California Mantis: Understanding Its Behavior and Habitat

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The California Mantis (Stagmomantis californica) is a fascinating predatory insect native to the western United States, primarily found in California.

Often spotted in gardens and on various plants, these intriguing creatures are well-known for their impressive hunting abilities and unique appearance.

As members of the praying mantis family, California Mantids are expert predators, actively seeking out prey such as aphids, beetles, and crickets.

California Mantis

California Mantis

While they might appear delicate, their powerful front legs are equipped with spines, enabling them to capture and hold onto their prey with ease.

This makes them valuable allies for gardeners looking to control pest populations in a natural way.

Overview of California Mantis

The California Mantis, also known as Stagmomantis Californica, is a species of praying mantis native to the state of California and other parts of the western United States.

This insect is known for its distinct appearance and predatory behavior.

Species Classification

Stagmomantis Californica

The California Mantis belongs to the order Mantodea and the family Mantidae. Characteristics of the species include:

  • Size: Adults typically range from 2 to 3 inches long.
  • Color: Brown, green, or yellowish hues can all be found within a single species.
  • Front Wings: Leathery and narrow in appearance.

Known for their raptorial front legs, these insects are commonly called praying mantises due to their folded posture, which resembles a praying stance.

The Stagmomantis Californica is a beneficial predator in gardens, as it helps control the populations of various pest insects, such as aphids and grasshoppers.

California Mantis Nymph

The California Mantis and other mantids prefer to stay hidden, using camouflage to blend in with leaves and plants.

This allows them to ambush their prey effectively. This species also has a remarkable visual capability, as mantids actively search for their prey using their sight.

A comparison of the California Mantis to a closely related species, the European Mantis (Mantis religiosa):

Feature California Mantis (Stagmomantis Californica) European Mantis (Mantis religiosa)
Size 2 to 5 inches (5-12 cm) 2.4 to 3.9 inches (6-10 cm)
Color Brown, green, yellowish Green, brownish
Front Wings Leathery, narrow Leathery, narrow

To sum up, the California Mantis is a fascinating insect species that plays a vital role in controlling pest populations.

With their excellent hunting abilities and adaptive characteristics, they are a valuable addition to any garden environment.

Physical Characteristics

Size and Appearance

California mantids are relatively large insects, with an adult size ranging from 2 to 3 inches (5-7.5 cm) in length.

Females of this species are typically larger than males.

Their elongated body shape, as well as their specialized front limbs, are distinctive physical features.

Some unique physical characteristics of California mantids include:

  • Head: Triangular in shape with large, prominent compound eyes
  • Legs: Front pair of legs modified into raptorial limbs to snatch prey; hind legs used for movement and stabilization

California Mantis

Wings and Flight

California mantids possess two pairs of wings, with the forewings appearing leathery and narrow.

These wings are functional, giving them the ability to fly.

However, it should be noted that females are less likely to engage in flight due to their larger body size and heavier abdomen, which makes flying more challenging.

Males are capable and especially good flyers.

Color Variations

California mantids display multiple color variations within the same species. They can be found in three primary colors:

  • Green
  • Brown
  • Yellowish

These varied hues help them camouflage within their environment.

In addition to their base color, they can also have black spots, mottled patterns, or a combination of both, to further enhance their ability to blend into their surroundings.

Brown Male California Mantis

Habitat and Range

United States

The California Mantis (Stagmomantis californica) is commonly found in many parts of California.

Within California, this insect occurs throughout the warmer and drier regions of the southern part of the state below elevations of 10,000 feet.

Their preferred habitats consist of:

  • Arid regions
  • Shrublands
  • Coastal sage scrub

They thrive in these drier regions, and can also be found in man-made structures, such as gardens and parks.


Heading further south, the California Mantis’ range extends into Mexico.

They’re frequently encountered in the northern part of the country, where the environment is similar to California’s chaparral and desert habitats.

Beyond Mexico

The Californian Mantis’ home also extends eastward into Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and western Texas.

In the late 1980s, they began showing up in southern Idaho and appear to be migrating northward.

