Assassin bugs are among the rare beneficial bugs that can help in getting rid of unwanted pests, wasps, and bugs. But are assassin bugs dangerous for humans? Let’s find out.
Bugs and creepy crawlies are bothersome and wanted guests, but if it is the assassin bugs from the Reduviidae family, you can gladly welcome them to your garden.
Assassin bugs are predatory ectoparasites of the Hemiptera order, Heteroptera suborder, and Triatominae subfamily.
Among the 6,800 assassin bug species belonging to 25 different subfamilies, only 160 species exist in North America.
The friendly neighborhood bugs take on the great responsibility of destroying aphids, thrips, and other similar pests.
While most are not dangerous to humans, a few species of assassin bugs, like the Kissing Bugs, carry harmful parasites that can cause worry.
Do These Bugs Bite?
The bugs have a curved mouth resembling a dagger known as rostrum or proboscis that they use to bite caterpillars and leafhoppers easily.
The rostrum has three hollow segments. The assassin bug uses this to inject venom into its prey, causing paralysis.
Once neutralized, they feed voraciously on the prey by sucking the body fluids out. These bugs are known for stalking and attacking insects even twice their size with ease.
Are They Poisonous?
Assassin bugs are not poisonous and are practically harmless until they bite. They do not have any poison on their body that can affect other living organisms simply by touch.
They are known for feeding on the blood and fluid sucked from invertebrates and insects, and they use venom to do it.
Are They Venomous?
Yes, the assassin bugs are highly venomous insects. The Disulphide-rich peptide neurotoxin released by the assassin bugs is a potent liquifying agent that lets them feed easily using their proboscis.
Biochemical analysis of the venom has shown that it is composed of numerous complex components:
- Triabin-like protein,
- Putative nutrient-binding proteins, etc.
- Putative cytolytic toxins,
- Cystatins,
- S1 proteases,
- Odorant-binding protein,
- Catabolic enzymes,
Assassin bugs are quite venomous. Though they cannot cause death in humans or large animals, they are highly deadly to smaller insects.
What Happens if You Get Stung by an Assassin Bug?
The wheel bug is one of the most commonly seen types of assassin bugs. They are known for having very painful bites.
If you encounter this kind of bite, it is best to try to remove as much as the venom as possible with a BUG BITE THING Suction Tool and then disinfect the site well and apply antiseptic cream.
The immediate reactions are localized swelling and intense pain for the initial few hours. You can use over-the-counter analgesics like Ibuprofen and Aspirin to temporarily reduce the pain and swelling.
Caladryl or any form of corticosteroids is also helpful in reducing localized trauma. People allergic to insect bites might have breathing issues and hives and may even suffer from anaphylactic shock. For such people, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.
How Painful Is an Assassin Bug Bite?
It is quite painful because of the venom that they inject into the skin, which kills the cells around the area of the bite which is why you should try to remove as much venom as possible as quickly as possible.
Even though assassin bugs are beneficial insects, they are not a very welcoming predator. They swiftly respond to threats by biting.
Their venom is neurotoxic and liquefies the insides of their prey. This causes excruciating pain in the affected area, followed by a burning sensation, and you might also get a bump in the area.
The symptoms may remain for a few days before disappearing completely.
Are They Harmful to Humans?
While most assassin bugs are beneficial for the environment, a few specific species like the Conenose Bugs, better known as Kissing Bugs, are problematic. These bugs are bloodsuckers and are known to carry Chagas disease.
These bugs belong to the Triatominae family and are blood suckers and generally come out after dark hours to attack their prey.
Though they are similar to the commonly found wheel bugs, the signature crest is missing. They also have orange and black markings along the abdominal area.
Widely found all across the United States, they are predominant in the state of Texas. These bugs specifically attack the face and the lip region.
Their saliva has anesthetic properties, so the bite often goes undetected for up to half an hour.
The problem arises when the bugs defecate near the bite. Their feces contain the highly infectious Trypanosoma Cruzi parasite, which causes the Chagas disease.
As you scratch your face due to irritation caused by the bite, the feces penetrates the skin through the open wounds resulting in the disease.
