Are Drain Flies Harmful? Debunking Common Myths

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Drain flies, also known as moth flies, are tiny, fuzzy insects that are often found around drains, sewers, and other damp environments. They have strong jaws and feed on the algae, and fungi in the gelatinous film in drains and traps. Although they may often be seen as a nuisance in households and commercial spaces, are drain flies harmful to humans and the environment is worth exploring.

Their presence could indicate an issue with drainage or plumbing, such as clogged pipes and leaks. It is essential to address the issue to prevent potential damage to your property and avoid the growth of mold or mildew.

Are Drain Flies Harmful
A Drain Fly, Source: Sanjay Acharya, Via Wikimedia Commons

Understanding Drain Flies

Appearance and Characteristics

  • Size: Drain flies are small insects, measuring about 1/16 to 1/4 inch long.
  • Body: They have a delicate, fuzzy appearance, with a pale brownish-gray to black color.
  • Wings: Their large wings are held roof-like over their bodies, giving them a moth-like appearance.
  • Antennae: Drain flies possess long, segmented antennae on their heads.
  • Nocturnal: They are most active during the evening and can only fly a few feet at a time.

Life Cycle and Breeding Grounds

Drain flies have a life cycle consisting of four stages: eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. Their larvae live in the gelatinous film or slime found in drains and traps, feeding on algae, bacteria, and fungi. 

Usually, drain flies complete their life cycle in 3 to 4 weeks. However, the process can accelerate at higher temperatures (85°F, 29.5°C).

Breeding grounds for these insects include:

  • Sewer leaks and back-ups
  • Dirty garbage cans
  • Saucers under potted plants
  • Clogged gutters
  • Moist compost

Habitat and Common Areas

Drain flies commonly accumulate in wastewater systems, such as trickling filters that use biofilm layers for treatment. Over 200 species of worms, protozoa, bacteria, algae, and insects are found in such systems.

They are also found in residential and commercial buildings, mainly in:

  • Bathrooms
  • Basements
  • Kitchens

By understanding the appearance, life cycle, and habitat of drain flies, we can develop effective strategies to manage their populations.

Are Drain Flies Harmful?

Drain Fly Bites

Drain flies are not known for biting humans. These small, fuzzy insects are primarily found near drains and feed on algae, bacteria, and fungi in the gelatinous film or slime in drains and traps.

They do not possess mouthparts for biting, so they pose no direct harm in terms of physical bites to humans.

Potential Health Risks

Although drain flies do not bite, they can potentially pose health risks:

  • Bacteria: Drain flies can spread bacteria by crawling through unsanitary areas like trash and decaying organic matter, then transmitting these bacteria to surfaces they land on.

This indirect contact can contaminate surfaces in homes or businesses.

  • Asthma: If they die near your house, the decaying bodies of drain flies can cause allergic reactions and possibly worsen asthma symptoms for those sensitive to their presence.

Comparison of Drain Flies and Other Common Household Flies

Fly Type Biting Disease Transmission Allergic Reactions
Drain Fly No Possible (indirect) Yes
House Fly No Yes (direct) No
Mosquito Yes Yes (direct) No

It is worth noting that drain flies are not vectors for diseases like myiasis or microfilaria, which are typically associated with biting flies, such as mosquitoes or horseflies.

However, their presence can be indicative of unsanitary conditions, as they breed in moist areas with a lot of organic remains. Addressing these issues and maintaining cleanliness can help reduce the risk posed by drain flies.

Please keep in mind:

  • Drain flies do not bite
  • They can indirectly spread bacteria
  • They may cause allergic reactions in some individuals

Distinguishing Drain Flies from Other Insects

Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are tiny insects found around overripe and fermenting fruits. They possess a few distinguishing characteristics:

  • Size: around 1/8 inch long
  • Color: reddish-brown or dark brown
  • Attracted to: decaying fruits and vegetables

Drain flies, also known as moth flies, differ from fruit flies in appearance and preferred environments:

  • Size: around 1/16 to 1/4 inch long
  • Color: pale brownish-gray to black
  • Environment: moist areas, typically near drains


Gnats resemble fruit flies, but they differ in these aspects:

  • Size: generally smaller than fruit flies (around 1/16 inch long)
  • Environment: damp soil, decaying plants, or water

Sewer gnats, also called sink flies, are another term for drain flies due to their fondness for moist environments like drains.


Fleas are wingless parasitic insects that infest animals and humans. Comparing them to drain flies:

Characteristics Fleas Drain Flies
Size 1/16-1/8 inch long 1/16-1/4 inch long
Color Dark brown to red-brown Pale brownish-gray to black
Wings None Yes
Environment Animals, carpets, bedding Moist areas (e.g., drains)

Although fleas and drain flies are different in appearance and habitats, their presence in damp and unsanitary environments can be a problem.

