Deer Fly Bite: Is It Poisonous? Uncovering the Truth

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Deer flies are small, blood-sucking insects known for their painful bites. These flies have razor-sharp “lips” that slice open the skin to feed on the resulting blood pool, making them a nuisance for humans and animals alike MIT Medical.

While a deer fly bite can be painful and cause discomfort, it is not generally poisonous. However, there can be instances of localized infections or allergic reactions for some individuals. It’s essential to clean the bite wound and monitor it for signs of infection or severe swelling NC State Extension Publications.

Remember that deer flies are more of a nuisance than a significant threat. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to take precautions such as wearing protective clothing and using insect repellent to prevent bites while spending time outdoors, especially in areas where deer flies are known to be prevalent.

Understanding Deer Fly Bites

Deer Flies: An Overview

Deer flies are insects known for their painful bites. They are typically found in or near wooded areas, and they feed on the blood of mammals, including humans.

Deer Fly Bites: Symptoms and Effects

Deer fly bites can cause a range of symptoms, including:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Itchiness

These insects use their razor-sharp “lips” to slice the skin, creating a pool of blood to feed on. The saliva they inject into the wound can cause an allergic reaction in some individuals, leading to severe swelling and other more serious complications.

Keep in mind that deer fly bites are not poisonous, so most people will only experience mild symptoms.

In a comparison between deer flies and other common biting insects, here are the main differences:

Insect Bite Type Pain Level Poisonous
Deer Fly Sharp “lips” slice skin Painful No
Mosquito Needle-like proboscis Mild No
Bee Stinger Painful Yes (for some people)

It is essential to treat deer fly bites promptly to avoid infection and reduce discomfort. Wash the bite area with soap and water, and take an antihistamine or apply creams to reduce itching if necessary.

Is a Deer Fly Bite Poisonous?

Infection and Diseases Associated with Deer Fly Bites

Deer fly bites are not considered poisonous but can be painful and lead to infections or diseases. Deer flies have razor-sharp “lips” that slice the skin open, allowing them to feed on the blood pool created by the bite 1. The bite can cause itching for days, and if scratched, may lead to an infection 2. Here are some possible complications:

  • Tularemia: Deer flies are capable of transmitting tularemia, a bacterial disease, to humans. This disease may cause fever, chills, and swollen lymph nodes 3.
  • Infection: Scratching the itchy bite may break the skin, leading to secondary bacterial infections.

Symptoms and Comparison

Deer fly bites tend to occur around the head and neck areas and result in different symptoms depending on the individual. It is important to monitor the bite and seek medical attention if necessary. Here is a comparison of common symptoms:

Symptom Severity Example
Itching Mild Slight itch at the site of the bite
Swelling Moderate Swollen area around the bite, sometimes red and warm to the touch
Fever Severe High body temperature, indicates a possible infection or disease

Tips to Reduce Deer Fly Bite Risks

There are some precautions that can be taken to minimize the risk of deer fly bites and associated complications:

  • Wear protective clothing, such as long sleeves, pants, and a hat.
  • Apply insect repellent containing DEET or Picaridin to exposed skin.
  • Avoid areas near ponds, streams, marshes, and lakes, where deer flies are more common4.

Recognizing and Treating Deer Fly Bites

Immediate Care After a Bite

Deer fly bites can be painful, but they are not poisonous. If you’re bitten by a deer fly, here are some immediate care steps:

  1. Clean the bite area: Gently wash the bite with soap and water to reduce the risk of infection.
  2. Apply a cold compress: To minimize pain and inflammation, place a cool compress or ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the bite site for 15-20 minutes.

Remember, you should always:

  • Avoid scratching the bite, as this can worsen the inflammation and increase the risk of infection.

When to Seek Medical Treatment

Although deer fly bites aren’t poisonous, in rare cases, they can lead to severe reactions or infections. Seek medical treatment if you experience any of the following symptoms after a bite:

  • Trouble breathing or shortness of breath, as this may indicate a severe allergic reaction
  • Hives, nausea, or vomiting also suggest a severe reaction to the bite
  • Signs of infection, like increasing redness, warmth, or swelling at the bite site

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat or prevent an infection resulting from a deer fly bite.