Chagas disease, unfortunately, has no cure or vaccine. It can be potentially life-threatening and may cause heart or intestinal complications.
Can They Kill a Human?
Assassin bugs, specifically the kissing bugs, have affected over 8 million people in Central America by being carriers of the Chagas Disease. It occurs in two phases.
- Acute Phase – Immediately after the transmission, there are localized areas of swelling and pain that can be treated with antiparasitic drugs and resolved immediately.
- Chronic Phase – As the disease is left untreated, the parasites remain in the human body and continue to thrive. Though the parasites are not strong enough to kill a human, they weaken the immune system, which can cause health complications later.
The parasites can cause heart and other organ damage leading to fatal scenarios.
Where Do They Hide?
These bugs prefer moist and dark spaces like bushes, garden plants, and loose soil to thrive, copulate, lay eggs and grow.
Though they do not feed on the plant nutrients, the covers and shades give them the camouflage to stalk their prey undisturbed and attack without them knowing.
How Long Do They Live?
Assassin bugs are known to survive for up to 2 years in captivity but significantly less (6-10 months) in the wilderness.
The female bugs lay their eggs in clusters along the stems and leaves of a plant during the summer months.
The eggs hatch to reveal the hatchlings known as nymphs that closely resemble the adult bugs except for the absence of wings. They undergo molting seven times before they even acquire the wings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are assassin bugs in my house?
These bugs have an affinity toward the light, so they are often seen loitering around the floor and corners of our homes.
Assassin bugs are attracted to potential prey, so if your garden or yard has an aphid infestation or other bugs, they can come to your home.
How many people have assassin bugs killed?
The kissing bug is indirectly responsible for approximately 12,000 deaths in a year in various parts of Central America.
These bugs are carriers of a parasite that causes Chagas disease, a potentially fatal and incurable disease.
Do assassin bugs feed on humans?
Yes, a few specific variants of assassin bugs, like the kissing bug, feed on human blood. They spear human skin with their pincer-like mouthparts and then suck the blood out of our bodies. They are commonly found hiding in mattresses and bed linen in damp houses.
How long do assassin bug bites last?
The bug bites from assassin bugs can last anywhere between 7 to 10 days. There will be itching, rashes, and redness of the skin for a few days. You might also need to apply a good disinfectant and wash the wound regularly.
Know Which Bug Is Your True Friend Before Giving Them a Home!
The right assassin bugs will keep unwanted critters away, while the wrong ones can potentially make you sick. Keep an eye on the bugs to know if it is the right guest for your home and garden.
Thank you for reading!
104 Comments. Leave new
I just got bit by one of these bugs I was having a smoke when it attacked me I did nothing to provoke it. It died 10/13/2012 11:30 pm cause of death my size 12 foot rest in peace two spot assassin . I believe justice was served to this annoying little bug I can’t wait to see hundreds of them stuck to the front of my truck .
Yeah I’m with this guy. These bugs ARE HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE. My husband & I have BOTH been bitten/stung multiple times over the last week by these bugs with no provocation on our part. Our only sin was stepping outside at night for a smoke. We do not have a garden this year, so these evil little bugs can just move along now.
Ps. Hubs just got hired at a local pest control company. These guys are soon to be history at our house & I don’t feel sorry AT ALL. If you are ever unlucky enough to bitten by one, you will understand!
Yeah.. last summer I was in bed with my 7 year old and 9 month old boys.. when I felt a terrible sharp pain to the side of my knee. Before I could jump out of bed to figure out what was going on I was bitten 3 times. I though i was being bitten by a horsefly. I was wearing long cotton pants. I grabbed at the area I was bitten and quickly pulled them off and threw them. I then picked them up and shook them out.. nothing. I frantically searched the bed for an insect; fearing one of my children being bitten. After finding nothing I turned my pants inside out to find this exact bug, I had NO idea what this thing was. I smashed him with a hammer. Then googled it and discovered the assassin bug. My knee was swollen and itchy for weeks. At one point it appeared as though I was developing cellulitus from the bites and required a round of antibiotics. This being stated, I fear this little bastard. Any one I run across is as good as dead. I say this with no shame. I have killed and will continue to kill as many as I possibly can to keep from this ever happening again.. I live in central Mississippi and this is the assassin bug we have here. Warm weather is just beginning this year.. not looking forward to the return of this bug. Red wasps are already bad.. and since we didnt have very cold winter I’m preparing for a bad insect season. I wonder if “Mr. Marlos” has been bitten by this bug?? I have a hard time seeing anyone being bitten with smashing this bug.
