Ball of Lint Bites Woman and Freedom of Speech on the Internet

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Subject: Can you help identify this bug?
Location: Aiea, HI
September 19, 2015 1:55 pm
I’ve been getting bites and cannot figure out where I am getting them and what kind of bites they are. They are definitely not mosquito bites. I found this bug in my dryer…
Thank you so much!
Signature: Dina Nishioka

Ball of Lint
Ball of Lint

Dear Dina,
It appears you were bitten by a ball of lint.

That just made me laugh out loud!

We really couldn’t make out any identifiable insect in the ball of lint.


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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87 Comments. Leave new

  • There seems to be some animal hair in that line. Cat? I’d check for fleas on the animal.

  • I’m sorry, but…. hahahahahaahahaaa

  • Actually I think I do see a tiny bug in the lint, but it would be pretty much impossible for anyone to identify it from that photo. Bites could be fleas or bedbugs or just an allergic rash of some kind.

  • I have seen the same thing while cleaning for make readies on homes and apartments. And yes they move too. I find it disturbing that this woman has come to this site asking for people’s health and people are laughing at her it’s no laughing matter there shouldn’t be any dumb questions.

    It’s like this crazy parasite infection I’ve been fighting for 2 years and the doctors have no idea as to what to do or even detecting the damn thing.

    Yes I’ve seen this before Houston Texas

    • The editorial staff of What’s That Bug? takes full responsibility for identifying the ball of lint, and the response on the actual posting that reads “That just made me laugh out loud.” was written by Dina, who wrote in with the initial identification request. There is clearly not much visible in the image but a ball of lint, and it is our opinion that you need to lighten up a bit when it comes to what we have chosen to post on our own site. You have also been given a platform on our site for the “crazy parasite infection” so that you and others with the same condition may share your own experiences. The editorial staff of What’s That Bug? remains the paying entity that has permitted that very platform to exist and you have no right to censor us. Also, while we are at it, mind your cussing language when you are commenting on our site, and you should also take better care and stop butchering the English language with poor grammar.

      • Oh now…. You are telling her to lighten up about what you post on your site. Which I agree to, by the way. However then you pick at her about her cussing & her grammar. I didn’t find her cussing offensive personally. I do, however, tend to cuss myself. I am quite fluent in cussing and can come up with things that noone else has heard of. So i guess I’m just saying to both parties involved…. lighten up. 🙂 make it a good day today. Also this has happened to me before…. it’s crazy!!!! and we have a dog so it could be fleas or ants…. We have those something terrible. Everyone have a great ~hopefully bug free~ day!!!

      • It’s STILL true.. Face it OR not. The lady did come to YOUR site and really got called CRAZY. IM JUST A passer buyer.. . And in no way trying to belittle anyone. But I guess what I’m trying to say is..”Try and put yourself in the other person’s shoes, if they fit”…thx

      • Dear Bugman,
        You responded to this post in 2015. We are now just days away from 2024, and this thread is STILL active with people looking for answers to a very real problem.
        In a response above you noted that you have allowed the victims of this condition to have a ‘ “crazy parasite infection” platform of their own’ on your (privately owned and paid for by you) site and linked to it. I followed that link and note that it too, is still active 9 years after the original posting you made. Although the word “crazy” may be an unfortunate choice, the significance of what you said and did (regarding creating the platform and allowing it) is overlooked, or even lost in the emotion of the people who post. The topic comes up on nearly every website in the world that is in any way related to parasites, insects, skin disease, pest control, etc, and very few of them take that step of opening up a place for those who need to talk about it. A place to escape the patronizing, head patting, pitying looks, & labels of ‘mental issues’, – with the ability to connect with, talk to, and learn from others who are dealing with the same or similar symptoms – can quite literally be lifesaving to the victims, because this thing, whatever it is, can drive even the strongest person to the edge of life. So thank you, for recognizing the need, and even while explaining that it is outside your area to offer answers, having the thoughtful compassion to do something tangible to help.

        Beyond that – it should be abundantly clear to anyone who can reason & think logically, and especially to those in the science /research field, that given how many different individuals, from all walks of life, all ages, all regions, who have never met, spoken to,or known each other, would publicly share similar or identical symptoms that they KNOW will bring snide references to being crazy, should make it clear this is a legitimate area of medical concern that merits attention from the medical and scientific community.
        I’m not sure where that starts, but I suspect is will be collection of hard data, that creates an undeniable pattern and picture, driven by people who were given a place to find support and hope- like this one. May you all find blessings & joy in the coming new year

        • Well said

        • I agree with all you said. I denied my own symptoms and visual sightings of things around me as a joke in the beginning. Until you realize it’s way more than one could ever imagine unless you or someone you know is suffering from this. It’s been 6+ yrs since I thought all began. Now I believe at least 30 yrs. Different stages and intensities of pain and suffering. But the past 6 months I’ve understood much more. As mentioned, people are SUFFERING from all over the world. Entire families. Animals. Babies. I know. I watched my babies & pets for the past 6 years. Can it all just be coincidence? Are we all just super hyper aware of things? All of us drugs? Don’t eat right or are doing this to ourselves? If you say yes, could all this also be true for the animals and babies? Or ____ (insert label here?) How can it just be in ALL of our heads? Which it actually is, haha, just not the way others think (that’s the funny part, not what is actually happening to us, of course) But what they don’t realize is that I don’t have to talk about any of my symptoms. I can SHOW you everything. I, like too many of us, have the ability to SHOW you things. Crazy wacky things. Things that hurt us, harm us and on levels that are unmatched or describable to some degree. Just seems most are asking the wrong questions. Together, we are a wealth of information. There are symptoms that only sufferers could describe and too identical to everyone’s symptoms. This is beyond what most could imagine. It’s time for someone to truly start listening before this becomes worse than it has to be. Bc it’s very bad. I do not post info. typically. More of an observation type gal. But to anyone judging: just be careful. One day you may need us wacky folk to help you. Never stop fighting people!! You are beautiful!! Our babies & animals need our help!! Rest when you need. No guilt. Believe in you. You know what’s right, even if you can’t define what’s happening. Stay strong & keep your peace!! 💪💜

