Are Green Lacewings Harmful? Why You Should Invite Them In Your Garden

folder_openInsecta, Neuroptera
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Most humans instinctively fear insects, and a green-colored fly with netted wings might look scary to most people. But are green lacewings harmful to us in any way? Let’s find out.

Green Lacewings (Chrysoperla rufilabris) are tiny bugs with golden eyes and translucent wings.

They are usually found in gardens or landscapes to feed soft-bodied insects like aphids, thrips, spider mites, etc.

Green lacewings threaten garden pests or small insects and are a beneficial species for human beings.

However, they might bite us and leave a bit of stink behind them. Let’s talk more about these fascinating creatures!


Are Green Lacewings Harmful?


Are Lacewings Harmful to Humans?

Lacewings are not harmful to humans. They are quite the opposite; Lacewings are beneficial insects for human beings since their primary food source is garden pests.

While adult lacewings generally avoid biting humans, the lacewing larva may try to bite human skin by accident or when they feel threatened.

Can They Bite?

Adult green lacewings only bite humans either by accident or because they feel threatened. However, their bites are not at all harmful to humans.

Thus, you don’t have to worry about getting bitten, but if you do, expect a little prick (similar to getting injected) that may lead to the following symptoms –

  • Redness
  • Itchiness
  • Red bump or rash

However, if you are allergic to an insect bite and feel continuous pain for hours, it is better to seek medical help. Such people might develop hives and swelling and may have trouble breathing.

Even if you aren’t allergic and get a bump or rash, you can follow the steps to get rid of the redness and itching quickly:

  • Wash the bump or rash with water
  • Clean it with a soft towel
  • Put an antiseptic cream
  • Do not cover the bump, for it needs air to heal


Are Green Lacewings Harmful?


Are They Poisonous or Venomous?

The adults are neither venomous nor poisonous. The larva of a green lacewing is venomous, but this venom is harmless to humans.

Green lacewing larvae are generalist predators who feed on almost anything that crosses their path. They are voracious predators and can feed on 200 or more insects in a week.

The minute their egg hatches, the larvae start searching for prey. These insects are easy to spot: they have brown and gray stripes and look like small alligators.

When the larva finds a suitable victim, it pierces the prey’s body with its needle-like mouthpart and injects venom into it. The venom paralyzes the prey and converts its insides into liquid.

Next, the larvae use these same mouthparts to suck in the liquified insides of the victim. Nothing remains of the bug in a few seconds except for the outer carcass.

Thankfully, this venom is not strong enough to do anything to humans.

Can Lacewing Larvae Bite Us?

Lacewing larvae, also known as aphid wolf are actually a bit more aggressive, and there are often reports of them biting humans working in the garden. It is more likely that a larva will bite you.

These larvae use their sickle-shaped mouthparts to bite their prey, but those mouthparts are too weak to pierce human skin.


Lacewing larvae (aphid wolves) attacking ant cows


Do They Transmit Diseases?

No, there is no research to show that green lacewings are vectors to any human diseases. In most cases, the adults flit around from flow to flower-sucking nectar and never come in contact with humans.

When it comes to the lacewing larva, they only feed on the liquified insides of their prey which their venom has already dissolved. So they don’t carry diseases either.

Why Do Some of Them Stink?

By now, it is clear that the newly hatched predatory larva is far more dangerous than the adults. Most of these larvae feed on common garden pests, and one, in particular, feeds on termites: the Lomamyia Latipennis.

In this species, the mother intentionally lays her eggs near a termite colony for the larva to find its prey quickly.

But what is unique about these bugs is the manner in which they immobilize their prey before killing and eating them.

These larvae release vapor from their anus, which has a paralyzing effect on their prey. These farts are so powerful that even one fart can stun as many as six termites nearby!

Once its prey smells the toxic vapor, it falls flat on its back without moving. The larva quickly moves in to use its other weapon – the deadly venom that liquefies its insides. If left untouched, the bug anyway dies within 2-3 hours.

This is one reason why the larvae might smell bad. However, another reason why lacewings stink badly is due to an entirely different reason: it is a defense mechanism for them.

They emit a substance known as skatole from their thorax, which emits a horrible smell. This is why adult green lacewings smell really bad if you startle or sneak up on them.

They are also referred to as stink flies for this very reason.


Are Green Lacewings Harmful?


How Are Lacewings Beneficial To Humans

Green Lacewings are beneficial insects for human beings since they contribute to naturally taking out garden pests. Here are the primary food sources of lacewing larvae:

  • Aphids
  • Spider mites
  • Small caterpillars
  • Thrips
  • Insect eggs
  • Whiteflies
  • Leafhoppers
  • Mealybugs

While the adult lacewings usually feed on pollen and nectar, those in the larva stage would suck several aphids and mites in a week.

For this reason, the larvae are called aphid lions or aphid wolfs. They are voracious enough to cannibalize their own if they don’t get a good food source quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are green lacewings harmful to plants?

No, green lacewings are not harmful to plants. As larvae, they, in fact, protect the plants by eating plant pests like aphids, spider mites, and thrips.

As adults, they mainly suck on flower nectar and pollen and act as pollinators for several species of plants. Thus, they are actually quite beneficial for plants and gardeners.

How do I get rid of lacewings?

If you have lacewings in your garden, it is likely that you also have a pest infestation. Lacewings are attracted to their food source, so they will come to your garden only if there are aphids, mites, thrips, and other pests already present.

Therefore, it might be best just to let them feed and clear out the infestation for you. Once the pests are gone, lacewings would leave too. You can also spray a suitable narrow spectrum insecticide on the plants that will affect the pests but not the lacewings.

Why do I have green lacewings in my house?

If you have green lacewings in your house, there is likely an infestation in your garden. The other reason might be that it flew into your home accidentally while looking for food.

Lacewings are attracted to light, so if you leave your nightlights and garden lights open at night, it is possible that they might have come into your home following them.

What are green lacewings attracted to?

Green lacewings are usually attracted to pollens, nectar, and garden pests or insects, like aphids, spider mites, thrips, etc. since they are lacewings’ main food source.

Many green lacewings are also attracted to light and can be seen sticking on lamps or light fixtures at night.

Wrap Up

Now that you know that green lacewings aren’t harmful to you, we hope you can walk through your garden without fearing being bitten by one.

They are your little helpers that remove pest infestation from your garden free of cost. You should encourage their presence and even help it along by adding a bowl of water to your garden. Thank you for reading!


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Lacewings

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  • I am so glad to see this post because two nights ago (may 1st) I was bitten at my feet and was awakened by it. Thought it was a mosquito, scratched it and then went back to be bed. I was then bitten at my shoulder twice and then woke up in panic thinking bedbugs but this felt like an ant biting me, like a fire ant bite. When I did a search of my bedding I found the same little guy (lacewing Larve) and thought it was a bed bug. I stayed up all night in a panic and did a ton of research, only to find that these thing DO bite. And I’ve had pretty inflamed red bumps there ever since. Not a lot of stories of this on the internet but believe me they BITE and it will leave mark.


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