In summary, recognizing the key characteristics of various insects helps distinguish drain flies from others like fruit flies, gnats, and fleas.

Keeping living areas clean and addressing moisture problems will generally help prevent infestations of these pests.

Preventing and Controlling Drain Fly Infestations

Identifying Breeding Sites

Before you tackle a drain fly infestation, it’s essential to identify their breeding sites. Drain flies typically breed in:

  • Polluted, shallow water
  • Highly moist organic solids
  • Muck, slime, or gelatinous film accumulating on the sides of drains
  • Condensate pipes for air conditioners
  • Sewage filtration tanks
  • Septic tanks
  • Dirty garbage containers

Natural and Chemical Remedies

There are various natural and chemical remedies to get rid of drain flies:

Natural Remedies:

  • Vinegar and baking soda: Pouring a mixture of vinegar and baking soda down the drain can help break up the organic material they thrive on.
  • Boiling water: Pouring boiling water down the drain can kill the larvae and remove debris.
  • Apple cider vinegar trap: A mixture of apple cider vinegar, sugar, and soap can be used to trap adult drain flies. Cover the container with plastic wrap and poke holes in it, allowing flies to enter but not exit.

Chemical Remedies:

  • Drain cleaner: Using a drain cleaner can break down the organic matter in the drain.
  • Insect sprays: Applying chemical insect sprays or repellents can help combat adult flies.
Method Pros Cons
Natural Remedies Non-toxic, safer for the environment and humans May require repeated applications
Chemical Remedies Usually faster acting May contain harsh chemicals, not eco-friendly

Maintaining Clean Drains

Keeping your drains clean can prevent future infestations:

  1. Regularly clean your drains with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda.
  2. Pour boiling water down drains occasionally to remove debris.
  3. Keep plumbing drains and sewage systems well-maintained and free of leaks.
  4. Install drain screens to prevent debris buildup.

By identifying breeding sites, using natural or chemical remedies, and maintaining clean drains, you can effectively prevent and control drain fly infestations.

Dealing with Secondary Issues

Addressing Clogs

Clogs in drains can create a breeding ground for Clogmia albipunctata or drain flies, which belong to the Psychodidae family. One way to deal with this issue is to remove the organic material these flies feed on.

You can use specialized products such as Drano or opt for natural solutions like white vinegar and salt. For example, pouring a mixture of white vinegar and salt down the drain may help break down the organic buildup.

Another option is to use a pipe brush to physically remove the clog. This can be an effective method to dislodge accumulated debris and ensure a smoothly flowing drain.

Pros and Cons of methods:

Method Pros Cons
Drano Effective in dissolving clogs Chemicals may harm pipes and the environment
Vinegar & Salt Natural and eco-friendly May require more elbow grease
Pipe Brush Gets rid of physical debris Involves manual effort

Eliminating Unwanted Moisture

Standing water, dampness, and lingering moisture create favorable conditions for Psychodidae flies to thrive. Hence, addressing and eliminating unwanted moisture is vital.

  • Regularly check for leaks
  • Ensure proper ventilation
  • Use dehumidifiers in damp areas

By implementing these measures, you can prevent the attraction of drain flies and maintain a healthier, cleaner environment.


When to Call a Pest Control Professional

Drain flies, also known as Psychoda spp., are typically not harmful, but they can be a nuisance when they infest your home. It is essential to call a pest control professional like Orkin in certain situations.

In this section, we will provide examples of some circumstances where it’s necessary to call a professional and briefly discuss the comparison between professional pest control services and DIY methods.

Firstly, if you have a severe drain fly infestation, seeking professional help is recommended. This is because the infestation may spread quickly and become unmanageable with DIY solutions.

Secondly, if you have tried various home remedies and the issue persists, call a pest control professional. They have access to more effective treatments and can identify the root cause of the infestation.

In comparison, professional pest control services typically offer:

  • Expertise in dealing with various pests, including drain flies
  • Access to commercial-grade pesticides and insecticides
  • Comprehensive management plans

On the other hand, DIY methods may:

  • Be less effective and require multiple attempts
  • Lack proper identification and treatment of the infestation source
  • Potentially worsen the situation

However, it’s important to note that seeking professional help might not be necessary for every drain fly issue. If you have a minor infestation, simple home remedies like cleaning the drains might help in controlling the situation.