Feeding and Hunting Behavior

Diet and Prey

The California mantis is a carnivorous insect with a diet consisting primarily of other insects.

For example, they are known to feed on common garden pests like flies, mosquitoes, and aphids.

Male California Mantis

Occasionally, they may even consume small vertebrates like lizards or frogs if the opportunity arises.

Examples of common prey:

  • Flies
  • Mosquitoes
  • Aphids
  • Small vertebrates (occasionally)

Hunting Techniques

The California mantis utilizes a combination of ambush hunting tactics and quick reflexes, leading to successful hunts.

Their primary technique involves remaining stationary and concealed, striking at prey with their specialized front legs once it enters within reach.

These mantids are capable of capturing multiple prey within a short duration, making them valuable natural pest control agents in gardens and agricultural settings.

Hunting Technique Summary:

  • Remain stationary and concealed
  • Strike with specialized front legs when prey is within reach
  • Can capture multiple prey in a short time, benefiting gardens and agricultural fields

Mating and Reproduction

Mating Process

Praying mantises, like the California mantis, exhibit a unique mating process.

Females are known to sometimes eat their mates, starting with the head.

Surprisingly, the male mantis continues mating even though his head is gone.

Males and females come together to reproduce but otherwise are strictly solitary.

Adults do not overwinter, and their lifespan is seldom more than one year and usually less than nine months.

California Mantis’ Mating

Eggs and Oothecas

After mating, the female mantis focuses on oviposition – laying eggs in an egg case called an ootheca.

By choosing a location that does not expose them to predation, she ensures the safety of her offspring.

Once the eggs are deposited, the adult females leave the scene.

Some key features of oothecas:

  • Protective covering for eggs
  • Made of a foamy substance
  • Hardens to provide durability

Mantis Ootheca

Nymphs and Development

The offspring of praying mantises, called nymphs, are elongated and usually brown, green, or yellowish.

Nymphs of the California mantis can have all three color phases. These nymphs hatch in the spring from hard egg cases laid the previous fall.

They undergo several developmental stages called instars, growing larger and more like their adult form at each stage.

The lifespan of adults is usually less than nine months, with females sometimes surviving longer into the winter season than males.

Comparison of nymph and adult mantises:

Characteristic Nymphs Adults
Size Smaller 2 to 3 inches (5-7.5 cm) long
Wings Absent or undeveloped Leathery and narrow front wings
Color Brown, green, or yellowish Similar to nymphs but may darken over time

California Mantis Nymph

California Mantis as a Beneficial Insect

In the Garden

The California mantis, a common predator in gardens and other outdoor spaces, plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

  • Features:
    • Blend in with plants
    • Efficient predators
    • Helps maintain balance in gardens

Some benefits include:

  • Reducing the need for chemical pesticides
  • Enhancing biodiversity
  • Assisting gardeners and farmers in maintaining the health of their plants

Natural Pest Control

A significant advantage of the California mantis is its natural pest control abilities. It helps protect gardens from various pests that are harmful to plants.

  • Prey:
    • Aphids
    • Caterpillars
    • Whiteflies

Examples of plants benefiting from a mantis presence include:

  • Tomatoes
  • Roses
  • Fruit trees

Commercial Use

Because of the California mantis’ ability to control pests, it is often used in commercial applications for farmers and gardeners.

These insects can be purchased and released into gardens to assist with pest control.


  1. Environmentally friendly
  2. Reduces reliance on chemical pesticides
  3. Supports biodiversity


  1. Can prey on beneficial insects
  2. May not solve pest problem entirely
  3. Can move away from intended areas

California Mantis on Primrose

Comparison Table:

Method Pros Cons
CA Mantis Natural, environmentally friendly, supports biodiversity Predatory, not a complete solution, can move away
Chemical Sprays Can be targeted, widely available, immediate results Harmful to environment, kills beneficial insects too, expensive

Keeping a California Mantis as a Pet

Housing and Environment

A California mantis (Stagmomantis californica) can make an interesting and unique pet.