Mr Marlos has had his share of bites.
***I have a hard time seeing anyone being bitten refrain from smashing this bug
Rasahus hamatus is the corsair depicted in these images.
Agreed, appears to be a nymph of Zelus, based on the rostrum. Could be Z. cervicalis or Z. tetracanthus but I doubt Z. luridus because of the color (although this may not be a fair criterion).
This assassin bug is Zelus renardii.
Oooh! Australian stenopodaine! Pretty sure this is a species of Oncocephalus but can’t see the necessary details. That genus is found all over the world and the taxonomy is a mess.
This is known as the kissing bug, it causes chagas disease, prevalent in south America this bug gave me chagas and another gave me Lyme disease both are said not to exists outside south America but that is because not to manny get bitin half of the bugs carry chagas, and fuck Australia Dockers and government for hiding the fact it’s prevalent here.
This is Zelus renardii, a common Texas species.
This is definitely Rasahus hamatus and not biguttatus. R. Biguttatus has a different area colored orange on the front section than R. Hamatus.
Thanks for this explanation.
I just got one a few seconds ago and it stings like crap
the bug that stung me was a green one
I just got one a few seconds ago and it stings like crap
the bug that stung me was a green one
You can mix diatomaceous earth (diatomite pool filter powder at a pool supply store) with paint and paint around door jams and windows and floor trim and ceiling. I use a blacklight bulb and paint the reflector/fixture also. I use a white paint. It should feel rough when dry. 16oz water + 4 oz paint + 1 packed borax scoop (4 oz, packed) of D.E. This mix is pretty watery, looks like white wash, almost invisible when dry.
Thanks for that very interesting tip which we presume is meant to repel insects from entering a home.
Found an Assassin nymph on my car today, after it ha d killed a small black spider. Looked interesting so I put it in a baggie to look at later with my grandson. After reading about the painful sting I’ve decided it belongs back outside. Gaithersburg, MD
I have seen the adults in my yard several times. Most of my close encounters have been while trimming branches on bushes and trees. I have, luckily, never been bit. As long as they eat the mosquitoes and not me, I’m good. But we have seen more this summer than usual.
Yesterday, we found a little green nymph sitting on the bookshelf in our den. I am glad I got to it before my 4 year old. Especially since I didn’t know then what he was going to grow up to be. He lived in our bug jar for a few hours and then was reunited with the great big outside world.
South Carolina
Assassin Bugs will most likely not be preying upon mosquitoes, but rather upon crawling insects that are found feeding upon plants.
One of these was on my leg today in my yard. I got it off fast! I live in Ormond Beach Florida.
Does not say what to put on the bite
I’ve now found 3 of these in my house. They mainly keep to themselves and don’t move, however I’m not trying to feel that nasty bite/sting. Does anyone know how to prevent them from lingering inside my home?
I thought it injected a saliva that liquefies your insides? Are humans just too big for it too take much effect?
I have been bitten by these on two separate occasions. Very painful, small bite site and swelling. From different ID sources it appears to have been Z. tetracanthus. This is in Roseburg, Oregon.
Ok we understand some insects should remain to maintain balance in the insect world. Last night July 11th 2015 my wife had one of these under her shirt on her abdomen. When she lifted her shirt to see what it was that was that wAs crawling.. It bit her so hard she started pacing and crying… It stung her twice.. And fell to the floor dead… She didn’t swat at it or stomp it… It simply fell n started twitching. So no “carnage” was done.. Lol there’s trillions of bugs .. Let’s show some respect for ppl..
I was sung by one of them about 25 years ago and it truly was one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. I am prison a very unusual case because in a matter of minutes I was having trouble breathing and had to get an eppie injection as well as a whopping dose of benedryl. I feel my reaction was due to the fact that I have similar reactions to other singing insects like bees.
