on the ground the babies scurry away in all directions. Are there other water spiders that carry their young on their back?



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