Do Grasshoppers Eat Ants? Unveiling the Truth

folder_openInsecta, Orthoptera
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Grasshoppers are known for their voracious appetites, consuming a variety of plant materials in their diet. However, when it comes to ants, one might wonder if these insects make up part of a grasshopper’s meal plan.

In general, grasshoppers do not eat ants. Instead, they primarily feed on leaves, stems, and other plant materials, as they are herbivorous insects by nature. While it’s not impossible for a grasshopper to nibble on an ant if they are in close proximity, they tend to stick to their plant-based dietary preferences.

Grasshoppers and Ants: An Overview

Physical Characteristics

Grasshoppers and ants are quite different in their physical appearance. Grasshoppers belong to the order Orthoptera and have:

  • Long, powerful hind legs for jumping
  • Slender, cylindrical body
  • Two pairs of wings

Ants, on the other hand, belong to the order Hymenoptera, and they possess:

  • Elbowed antennae
  • Divided body into three segments: head, thorax, and abdomen
  • Two pairs of wings (only in reproductive castes)

Habitat and Distribution

Grasshoppers and ants occupy various habitats but have different preferences. Grasshoppers thrive in:

  • Grasslands
  • Forests
  • Agricultural fields

They are mostly found in western North America.

Ants, in contrast, prefer:

  • Soil, leaf litter, or wood nests
  • Nearly all terrestrial ecosystems
  • A wide range of climates

Both insects play an essential role in their respective ecosystems. Grasshoppers are herbivores, feeding on plants and contributing to the decomposition process. Ants can have a diverse diet, including other insects, seeds, and plant matter. They help maintain soil structure and facilitate nutrient cycling.

Comparing their distribution and habitat:

Insect Habitat Preferences Distribution
Grasshopper Grasslands, Forests, Agricultural Fields Primarily Western North America
Ant Soil, Leaf Litter, Wood Nearly All Terrestrial Ecosystems

Even though grasshoppers and ants share a few common characteristics, their physical traits, habitat preferences, and distribution patterns set them apart.

Dietary Behavior of Grasshoppers

Herbivorous Nature

Grasshoppers are primarily herbivores, feeding on a variety of plant materials. Their diet includes:

  • Leaves
  • Flowers
  • Seeds

These insects are known to feed on various crops, such as:

  • Corn
  • Barley
  • Alfalfa
  • Clover

Omnivorous Aspects

Occasionally, grasshoppers display omnivorous tendencies, feeding on other insects and animal matter to supplement their protein intake. Examples of insects they may consume include:

  • Bugs
  • Crickets
  • Mosquitoes
  • Larvae

Moreover, grasshoppers occasionally consume fungi and other microbes within their environment.

Feeding on Ants

Although not a primary food source, grasshopper nymphs have been observed biting and consuming ants when other food sources are scarce. However, it isn’t common for grasshoppers to prey on ants. A comparison table illustrating the differences between their typical diet and their occasional consumption of ants is shown below:

Grasshoppers’ Typical Diet Occasional Omnivorous Behavior
Primarily plant material Insects and animal matter
Leaves, flowers, and seeds Bugs, crickets, and larvae
Various crops Ants (in rare occasions)

To recap, grasshoppers are largely herbivorous insects, primarily feeding on plants, leaves, and crops. However, they may occasionally consume insects or other animal matter, such as ants, to supplement their protein intake. Overall, these insects play an essential role in their ecosystems, serving as both herbivores and opportunistic omnivores.

Ant Biology and Behavior

Life in a Colony

Ants are social insects that live in communities called colonies. A typical ant colony consists of:

  • One or more queens: These are the reproducing females, responsible for laying eggs.
  • Male ants: Their primary role is to mate with the queen, and they usually die shortly after mating.
  • Worker ants: These are sterile females that perform various tasks within the colony, such as foraging for food and caring for the larvae.

Ants communicate using a variety of chemical signals called pheromones. They use these signals to coordinate their activities, such as foraging and defending their nests.