    • Jessica marie
      April 13, 2017 11:52 am

      Oh my god, these have been driving me crazy for 2 years. Exactly the same, Dr’s blow me off. But now they are on my 2 month old baby girl ‘s private parts, tied, cheek, and yummy. I am mortified with guilt. I have them from head to toe now. It’s insane. I wash one area and I turn around and 1 will be there and that’s all it takes .

      Please help!
      San Antonio, TX

      • Ashley Maybrier
        April 9, 2023 6:19 pm

        We are going through the same thing with my family of 6 since November. I’m completely drained out, physically,mentally,emotionally, financially, and spiritually. NOTHING, no chemical, no extreme measures of cleaning and lifestyle seem to help. We CAN NOT GET A BREAK!!! it also began as strange balls of “lint” & fuzz unlike anything normal. I’m a SAHM/housewife. This is not normal by any means.

        • How are you doing now? Look for mold I swear it’s some type of fungus that they’re either introducing to our environment or that is exploding because of Covid or something I don’t know maybe maybe it’s just something that’s been around and since Covid we’re all more susceptible I’m not sure I mean I’ve seen things where people think it’s like similar to the vaccine and it’s kind of scary. I try not to go down that rabbit hole but I’m literally dying from this. I actually had this happened to me in 2020 when Covid first happened when I was on lockdown and I found carpet beetles but I also pretty sure I had mold and rodents nearby… then I ended up trying everything man I tried pesticides natural stuff I was taking MSM sulfur, colloidal silver sulfur, so you name it and eventually I just got rid of all my things put it all in storage took one suitcase with the clothes and my dog and my wife and we moved up to the mountains from San Diego where it started. Once in the mountains, we stated a lodge and I detox off everything. I took folic acid humic acid anything to cleanse my body and throw me into the worst hurt so I could flush everything out after doing that I was sick for about a month and then finally, the symptoms went away my dog his symptoms went away after about the first month, and all I did for him was take him swimming in the river up there that was crystal clear by like the headwaters of the Sacramento river so it’s definitely environmental to huge extent so please look for mold anyone on here mold any type of fungus water damage building, bad plumbing anything I’m telling you mold will do this and it will cause morgellons like symptoms.. ! There’s a lady on here who recounts having the same thing little invisible things landing on her, biting her feeling crawling in her in her trousers, etc. and once she found mold and remove the mold, she got better so I really do think that there’s an invisible type of midge and other types of things that are associated with a severe mold exposure and so there is a physical bug that we can’t see especially for sure, but they’re there because of the mold in the moisture I’m almost positive that this is what’s causing it for a a lot of us if not all of us.

