Inside the Stool: Readers’ Unsettling Encounters with Centipedes

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For almost three decades, our readers have been writing in with sightings of insects and bugs with requests to identify them. But when you see one such insect come out of you in your stool, the sight can be disturbing, to say the least.

From over thirty thousand emails that we have received, these stand out where writers found a centipede in their stool (or close to their private parts)!

Read on and let us know in the comments if you have had such an experience in the past.

We have compiled a separate list of emails where people have found an unidentified insect in their bowel movement.

What’s That Bug’ Product Recommendations:

Wondercide – Preventive Indoor Pest Control Spray Wondercide uses natural, plant-based essential oils to naturally repel pests. Cruelty-Free.

Dr. Killigans Non-Toxic Pest Control Specializes in non-toxic, natural products focused on removing ONLY the unwanted pests – not all insects.

BUG BITE THING Suction Tool – Natural Insect Bite Relief We love this simple product because it works without chemicals! Great for kids!

Large Bat Box for Natural Mosquito Control Too many mosquitos in your yard but don’t want to spray heavy chemicals? Try natures method!

Uncle Milton’s Giant Ant Farm The perfect gift so your kids can take an even closer look at the amazing underground world of ants. It’s the original.

Giant Butterfly Garden: Watch Caterpillars Change Into Butterflies! The perfect activity to do with your little ones to inspire them on how wonderful bugs can be.

Anti-Predator Chicken Coop with Runs Houses 4-6 chickens while offering outstanding protection and can be attached to other chicken coops.

Raised Cedar Planter Box Cedar is the ideal wood for a planter box as its naturally rot-resistant and repels pests from your vegetables.

While we do enjoy and use the products recommended above, they are affiliate links where ‘What’s That Bug’ may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps to financial support this website from hosting to expert entomologists and writers who identify your bug requests and create the content you love.

Letter 1 – Centipede found in human stool.

Subject: RE: centipede in stool??
Location: Houston, TX
September 1, 2016 8:10 am
Hi, I am hoping that you can give me some insight into this matter. My husband has had diarrhea for about a week now. He went to the doctor, and we are waiting for results from his stool sample. This morning, he had an accident in his pants, and we found this worm that doesn’t resemble any of the more common intestinal parasites. I searched the internet, and found a post from Feb. 2013 titled “Can Centipedes really crawl up your butt??” The culprit resembles the picture in the post, so I am wondering what the final findings were. Thanks.
Signature: concerned wife

Centipede found in husband's messy underwear
Centipede found in husband’s messy pants.

Dear concerned wife,
We invested much research into the posting you cited:  Can Centipedes really crawl up your butt??  What we find troubling about your submission is that your Centipede does not look like a Soil Centipede, the group that was the subject of all our research as well as other strange reports we have received including Soil Centipede presumably passed during bowel movement and Soil Centipede found in Bath WaterBugGuide also has a submission of a Soil Centipede found in a human stool sample.  Soil Centipedes are described on BugGuide as being:  “Slender, rather sluggish eyeless centipedes that have 27 to 191 pairs (the number of leg pairs is always odd) of legs and 14-segmented antennae. They burrow in the substrate in a manner similar to earthworms, by elongating and contracting their bodies.”  If our calculations are correct, your Centipede has fewer than 21 pairs of legs, so it is NOT a Soil Centipede.  Additionally, your Centipede does not appear like it has been in a human gastrointestinal tract.  Your Centipede appears like it might be in the genus
Cryptops, based on this imaged of Crytops hortensis which is posted to BugGuide and appears to have the same number of legs as your individual.  We also have a posting on our site of a Tiger Centipede found in a young lady’s panties, and it was definitely NOT a parasite.  We suspect it just sought out a warm dark place, which is what we are inclined to believe regarding the Centipede you found.  We would urge you to keep the specimen and take it to the doctor conducting the stool sample, but again, we are inclined to believe the two instances are a coincidence and that your husband’s diarrhea is not related to the discovery of the Centipede in his dirtied pants.  Please keep us posted if there are additional developments or questions.