Types of Ants

There are over 12,000 known ant species worldwide. Some common examples are:

  • Carpenter ants: Known for nesting in wooden structures, causing damage to homes.
  • Fire ants: Characterized by their aggressive behavior, painful sting, and reddish-brown color.
  • Leafcutter ants: Known for their unique behavior of cutting leaves and using them to grow fungus for food.
Ant Species Habitat Unique Features
Carpenter ants Wood structures Cause damage to homes
Fire ants Soil mounds Aggressive, painful sting
Leafcutter ants Tropical areas Cut leaves, grow fungus for food

Ants display a wide range of social behaviors, such as division of labor within the colony and cooperative behavior during foraging or nest building. Each ant colony operates as a single cohesive unit, with individual ants working together to ensure the survival and success of the colony.

Predatory Relationships

Natural Enemies of Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers, members of the order Orthoptera, have numerous predators in their grassland ecosystems. Some common enemies include:

  • Birds: Many bird species hunt grasshoppers, using their sharp beaks to snatch them out of the air or off plants.
  • Spiders: Various spider species, such as orb-weaving spiders, trap grasshoppers in their webs and take advantage of the insect’s inability to escape.
  • Insect predators: Robber flies and other predatory insects have powerful mandibles to grab and consume grasshoppers.
  • Snakes and lizards: Reptiles, including snakes and lizards, are known to hunt grasshoppers in their natural habitats.
  • Katydids: These insects, closely related to grasshoppers, engage in cannibalistic behavior and may consume their grasshopper cousins.

Natural Enemies of Ants

Ants, despite being well-known for their cooperative behavior and strong mandibles, also face various predators:

  • Spider: Like grasshoppers, ants can fall victim to spiders that catch them in webs or actively hunt them.
  • Predatory insects: Insects such as assassin bugs and certain types of beetles prey upon ants.
  • Birds: Many bird species consume ants, either seeking them out directly or opportunistically feeding on them.
  • Lizards and frogs: Small reptiles and amphibians, such as lizards and frogs, will consume ants as a part of their diet.
  • Anteaters and other mammals: Specialized mammal predators, such as anteaters, feed almost exclusively on ants and termites.
  Grasshoppers Ants
Predatory relationships Birds, spiders, insects, snakes, lizards, katydids Spiders, insects, birds, lizards, frogs, anteaters

While both grasshoppers and ants have an array of natural predators, they do not typically prey on one another. Grasshoppers, being herbivores, primarily consume plant material, and ants mainly feed on other insects, seeds, and nectar. Though there are instances of grasshoppers opportunistically eating ants, it is not a primary source of nutrients for them.

Environmental Interactions

Grasshoppers and Crops

Grasshoppers are polyphagous insects, meaning they feed on various types of plants, including green leaves and crop fields such as cotton, oats, and rye. They typically avoid consuming toxic plants, preferring to forage on readily available nourishment sources. For example, grasshopper species Tettigoniidae feed on various plant parts, decomposing animal dung, and other small critters.

Baby grasshoppers, or nymphs, focus on growing by molting through various stages until they reach adulthood. During this period, they tend to be less discriminative in their food choices. This, unfortunately, can cause significant damage to vegetation, including important agricultural crops.

  • Pros: Grasshoppers serve as an essential part of the ecosystem by participating in nutrient cycling.
  • Cons: Grasshoppers are capable of destroying valuable crops when present in large populations.

Ants and Coexistence

Ants are a diverse group of insects with over 12,000 species, comprising various families, lifestyles, and dietary preferences. While grasshoppers are predominantly vegetarian, ants can be omnivorous, carnivorous, or even herbivorous, depending on their specific species. Many ants form colonies, efficiently cooperating in their search for food and resources. They are known for being industrious creatures, quite the opposite of being lazy.

In the environment, ants and grasshoppers coexist, affecting each other indirectly. For instance, ants feed on specific plants, leaving less food for grasshoppers. On the other hand, grasshopper populations may fluctuate, influencing the availability of resources for the ants. However, no direct interactions between grasshoppers and ants in terms of predation have been cited.