          • Absolutely, I agree to that. And actually that exact thought did cross my mind for a brief moment, because we, as in we, as in everybody that lives in my rural area, are currently battling the worst rodent infestation this area has ever seen. We are finding that usual things that would usually eradicate a any rodent infestation, only works for a short time and then just as suddenly as it worked in the beginning, it stops working all together. For instance, when the infestation started, I had place the Tom cat brand sticky rodent traps along all the walls in my house, and by the next morning half would need thrown out and replaced. One time, I had put one laying flat on the floor between our upright freezer we use for dry storage since the motor went out in it, anyway, I placed it just right, so that they couldn’t go around it to get to the other side, at all, without going all the way around the freezer. Then I left and went to the store to get a few groceries. When I came home, I checked it first thing. I kid you not, their were 4 baby mice stuck to it. But the time I got groceries put away and told my husband it needed changed out, their were only 3 still stuck to it. Never did figure out how 1 got free but it did. We have also had 2 seperate occasions, the sticky traps disappeared completely and were never found. And they were placed were nobody or nothing could have stepped out stuck to them by accident and the wind couldn’t have moved them either. My only guess, because the rodents here are almost the size of small sized cats, cats maybe 6 months old or so is that. They are huge. My guess is one big one got stuck to it and was big enough to haul off with them. And then we also have another strange phenomenon for over a year now that we can’t explain either. So we have a 15 inch thick memory foam mattress that my mom bought brand new, probably 20 years ago, but was barely ever slept in because the couch recliners were more comfortable. The mattress was never left uncovered, as it had a cloth, almost cheese cloth material, covering with a zipper enclosure, directly on the mattress, followed by a super thick pillow top covering with zipper enclosure, over that. Then it also always had clean sheets and blankets on it before we moved into the room. Now I’m not gonna lie and say I’m the cleanest person in the world because it would be just that, a lie, and not fit to help anyone. Someone who doesn’t know me or my struggles, looking in on the situation, i guarantee would think I’m really lazy. But that’s not the case at all. I have all the symptoms of multiple Sclerosis, but since theirs no definitive test specifically for ms. It is a diagnosis one usually gets after years of people looking at you like your tweaking or something, before it progresses far enough for just the right, we call them weird symptoms, for lack of a better name, but are weird enough to give a definitive diagnosis, as they are so weird in fact, that no other anything in the medicle category, have reported symptoms for. Such as, frequently smelling smoke out of nowhere that isn’t really their. Or feelingas if someone had just spilled child or hot beverage on random places of legs.
            But nothing their. Or first the tips of my big toes then moved up my feet and legs, and now the entire pinky side of my right hand, including the entire pinky, are numb and tingly as if asleep but never wake up. I have major fatigue and no energy at all, all the time, no matter what i do. Plus I have problems with my back, where a normal sound has a natural curve to it, mine is starting to straighten causing the bony parts to press into the spaces in between and puncture into them causing severe pain whenever strain is put on the spine, such as when sitting up standing or walking, etc etc. Laying down is the only way to get relief. So I am in my bed between 75% and 95% off the time, every day. I also, rather too frequently, get where i will sweat profusely. So much in fact, that i will have to wash bedding and change it literally every other day. And it smells something horrible and would be non stop for days or even weeks at a time no matter if it was dead of summer and 100+ outside or if it was 30 below with snow on the ground. Etc etc. That being said, I really didn’t anything of it when the bed started leaning towards the edge on my side and got to the point i would fall off the bed if I had not put something along the side so I couldn’t roll that far, but when it got to that point, I told my husband we needed to flip and rotate the mattress. In the process of doing that, we noticed the bottom side of the mattress, was completely soaking wet. Nothing else was wet, just the mattress. Nothing has been spilled, and even if it had, the foam is 15 inches thick, so probably not gonna seep through all the way to the bottom nor enough to cover the entire mattress. Anyway, so, since finding that, and the fact that I have a hard time getting off the bed anyway, we decided to try putting soda crates under the mattress along the wall, so it would allow air to flow under it and help me a little bit when getting up of the bed. This worked, but also create an issue with the mattress wanting to walk off the bed, so we took them out. But in the midst of all this, the covering started getting spots almost like mold on the bottom side of the mattress. Finally it got to where flipping and rotating didn’t do any good anymore, so we just didn’t bother, but hoped to be able to get a new one shortly. Still waiting for that time to come lol. Anyway, the spots continued to be bigger and bigger. They would be dark in the middle and looked like any other wet spot in material but got a yellowish and whiteish, almost crusty looking, around the outer edges. Washing did nothing. Then I noticed it started getting holes in it, that got bigger and bigger, until finally their was more of it gone than their was left in the bed, so we took the cover off and try to keep a bed bug complete mattress protector with zipper enclosure, over it instead plus our sheets and blankets. My first thought was carpet beetles, since they are known to eat certain materials, some more than others, and also leave wet looking spots where their are large numbers of them living. But the covering was the only thing doing it. Not our clothes, but the carpets, not the memory foam or any of our sheets or blankets, nothing. So then I figured maybe some kind of mild from it always being wet, which I think maybe it’s happening because I’m in bed all the time and my body heat, especially when I’m having my sweating marathons, get trapped at the bottom allowing a perfect plane for mild to grow. Plus our house seems more moist all the way around. Walls starting to get mold spots etc etc. And I to have same symptoms as everyone else. So I am thinking as well, that mold and rodents at least play a big part in all of it. If not, it’s a very big coincidence!

    • Yolanda D Cox
      April 5, 2019 11:42 am

      How do you get rid of it. I recently moved into a place 5 months ago n have came in contact with the same thing. My kids & I wake up with different areas bitten. People say we are crazy & hallucinating & I even lost my doctor because he thought I was on drugs. This has consumes & confined me to my home. I feel”it” or “them” on me all the time & my clothes.I have tried everything to buying bug spray to paying & exhausting my life savings of 78+ to multiple peat control services. Please help me

      • Oh my gosh!! I can’t believe I found this post! I’ve been dealing with the same things… It’s literally killing me and my family but no doctors will help. Everyone thinks we are crazy because we sound crazy… Only this last year I started to put together the lint balls being associated with…

        • Ashley Maybrier
          April 9, 2023 6:21 pm

          We are going through the same thing with my family of 6 since November. I’m completely drained out, physically,mentally,emotionally, financially, and spiritually. NOTHING, no chemical, no extreme measures of cleaning and lifestyle seem to help. We CAN NOT GET A BREAK!!! it also began as strange balls of “lint” & fuzz unlike anything normal. I’m a SAHM/housewife. This is not normal by any means.

      • You’re not hallucinating unfortunately thousands possibly millions of people are experiencing the same thing. Morgallens disease is responsible for what we are experiencing. Doctors are extremely misinformed and uneducated when it comes to morgallons disease. It’s much easier for a doctor to diagnose a patient with delusional, parasitosis, versus attending a educational seminar that may require a doctor to buy a plane ticket and fly to another state just to get educated on a skin disease that is falsely being portrayed as a psychiatric condition, that labels patients delusional. The problem with this is a group of doctors and scientist got together and uncovered the truth. The truth is decades ago when patients expressed to their doctor that they were experiencing these symptoms doctors would usually do one of three things. Most doctors would start by prescribing allergy medicine. When that didn’t work steroid cream was most common when combating skin conditions. When both Allergy medicine and steroid cream failed to work doctors typically would prescribe a course of antibiotics as a last resort. It wasn’t until doctors became more aware of their many unsuccessful attempts to cure their patients skin condition doctors became desperate for answers . Doctors were baffled by the visible sores on patients skin. Due to doctors failed attempts to identify and classify sores with known skin rashes. . Doctors deemed the only plausible explanation for what could be causing these sores is one’s own act of self infliction. this accusation was to proclaim the insanity consumed the patient. Which explained the feeling of crawling sensations under the skin as delusional. Which explained why the patience sores would not go away after treatment due to self infliction. But the truth is self replicating fibers made of keratin do form under the skin of patience with this condition. , giving the sensation of something crawling. And the truth is these patience do have sores that don’t go away after treatment not because they’re self-inflicted, but because . these fibers are self replicating under the skin. After one of these self replicating fibers forms under the skin another one replicates the same process until these fibers cause the skin to break open causing it to itch leaving the skin irritated. Even though a group of doctors and scientists got together and studied Morgan’s disease and discovered the truth, that these fibers are real and they do in fact exist. Doctors today still call it delusional parasitosis