I got bit what do I do
I had one of these to bite me yesterday. Man it hurt!
I think that i got bit by this insect a month ago and i still have the insect and the wound still hurt and hardened and comes to a head and i opened it and it drained but that was two weeks ago and now the wound is hard and come back to a head and still very painful I still have the insect and looks similar to the assassin bug but my wound still hurts and It has been over a month could someone shed some light as to what this insect may be i live in alabama and the bug has a black body red butt and when it stung me it fellt as if i were getting a hit with a dull tattoo needle still have a hole in my leg and still have the insects also
This bug bit me too. One night I was watching TV with the lights off and when I moved to reach my glass it suddenly bit me twice in the arm. The bite was sharply painful. All my arm got numbed and my skin remained very sensitive for two days. When I turned the lights on I found the bug running seeking a place to hide. I had to kill it, I didn’t want it to bite me again. I took a pic and tried to find out what it was. Someone told me that it looked like a kissing bug , I got so freaking scared. But the pics of kissing bugs never completely convinced me. Im soooo glad to know that they are a different kind of bugs… And yet, I’m a bit skeptical, eventhough these bugs look like the one that bit me (Rasahus biguttatus), the funny thing is that I heard this insect squeak as it bit me. I wonder if someone has heard corsairs squeak… or if they’re anatomically capable of. I read they are somehow related to cicadas… I keep wondering.
What kind of bug bit me last night? He’s black about the size of a dime, very long skinny body, very long antennas, biting jaws, long spider looking legs about six of them with sacs on the ends of them. I have a photo of him, he’s a dead bug now, but don’t know how to attach a photo here. My arm swelled and turned red about the size of my hand. The swelling is down this morning but it is still red and my lips and face are swollen.
Twelve days ago I was bitten by a strange bug, after much research I have decided that it was probably some type of Assassin Bug, it had a wider body and more colourful (orange -red legs)than the picture above. I was sitting still when it landed on my arm and bit me . It was extremely painful for about 1 and a half hrs, after the pain started to subside my arm was left swollen and muscles around this area went stiff. It is now 12 days later and my arm is still swollen with a large red area of skin, and it is very itchy at times.I have now talked to two other people who have had a very painful bite from a similar looking bug!! Both say the bug just landed on them and bit for no reason, We all live on the Mid North Coast NSW.
Without an image, it is impossible to be certain. For the most part, though painful, the bite of an Assassin Bug is not considered a health problem, with the exception of the New World Cone-Nose Bugs in the subfamily Triatominae. Members of the genus Triatoma are blood-suckers that often bite human, and they are known vectors for Chagas Disease. We located a paper entitled CONFIRMATION OF THE PRESENCE OF TRIATOMINAE (HEMIPTERA:REDUVIIDAE) IN AUSTRALIA, WITH NOTES ON INDO-PACIFIC SPECIES that indicates there are several members of the genus, including Triatoma novaeguineae that are found in Australia. We cannot locate a color image of the species, but there is a line drawing reproduced with the paper.
Bug known as kissing bug, it’s carrys chagas then kills you 20 years later of a heart attake, Dockers won’t treat and most have not heard of it and u need special permission for the drugs say good by if you got it I’m angry because I’ve got it pluses 30 other ones that are Nasty like lymes and 12 warm parasites with no help, I’ve ordered a rife Machíne if it works will be the only treatment for these things.
These bugs are deadly bit in again got a Chagoma the junkies are responsible in there spread, also the more deadly ones are its relatives the bedbug, they carry everything including staph Lyme and chagars there faster breeders and love junkies homes. And junkies homes is how there become so big in number poverty and bad hygene is what makes them spred chagas disease is previlent in Australia and un recognised there for no one gets treated very big cover up of this disease, Australia is the worst country to get a disease dew to there cover ups but is the most dangerous in Lyme and chagas.
Might want to see a doctor as certain assassin bugs transmit Chagas diseas, which there is no cure for if left to proceed to the second stage of infection!
Just got bit by one identical to the picture above today. HURTS worse than any of the numerous wasp or bee stings Ive had. It was stuck in my shoe and kept biting till I could get it off. Ill take a bee sting any day over that. Lancaster County PA
Aren’t these bugs associated with Chagas’ disease.?
