Asian Lady Beetle And Pets: Ensuring Harmony in Your Home

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If you have Asian Lady Beetles around the house, it is natural for your dog or cat to chase them. But are these bugs safe for pets? This article will give you all the info you need.

Dogs and cats are curious creatures; they are easily attracted to bright, colorful organisms, and they love to interact with them (including eating them sometimes!)

If the organism is as tiny and colorful as an Asian lady beetle, there is a high chance that your pet will try to swallow them. 

These beetles may seem harmless, but they can be dangerous for pets like dogs and cats because of the substance they emit when they are frightened. 

This article will discuss why these insects are harmful to your little pets and how you can control them from coming near your fur balls. 


Asian Lady Beetle And Pets - All You Need To Know


Do Asian Lady Beetles Harm Dogs (or Cats)?

Encounters between Asian lady beetles and dogs are rare, but when they happen, the insect is capable of hurting your dog. 

It all starts when your dog tries to swallow these beetles. They release a foul-smelling yellow liquid that is corrosive and causes chemical burns in your pet’s mouth.

If your dog or cat swallows the beetle quickly, the corrosive effects on the mouth are minimal. If it happens in front of you, make them drink water. 

This will reduce the chances of the beetle getting stuck in the food pipe and causing damage there. 

However, if there are severe burns, they must be adequately treated. Failing to do so can result in severe infections. 

Also, since these beetles are able to inflict pain through their bites, your pet can experience significant discomfort if one happens to bite them. 

If you have a dog or a cat in your house, and there are ladybugs in the garden, you must make constant efforts to keep these insects away from them.

Asian Lady Beetle Dog Symptoms

As stated above, Asian beetles can cause burns in your pet’s gastrointestinal tract; here are a few symptoms that you will notice

  • Excessive drooling
  • Mood changes, 
  • Sudden vomiting
  • Sudden changes in behavior
  • Inability to poop
  • Loss in appetite 
  • Drowsiness

If you notice any of these symptoms, immediately check your pet’s mouth for chemical burns, and take them to the nearest vet. 

Remember that these chemical burns can be nasty and can cause serious discomfort and pain to dogs or cats. 

Another thing to note is that exposure to dead beetles can trigger allergic reactions in human bodies as well. 

In the next section, we will discuss how to keep these pests away from your home. 


Asian Lady Beetle And Pets - All You Need To Know


Precautions You Can Take

It’s hard to control your dog or cat because if they see a colorful bug, they will go after it, no matter how much you train them.

Therefore, the best way to prevent such encounters is to keep the insects away from your home. Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you with that:

Run a thorough check for cracks and holes

Since these beetles enter our homes during winter to escape the cold, they use cracks and tiny holes as entry points. 

Asian Lady Beetles can enter homes through gaps as small as one-eighth of an inch wide.

Therefore spend some spend to check for such cracks and holes. If you find some, immediately seal them using silicon or acrylic material. 

Replace broken window frames and doors

Broken windows and door gaps are good entry points for these beetles. Go around your home, both inside and outside. 

Inspect the door frames, window frames, spaces between walls, wall voids, places in the attic or basement that might have an entry point, and more.

Fill it up with caulk or other strong adhesive material to keep these pests out


Asian Lady Beetle And Pets - All You Need To Know


Use insecticides

If you are considering spraying insecticides to keep the Asian lady beetles away, make sure that your pets stay away from these insecticides as well. 

They can be harmful to your pets; therefore, use them carefully. Insecticides like cypermethrin, permethrin, and bifenthrin, can be helpful in keeping the beetles at bay.

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Asian Lady Beetles Harmful to Dogs?

Yes, Asian lady beetles can be harmful to dogs. When your dog swallows these beetles, they secrete a yellow foul-smelling liquid in a defensive display.
This chemical can cause intense burns in your dog’s mouth and the gastrointestinal tracts, triggering problems like vomiting, drowsiness, and more. 

Can Asian beetles attach to a dog’s mouth?

Yes, Asian beetles can attach themselves to a dog’s mouth. It happens accidentally, when your dog tries to eat them. The yellow liquid they secrete is adhesive, so the beetles get stuck inside your dog’s mouth.
As a pet owner, you must make sure that these insects stay away from your home. Seal off all the cracks and holes that the beetles can use as entry points with silicon and acrylic materials. 

Can ladybugs live in a dog’s mouth?

It is possible for Asian ladybugs to live in a dog’s mouth. This mainly happens during the winter season when the temperature drop and these insects find a warm place to live in. 
They might crawl into your pet’s mouth when you are playing around the garden. However, these bugs are not parasites; they are just pests. 

Are the Orange ladybugs poisonous?

Orange ladybugs are not poisonous to humans, but they cause trigger allergic reactions to the body and are also harmful to pets. 
These beetles have the most toxins in their bodies, and they release a yellow liquid when threatened. 
This liquid can cause chemical burns in your pet’s mouth and can cause problems like vomiting, loss of appetite, drowsiness, and more. 


Asian Lady Beetle And Pets - All You Need To Know


Wrap Up

The Asian lady beetles might seem attractive at first glance, but don’t let the bright colors and the tiny size fool you. 

These beetles are highly dangerous for your little fur babies. They can cause severe health issues such as vomiting, drooling, nausea, drowsiness, and more to the pet if it consumes them by mistake. 

Use the information given in this article to prepare yourself to deal with these pests and to prevent them from being around your pet. 

Thank you for reading the article!


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi Dhir

    Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Lady Beetles

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