      • spinosad. the pesticide for thrips and potato beetle. saved my sanity. if you find it helps please spread this info.

      • Have you found out how to rid them . If so please share with me . I’m suffering

      • Look for carpet, Beatles and mold I’m telling you you will thank me

    • My daughter has the same problem,says all bug men make fun of her,said they get on fridge also,it’s tearing her apart,help

    • Rachel Molnar
      October 19, 2022 2:52 pm

      Did doctors ever figure it out? Same thing happening to my family

      • Sharon Condon
        December 7, 2022 4:47 pm

        My Dr. Told me I was seeing things. That I needed a psychiatrist. I’m cleaning constantly. Last treatment I used was DE. I can’t spell it. I wash laundry everyday. I vacuum. I think when I moved a year ago, I brought my bed with me . I think they are mostly in the bed because the bedroom has the most of them. I call them THEM because I don’t know what they are. I am getting a new bed. By constant cleaning and vacuuming I have been able to keep them down but they are extremely had to kill. They get into everything. Wood, plastic, paint on the walls. They are some kind of super bugs. The bites I get present as bruises. Everyday seems to be a new bruise. I’m surprised that more people don’t a knowledge a problem with this bug. I live in a senior apt building. I have seen these bugs in the laundry room and other places in the building. Mule team borax in the laundry helps. The DE food grade helps.

        • What is DE? I am so thankful I found your post… My family is experiencing the same things… It’s gotten really bad over the last year… I get the bruises usually on my hands and face but what ever they are they are evil

        • I have almost the same symptoms. Have you found out what n how to rid them ?? Please share w me . Please

        • I also think that there’s some type of midge involved

    • I have this now and it is now an infestation. No matter what I use or how much I lean, they won’t die. I went to my family Dr. Only to be told I was showing him lint and I need a shrink. These things chew thru fabric and bite. I don’t know what to do. People think I’m nuts!

        This seems to be helping me. I’ve been dealing with this for 3 years and reading all this has me in tears. I’ve been blown off my ALL medical practices.
        My whole family is being affected. They are in my body and outside on my body.
        They hurt. My body is being scarred up and my intestines and stomach hurt so bad all the time.
        I’ve had depression due to this.
        I’ve been rejected by my own family and “friends”. I’ve been called a meth head and accusations of me using drugs has gone on at my places of employment and with my family. This makes me so sad and I need more help than just what I’ve come up with.
        The mouth wash and clove oil helps but it doesn’t take it away.

    • True!! I am dealing with this now. My children and I are suffering and because of the stigma people are afraid of the absolute ridicule and judgement they receive from others who are ignorant or cannot wrap their minds around the fact that something strange is going on and are scared. It’s so lonely and frustrating. Something’s gotta give here … we must come together and do something. 😭

      • Please let me know what we all should do. I will join up and fight with and for all of you. This is straight suffering and I am so so so so so fed up!!!!!

    • I’ve been dealing with this since 2018, I’ve seen several Family physicians, Nurse Practitioners & (2) Dermatologists. What do they say, you don’t have bugs on you or biting you, the sores are from you inflicting them yourself. Have been prescribed lotions, antibiotics, precipitation ointments, told to soak in. Mild bleach baths & come back if this doesn’t stop it & then I hear, I’m going to send you to a Psychiatrist for hallucinations . I’ve used every dip made by man to get rid of it, I have combed & scrubbed my head, neck, ears, face & at times portions of comes this crazy looking ball of fuzz with a red bug that was round, no rd as a rock & full of my blood. It literally breaks my fingernail’s digging them out of me & then the giant hole bleeds so bad I he can’t believe it. So that said I regularly have to check the dryer vent here because it slides around a bit & the dryer hose gets off where it’s supposed to be is not blowing the lint out the vent. I told my husband it looks like maybe a dust mite from looking at the lint, but the bugs look like fleas. Today I checked the dryer & lie & behold it’s packed with the lint full of the same damn bugs eating me up. At last the past 5/6 months are in my eyes & the root fob my mouth & have eaten the tissue between my top gum & right below my nose almost completely threw to a complete hole & my nose bleeds every time I touch it, blow it, sneeze & now eat & my gum as well. Self diagnosed today but how do I get rid of it now???? Someone out there please help me.????