Not all Assassin Bugs spread Chagas Disease. Only Kissing Bugs, members of the genus Triatoma, spread Chagas Disease.
I live in Newcastle and was also bitten while gardening in January. It certainly was a very painful bite – I thought it was a spider at first, then a wasp, because there was only one puncture wound on the joint of my forefinger. For the rest of the day it was bearable, but the next day my whole hand became swollen and taut, and the skin started to peel away but not at the wound site. While the swelling dissipated after a couple of days the itching and aching in my arm probably lasted about another week.
Gardening again yesterday, I saw this horrid looking creature which was likely the pest that bit me, and managed this time to get a photo and research – yes probably an assassin bug…
I live in Newcastle and was also bitten while gardening in January. It certainly was a very painful bite – I thought it was a spider at first, then a wasp, because there was only one puncture wound on the joint of my forefinger. For the rest of the day it was bearable, but the next day my whole hand became swollen and taut, and the skin started to peel away but not at the wound site. While the swelling dissipated after a couple of days the itching and aching in my arm probably lasted about another week.
Gardening again yesterday, I saw this horrid looking creature which was likely the pest that bit me, and managed this time to get a photo and research – yes probably an assassin bug…
I live on the NSW South Coast.
Some years ago, I was bitten twice on my stomach by an insect which was caught in my clothes. It was like being stabbed and was incredibly painful for a short time only.
The next day I had two blisters where the bites were.
The blisters broke and my flesh was a weepy mess.
I went to the Dr (with the bug in a bottle) and he gave me anti biotics and had his nurse dress the wound.
He did not know what the bug was so we sent it to the Sydney museum who identified it as an Assassin Bug.
The wounds took MONTHS to heal because it was a “flesh eating” bite and it took a long time to find the correct anti biotic to treat it.
The blisters also recurred two years later, and we went through the the same thing again.
This insect CAN CAUSE SERIOUS DAMAGE, so beware!!
Thanks so much for providing this personal account of your encounter with an Assassin Bug.
I live on the NSW South Coast.
Some years ago, I was bitten twice on my stomach by an insect which was caught in my clothes. It was like being stabbed and was incredibly painful for a short time only.
The next day I had two blisters where the bites were.
The blisters broke and my flesh was a weepy mess.
I went to the Dr (with the bug in a bottle) and he gave me anti biotics and had his nurse dress the wound.
He did not know what the bug was so we sent it to the Sydney museum who identified it as an Assassin Bug.
The wounds took MONTHS to heal because it was a “flesh eating” bite and it took a long time to find the correct anti biotic to treat it.
The blisters also recurred two years later, and we went through the the same thing again.
This insect CAN CAUSE SERIOUS DAMAGE, so beware!!
what if my dog is bitten by the assassin bug?
check with your veterinarian. We do not provide medical advice.
Hi I just got bitten today by what I’ve researched I’m presuming assassin bug..I did take a pic and I’m wondering if I could email to you to maybe confirm
You may submit images using the Ask What’s That Bug? link on our site.
I had 4 of these jerks on my after I was done cutting grass. One bit the crap out of me on my drive home and the other 3 I managed to get off
There is a group of about 12-15 of these little dudes on the outside of my window screen this morning. Should I do anything about them?
Australian tea tree oil turns the bite straight off .It also works on wasp stings . I have recently been bitten by an assassin bug as it was in a shirt that i had just put on fresh out of my shirt draw . It bit me 4 times and as soon as i put tea tree oil on it it stopped straight away . I have also been bitten by one of Australias worst wasps and it also turned the bite straight off.
This works
Australian tea tree oil turns the bite straight off .It also works on wasp stings . I have recently been bitten by an assassin bug as it was in a shirt that i had just put on fresh out of my shirt draw . It bit me 4 times and as soon as i put tea tree oil on it it stopped straight away . I have also been bitten by one of Australias worst wasps and it also turned the bite straight off.
This works
Thanks so much. They hover around my back storm door, so I will keep this in mind if there is a next time. I do have some tea tree oil.