Letter 2 – Soil Centipede presumably passed during bowel movement

Subject: Pooped a worm?
Location: Hartland , WI
November 5, 2014 1:52 pm
My husband sent this text to me and I’m waiting for a return call from the doctor. Any idea?
Signature: Freaking out

Centipede in toilet
Soil Centipede in toilet

Dear Freaking out,
Though we have been spared the text from your husband, we are deducing by your subject line that this Soil Centipede was passed during a bowel movement.  Please refer to our extensive posting entitled Can Centipedes really Crawl up your Butt???
  We would be eager to hear what the doctor has to say.

His text was basically he was freaking out because he just pooped that out. The doctor said since it was floating in the water and not mixed in the stool, it couldn’t have come from him, must’ve already been in the toilet.
He has still been having pretty intense stomach pains that come and go. He does see his regular MD for a physical on Tuesday.

Letter 3 – Centipede in her panties is Desert Tiger Centipede

This huge centipede was IN MY UNDERWEAR for over an hour…please help!
I was running errands with my sister. Stopped in for a bottle of water and noticed something kinda “pokey” down in my underwear. Got back in car. Dropped trou. Nothing. Drove home. Felt poking again. Dropped my pants and Hello…this was there. Did it bite me? Exactly *how* alarmed should I be? I am in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He appears to match more than one photo on your website. This experience has made me question the existence of God. I am looking into inpatient therapy. Seriously. I can’t stop scratching my whole body. Did it *have* to be in my panties? My cousin says it’s “punishment for former misdeeds”, but I’m not all that bad. My sister can’t stop laughing.
Katie Hastie
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Hi Katie,
Your letter is so amusing. We don’t want to appear insensitive to your trauma, but your letter did make us chuckle as well. Since you have provided a nice sense of scale for your specimen, we can tell you that your Centipede is not huge, as there are reports of 8 inch long Centipedes, especially from Texas and Oklahoma. We believe this is Scolopendra heros, and though all specimens don’t have red heads, it is commonly called the Red Headed Centipede. If your youngster had bitten you, you would know it since Centipedes have venom and the bite is reported to be quite painful. It probably just wanted to find a nice warm spot to curl up and rest a bit.

Oooh! Thanks Daniel,
I’d kinda been thinking it was scolopendra polymorpha, but hey – you would know! I appreciate your response. I’ve been researching it for hours now…the good news is: statistically I can’t imagine that something like this could possibly happen to me twice in a lifetime! I think truly I was okay until I picked yesterday’s cargo pants up off the bathroom floor and put them on. He must have been in there. It’s actually a miracle that he didn’t show himself while I was behind the wheel – that would have made for a nasty pileup and a ridiculous story for the cops. Great work and many thanks,

Comment: (08/30/2008) Centipede bite feels like . . . Maui-style
Aloha Daniel –
Please tell Katie in Santa Fe that the bite of a centipede is nothing like you’ve ever felt before. Yes, she was very lucky it did not bite her as she drove. This memory is from over 12 years ago. I was bitten by an 8″ chocolate/red ‘pede in Hawai`i in my bed about 1/2 hour after going to sleep. You feel like a hot poker has jabbed you. Worse than a bee or wasp sting. Yes, there is a toxin injected into the body. There are usually two parallel bites – about 3/8″ long & about 1/8 wide. Treat yourself for shock – Vitamin C, “Rescue Remedy” by Bach, and then for flu – echinacea & golden seal tabs. Poultice of baking soda on the bite – water w/ a drop of Rescue Remedy. Years later, my semi-feral cat rolled onto one and got bit between the shoulder blades. About 3-4 days later the cat wanted me to open the wounds and drain them. Was very patient and tolerant of me squeezing the toxin and infection out of him. Suggest to Katie to keep her bathroom drains covered up. They come up them into our homes that way. Keep a pair of cooking/bar-b-que tongs handy to grab them. The folk tale in the islands is that someone is jealous and is sending those emotions and thoughts to her. Just an FYI – Enjoy your weekend! Thanks for all you do!

Correction:  January 7, 2009
Thats actually not Scolopendra heros they are far larger and do not occur in NM. That is Scolopendra polymorpha sometimes referred to as the desert tiger centipede.

