Female Stag Beetle
What Are Stag Beetles?
Stag beetles are one of the largest beetle species in the world. These insects are known for their enormous mandibles that are almost as big as their bodies.
They are called stage beetles, as these mandibles look similar to stag antlers. As larvae, they are like white grubs with orange heads.
The males are larger than the females and have bigger and stronger mandibles. They use them as weapons to fight other males to win mating opportunities.
Stag beetle males are usually 1.37-2.95 inches in length and females are 1.18-1.96 inches. The beetle larvae highly rely on rotten wood as a significant food source.
Are They Dangerous?
Despite their intimidating appearance, stag beetles are not dangerous to humans. Adult beetles have big mandibles and strong chewing muscles, but they rarely attack humans.
But this doesn’t give you a green signal to deal with these insects recklessly. If they feel threatened, they will bite.
The female stag beetles have smaller mandibles and won’t deliver bites as painful as the male adult stag beetle.
The stag beetle larvae also have powerful jaws to tunnel through decaying wood and log piles, but there are fewer chances of you encountering them as they spend their entire life cycle near dead wood.
Are They Poisonous?
One of the main reasons why these insects are not considered a threat is that they are not poisonous.
Their bites are painful but not really too much of a bother; in an hour or so, the pain subsides, and so does the swelling. Importantly, they are not vectors for any known disease.
Placid Stag Beetle image captured January 8, 2015
Are They Beneficial in the Garden?
Stag beetles can be useful in gardens because they help recycle dead and decaying matter.
They break down the dead wood to restore the nutrients back in the soil and to make it fertile. Moreover, they do not eat your plants or flowers, and hence they are a gardener’s best friend.
Can You Keep Them As Pets?
Stag beetles are one of the most popular insect pets in the world. People from all across the globe pay huge sums of money to acquire these insects as pets.
They are fascinating to watch and don’t require a lot of attention from your end to be healthy. Adding to that, these insects don’t occupy much space in your home.
All you need is a tank that is big enough for them to move freely. Also, the tank must be well-ventilated and covered from the top, as stag beetles can fly.
You must avoid keeping two or more males together in a tank as they might start fighting for female attention and mating opportunities.
How To Prevent Stag Beetles From Entering Your Home?
Stag beetles can be a treat to watch, but it is not good to have a few of them freely roaming around your house.
Unfortunately, due the loss of habitats for these insects, many of them are now exposed to humans and often try to find refuge in homes and places like children’s playgrounds that have woodchips in them.
To avoid them from being near your house, make sure that there are spots with damp and decaying wood in your home.
Also, check your garden and remove the tree stumps and wood chips lying nearby. These things attract stag beetles.
At night these insects are attracted to light; therefore, try to close all the entrances once you turn on the lights at dark.
Bug Control Recommendation Tool
Reddish Brown Stag Beetle
Wrap Up
Stag beetles might look menacing, but they rarely bite humans, and it is pretty safe to keep them in your garden or even inside your home.
These bugs are great for your yard because they decompose wood and make the soil more fertile. Hence, there is no need to be afraid of them.
Thank you for reading!