To create a suitable environment, follow these guidelines:

  • Enclosure size: Provide a cage or terrarium that is at least 3 times the length of the mantis, and twice its width.
  • Ventilation: Ensure proper airflow with a mesh or screen top.
  • Climbing materials: Place twigs, branches, and plants for the mantis to climb and rest on.

Temperature and lighting are also essential for your mantis:

  • Temperature: Maintain a temperature between 75°F and 85°F for optimal health.
  • Lighting: Offer a natural light source or artificial lights for 12-14 hours per day to mimic their natural habitat.

Feeding and Care

A California mantis requires a diet rich in protein, which includes a variety of insects. Here are some examples:

  • Small mantids: Feed aphids, which can be found on roses, fruit trees, or purchased at a pet store.
  • Adult mantids: Offer grasshoppers, beetles, and crickets, available at pet stores.

As you care for your mantis, consider its growth and seasonal needs:

  • Molting: Keep handling to a minimum, especially during molting to prevent injury.
  • Overwintering: Some owners choose to overwinter their mantis outdoors, allowing it to experience natural seasonal changes. However, this might shorten its lifespan.

With proper housing, environment, feeding, and care, your California mantis can thrive as a captivating pet.

Other Species of Mantises

The California mantis is just one of many mantis species.

Let’s take a look at some other notable species in the mantis family, focusing on the Chinese mantis and the Mediterranean mantis.

Chinese Mantis:

The Chinese mantis is native to Asia and was introduced to the United States in the late 1800s.

It’s significantly larger than the California mantis, reaching lengths up to 4 inches.

  • Widely found in the U.S.
  • Excellent camouflage abilities
  • Strong flyers

Mediterranean Mantis:

The Mediterranean mantis is common in Southern Europe, but not much information is available about its characteristics.

Here’s a comparison table of the mentioned mantis species to help you understand their differences:

Species Size Native Region Color Variations Introduction to U.S.
California Mantis 2 to 5 inches Western U.S. Brown, Green, Yellowish Native
Chinese Mantis Up to 4 inches Asia Brown and Green Late 1800s
Mediterranean Mantis Unknown Southern Europe Unknown Unknown

Different mantis species have varying features, but they all share some common traits. They all:

  • Have elongated bodies
  • Possess a distinctive “praying” posture
  • Are predators of other small insects


The California mantis (Stagmomantis californica or Stagmomantis wheeleri), a member of the order Mantodea, is a fascinating insect belonging to the family Mantidae.

As part of the Stagmomantis genus, this large, elongate creature can be found in various colors, including brown, green, and yellowish.

Here’s a quick comparison of the California mantis’ taxonomic classification:

Classification Name
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Mantode


In conclusion, the California Mantis (Stagmomantis californica) is a captivating predator, native to the warmer, drier regions of the western United States and extending into Mexico.

Exhibiting a range of colors for effective camouflage, this solitary insect plays a pivotal role in controlling pest populations, making it a valuable ally for gardeners and an intriguing pet.

While commonly found in California, it is gradually expanding its range, showcasing its adaptability and significance in diverse ecosystems.


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: California Mantis

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26 Comments. Leave new

  • Stagmomantis limbata for sure!

  • Sorry to disappoint, but it’s a male of European mantis (Mantis religiosa), an introduced species. You can see black spots at the base of its coxae, which is characteristic for this species.

  • Are they larger than the ones native to western pa. If so I found at my job and managed a picture. It must have been 5 inches long atleast.

    • The California Mantis is not a large mantis. Your five inch long individual is most likely not a native species. The Chinese Mantis is an introduced species that has naturalized across much of North America and it is common in Pennsylvania.

  • M aggie Jones
    July 18, 2016 3:31 pm

    I found a figeater beetle today on the sidewalk near newly trimmed oak trees/ Thanks for the photo cause I have no way to take a photo of it…brilliantly green irridescent on the underside and a beautiful emerald green on the top. He or she is dead…where it came from I don’t it rare? what does it eat, sap? no flowers in this area I found it.

  • Shelly DeAtley
    August 28, 2017 10:07 pm

    I was trying to use your sight to look up a mantid and all I got were pictures and stories of California mantises. The mantid in my yard had the front end of a mantis and the back looked like a wasp. It was about 3-5cm long.