Update June 2, 2014:  A similar experience
Subject: desert centipede
June 1, 2014 4:46 pm
I just wanted to comment on the experience of the gal with a centipede in her pants.  It just happened to me too.  I left my jeans thrown over the edge of the bathtub last night and put them back on in the morning to do yard work.  When I came inside, I felt something picky on my thigh and, having read her story, peeled off my jeans.  There was a 4″ centipede on the thigh of my jeans!  It is no longer with us.  I generally enjoy bugs and teach my grandkids to watch and enjoy them, but centipedes are the exception to the rule!  I have drain covers in my bathtubs to try to keep out the centipedes but they are still managing to get into my house.  Any idea how?  Last month I watched a centipede and a triangular shaped bug doing battle in the same bathroom and that was interesting.  The dark colored bug actually looked like it injected something into the side of the centipede and it appear to kill the centipede.   Any idea what that bug might have been?
Signature: Santa Fe Mary

Dear Santa Fe Mary,
We have added your comment to the original posting.  Perhaps the Centipedes are seeking a warm location much like Scorpions crawling into shoes at night.  We cannot think of what the predator you saw might be.

Letter 4 – Soil Centipede found in Bath Water: How did it get there???

Subject: Found this in my kids’ bathwater
Location: Arkansas
February 20, 2014 11:11 pm
We live in Arkansas and it’s late winter. We found this dead floating in our children’s bath with them. I just wanted to know what it is and if it is something we should worry about. I can’t seem to get a straight answer because everyone I ask thinks it’s something different.
Signature: Kay

Soil Centipede found in Bath Water!!!
Soil Centipede found in Bath Water!!!

Dear Kay,
This is a Centipede, and it appears it is most likely a Soil Centipede in the order Geophilomorpha.  You can compare your individual to the images posted to BugGuide.  Almost exactly one year ago, we received an identification request that prompted a posting on our site entitled Can Centipedes Really Crawl up you Butt??? once we began doing research.  As we noted in the past, the book Sanitary Entomology:  The Entomology of Disease, Hygiene and Sanitation by William Dwight Pierce indicates that pseudoparasitism by Soil Centipedes is possible in the nasal and alimentary passages of humans.  You might want to consult with your physician on this matter.


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Centipedes

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66 Comments. Leave new

  • Thats actually not Scolopendra heros they are far larger and do not occur in NM. That is Scolopendra polymorpha sometimes referred to as the desert tiger centipede.

  • I grew up in New Mexico and have seen dozens of these centipedes. This one is one of the smallest I have seen. Six to eight inches seems to be the average, at least in the Middle Rio Grande Valley (I would see these near the irrigation ditches south of Albuquerque, and several times in the house).

    I have never been bitten, but those I know who have seem to have PTSD from it!

    I don’t know anything about bugs, but all the centipedes I have seen have the same appearance as this one, and none ever looked like the pictures of Redheaded Centipedes posted on this site. If plantkid is right, why is the species called “polymorpha”? That translates to “many shapes,” doesn’t it? All of the specimens I have seen have differed only in size.

  • “If plantkid is right, why is the species called “polymorpha”? That translates to “many shapes,” doesn’t it? All of the specimens I have seen have differed only in size”.

    I know this post is old…
    its called polymorpha because of the many colors it can be found in. All centipedes will have a similar form, A key trait uniting this group is a pair of venom claws or “forcipules” formed from a modified first appendage

  • Great Bugman! don’t blow out any braincells through your contemplative effort.

  • Scott Richardson
    August 5, 2013 10:07 pm

    God Bless U. I would have PTSD from just knowing that thing was in my Shorts for that Long. Bit or Not…

    Anyways, My Skin is crawling just reading your story.

    A Perfect situation for my New Word I have become so fond of lately. Mrrrrr.

    LOL. But I think your right. The likelyhood of this happening twice in your lifetime is pretty close to nil.

    Take care,

  • Scott Richardson
    August 5, 2013 10:07 pm

    God Bless U. I would have PTSD from just knowing that thing was in my Shorts for that Long. Bit or Not…

    Anyways, My Skin is crawling just reading your story.

    A Perfect situation for my New Word I have become so fond of lately. Mrrrrr.

    LOL. But I think your right. The likelyhood of this happening twice in your lifetime is pretty close to nil.