I was bit by one of these Sunday night, the tenth. The sting was extremely painful to the point it had me, a 38 year old woman, crying like a toddler. It did swell up some that night, but not much. the pain abated after about an hour and a half. Now, two days later, I have a sausage where my finger used to be. It is swollen, pink and hot to the touch, very itchy and uncomfortable. I have taken Benadryl and put some cortisone cream on it with no effect. Also my skin is peeling almost like a chemical burn. Anyone else have these symptoms?
I also should probably mention I live in Central Texas and this sucker landed in my hair inside my house.
What happened next? I am having a delayed hypersensitivity reaction that sounds a lot like yours and I am debaring going to urgent care
I am convinced that what bit me while trimming shoots off of a tree was one of these assassin-type bugs…because it was/has been the most painful & different kind of bite I’ve ever had…even after being stung by a host’s of hornets when I walked into a hornet nest as a young teenager. I have been an insulin-dependent diabetic for 30 yrs & when the bite was paining me so badly, I rushed myself to the hospital e.r. 5 min. away. Long story short, I the doctor removed a stinger that was 1/8″ long & black, gave me benadryl, steroid shot, & 10 days of antibiotics. That happened Thurs. evening & it’s Tues. now…it still has a 2″ red circle that is like a raised knot..still itches. The Dr. wasn’t sure what kind of critter would have a stinger that size & color. Could u please enlighten me with any expertise? Email me of any ideas please.
You should trust your doctor and not information you learn on the internet. We have no medical credentials.
I found two of the yellow/green assassin bugs in my house in one week. Should I be worried? I have two small dogs and am worried that they will get bitten or one of my family. I wouldn’t worry if there was only one but I almost put my hand on one as it was walking across my laptop but my daughter saw it and stopped me before I put my hands directly on it.
Is there any way to check for infestation? What do I do if there is an infestation?
I found two of the yellow/green assassin bugs in my house in one week. Should I be worried? I have two small dogs and am worried that they will get bitten or one of my family. I wouldn’t worry if there was only one but I almost put my hand on one as it was walking across my laptop but my daughter saw it and stopped me before I put my hands directly on it.
Is there any way to check for infestation? What do I do if there is an infestation?
Yes, assassin bugs! The nymphs, probably because of their inexperience or something, are far more aggressive than the adults. Literally just found a nymph sucking blood on my dog’s ear, thought it was a cicada at first, so when I picked it up, that proboscis came out and I dropped that thing like it was on fire! Lol. Bite isn’t all that painful though, imagine how many times you’ve been assassin bug food while sleeping and never woke up with pain. More just creepy not pleasant to think of it sticking your blood out with that crazy syringe/ straw of a proboscis
I live in mi Higan and my son was bit by I think a assassin bug on the neck he was playing in the leaves and came in a d started crying in pain and there was a green colored bug on his neck. It looked like some sort of grass hopper but after looking on line we think it was a assassin bug. It left a mark and it swelled immediately we put ice on it gave him benadryl and advil. He cried for awhile and kept saying that it still hurt very bad. Are these bugs in Michigan? It was a light green color ?
Yes, Assassin Bugs are found in Michigan.
are they in north carolina
Yes my wife just got bit by a green adolescent. On her ear.
Thank-you so much for your quick reply. We let the naughty little culprit go last night .. well away from our house. My daughter has certainly learnt a lesson about handling strange insects.
We were advised by the poisons hotline to keep a look out for any signs of infection, where it bit her, over the next few days. We also just used some antiseptic cream on the bite.
Thank you again so much for your help.
Thank-you so much for your quick reply. We let the naughty little culprit go last night .. well away from our house. My daughter has certainly learnt a lesson about handling strange insects.
We were advised by the poisons hotline to keep a look out for any signs of infection, where it bit her, over the next few days. We also just used some antiseptic cream on the bite.
Thank you again so much for your help.
I have been bitten by an assassin bug (trying to rescue it from being tormented by my cat!)
It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced!!! The Doctor in ED initially thought I had been bitten by a redback. The pain in my finger so intense they wanted to give me a nerve block to my hand. The pain decreased over the first 12 hours, the swelling lasted days and as someone else mention there was a very distinct puncture mark in the centre.