  Grasshoppers Ants
Diet Primarily vegetarian Varies by species
Lifestyle Solitary, polyphagous Social, diverse
Role Herbivores, crop pests Resource gatherers

Conclusion and Takeaways

Grasshoppers and ants are two vastly different insects, with distinct behaviors and diets. For instance, most grasshoppers are herbivores, primarily consuming plant matter1. Ants, on the other hand, can showcase various feeding preferences, including herbivory, carnivory, and more2.

When considering size, grasshoppers generally range from 0.4 to 2.75 inches, while ants can be as small as 0.03 to as large as 1.6 inches34. This variation in size often prevents any direct conflict or interactions between these two insects.

In the world of fables, stories like The Ant and the Grasshopper5 capture the essence of the potential contrast in their behaviors, suggesting zero bullying behavior between these species.

Here are some key characteristics of grasshoppers and ants:


  • Herbivorous diet
  • Larger in size
  • Known for their jumping abilities


  • Varied diet (herbivorous, carnivorous, scavengers)
  • Smaller in size
  • Known for their cooperation and social behavior

Comparing grasshoppers and snails, the latter are slow-moving mollusks that primarily feed on plant material6. Grasshoppers move at a much faster pace and may accidentally damage or prey on snails under certain circumstances7.

In conclusion, grasshoppers do not typically eat ants. Instead, these insects maintain their separate diets and habitats. With differing sizes, behaviors, and ecological roles, there’s little potential for direct conflict between these two species.






Grasshopper Molting



Grasshopper Nymph: Tropidacris cristata


Grasshopper Nymph











Aztec Spur-Throat Grasshopper Nymph



Unknown Grasshopper



  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi Dhir

    Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Grasshopper

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9 Comments. Leave new

  • Thank you so much for your very speedy reply. I can now look at the photo with a much happier feeling! I don’t know why that didn’t occur to me as a possibility, I’m sure I’ve heard about bugs molting, but it really looked like one was stuck into the other! And it looked so…well…unhealthy. I will be watching for this phenomenon in the future.

    Again, many thanks.

  • I’m in Austin and I have yet to see one of these colorful little guys. I hope I find one someday.

  • Dale Johnson
    August 2, 2017 5:06 pm

    I live in NW Round Rock and found a mating pair in my Blue/Black Salvia flowers. They we one of the cutest little bugs I’ve ever come across in my yard.

  • Peter M Mullen
    July 17, 2018 8:29 am

    E.O. Wilson the great Harvard entomologist / myrmecologist / ant specialist , one of my heroes points out that insects / Anthropods comprise approximately 8000 times the (biomass) of all the land, and see mammals combined. My number memory may be skewed, but the point is that Anthropod biomass, and diversity vastly outnumbers mammals, humans, cows, whales, wildebeests, hyenas, bears, lions tigers, ant eaters, and all the rest of the terrestrial animals other than the bacteria etc. When one sees the world from that perspective it becomes a no brainer that $$$$ Billions of dollars should be invested on studying everything there is to know about these highly successful adaptive creatures. Their neural networks, chemotaxis, organizational strategies. Certainly much is being done, but it’s very clear we are way behind the curve, and had better start studying fast, before we manage to wipe out this gift of manna that contains solutions to a million human earthly problems.

  • Peter M Mullen
    July 17, 2018 8:42 am

    To those who put out this amazing website, for the rest of us comparative (layabouts) I express admiration, and gratitude for your discipline, and generosity. The benefits to you, and all mankind will outweigh any sacrifice in the long run without question. Insects, and creatures of the microscopic world contain many of the answers to life’s greatest questions on this planet. Because of this kind of information, and sharing, we have a “chance” just a “chance” to save ourselves from self destruction. It all starts with knowledge. Let us light a billion fuses under the hides of kids everywhere. In their future educated minds is the next step in preservation, and solutions to problems in every discipline, from chemistry and physics, to algorithms, engineering, and psychology. The possibilities, and opportunities are endless . Thanks.

  • I have one in my garden of Hope. I live in Central texas

  • Hi Martin, I think the specimen belongs to Bufonacris claraziana (“tucura sapo” in Spanish)

  • Hazel Parker
    May 12, 2022 10:35 am

    I just found some on my prize mint plants.


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