      • Omg I’m having the same treatment. My medical records are of no use for me . I’ve been blackballed with being labeled “delusional “
        Please share if u have any release , please

    • I have also been dealing with this crap myself for the last year! is no laughing matter people this is real. And I noticed that I’ve had to throw a lot of clothes away. It’s horrible. I had let somebody move in with me and I noticed whenever I was washing their clothes and their blankets and stuff that there was these things that would move all over we’re not talking about lies bedbugs any of that I am almost 44 years old. I am not stupid. It looks like little pieces of dust or like little lint, strings or whatever it sounds crazy yes but there is something going on and if people would really do more research they’ll see there is thousands of people that are dealing with this and the doctors have no clue of what it is or they act like they don’t care to find out what it is. There’s this one doctor though that I family ran across on the Internet that he knows exactly what this is and he knows that these people are not stupid or crazy but it is over it’s not in the United States of America. I’ll have to see if I can find that link again and show it to you . But just know this you’re not the only one that’s been dealing with this it’s just sad that people can go on here and laugh about watch somebody’s trying to ask for help or figure something out. It’s sad, but God forbid let it happen to them or someone they love and less either reactions then? But either way you take care and I hope all is well with you, but I’ve been trying to figure this out myself for a year if you have any new updates or anything with your situation, feel free to reach out to me. Thanks.

    • I’m glad I found this forum. I’ve been dealing with something like this myself. But nothing seems to work. I bathe in epsom salts infused with coconut oil every night, use all the prescription creams and anti parasitic drugs and it just comes back.

  • I have seen the same thing while cleaning for make readies on homes and apartments. And yes they move too. I find it disturbing that this woman has come to this site asking for people’s health and people are laughing at her it’s no laughing matter there shouldn’t be any dumb questions.

    It’s like this crazy parasite infection I’ve been fighting for 2 years and the doctors have no idea as to what to do or even detecting the damn thing.

    Yes I’ve seen this before Houston Texas

    • Jessica marie
      April 13, 2017 11:52 am

      Oh my god, these have been driving me crazy for 2 years. Exactly the same, Dr’s blow me off. But now they are on my 2 month old baby girl ‘s private parts, tied, cheek, and yummy. I am mortified with guilt. I have them from head to toe now. It’s insane. I wash one area and I turn around and 1 will be there and that’s all it takes .

      Please help!
      San Antonio, TX

  • I emailed my response directly. I meant no disrespect and was not censoring in any fashion. My respectful apologies.

  • It’s moth larvae.

  • I’ve been finding the fuzz ball things everywhere I bought a steamer to do my couch well I thought my kids had got some sticky something on it well I found a bunch of little bugs so I threw my couch out well let’s just say the whole living room anything cloth had to go I thought it was bird mits but i really don’t know I got rid of the bird also I’m still finding these fuzz ball white things and they get in your clothes and bit like crazy hell I think I’m going crazy my husband didn’t believe me for a whole week till he seen it with his own eyes and when you pull them out of your clothes a long string comes out first if you don’t brake the string a little black bug is on the end these things are taking over my house please help and when they nest it’s a sticky hard to get up or off anything and they make sticky webs also

    • I am being tormented by the same things, and have videos of these bugs that are covered in long hai (what appears to be cotton or lint). They capture and eat other bugs by covering them in web like hairs. They live in or on cloth material and move from room to room. They have infected both myself and my animals.

  • I have been dealing with something like this for the past 6 months and am reaching a breaking point. It started with pinprick bites by something you can’t see, but then I found they were inside my body, and the doctors don’t take the time to get to the bottom of it. Now everything I own is covered in these lint balls and I feel like these things are crawling all over me. My PC put me permethrin cream which just seemed to spread whatever this is then we tried Mebendazole and it almost goes away but comes right back because nobody has taken the time to find out what is feeding off of me, and the Dermatologist was a joke, he thinks I should see a shrink. I have a dog and a cat I believe I’m dealing with a cheyletiella mite, but have no idea how to get rid of them.

    • Marcus L Gatchell
      October 30, 2022 10:09 am

      Tea tree oil.Mix with water and vinegar.And any other parasite remedy great .Kills the dirty bitches quick.I like to catch them and torture them with fire and other things.They can mutate quick too

      • Lol. Torture them? Mutate?
        I seen one last night. First I just thought it was a piece of lint blowing pass on the floor til I hopped in the bed and actually watch this mnfr walk a few inches more further. Right now I’m in an Airbnb in Baltimore.

    • Me too . I’m screwed now that Ive been blackballed . No other derm or doc will take me seriously. Please share if you found any relief . Please

  • Omg i have whatever these are and tgey are inside me i thought parisite idk im going to hospital b7t dont jnow what to say what are they

  • Check out Morgellons it is as crazy as they portray in order not to alarm the masses. I’ve never really been into judgemental remarks spoken offhand as they deeper affect is harmful to people, whether intended or not . words are powerful we need to build each other up with support, kindness, compassion and unconditional love no matter what. There’s enough crap going on we need more love!! Like she’s obviously reaching out for help and perhaps getting poopooed at every attempt to learn about her health. I believe “professionals” can look into this phenomenon and help not harmfelliw human beings. Unfortunately suicides have occurred when this is ignored. Its my hope you can treat your requests seriously as we are looking to you for a professional opinion not ridicule and meanness.

  • Morgellons

  • I’ve been dealing with this infestation for about 9mths. I’ve been to the doctors seeking treatment and in turn I get treated like I’m crazy… Automatically the doctor assumed that I was using meth because meth users feel like they have bugs. Well I will not deny or admit to the drug use, but not all meth users see or feel bugs and this infestation is real… So with that all being said, Instead of making irrelevant comments to this topic and troubling situation, can anyone shed some light as to how one might get rid of them..?

