Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.
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Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.
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43 Comments. Leave new
I, too, have lived 44 years without ever seeing this creepy bug! My son and I were so freaked out by this “alien life form”. When he sweeped it out the door, a female mallard was watching and ran over and ate it! We were relieved! Thanks ducky!
Robin, McHenry, IL
You cannot imagine how freaked out I was when I saw my first one in the US. Especially as you don’t know right away where front and end is.
I guess they are harmless and you can find them where you would expect silverfish or pillbugs.
If you hold up a bottle neck to them, they creep in, at least that worked for me.
I just caught one of these bugs in my apartment! I was surprised to see how huge this was! I was also surprised to see that others have come across this house centipede too and how quickly I was able to identify this bug on your website!
My question is this: You state that although they have venom, they do not bite humans. What about my pets? I have cats and a small dog. I certainly would not want them to be bit by this bug!
Can you answer this question?
Our own cat catches and east House Centipedes that are unlucky enough to cross the feline’s path. We wouldn’t worry about bites to pets.
No Disrespect to Bugman, but you absolutely should worry about this bug stinging your pets. I have a 150 lb dog who has been bitten/stung TWICE now by one of these. The first time, we had no idea what happened- just saw a little swelling at the sting site. By the time we got him to the doctor, he had a 107 degree and climbing fever, was listless, had a raging infection and could barely walk.The second time, we knew what it was and put him on antibiotics right away. I don’t think ALL animals will have a reaction, but certainly there are those that are alergic to certain venoms.
Well… I’m so happy to hear that it won’t kill me… but I caught two of these already and am simply too creeped out to let them go… can I just let them loose outside or will they come back in?
I think I have to break your unbroken string of “no bite reports”. My very first encounter with one of these critters was in the shower- I was in a hurry, and I remember seeing something, but didn’t have my contacts in yet- and it didn’t look like a wasp or a roach or anything else I was afraid of. I wasn’t too worried about it until it bit the crap out of my leg, and I frantically brushed it off- and of course you all know what these things look like up close! I had no idea what it was. My bug man at the time said it was a mature silverfish. The new bug man said it was a firebrat. Neither one had seen the actual bug. We recently had our house sprayed for the first time in years- the spiders were just too too thick for me- and it has caused these creepie crawlies to come out of the woodwork- just this morning one cruised up to my foot and met it’s maker. (Sorry carnage-avoiders!) I haven’t wanted to get too close to one of these after being bitten. I remember it stung pretty badly- not like a wasp or a bee, but pretty annoying and itchy later. I managed to survive without hospitalization, however, unlike the unlucky dog in the post above. I would just be aware- I wonder what in the world caused it to bite me; possibly the water from the shower?
House Centipedes are your *Friends*!:
Well, I’m not sure one way or another if this bug bites, but my son is 18 months old and over about 3 days time everytime I would lay him down for a nap or to bed, then he would wake up with bite marks on him. They were sensitive to the touch, but he could not tell me what had happened (only being 18 months old!). We searched his room, changed the sheets and never could come up with an explaination. Then my husband happened across this little bug just today and I rushed to the internet to identify it. If no new bite marks then we have our culprit!!!
We really doubt it was the house centipede.
i just caught one just like that do they bite im scared because i have had recent encounters but heard they are venoumous only 4 encounters so far need help on finding out if they bite humans with venom
House Centipedes have venom, but they are not considered dangerous.
Hi, I’m from NJ and two days ago I found a huge bug like this in the shower. It got out of under the rubber mat I have in the bathtub when I run the water and step inside. I freaked out and sprayed with bug spray and it did not move any more, then I flushed it in the toilet.
My problem is that happened 4 days ago and still thinking and getting shills when I remember or go in the bathroom, I look everywhere thinking is coming back or I’m going to find another one. I now move the mat every time after I shower and put a cover in the drain. although I don’t know if that is how it got there.
Can someone tell me how to keep them out of my apt. I also had ant which I have been able to keep out keeping black pepper around all the kitchen. Please do you have any tips for this bugs to stay out of my apt? It happened to me when I was little bug with a lot of legs got in my hand and since that I have phobia to any bug with more than two or lots of legs, like spiders, or any kind of centipedes, specially with long legs.
Thank You , I’m even afraid to close my eyes when I wash my face in the shower 🙁
We do not know how to keep House Centipedes, a beneficial species, from entering your home. Start by weather stripping and making sure there are no spaces around windows and doors.