I have been bitten by an assassin bug (trying to rescue it from being tormented by my cat!)
It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced!!! The Doctor in ED initially thought I had been bitten by a redback. The pain in my finger so intense they wanted to give me a nerve block to my hand. The pain decreased over the first 12 hours, the swelling lasted days and as someone else mention there was a very distinct puncture mark in the centre.
Assassin Bugs are in Michigan and almost any where in North America except the Southwest. They do have venom, but it is not deadly to humans. I found two in the front yard. One of them I fed to my friend’s lizard. The other met his day also as I put him in alcohol and then on a slide under the microscope. I see why the bite is so painful. The mandibles are very sharp indeed. I do not want to get bit by this thing.
Necessary Carnage. I felt a sharp stabbing pain on the back of my knee. I thought I’d broken a blood vessel, until a saw a bug that looked just like the one pictured in the floor.
It had left a whole in my leg, it but me through hosiery. The pain was intense.
I stepped on it. Twice. squished it, well, like a bug. No regrets. I photographed its mutilated corpse and was grateful to find out pictured on your website, dead.
I live in Corpus Christi, Texas.
After being bitten 3 times by the Corsair Assassin Bug, I’m happy to kill any I see at my home ..
One flew into my nite gown , after I had been standing under the porch light .
It stung the crap out of my breast twice , then went down my sleeve and stung my forearm .. I came out of my gown immediately , making such a commotion it woke up my boyfriend . We did not go back to bed until we found it , out of fear of being bite again . It was way worse than any wasp sting I’ve ever had .
Ouch , it’s itchy and painful still, after 2 days . The pain doesn’t let up . It’s like a blood blister on my breast . I’m considering seeing a Doctor ..
That appears that it could be Rhodnius pallescens, which is a chagas vector in South/Central America.
I live in Ontario Canada and was bit by a baby assassin bug and yes it hurt worse than a bee or hornet as I’ve been stung numerous times in the past. Had swelling and it’s more of a burning tingle as well as hot and spreads fast around the area bitten. Waking up this morning the area was still swollen a smidge and you can see were it entered the skin as it has a blood pocketwere the bite happened. Just a heads up to be careful if you come across these little buggers. They hurt! And this is coming from a 34 yr old woman. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like for a child.
I was just sting by one of these about 2 hours ago. Within 15 minutes, i jumped in my car and went to the er. I had an allergic reaction to this assassin bug. I’ve never seen one before, on my life. That bite is very painful. I was bit on the top of my foot. Apparently it was on my flip flop. The pain shot up my leg, just above the knee. I became short of breath, started shaking uncontrollably, sweating and by the time I got to the er, 7 minutes away, my lips were swelling and my node was running. 2 shots, a topical cream and benadryl every 6 hours, for 48 hours. This tiny bug packs a powerful punch.
By the way, I’m in DFW, Texas.
I was bit by a dark green colored assassin beetle in 2006 about 30 min from Topeka Kansas. It bit me on the wrist while I was sleeping. I woke me up. I smacked it and killed it. It left goo on my wrist. My wrist swelled up. 48 hours later I came down with flu like symptoms. I just figured I caught something on the airplane. I didn’t realize it was going to be a life sentence. I just thought it was a bug bite and it would go away. I never put the swelling and the flu symptoms together. Being raised in So. Cal, why would I. Tested negative for Chagus, tested positive for Lyme. Its been awful. These bugs bite deer, and then they bite you. You get bit by anything and it swells up, go to the doctors immediately. I wish I would have. I didn’t know. Ignorance almost killed me.
We have not before heard that Lyme Disease is carried by Assassin Bugs. To the best of our knowledge, Ticks are the vectors for Lyme Disease.
Hi, I am from Dallas Texas and I have been bit by one of these bugs just yesterday. I’m freaking out because I don’t want to get sick from this bug ! The bite itself hurt but I squeezed out whatever liquid came out and it’s just been a red dot with no swelling. I’ve felt from time to time nauseous but nothing extreme. I’ve also been having headaches and felt like passing out once today, either it’s being caused by this bug or sleep deprivation. Please, someone tell me what could possibly happen and if I should be worried. Thanks.