    Take care,

  • Though one would think this occurrence wouldn’t happen twice, I’m here to burst that bubble. In my parent’s house just south of albuquerque, on 3 separate occasions I was stung/bit by centipedes. My toe in high school, my back while breastfeeding my first baby (I was 20 then), and then about age 24 I did laundry there and left my basket of clean laundry on a couch. I put on a pair of drawstring comfy pants only to feel the most incredible pain on my upper outer thigh. I had thought my back had been bad, but that was a baby centipede. This one was insane! Once I was able to get the pants off my whole leg was on fire and I had the indentations from all the legs grabbing my skin, 3 different spots the centipede dug the poion claws in, but no centipede. From the indentations I could tell it was big, but when we finally got it out of the pants it was at least 8″ long. So I now have an intense fear of them. Looked like the one in thep

    • …the pic. Only it was huge. I still will not sit on their couches.
      I just moved to the north valley, and tonight, about 30 mins ago, I saw another big one. Only 6″ or so. Of course I’m completely awake now lol. So good luck.

    • …the pic. Only it was huge. I still will not sit on their couches.
      I just moved to the north valley, and tonight, about 30 mins ago, I saw another big one. Only 6″ or so. Of course I’m completely awake now lol. So good luck.

  • Don’t need any more PTSD. I’ve been all over the world and have seen many different types of pedes and treated a few for some pretty gnarly bites. But just this morning here in New Mexico I got chomped on. I was getting ready for work, pulled my pants on and headed for the door. I thought at first it was a tag that I may have missed but I have had these pants for a while now. With the poke turning into a burn I reached back to remove the annoyance and felt it move, just above my tail bone. I grabbed onto it and flung it out and noticed what was causing the pain. It was just like the one in the picture above. So, now with the heebie jeebies and a burning sensation on my lower back I have sworn now to keep all all my clothes off the floor.

    • We have heard that one needs to be careful when putting on shoes in areas where Scorpions are found. Your comment indicates that Centipedes will also seek out warm, snuggly locations during the night.

  • This year I’ve found 3 of those Tiger Centipedes inside my home above Lyons, CO (elevation 7000′). The 5″ one set off a mouse snap-trap in March, died there. Had to search online to discover who this scary looking critter was, though they seemed to be confined to lower elevations. But just last week I found two more 3″ dead on kitchen floor. Guess they’re getting active at higher altitudes???

  • fascinating

  • Hiding under the bowl rim?

  • Great text to the wife! Awesome!

  • I bet it was on his clothing and it fell in the toilet as he sat down.

  • ah geeze..

  • This was slightly interesting… And then I read another butt centipede story linked at the bottom of this one… And now my weekend is ruined as I clench my cheeks as tightly as possible.

  • To many gummy Bears …@ Halloween …

  • Read the whole linked story. Oh. My. God.

  • I too live in Santa Fe (Eldorado) and I’ve had four of these Desert Tiger centipedes come into the house so far, one in early July and three in the past nine days! The most recent one was last night; I heard what sounded like maybe a mouse nibbling, and it turned out to be his rustling on a paper bag. It was at least 6 inches
    I don’t know how they’re getting in, but they always seem to be in or near the kitchen so I’ve put glue boards in there to try to find out the entry point.
    I’m petrified of them; haven’t been bitten and I understand that the polymorpha’s bite is not that terrible. I guess I should get drain covers for the bathtub because if they show up in the bathroom I’ll probably have a heart attack.
    Here is a video of a guy expertly handling a Desert Tiger Centipede:

  • I too live in Santa Fe (Eldorado) and I’ve had four of these Desert Tiger centipedes come into the house so far, one in early July and three in the past nine days! The most recent one was last night; I heard what sounded like maybe a mouse nibbling, and it turned out to be his rustling on a paper bag. It was at least 6 inches
    I don’t know how they’re getting in, but they always seem to be in or near the kitchen so I’ve put glue boards in there to try to find out the entry point.
    I’m petrified of them; haven’t been bitten and I understand that the polymorpha’s bite is not that terrible. I guess I should get drain covers for the bathtub because if they show up in the bathroom I’ll probably have a heart attack.
    Here is a video of a guy expertly handling a Desert Tiger Centipede:

  • This morning I felt a intense burning or stabbing pain at the tip of my penis at about 5 am. I thought it was my short pant zip that was causing pain, but it was the centipede ( green) that was biting on my glans penis , I immediately rise up and shake and took off my pant. It was moving rapidly and I screamed and I had to kill that bug. I was shocked and started to inform doctors, but there was no anaphylactic shock or reaction except from the bite / sting mark. Thanks god , now it become my scariest bug I have ever seen.