  • Jennifer Williams
    May 27, 2020 7:39 pm

    Its been year or so for me SALT from table helps control itch or the “20 mule team” I put Nu-Stock it stops itch but then I saw blackmass grouping like the manage a dog would have! Now I can feel movement in hair on scalp and in ears! Please it also has some type of webbing or bio-film also it eats fabric I have shaved my head with relief did not kill them ! Demertoloist said I was a hair puller NOT I’m a hairdresser for the last 20 yrs have NEVER dealt with this before!

    • As a hairdresser do you see other people with the same issue? And if so what do you do?
      Were you thought in classes about what to watch for when cutting others hair?

    • Me too . Help ! If u found any relief please share w me . I’m at my end of the road .

    • Yes, they have some type of webbing. I starting using an eyebrow razor on my face and ears. But, they are in my hair. Medicated shampoo helped with the film on my scalp so I thought it was fungal. A dermatologist and my Dr said they could see no fungal infection. They are inside and outside my body and in my clothes. Washing and drying doesn’t kill them. I have lost hair on the top of my head. Has anyone else had little straight black hairs that look like antennas? They are in my eyes and ears. They’ve ruined relationships. I try to show pictures but doctors tell me I need to manage my depression and anxiety better. I’m going to try to take the actual bug. I have seen them get out of a plastic medicine bottle. I have a video of 2 attacking another insect and it looks like they have a force field around them, lol. I’m not kidding.

  • Colleen Thomas
    July 5, 2020 1:54 pm

    After dealing with this problem for the last few years, reading everything I could find, collecting samples and buying a microscope to get a closer look at my opponent. I believe these bugs to be an unnamed and possibly unstudied mite and seem to pass between humans and there pets. I also believe they are transparent making it very hard to identify them but it can be done with alot of luck and just the right angle. I’m no bug expert but these things are real your not crazy. The things I have found that help with the itching are teatree oil & lavander oil mixed with bakeing soda and lemon juice. I’m not sure on the mesurements yet it’s a test run at the moment but of all the past thing’s I have tried after spraying it on my bed, carpet and the bug infested fluffy balls I had collected it seems to be having some impact although for how long I don’t know.

    • A. Ug can get in anything the green outside it sad they then bring all this stuff to the USA but I believe it been around eye mite body mites and stuff that why I dnt like going to ppl house lint that be on clothes Trum into bugs

  • So I too have been searching everywhere for this since I came across a ball of lint looking bug yesterday while I was laying out by my pool. I thought it was cigarette ash even though i don’t smoke but then it started moving and I killed it and a lot of blood came out of it.

  • Has anyone found out how to get rid of them there in my scalp and my hair is fallingout

    • Same here. I have combed baking soda thru my hair and mixed with my toothpaste and it seems to help. Also tea tree oil is good.

  • I am dealing with whatever this lint mites are as it stole my entire summer due to home infestand infestation now in my scalp. I think the excessive amount of humidity and rain most likely brought concens of mold mites and dust mites and or possible bird mites too. Too itchy to get any rest or sleep and so preoccupied with trying to clean surfaces and vaccuum and comb my scalp I have not been able to do much else. I consulted with two exterminators, and lo al board of health and no one knows what the issue is and they just assume its every day lint and dust, but lint and dust have been around my entire life without hurting me with severe itchiness that affects quality of life. I also found out that our wash machine had signs of black mold and that could add also cause itchiness. Eirher way, I vaccuum with a hepa filter and lint roll tape everyday now jut to survive my new itchy normal… I even bought the book called the year of the mite to learn more but am to itchy to read a book right now…. praying for relief

  • Same infestation
    September 22, 2021 1:11 am

    These things are real and if you tell anyone you are classified as crazy. The lint isn’t the bug. The bug is a tiny black stick or 2. I’ve seen them outside of the lint, and they are scary as hell. They basically take on the shape of whatever they’re on. Don’t believe me? Grab a “lint bug”, put it on a white plate and light it watch what jumps out. Be careful! Don’t let it on you. Then cover it with a white paper towel. When you pick the white paper towel up, the black sticks will be gone. Why? They’re in the paper towel. Again – don’t let it on you! Put the paper towel in a zip lock bag and throw it away.

    Now you know the problem. How do you get rid of an invisible attacker?

    I have one triple bagged in my freezer. I’m going to bring it to the infectious disease doctor in my area.

    These things have ruined the carpet in my home, my clothes, my poor dogs fur, my hair, etc.

    I have literally pulled carpet fibers out and set them on fire. I’ve never seen a piece of carpet yarn wriggle and try to hide before.

    Wash everything you own in hot water and store in airtight containers. Get rid of carpets. Wash floors and surfaces daily. This won’t get rid of them but it will slow things down greatly.

    Bombs designed to kill house infestations do nothing. I’ve tried twice. No help.

  • I am battling the same thing that so many of you have described here & I am at my wits end!!! For whatever reason, I’m the only person effected in my household. These things embed into my skin & at first, resemble a freckle or mole. They ruin everything they come into contact with. I’ve had to throw away so many items. They seem to nest in lint as a disguise maybe. There are no Words to describe the utter loneliness you feel when your the only one experiencing something out of the ordinary and everyone else seems to be oblivious or unaffected. I’m so glad I came across this blog. It’s so nice to see that I’m not alone even though I hate that others are e experiencing this hell. I’ve actually collected many samples throughout my two years and thought about notifying or contacting the CDC.