    • According to our records, we currently have 308 Mantis postings in that category, and the vast majority are NOT California Mantids. What you describe sounds like a Mantispid or Mantidfly.

  • I have one today in my yard in Corte Madera

  • Thanks for your help! Just wondering, is that a pot plant the bugs are hanging out on?!?

  • AlexW, cotinis-keeper
    September 18, 2017 10:00 am

    In my area, mantises have built up a large population. This is likely because they are very sedentary, so they can live close together without encountering each other much.

    Also, they are surprisingly cryptic, so great numbers can exist and go unnoticed.

    • We have dramatically increased the number of California Mantids in our garden by diligently watching trimmed twigs in the fall and searching for the oothecae. Now the egg cases get tied back on trees instead of getting pitched into the “green bin.”

  • AlexW, cotinis-keeper
    September 18, 2017 10:00 am

    In my area, mantises have built up a large population. This is likely because they are very sedentary, so they can live close together without encountering each other much.

    Also, they are surprisingly cryptic, so great numbers can exist and go unnoticed.

  • AlexW, extreme entomophile
    December 28, 2017 6:54 pm

    You may want to read this, which states that eggs must be laid in order to become viable:

    Of course, every entomological rule tends to have exceptions. I think there is one bagworm in which the eggs hatch inside a dead female.

    • We realize that, and we were really just coping with the grief of our own loss. That Mantis lived on our porch light for nearly a month. Seeing as Mantids are a group of insects known to reproduce parthenogenically, we were merely expressing our hopes.

  • AlexW, extreme entomophile
    December 28, 2017 6:54 pm

    You may want to read this, which states that eggs must be laid in order to become viable:

    Of course, every entomological rule tends to have exceptions. I think there is one bagworm in which the eggs hatch inside a dead female.

  • Been in California all my life (60 yrs). I have never seen a praying mantis in a backyard. Today one showed up in my driveway. It’s light green. I live practically on top of Los Angeles International Airport. What’s it doing here? Should it be here? Is it an invasive species to this area?

  • I just woke up & its 5:20am @ my making a meal for breakfast. I was surprised as a brilliant pretty green bug buzzed like electricity noise or like a bumble bee so fast around my stove & lit on top my breakfast of green beans, mash potatoes , a small amount of sautéed onion
    Gr. Bell pepper with hint of chicken as I was about to open cranberry sauce .
    I wondered which of the foods it was attracted to . But I carefully picked him/her up & set it free outside . I do not kill bugs but set them free outdoors . I had a friendship with a
    Middle size preying mantis right outside which lived in my Mexican palm tree. a few months ago before the real cold weather started. But the day it disappeared I was afraid for it because there was a new much bigger preying mantis & lighter color approaching if a few yards away & next day both were gone. Wondered if the bigger one mated or could have killed the other ?

  • It’s praying for Jah.

  • I send greetings to Constant Gardener.
    Thank you. We rejoice in the humidity.
    After 3 years of no summer rain, this year it is off to a good start.
    I am especially pleased that the flash flood hit the city offices.
    They won’t change their ways,they will be even worse. They say that it is millions of dollars damage.
    We say don’t build in a wash.

  • Edwin Roland Williams
    September 27, 2021 12:20 pm

    We have enjoyed watching a native Stagmomantis californica grow in our garden. We would occasionally feed her, but she enjoyed hunting spiders more than anything. She remained in the same general area until a few days after mating, when she moved to the rosemary bush and laid her eggs. We haven’t seen her since, and assumed she died.

    We carefully clipped the branch where she left the Ootheca, and put it in an oversized mason jar with a damp paper towel. When the little ones hatch we plan on reintroducing most of them to the rosemary bush, but some we’ll grow to a larger size and plan to move them to other parts of Southern California. We would have left it alone, but where she laid it is NOT going to survive the gardeners and their trimmers.

    People may not realize this, but the California Mantis has a taste for Black Widows. This alone should be reason enough to want to protect the species.


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