Moth Fly Larvae

Additional Tips and Techniques

Homemade Traps

One way to address drain flies is to use homemade traps. For instance, a simple vinegar trap can be made using a plastic cup filled with a mix of vinegar and a few drops of dish soap:

  • Pour the mixture into a plastic cup
  • Place the cup near the affected drain

This method will attract the flies to the cup, where they will drown in the solution. Another useful technique is to apply a layer of vegetable oil inside and around the drain, which will trap the flies and prevent them from breeding.

Rain Barrel Protection

Rain barrels can also become breeding areas for drain flies. To protect your rain barrels from becoming infested, you can:

  • Cover the barrels with a fine mesh screen to prevent the flies from entering
  • Regularly remove debris, such as leaves, from the surface of the water to discourage breeding
  • Use a metal pipe brush to clean the interior, particularly if pupal stages are identified
Moth Flies

A quick comparison of these two methods to address drain flies in indoor and outdoor environments:

Homemade Traps Rain Barrel Protection
Effective for indoor environments Effective for outdoor environments
Simple and inexpensive to set up Requires some maintenance
Targets adult flies directly Prevents breeding in water

Remember, drain flies can be identified by their hairy wings and their diet, which consists of algae, bacteria, and fungi.

These insects prefer moist areas and can also be found in compost piles, as they have strong jaws that enable them to break down organic matter.

Keep an eye on these locations, and use the above-mentioned techniques to keep drain fly populations under control.


Drain flies, also known as moth flies, can often be spotted around damp areas like drains and sewers. These bugs do not bite but they can be harmful in many other ways.

They can spread bacteria and trigger allergies. These insects are different from disease-carrying flies and managing them requires cleaning drains, using natural or chemical remedies, and preventing moisture buildup. 

In severe cases, professional pest control may be needed. Stay proactive to reduce their presence and maintain a healthier environment.


  1. Drain Flies – University of Florida 2 3 4 5

  2. Drain Flies – Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service 2 3

  3. Drain Flies – University of Maryland Extension 2

  4. Flies | UMN Extension 2


Suspected Psychodidae Larva
Suspected Psychodidae Larva (detail)
Suspected Psychodidae Larva (detail)


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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10 Comments. Leave new

  • I have to disagree that drain flies in a home are only a nuisance. I can’t imagine that the buildup in the drain that these flies develop in can be germ or bacteria free. I am sure these little flies are spreading these germs and bacteria where every they land. There are products that are made specifically to deal with drain fly infestations that won’t harm the environment. They are called Drain Gels. Drain Gels utilize special bacteria cultures and free enzymes to coat drains and cut through the decomposing organic materials that drain flies require to lay their eggs. As an added bonus these “good” bacteria will even help a clogged drain and your septic tank. You can google the term Drain Gel to find the product you need.

  • There are biological products which clean drains by introducing a kind of yeast which eats the sludge out of pipes. It is sometimes a granular product which you mix with warm, not hot, water and pour down the drain at night, then don’t run water into the drain for around 6-8 hours. Using it every week or so, it eats up the sludge and is not a harmful chemical.., is better for the environment and also clears out your drains. One is called Roebic Bacterial Drain Cleaner.

  • This is a little late for this poster, but for those who, like me, have/had this problem in hydroponics, I have a solution: chlorine. This only works for those using synthetic fertilizers, as it will sanitize your system and will interfere with microbial breakdown required to make organic fertilizers function. So, unfortunately it may be illadvised to attempt this an aquatic system. With that said, a chlorine level of 0.5-1.5 ppm will stop them within a system. This works by eliminating the bio-film that tends to build up within most hydroponic setups. The use of chlorine may be continued after the pest is gone, as a preventative measure. It is important not to exceed 1.5 ppm as anything higher than 2ppm may also kill your plants. Also, the initial dosage should be monitored as level will drop as it dose its job. All future doses will be more long lasting. I hope this helps someone.

  • Yolanda Tuiasosopo
    November 8, 2017 11:54 pm

    This morning while taking a call i saw and felt something on my ankle that didn’t feel good. A minute later it became quite itchy. It looked like what you have pictured to be a bathroom fly. Thinking about it i do see that in the sink. Your desciption says they dont bite. This one did, no mark though.

  • Take ur drain apart and clean it out. Done

  • Dear Debby,
    During my visit to various countries around the globe, I personally found this tinny creature drain flies (Insecta: Diptera: Psychodidae). According to Goodbye Pest basically, it found in a group. Black in clour, breed in dirty stagnant water. not a good flyer, stupidity in nature.

  • Hi!
    Thank you for your reply and time to take a look.
    Maybe there is someone out there that could know? any help more than welcome.
    Thank you for your great work,

  • Hi. I found a natural way to get rid of them. 1 cup of baking soda followed by 1 cup of white vinegar. This will also clean your drain. Try once every 2 weeks or so to begin.


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