    • Fantastic! Everything you said! I’d love to speak with you on the phone.

    • Omg, I sta have the same thing going on , (bout 3 1/2 yes or more). It started in my scalp to my whole body and get the same nose bleed and coming out my gums. I’ve tried bleach, alcohol , to burning them out, Dr tell me I’m hallucinating but others have literally seen it.. them crawling out my head is driving me insane (even shaved my head) to coming right back.. please contact me if any info or help getting rid of em.

    • Reply
  • Ok everyone i am an expert on these mites..they.are a hybrid of nematodes and mites.they reproduce faster then ticks in the millions their easy to kill but extremely hard to exterminate all of them.due to their ability to render themself invisable to the human eye and their ability to comoflouge and disguise itself make no mistake they are smart hive minded creatures.they will take the aperance of your sorounding to get to you. Like ticks they like to reproduce and drop on your head they prefer hights so you.will.find walls and ceiling and clothing blankets ect. After many years i have come up with what i belive to be the only solution to the problem.but before i tell you let me enlighten you guys. It took me a while to figure them out and the reason as to why even tho you bomb and try insane methods.of killing them in the end they still survive now hold on to.yuur pants cause the truth is harder to swallow then anything u could. Imagine..these creatures are a parasite that like to enter the human skin they live their but humans are not the main target nor are we needed for their survival just like they reside in our skin they dont go any deeper then skinnlevel they also reside and infest our homes in the paint they use the paint of our homes as skin so they out their life cycle using our homes when they have spread threw the entire home am talking about paint and Sheetrock they then have no other place to spread but you thats when you get bombarded by them but that only happenss after about 6 months of one of them.first gettinf into.your home thats because it takes them abiut that long to fully spread to entire home run out of space then come onto you full force. Thays why you expirience them differently some only get a few others get bombarded. now the reason why any type of poison doesnt work is because the paint protects.them.just like your skin .poison only touches and remains in the surface.of paint while parasite is inside of paint so bombs pestiside will never work unless you are able to penetrate the paint this leads me to my solution and in am at this momment in the final stage of testing this fully . To win you have to evict them from.your home or negate them the walls and ceiling at least with out ceiling they have nothing because thats their spawning place so the goal here is to take away their home like they are doijg to us . So heres how ..remove the paint completly.then buy new paint inside the paint mix in pesticide not just any pesticide it must have 3 type of pesticide and a Igr insec grown inhibitor . Here are the ones am using cypermithrin deltamitrin 3-1 bio advance and u can use any igr just amazon it . Mix them.all into the new paint stir well paint the ceiling and walls now this will kill any type of insect including our lint from hell but it wont stop them. They will still try to get to you but will encounter the paint with poison and die in essense you will convert their home.into a black hole they will come and die after painting buy polyurethane or epoxy and mix same pesticide in it and cover the paint with at layers it will make it hard as rock and impossible for them to penetrate it .if you don this i theorize that you will be free of them in a few weeks . I say weeeks because remmeber they are in your clothing and sofa and so on ..suggestion is to buy space bags those that you can take.oxygen out off and put everything in them even socks shoes all of it take.out oxygen and keep them like that for atleadt 48 hours you can wash your clothing and evertthinf linene with permithrin. Only permithrin sothis will kill them if they come back into yur clothing ect . Sofa and everyhing else bomb and permithrin . And the other pesticide i mentioned . One of my best tools tuse is a hair dryer or blower the heat from it kills them.

    • did it help ???

      I just spent my savings with repainting my whole apt . I’ve paid twice to have it cleaned with vinegar n dawn but it’s out of control .

      Please share if u have any additional help .

  • Me and my family are experiencing some of the same symptoms. It’s in our hair, eyebrows, eye l, ears, face, body. Yes we see lint, crazy forms of it. When we take a bath there is all kinds of particles in our water. Sometimes thousands of sparkly things. I have never seen anything like this. It happened about 2 year’s ago. I think they came from the home we live in or the area. That’s just my opinion because when we moved here is when it started. About a year after we moved in. I use everything tea tree and wash in hot water. This has consumed our lives. My hair moves and things fly up out of my hair. Last I recall hair doesn’t fly. I sparkly things all over everything. I see them on my walls but they won’t wipe off all the time. Desperate for help. Anyone anywhere just HELP see these

    • I need to talk to you. You explain it perfectly the sparkly things and your hair crawling

    • For about 6 months now, I have been seeing sparkly things on walls, having sensation of bugs crawling on me from head to toe, watching strands of my hair move erratically and seeing black dots on my mattress form white lint which comes through the sheet.
      I also notice there is a smoke-like substance that rises from my skin. In the dark of my bedroom, I shine a flashlight and see something floating or falling from ceiling. I can see “paths” on surfaces spread as I stand next to them. When outdoors, some plant’s leaves actually wilt in front of my eyes! Even when I prepared food, there were white spots that grew! I have to be very careful when cooking. I’m sure I have ingested quite a few. I feel I can’t touch anything!`
      As many of you, I have been to three different medical providers that tell me “it’s dry skin”. I see patterns on my skin. My husband gets so frustrated with me because he can stand in my room and he feels nothing.
      I can’t believe there are others out there with similar issues! Please let me know if you have had any success in ridding your life of these pests!