I have a 2 week old baby should I get him out of my house. I just found one on my kitchen counter I sprayed it with kaboom and put it in a Baggie. My question is, should I move my child till I take car of this for good. And do these ugly suckers come in more than one? I’m freaking out here
Besides being “YUCK” and fast…….I think our cat chases them down overnight…if we don’t find a full body, there are definiately legs around in the morning. My question is, if the cat decides to eat them, will it make them sick??
In our experience, a cat eating a House Centipede will not have any negative ramifications for the feline.
How can I get rid of them?
We don’t provide extermination advice, especially regarding beneficial predators.
With a gun. It’s this thing you hold in your hand, and it has a trigger. When you pull that, it will strike something called the firing pin. This will ignite the powder in the cartridge of the bullet, which will create a small explosion, which is how the energy required to push the bullet out of the barrel is generated. So the bullet flies out and … eh, just kidding.
When I was a child I was biten by one of these bugs, I got extremely sick. Maybe when youre older it may not affect you but I believe a child should not be biten by this bug.
So, what happens if bitten?
In the unlikely event that a person is bitten by a House Centipede, there will most likely be nothing more than a local reaction to the bite.
I just stomped on one of these during my freak out from spotting it, didn’t know what it was! Can’t stand bugs >_>
One of these came out of my shoe this morning….Frea-ky! : ( So I stomped it, lol.
I feel bad now that I saw one of these coming out of the sink when I was half asleep on a bathroom run. I bleached it to death because our creeped me out so bad…they are very CREEPY in the middle of the night
Not only will House Centipedes prey upon Cockroaches, they will also prey upon one another, so while populations of Cockroaches tend to just increase, populations of House Centipedes are controlled through cannibalism.
Are the venumness
House Centipedes are venomous, but the bite is not considered dangerous to humans.
Do they eat spiders?
House Centipedes will prey upon Spiders.
Just now, one was crawling on me while I was in bed and I freaked out and started rolling around and I raced out of bed. I think that it bit me though in the scuffle. I can’t see it, but the area where I think it bit me, hurts. Am I in any danger? (The little f#$@%r is still alive. It got away, but now without losing about 10 legs.)
To the best of our knowledge, the bite of a House Centipede is not dangerous.
Wow! Thank you! I’ve been all creeped out after seeing one of these in my house, now I know even tho it looks creepy, it eats the even creepier spiders…I’m set. Thanks for the info.
The other day I saw this little night crawler in my garage. I freaked out because it was the first time that I saw this kind of centipede. From then on, I vowed on haunting this little night crawler. So last night, i was able to kill one; right by the laundry machine. Just awhile ago, I saw that it has babies. Then when I opened the door in my garage, I saw another big one. I have been reading that house centipede is beneficial because it preys on spiders, roaches etc. However, it if does prey on spiders, then why is it that I still see alot of small spiders in my garage??? I just dont see this night crawler beneficial at all. But a Pests. It creeps the sh*t out of me everytime I see one. All I can think of is kill.
Okay, one thing they’re not is benefice. Those arthropods are extremely toxic, they don’t bite and it’s true, but a word of advice: remember that ANY animal having stripes is dangerous. It is mother nature’s way of saying “Keep away from me”. So I wouldn’t recommend anyone handling one without protective wear. Plus, all arthropods like to “explore”, i.e. crawl into place you’d least expect them to pop out of. Therefore disregarding them isn’t recommended either. If you find a spider or a centipede indoors, chances are those would we wandering animals, and besides killing them, the best way to dispose of them would be to catch them with a glass and let them go outside. At least that’s what I’ve been doing with all of them for quite some time and had no problem with them pestering me in the future.
I had a few of these show up in my apartment. Good to know that they aren’t lethal. They sure are fast and freaky looking. Good to know that they eat insects and spiders. There are a lot of bugs in my apartment. I live in Price, UT. I never had seen these in St. George, UT where I moved from.
just found a large one in the house for the first time. does this mean I should expect more? a brood?
Yes. It usually comes in two to breed. Rememberto creep in slow to kill because it moves to damn fast. Use a long stick or if you use a hot shots insect killer, be sure to aim well and dont stop squeezing until you soak the fu*ker.
YES! Abi or I’ll be Tempted to Have to Bite It !
Awsome, seen a couple of these in my new house I bought, freaked me and my girl out, but reading this makes me feel better. I’m not a dirty person, and the last thing we want is nasty bugs in our house. To learn that the weird but awsome house centipedes have our backs is pretty cool. Thank you guys..
Just saw a house centipede kill a spider it was an epic battle:)
Worst thing in the world to live in a basement apartment. House centipedes thrive there. Just guess where my wife and I happen to live? Lol. I understand they are beneficial. I just wish they didn’t come on my bed, my couch, my kitchen counter, etc. They can stay on the floor. Plenty for them to eat down there!