Remember, it’s essential to monitor your symptoms and take action if your condition worsens. Deer fly bites are generally harmless, but it’s always better to be cautious and seek professional medical advice when necessary.

Preventing Deer Fly Bites

Personal Protective Measures

Deer fly bites can be painful, and while they are not poisonous, they can cause itchiness, swelling, and mild redness. To protect yourself from deer flies, consider wearing a hat with an attached veil or mesh netting, covering your skin with light-colored clothing, and tucking pants into socks or boots. Apply insect repellents containing DEET to exposed skin for added protection. Remember:

  • Wear a hat with a veil or mesh netting
  • Cover skin with light-colored clothing
  • Tuck pants into socks or boots
  • Use DEET-based insect repellents

Environmental Control

To reduce deer fly populations in your surroundings, be aware of their breeding habitats, such as wetlands or marshy areas. Limit your time spent near these habitats during deer fly season. Another effective strategy is to use a fan when outdoors, as deer flies are weak fliers and cannot navigate well in strong airflow. Steps to control the environment:

  • Avoid wetlands and marshy areas
  • Limit outdoor activities during deer fly season
  • Use fans to create airflow


Trapping is an effective way to control deer fly populations, especially in larger areas like yards or pastures. Sticky traps can be hung from trees or fences to catch flying adults. Alternatively, use water traps to attract egg-laying female deer flies and prevent them from producing more offspring. Trapping methods:

  • Sticky traps hung from trees or fences
  • Water traps targeting egg-laying females
Method Pros Cons
Personal protection Reduces skin exposure to bites May be uncomfortable in hot weather
Environmental control Reduces overall deer fly presence Requires vigilance and planning
Trapping Effective in large areas Requires periodic maintenance

Other Biting Flies and Insects

Horse Flies and Black Flies

  • Horse flies are large, fast-flying insects with a painful bite
  • Black flies are smaller but also inflict a painful bite

Both of these flies can transmit diseases like rabbit fever. Their bites can cause itching, redness, and swelling.

Biting Midges and Sand Flies

  • Biting midges (also known as “no-see-ums”) are tiny insects with a painful bite
  • Sand flies transmit leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease

Biting midges are more bothersome, while sand flies pose a more serious health risk. It’s important to protect yourself from these biting insects when outdoors.

Comparing biting insects:

Insect Size Painfulness Disease Transmission
Deer Fly Moderate Yes No
Horse Fly Large Yes Yes (rabbit fever)
Black Fly Small Yes Yes (rabbit fever)
Biting Midge Tiny Yes No
Sand Fly Small Moderate Yes (leishmaniasis)
  • All these insects are attracted to carbon dioxide, heat, and movement.
  • Bites can cause itchiness, redness, and swelling, but not all of them transmit diseases.

Tips to avoid bites from these insects:

  • Use insect repellent
  • Wear long sleeves and pants outdoors
  • Avoid areas with high insect populations

Remember, it’s essential to take preventive measures to protect yourself from these annoying and potentially harmful bites.




Deer Fly

Deer Fly


Four Deer Flies









  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Deer Fly

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Have to agree with your sympathetic response. When we lived in northern BC Canada there were biting flies and other insects that were impossible to ignore… large, painful bites. We used to say they flew in with knife and fork and cut off a chunk and packed it away. Especially unwelcome when young children are involved.

  • Hi
    Deer flies in this area, southern Ontario, Canada, sometimes swarm.

    Picture my wife, head in a hat with mosquito netting, short sleeve shirt.
    Dozens of deer flies biting her arms at the same time. Hundreds flying around her.

    Her vision was affected, as if she was looking at the world through the bottom of a glass.
    Pain and fear causes her to run to try to get away.

    As she entered her tent, most of the deer flies just left.
    A few were still on her and tried to get out the top of the tent.
    None of them continued biting.

    Local lore says that the unsettling feeling of looking at the world through the bottom of a glass is normal and probably the result of something in the saliva. That feeling lasted for a couple of hours.

    Thanks for your site!


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