  • Sarah Shearer
    October 24, 2022 3:17 pm

    I am experiencing the same thing as the other comments, I am in Phoenix, AZ. Me and my 4 daughters all have this in our hair and they go onto other parts of our bodies as well, I am the main one affected. I would think at this point with all of the FB groups and comments on blogs and websites, there’s enough people to roundup and protest at the CDC or White House. Something has to give, we are blown off by our doctors as crazy and addicts, well if we ALL get together they can’t blow us off, we are fighting something we have no idea what it is, we speculate but we don’t know, only a handful of ppl claim to have rid themselves of this, and it’s a nightmare, losing my hair has to be one of the worst results of all this besides being infested by a tiny mite that causes me to itch, makes my floors and surfaces filthy in hours after washing them, my kids itchy and coughing now, who knows what it’s actually doing to our health, this is not ok. Anyone feel free to email me to start an organized protest asap, whenever we can get enough ppl together to protest, maybe tax time when some ppl may have extra funds to travel with. I know I will. I will organize the entire protest if others will offer to assist me, we can all create and bring our own signs write your story on one and pics and attention grabbing statements on another, just get there, if I can get at least 10 ppl I will look for a hotel near the CDC and we can all stay at the same hotel together in separate rooms, I will communicate with each one of you and offer contact information for others so that if you live near one another you can travel and correspond together, nothing will change if nothing changes, we need to do something to be heard‼️🙏🏼♥️

    • Did u ever go to the cdc or find out what these things are? I’ve had them for months now, and driving me crazy.

    • The CDC is aware! I’ve complained repeatedly!!
      Even though they wouldn’t help me . Just last year a rep from the CDC from L.A cal where I started this attempt actually found me In sac to just do a survey . Get real , they are concerned but until we all
      Pool together, united maybe then we can get the news involved . We should a utube video .
      In my past before I retired I was an entertainment correspondent. I could use what I know to get us out there . But I need everyone to unite . Please help me make this happen

    • I’m in Phoenix same symptoms going crazy, please contact me need answers a CURE. DBAUMAN565@GMAIL.COM

  • Marcus L Gatchell
    October 30, 2022 11:55 am

    Tea tree oil.Mix with water and vinegar.And any other parasite remedy great .Kills the dirty bitches quick.I like to catch them and torture them with fire and other things.They can mutate quick too

  • Morgellans parasite. 100% real and government created

  • We need to unite. Each one of you who are suffering like me n Have tried so much. Went repeatedly reach out to the medical world n now are label n your medical records state you are delusional or crazy please with my help n your support n statements I would take on the CDC The medical community.
    We need to unite or honestly die or loose our minds .
    With enough proof from all of you we could literally start a class action suit with the head of the medical overseer..
    contact me anytime . Soon

    • Experiencing same things screw money i want a cure ( money would help) but living normal again would make a life worth living, feel like people can see it moving in my hair. Contact me

  • This I wrote .
    I pray it will help your state of mind .

    Beware anytime that someone who is not a licensed mental health professional tries to label you with any mental disord
    Warning: This Article is not intended for those of you who may be dealing with someone who has a narcissistic personality disorder and is higher spectrum than your average narcissist. IF the person you are dealing with has the potential to become violent or otherwise dangerous… DO NOT try these tactics.

    You know that old saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,” right?

    We all know that isn’t true – certain words really can hurt us. And we all know that narcissists have some pretty unrealistic standards, one of which basically asks us to actively censor ourselves when we speak to them so as to avoid triggering their fragile egos and sending them into a spiraling narcissistic whirl – basically a meltdown.
    10. Nobody Wants You.

     When we were younger, the other kids that didn’t want us teased ius with the words, “Nobody Wants You”. Either in playing or studying, it hurts back then right? Because this will be the start of a traumatic experience; this is the same with narcissists since they are very emotional.

     When being told that nobody wants them, they break down easily, not because they are not wanted, but because they won’t get the chance to manipulate people. Narcissist attitude and behavior like that of a little kid, don’t you agree? They base their judgment on emotions alone. Have you ever told your partner that you don’t want them? How do they feel after hearing it from you?

     9. I Won’t Believe You.

     The narcissists love to brag about their story, right? Have you ever wondered what they may feel when you contradict their statement? Maybe you should try it once, and see the reaction they let out. You’ll see it in their eyes that they will start to cry. The most hurtful part for narcissists is when you say it straight to their face the words “I Won’t Believe You”.

     For narcissists, believing their statements and stories are the happiest moment in their life, because they can manipulate people through it. These words will be powerful enough to hurt the narcissist’s feelings because they will engrave it in their hearts for a lifetime. Are you going to say these words to your narcissistic partner? You should! Because it’ll lighten your shoulders once you will be free from their control.

  • I previously posted about spinosad – this was the first thing to help me. after i used it on mostly my scalp extensively, the symptoms briefly passed and then another round appeared, but a different one – this time it really looked like a classic fungal infection. The fungal infection I am still battling but it is nothing like before. I would say since october last year my health improved by about 80-90%, i occasionally get itchy but it is nothing like the constant pain and burning i had before. What I used since then and I really think this has contributed a lot is: not borax but boric acid solution (on my skin but also I add boric acid when washing the floor😅), vinegar cleaner for the kitchen and bathroom and also very importantly a disinfectant detergent for the laundry. The brand I use is sanomat but in different countries there must be similar things from other brands… it got rid of the bitey lint problem (also make sure to clean the rubber sealing of your washing machine, inside the cavity, especially in the upper part where there is no constant contact with the detergent!
    So, all in all i am repeating what others said but it is a bug-fungus compound problem and one has to address both to win apparently. Fungus seems to be harder.


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