Are Wasp Moths Dangerous? Truth Revealed

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Wasp moths look like wasps, and that’s enough to send most people running. But are wasp moths dangerous, or is it all just a show, and they are nothing to be worried about? Let’s find out

Have you ever heard of the words ‘wasp’ and ‘moth’ together? With the millions of insect species out there, a cross between the two creatures may not come as a surprise. 

A wasp moth is a species of moth that mimics a wasp to avoid predators. Here are some things you should know about the creature and what its presence can mean around you. 


Are Wasp Moths Dangerous? Truth Revealed


What is a Wasp Moth?

Scientifically known as the Amata hubneri, the Wasp Moth is a member of the superfamily Actiinae. 

This is the same family that includes tiger moths and woolly bears. They are the smallest of their type in the Erebidae family. 

In spite of their name, these are not wasps in any way, they are a species of moths. Discovered in 1829, Wasp moths were first found in the Indo-Australian tropics of northern Australia. 

Their most common American sub-species are found across many states, including Florida, South Carolina, and Mississippi. 

These insects can also be found in South America and parts of Southeast Asia. 

Adult moths are black in color with yellow bands at their abdomen. They also have a pair of transparent wings, and the entire ensemble comes together to give them the look of a common yellow wasp. 

These are one of those insects in nature that have learned to mimic others, even though they are actually just harmless moths. 

What Do These Moths Feed On?

Adult moths have a proboscis that they use to feed on flowers and fruits of different kinds. 

They have been recorded to feed on coat button flowers. As for the larvae, they are known to feed largely on flowers, decomposing materials, and substances with protein. 

The larvae of wasp moths can feed on rice crops like Oryza sativa and sweet potato and tropical plants like Mikania micrantha.

Certain species, like the oleander caterpillars, have a specific diet. These white polka-dot wasp moth larvae feed on the leaves of plants that belong to the oleander family.  


Are Wasp Moths Dangerous? Truth Revealed


Wasp Mimicry

Among the many wonders of nature, mimicry certainly makes the cut for the top 10. And the wasp moth is part of this phenomenon. 

This insect is known as a Batesian mimic – a form of natural mimicry where a harmless creature evolves to imitate the appearance and behavior of a harmful creature. 

Batesian mimicry is a form of mimicry that allows vulnerable creatures to have their own signals of protection from their predators. 

It was first noted by naturalist H.W. Bates when he observed this phenomenon among butterflies in the Brazilian rainforests.

Wasp moths are largely harmless creatures. So they resort to mimicking wasps that can help them to protect themselves from their natural enemies. 

In most cases, predators will notice these moths from a distance, mistake them for moths and leave them alone. 

Are They Dangerous?

Moths do not have any mandibles or jaws, so there is no chance of getting bit or stung by them. 

Since they look like wasps, you might get confused that they stingers like wasps. But in reality, they don’t have stingers.

However, there are some things to look out for if you are planning to eat them! 

Certain species of wasp moths feed on poisonous plants, and these poisons are stored in their bodies. Hence, they are not at all safe to be consumed as they can create serious health hazards for humans. 


Are Wasp Moths Dangerous? Truth Revealed


Polka-Dotted Wasp Moth

As we mentioned earlier, the polka-dotted moth wasp is another creature that mimics wasps. These have a distinct design that helps them hide among flowers to escape predators. 

The larvae also feed on oleander leaves, which cause them to ingest a poisonous substance in their body. If consumed by predators, this poison can cause a painful death. 

How They Repel Predators?

The tiny polka-dot moths are known for their incredible skills in avoiding a predator. They have an uncanny resemblance to powerful stinging wasps such as the bald-faced hornets. 

This helps them automatically repel predators. Most hungry birds – if they can find these colorful creatures among flowers – will avoid them. 

Another defense of the moths is in the food they consume. They feed on the leaves of plants belonging to the oleander family. 

The diet lets them save a high amount of toxic compounds called cardiac glycosides. Most predators will get poisoned if they eat these chemicals. Hence, many predators make sure to avoid these little creatures as snacks.

How They Attract Mates?

A unique feature of polka-dot moths is the way they attract their mates. Female moths are very beautiful, but they also use pheromones to lure the males. 

These females have special abdominal glands that help them to release the chemicals when they see a suitable mate around.

If the chemical attraction does not work, the moths rely on sound signals. The females can create a clicking sound by vibrating the plates they have on either side of their thorax. 

The males, when attracted, will mimic the sound in response. This communication brings the two moths together, allowing them to carry on the circle of life. 


Are Wasp Moths Dangerous? Truth Revealed


Frequently Asked Questions

Are polka dot wasp moths dangerous?

Polka dot moths can be dangerous, considering that they feed on oleander caterpillars which enables them to store a poisonous compound in their body. 
This can cause predators of the wasps to die of poisoning or have other adverse health effects. 

What does wasp moth eat?

Wasp moths feed on a lot of organic material, including plant and animal matter. The adult moths feed on plant materials, fruits and flowers. 
The larvae are known to feed on small insects, but mostly flowers and rotten fruits. 

Can a moth hurt a human?

Usually, wasp moths are harmless to humans as they do have no power to sting. However, the polka dot wasp moths feed on poisonous flowers that get stored in their body. 
Consuming these moths or allowing them to sit around food can have detrimental effects on health. The toxic compound cardiac glycosides in their bodies can be poisonous to us as well as pets. 

What is the most poisonous moth?

The Lonomia obliqua has the Guinness record for being the most poisonous moth in the world. 
It is a giant silkworm caterpillar found in South America that has bristles that emit poison as a defense mechanism. Its poison is known to have caused a number of human deaths in Brazil. 

Wrap Up

Unless you are choosing to eat them for dinner, wasp moths are not your biggest enemies. 

They are creatures trying to protect themselves in their natural environment with their unique characteristics. 

There is no need to intervene in their natural habitat, and keeping a safe distance is enough to keep you safe. 

Thank you for reading! 








Pryeria sinica male Pryeria sinica female
























Tiger Moth


Wasp Moth






Tiger Moth:  Cosmosoma species


















Pryeria sinica male Pryeria sinica female



















  • Bugman

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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