    • Thank you for informing us that Centipedes have no gender preference when it comes to crawling up peoples drawers.

  • I was peeling off the skin of an Orange fruit, all of a sudden I couldn’t believe my eyes, i could see a Centipede barging out of the fruit found inside, it was a complete black in color. So it is possible of a Centipede grown inside a fruit ?

  • BugMan-Senior
    October 6, 2016 2:32 pm

    Man this is old.
    Oddly enough I agree with Bugman this seems unlikely.

  • BugMan-Senior
    October 6, 2016 2:32 pm

    Man this is old.
    Oddly enough I agree with Bugman this seems unlikely.

  • Laurice Savoy(
    November 12, 2016 1:43 am

    Wow! My friend found something very similar to this only the picture she took doesn’ seem to show the leges per segment like a soil centipede???

  • Dear concerned wife,
    My 22year old daughter has passed 2 of these centipede like parasites three years apart . Despite no one in the medical profession believing us. I have seen the second one personally, both times were preceded by cronic stomach pains. Im at my wits end as to what to do as during this three Year period her Health has gone from Being a perfectly healthy Normal young woman to a Shell of her former self. Tiredness, stomach pains , headaches, muscle pains , electric shock like pains in her chest and body Being Some of the symptoms . Of course she has been to multiple doctors more times than i can count , shes been to the a&e departement of two separate Hospitals twice and no one . No one . Believe s us. We ve had blood samples, stool samples , analysed to no Avail. What really scares me is that in the Past week these chronic pains have been manifesting again accompanied by awful pressure in her chest and pack of Breath. Shes had a heart trace but again Nothing showde up. So yet again shes been sent home from hospital without any Answers. IVe tried over the counter pharmacy remedies and Herbal remedies such as blavkwalnut hull, clove oil and worm wood and yet it survives. Im desperate , desperate for help. If anyone has any bit of information or guidence on this Please Please help.
    Concerned and frightened mother

  • Dear concerned wife,
    My 22year old daughter has passed 2 of these centipede like parasites three years apart . Despite no one in the medical profession believing us. I have seen the second one personally, both times were preceded by cronic stomach pains. Im at my wits end as to what to do as during this three Year period her Health has gone from Being a perfectly healthy Normal young woman to a Shell of her former self. Tiredness, stomach pains , headaches, muscle pains , electric shock like pains in her chest and body Being Some of the symptoms . Of course she has been to multiple doctors more times than i can count , shes been to the a&e departement of two separate Hospitals twice and no one . No one . Believe s us. We ve had blood samples, stool samples , analysed to no Avail. What really scares me is that in the Past week these chronic pains have been manifesting again accompanied by awful pressure in her chest and pack of Breath. Shes had a heart trace but again Nothing showde up. So yet again shes been sent home from hospital without any Answers. IVe tried over the counter pharmacy remedies and Herbal remedies such as blavkwalnut hull, clove oil and worm wood and yet it survives. Im desperate , desperate for help. If anyone has any bit of information or guidence on this Please Please help.
    Concerned and frightened mother

    • Bills Teitey
      May 23, 2019 4:37 pm

      Wow, in Ghana, I can guarantee for a herbal medication. Pick up my whatsapp number +233244450745

    • I wish I had an answer bc I have them also- in my skin too. I’ve found turpentine to kill them. Research turpentine parasite treatment

  • My daughter has similar complaint

  • I (age 64) believe you, and a sighting myself is the reason for being on this website now. Just in the past hour, I saw a small centipede (approximately 1-1.5 inches) in the toilet after cleaning myself. This was after I had already flushed the toilet more than once during the first part of a bowel movement and subsequent cleansing, so it must have come from me. Of course it’s concerning, but my complaints are not similar to your daughter’s, so, for now, it will be a wait and see game. I did unexpectedly break out in hives(?) all over my body last night, but it doesn’t seem related.

