Do Cicada Killer Wasps Sting? Truth Revealed

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Cicada killers are often confused for yellow jackets, and the infamous murder hornets. However, do cicada killer wasps sting? Let’s find out.

The cicada killer wasps are one of the largest wasps in the world. These amazing creatures are known to be predators of cicadas, who are food for their larvae.

Despite their large size, these wasps are gentle and rarely attack humans. Fascinating right? Let us read this article to learn more about these gentle giants of the wasp species.


Do Cicada Killer Wasps Sting? Truth Revealed


What Are Cicada Killers?

As the name suggests, these wasps are known to be prime hunters of cicadas. The female wasp of these species often searches for cicadas in trees to hunt and feed them to the larvae.

Cicada Killer wasps are larger in size compared to other species of wasps. They show a spectacular growth of around two inches in length.

This is nearly equivalent to Asian Giant Hornets, which is why people often confuse the two. However, the similarity is only in size and appearance, but not in their aggression.

These wasps have yellow markings on their abdomens, though the rest of the body is mostly dark brown or blackish in color. Their wings are amber colored.

Where Do They Build Their Nests?

Cicada killer wasps fall in the category of solitary wasps and are known to nest alone. These insects are usually found in gardens or yards that are filled with cicadas.

After mating, the female cicada killer wasp selects a suitable nesting site and starts digging a hole. They mostly select sandy areas like roadsides, embankments, and sidewalks to build their nest.

In highly populated areas, they choose to build nests in lawns as well. They use their powerful front legs to loosen the soil first, and then they dig up the hole using the middle legs.

Sometimes a female enters a pre-existing burrow of another wasp and uses her head to push out the dirt. They dig deep into the soil for about 10 inches.


Do Cicada Killer Wasps Sting? Truth Revealed


Are Cicada Killer Wasps Dangerous?

Like most solitary wasps, the cicada killers are less aggressive and won’t make much effort to defend their solitary nests.

These wasps are not at all like yellow jackets (which they are often confused with); they are very unlikely to attack humans.

The males don’t have a stinger and are harmless, the females can sting, but they rarely do so. Instead, they preserve it for stinging insects to feed the wasp larvae.

Do Cicada Killer Wasps Sting Humans?

Despite their enormous size, the cicada killer wasps usually don’t engage with humans.

Also, as mentioned above, only females are capable of stinging. They use venom for hunting and paralyzing cicadas. However, if they feel highly threatened, they will attack and sting.


Do Cicada Killer Wasps Sting? Truth Revealed


Cicada Killer Sting Pain Index?

The cicada killer wasps do not deliver excruciating stings. According to the inventor of the Schmidt pain index, Justin Schmidt, cicada killers are the “gentle giants of the wasp world.”

Their sting feels much like a pinprick, and usually does not cause even soreness or swelling.

Can Cicada Killers Sting a Dog?

Cicada killers don’t usually attack pets, but the wasp will attack if a dog tries to step on it and chase it.

If your dog gets attacked by a cicada killer wasp, it will experience a hearing echo of buzzing sounds.

Some dogs might be allergic to the sting and suffer from swelling, especially when stung in the mouth or face.


Do Cicada Killer Wasps Sting? Truth Revealed


What To Do For The Wound of Cicada Killer Wasp Sting?

If a cicada killer wasp stings you, there won’t be much pain or swelling; however, to avoid redness or itching, here are a few steps that you can take:

Clean the area of the wasp sting with a mixture of clean water and soap. If you experience swelling or redness, you can apply a cold compress or an ice pack.

If you are allergic to wasps stings, immediately visit the hospital.

Are Cicada Killers Beneficial?

It is a problem to deal with a bunch of noisy cicadas near your house or yard. Therefore having these wasps around you will be a great way to eliminate them.

These cicada killers will help you eliminate pests by hunting and killing them quickly. Thus, cicada killers are beneficial insects and are pest controllers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you get stung by a cicada killer?

If you get stung by a cicada killer wasp, you will likely experience mild pain with a bit of swelling and redness.
These wasps generally don’t attack humans and deliver less painful stings compared to other wasps, like yellow jackets. If the sting triggers an allergic reaction, immediately seek medical attention.

What attracts cicada killer wasps?

As the name suggests, cicada killer wasps are highly attracted to areas that have a high cicada population.
Therefore, if you have a yard full of noisy cicadas, these cicada killers will most likely visit the yard to build their nests. They are also attracted to sandy areas and extensive lawns.

How long do cicada killers stay around?

Cicada killer larvae hatch from the eggs quickly. After hatching, they feed on the paralyzed cicadas that are placed by the mother wasp in their underground nest.
They stay in the pupa stage throughout the winter to survive the cold. Once the surface shows liveable conditions, they emerge as adults and live for 2-5 weeks.

Are cicada killers good to have around?

Despite the giant size, the cicada killer wasps are beneficial insects. Being one of the top predators of cicadas, they can act as excellent pest eliminators.
If you have a yard or lawn full of cicadas, these wasps are the ideal solution to get rid of them naturally.

Wrap Up

Cicada killers are often misunderstood to be highly aggressive because of their giant size, but these creatures are incredibly gentle. We hope this article was able to clear that misconception.

However, even though these creatures are not aggressive, make sure not to disturb them as they flutter around the garden, cleaning out your wasp problem.

Thank you for reading the piece.











  • Bugman

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Tags: Cicada Killers

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • The cicada killers in my backyard have holes all over the ground. There are about 9 of them flying all over the place. We finally got our yard looking nice and now it is full of brown mounds. If these are there nesting holes, we will be overwhelmed with these critters next season. Any suggestion on how to get rid of them?
    Margaret of Quakertown

  • The cicada killers in my backyard have holes all over the ground. There are about 9 of them flying all over the place. We finally got our yard looking nice and now it is full of brown mounds. If these are there nesting holes, we will be overwhelmed with these critters next season. Any suggestion on how to get rid of them?
    Margaret of Quakertown


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