Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bloodworms? Helpful Tips

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Hornworms

Beardies are much-loved exotic pets, and their parents often dote and fuss over what they should or should not eat. So, can bearded dragons eat bloodworms, or are they toxic in some way to them? Let’s find out.

Having a pet bearded dragon is fun, but it may take you some time to learn and get accustomed to its feeding habits. 

You need to provide your beardie with a varied diet comprising insects, worms, and veggies. While this might sound simple enough to some, not every species of worm is ideal for feeding bearded dragons. 

Bloodworms make suitable food for bearded dragons but can be harmful in large quantities. Let’s find out more on this topic below.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Hornworms

What Are Bloodworms?

Bloodworm doesn’t refer to a particular worm species – it’s an umbrella term used for a group of worms under the genus Glycera and class Polychaeta

The iron-porphyrin protein in their blood and tissues gives them the deep red color they’re named after. Bloodworms are larvae of a non-biting species of flies known as midges. 

They make excellent pet food for fish and other aquatic animals, as well as certain reptiles.

Can Your Bearded Dragons Eat Bloodworms?

If you’re new to owning a beardie, it might take a while to find out exactly which worms you should feed them and which ones you shouldn’t. 

Giving your beardies the wrong type of food can cause them health issues, even if they find it tasty and devour it enthusiastically. 

To clear up your doubts, yes, your bearded dragons can eat bloodworms. 

However, while bloodworms aren’t harmful in controlled amounts, they don’t offer any special benefits either. 

You can instead feed your beardies other worms that would prove to be more nutritious.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bloodworms

How often should you feed your bearded dragon bloodworms?

While it is okay to feed your bearded dragon’s bloodworms, you shouldn’t do it regularly. You may give your beardies a bloodworm once in a while, but that’s about it. 

This is mainly because plenty of other common feeder worms offer better overall nutritional content. 

As long as they enjoy eating bloodworms, an occasional treat should be okay.

Bloodworm nutritional content

The main problem with using bloodworms to feed bearded dragons is the former’s high-fat content

Bloodworms contain more or at least the same amount of fat as various other feeder insect species. 

However, they can’t match the other worms in terms of protein or mineral content. Hence, bloodworms don’t offer bearded dragons as much nutritional value as they could get. 

Making bloodworms a part of your beardie’s everyday diet would deny it crucial nutrients. Besides, too much fat is bad for bearded dragons, especially at a young age.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Hornworms

What Other Worms Can You Feed Your Bearded Dragon?

Now that you know that bloodworms aren’t the best food for bearded dragons, you might be wondering which worms are. 

Let’s find out how suitable different feeder worm species are as beardie food.

Can you feed your bearded dragon hornworms?

Hornworms are one of the best feeder worms for your bearded dragons, and you can feed them to your beardie regularly. 

Hornworms offer a decent amount of protein but are low in fat, which makes them perfect for bearded dragons. 

You can feed an adult bearded dragon about 8 to 20 immature hornworms or 3 to 5 mature hornworms a day. 

However, bear in mind that hornworms alone can’t fulfill all the nutritional requirements of a bearded dragon.

Can you feed your bearded dragon mealworms?

Bearded dragons are very fond of eating mealworms, which makes them a popular choice among beardie owners. 

However, this is also a reason why you shouldn’t feed your bearded dragon mealworms too often – it could get addicted to them. 

Besides, mealworms are very rich in phosphorus and fat, both of which can be harmful to beardies in high amounts. 

Bearded dragons also find it difficult to digest the chitin of mealworms.  

How Bloodworms Make Their Copper Teeth

Can you feed your bearded dragon superworms?

Although not suitable for regular feeding, superworms are a healthier choice than mealworms. They have a slightly lower fat content but a decent amount of protein. 

You may feed your beardie a super worm or two every week as occasional snacks.

Can you feed your bearded dragon silkworms?

Rich in protein, magnesium, iron, sodium, and vitamins B1-3, silkworms are extremely nutritious. 

Their tiny and soft bodies also make them very easy to digest, especially for young bearded dragons. Feel free to include silkworms in your beardie’s diet.

Can you feed your bearded dragon phoenix worms?

Phoenix worms are a great source of calcium, something that most of the other common feeder worms are short on. 

Besides, they also boast low-fat content and decent protein content. Feeding them to your beardie regularly will keep it healthy and strong.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you feed bearded dragons bloodworms?

You may feed bearded dragons bloodworms, but only occasionally. They’re far from being the best food source for beardies due to their high-fat content and not-so-great nutritional value. 
While they aren’t harmful to bearded dragons in general, too many bloodworms can ruin their dietary balance.

What kind of worms can you feed a bearded dragon?

You can feed a bearded dragon with silkworms, phoenix worms, and hornworms regularly. 
Superworms, bloodworms, waxworms, and mealworms are fine as occasional treats. Remember to gut load the worms with a calcium supplement if necessary.

What foods are poisonous to Beardies?

Citrus fruits are poisonous to bearded dragons, and so are vegetables rich in oxalic acids, such as avocados and rhubarbs. 
Alongside venomous insects like wasps and hornets, other species such as fireflies, ladybugs, box elder bugs, etc., can be toxic to beardies too. 
You should also keep phosphorus-rich foods out of your bearded dragon food list.

What’s a bearded dragon’s favorite food?

Bearded dragons are fond of various insects and worms, but crickets and mealworms are their favorite. They also love eating locusts, cockroaches, and other worms. 
Fruits and veggies like collard greens, peas, sweet potatoes, asparagus, cabbage, and leafy greens are among other nutritious foods loved by beardies.

Wrap Up

A well-balanced diet of quality food will keep your bearded dragons healthy and maximize their lifespan. 

You can get a wide variety of feeder worms from pet stores that sell fish and reptile food. While bloodworms are ok as a tasty snack, there are better options available for beardies.

Avoid feeding your beardie worms and insects caught in the wild, as they often carry various diseases and parasites. 

Thank you for reading, and I hope you won’t have much trouble taking care of your beardies.


  • Bugman

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Bloodworms

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