  • I had a wound in my neck. After a year I felt like something was in my skin. My hair getting thinner and I felt as though my scalp had trail like paths all over it. I picked the whole year thinking it was in grown hair. I had an enormous amount of white mucous coming out of my nose and throat. When I took a shower I started massaging my scalp. I felt a release of pressure and in the tub was two millions looking worms. I went to the ER and they asked if I was crazy. I’m still thinking there are more. I am balding in the area and the fluid in my mouth burns like acid. Someone please help me figure out what’s wrong

  • Please let me know if they have you something to rid this

  • Please help!! We live in east mountains NM and have had 10 of these centipedes in our home in the last 2 on Ths! Everybody says they rarely come inside but this is freaking my kids and I out. The flooring of our home has been redone during tis time and we live in a double wide on a permenant foundation with dirt underneath. The home is clean and dry but they are on the kitchen counters, a few have been 6 in or more. How can they be stopped? And why so man You? Thank you

  • Tmhm47,
    I’m the poster who lives in Eldorado (Santa Fe) just a ways up from your east mountain location in NM.
    Good news:
    This is my third summer here and I can confidently state that it’s almost time for our Desert Tigers to stop coming around. The reason there are so many in late August and early September is that it’s starting to get chilly at night (when they are active). So they throw caution to the winds and try to get into a building to be warmer.
    It’s been two years since I posted here and one week ago, for the first time, I DID get a full grown centipede in my bathroom …right on top of the toilet believe it or not …so nothing they do surprises me.
    But again, they’ll be gone soon now, and for at least the next seven months.
    You can buy some glue boards if it makes you feel more secure; when one gets caught on it I usually fold the glue board in half and stomp it real well so the centipede won’t suffer a long time starving to death.
    After all,
    they’re not in our houses looking for us, but rather they’re just looking for insects to eat.

  • Tmhm47,
    I’m the poster who lives in Eldorado (Santa Fe) just a ways up from your east mountain location in NM.
    Good news:
    This is my third summer here and I can confidently state that it’s almost time for our Desert Tigers to stop coming around. The reason there are so many in late August and early September is that it’s starting to get chilly at night (when they are active). So they throw caution to the winds and try to get into a building to be warmer.
    It’s been two years since I posted here and one week ago, for the first time, I DID get a full grown centipede in my bathroom …right on top of the toilet believe it or not …so nothing they do surprises me.
    But again, they’ll be gone soon now, and for at least the next seven months.
    You can buy some glue boards if it makes you feel more secure; when one gets caught on it I usually fold the glue board in half and stomp it real well so the centipede won’t suffer a long time starving to death.
    After all,
    they’re not in our houses looking for us, but rather they’re just looking for insects to eat.

  • I also had bowl movement and brown centipede came out.. I saved it and trying to get help. First I need antibiotics prescribed by doctor, then am doing cleanse . Walnut hull, etc. changing diet . A great kit to buy is viome, it tests for all parisites and determines what foods you can eat. It’s 300 dollars on line to order. ( viome

  • Thoroughly grossed out
    April 11, 2018 4:14 pm

    I just found a worm/centipede in my toilet bowl that looked nearly identical to the one in the picture. How can I get into contact with the original poster to ask what the doctor’s diagnosis/response was to the husband?

    • Your comment is the best way to contact “Freaking out” who made the original inquiry. We do not have the ability to keep track of all of our contributors.

  • When volunteering in a veterinary hospital of one rescue organization in Canada, in a stool of one puppy with diarrhea we found the weird small worm, and when checked on a microscope, we were very aurprised to see that ot was a centipede. It was t4ansparent, with visible tinny intestines and other little organs in it’s fragmented body, tinny legs that look a bit rudimental, not like in regular centipedes, and a tail that was separated in two long parts. The head was very little and eyes rudimental, too. Looks like a species adapted to live in dark bodies of other animals, not like the ones that we can see outdoors.
    Are there any reseachers trying to find out more about this weird parasite?

  • When volunteering in a veterinary hospital of one rescue organization in Canada, in a stool of one puppy with diarrhea we found the weird small worm, and when checked on a microscope, we were very aurprised to see that ot was a centipede. It was t4ansparent, with visible tinny intestines and other little organs in it’s fragmented body, tinny legs that look a bit rudimental, not like in regular centipedes, and a tail that was separated in two long parts. The head was very little and eyes rudimental, too. Looks like a species adapted to live in dark bodies of other animals, not like the ones that we can see outdoors.
    Are there any reseachers trying to find out more about this weird parasite?

  • I see centipedes like creature, about 1,5inch on my stool.
    I have no energy, feelink weak, migrains every other day, and pain at lower belly is constant.
    Also my belly gets swollen by no reason, even if Im not constipated.
    For god sakes, what drug can kill this thing?
    I took albendazole, and mebendazole, no sucess.
    Help me please!!!

  • I see centipedes like creature, about 1,5inch on my stool.
    I have no energy, feelink weak, migrains every other day, and pain at lower belly is constant.
    Also my belly gets swollen by no reason, even if Im not constipated.
    For god sakes, what drug can kill this thing?
    I took albendazole, and mebendazole, no sucess.
    Help me please!!!

  • Look up Dr. Jennifer Daniels and embark on her parasite/candida cleanse using 100% pure gum spirits of Turpentine (basically an essential oil distilled from the sap of pine trees). It is an Ancient remedy, safe in small doses, and extremely effective against ridding the body of parasites, mold, bacteria, and overgrowths of candida.

  • I had a what looked like a 1cen very thin centipede in a portion of bowel on tissue after BM. This was 2 weeks ago. I have Lupus,Gastroparesis,Thyroid Disease,Diabetes among other issues. Is this a common parasite?

  • Jennifer Rose
    April 14, 2019 1:06 pm

    After reading this I now feel like I’m not crazy. About a month or 2 ago I had a BM and noticed one after cleaning myself in the shower. (After dirrarhea I prefer to clean myself) and saw a brown millipede in the shower. I thought I was crazy. Just 30 minutes ago, same thing happened. I am convinced it came from me.
    We have a large window in our shower and a few small cracks that I know water and other little bugs have escaped thru but this was too coincidental which brought me to google.

    I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, frequent stomach issues and migraines.

    I am entirely grossed out and also consider myself a VERY clean person, so I’m very curious as to the cause and remedy of this.

  • Jennifer Rose
    April 14, 2019 1:06 pm

    After reading this I now feel like I’m not crazy. About a month or 2 ago I had a BM and noticed one after cleaning myself in the shower. (After dirrarhea I prefer to clean myself) and saw a brown millipede in the shower. I thought I was crazy. Just 30 minutes ago, same thing happened. I am convinced it came from me.
    We have a large window in our shower and a few small cracks that I know water and other little bugs have escaped thru but this was too coincidental which brought me to google.

    I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, frequent stomach issues and migraines.

    I am entirely grossed out and also consider myself a VERY clean person, so I’m very curious as to the cause and remedy of this.

  • Just this morning, after a night of diarrhea, I found an almost identical critter in my underwear. The only difference is that mine was about two inches long and had lots of legs. Picture available, but I don’t know how to post it here.

  • Stephanie Summerfield
    January 18, 2020 8:54 pm

    Same thing. Diarrhea..after flush saw this little bug

  • I saw centipede in my shit just now so I went on the internet to know if they can really walk down an ass hole, then I saw this post.
    I’m freaked out right now cause I don’t have any idea how much of them are in my ass now.

  • I saw centipede in my shit just now so I went on the internet to know if they can really walk down an ass hole, then I saw this post.
    I’m freaked out right now cause I don’t have any idea how much of them are in my ass now.

  • I just came to this site after googling what I just saw after taking a BM and cleaning myself. I was throwing the paper into the toilet and saw something moving. Closer look it looked like a centipede. I was so freaked out I flushed the toilet and unfortunately didn’t take a photo. I’m going to try 100% Natural Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine to see if I can rid myself of any others.

  • I also just experienced finding one in the toilet after a BM. I was also freaked out and just flushed it. My husband thought it did not come from me but was in the toilet, but after reading these posts, I don’t believe that is the case. I now have to give fecal samples to a lab, but after reading these posts, I am not sure anyone is going to believe that I actually saw this, including a doctor! I will update after lab has analyzed samples and I have seen a gastrointerologisst.

  • I have had fecal samples analyzed at a lab and they tested negative for parasites–exactly what I expected. I have contacted the gastroenterologist for an appointment twice and twice they have ignored my messages so I guess they do not believe me either. I will possibly try again when I get to Mexico City. Has ayone had any luck finding a doctor who believes them and who is able to treat this?

  • Also I pooped one with Ascaris

  • I cracked up .
    Im sorry if it was not moving, it was nothing.


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