We are not qualified to give medical advice, but to the best of our knowledge, a bite from most Assassin Bugs will only result in local sensitivity and possibly swelling.
Seleste, I did not have any issues, other than the allergic reaction. My bite was on 1-14-18. My red mark from the bite just disappeared 3 days ago.
I was bit by an assassin bug, pretty sure a nymph, on Friday May 25. Its a week later and I still have the itchy red welt. My boyfriend and I were removing a piece of gutter from our house to collect rain water for our garden. We see the eggs all the time and never do anything about it because we know they are there to protect our garden from the herbivore bugs. Well, he got bit twice and I got bit 3 times! I am sorry you were bitten also, but hearing it took a month of so to clear the red mark gives me a little relief. I was getting worried. I am treating them with a steroid cream also.
I was bitten by the wheel bug in 2008. It bit me over my appendix but when it bit me my whole right side went numb. a couple of months later my appendix had to come out because they were highly inflamed. Since then my body is full of inflammation and have multiple surges for lymph node removal in my neck because the get so big and need to come out. No doctor seems to know why this is happening but no one wants to talk about this bug bite.
I got bit by one of those little devils about an hour ago. I was trying to fall asleep with some headphones on, leaned back in my recliner. Honestly, I don’t know if I felt it on my face and swatted at it or if it bit me then I swatted at it, but good God that pain was intense for about a minute. Worse than having a broken bone, or being kicked in the head repeatedly, which I have adequate knowledge to draw on. 10 times worse than a wasp sting is no joke. And it bit me on an eyelid and on the hand. I reasoned to ruthlessly kill it before it could end up in bed with my kids. I still have a headache and a pain in my chest, lol. I’ll make sure I notify you all if I die…
Was doing some replanting and got one on my arm bloody hell, what a sting. Dead now, of course, but I have never seen one before. Vancouver Island Canada…I take it they’re on the move.
Like someone above, I too was bitten in Newcastle. I was walking in the city when it flew out of a shrub growing beside the pavement, landed on my neck and immediately bit me. Ouch! I swatted it to the ground where I was able to have a good look and positively identified it as an Assassin Bug, though this one was considerably larger and more colourful than the black ones I’ve seen in Southern California.
I’ve been stung. Just now. My a.c. is out. Fan in window. No screen on window….no problem, right? This bug came through the fan, but it has orange legs. Black and orange. I had turned off lights and all of a sudden I felt something on my finger. It began burning. It got worse and worse and felt like a wasp sting and I knocked something off my hand. It was unusual, it didn’t seem to fly away. I hurriedly turned on light and there was this bug sitting beside me on my bed. What is this? The closest thing I could find was a small candle. Trapped! Got it. Does it make noise? Yes. Like a Cow Ant. Squeaking noise. I feel ok now but it did hurt. Zd’saw
I got a bite from one of these two days ago. It hurt pretty bad, but the initial swelling went down in an hour or so, and then it was just a red dot. I thought that was it, but today (2 days later) I am having swelling, redness, and it’s hot to the touch. These comments have made me feel a little better that it’s not serious, but it’s a little scary!
Individual person’s reactions to bites will vary with sensitivity.
Yes, Just bitten by an Assassin Bug Nymph on the neck which left a small red blister which now 1 day after is itching like crazy. Didn’t know what it was at first, but Bug man Bill let me know what insect it was.
Still not sure if there is going to be any long term effect from it’s sting as Lola from NSW has had a problem with her experience. The Bug that bite me is I believe is a Bee Killer Assassin Bug, so don’t know if that is going to create the same problems as her flesh eating Bug?
Yes, Just bitten by an Assassin Bug Nymph on the neck which left a small red blister which now 1 day after is itching like crazy. Didn’t know what it was at first, but Bug man Bill let me know what insect it was.
Still not sure if there is going to be any long term effect from it’s sting as Lola from NSW has had a problem with her experience. The Bug that bite me is I believe is a Bee Killer Assassin Bug, so don’t know if that is going to create the same problems as her flesh eating Bug?
To the best of our knowledge, bites from Assassin Bugs (not including the blood-sucking Kissing Bugs) do not have a permanent effect on a person, though local irritation may take some time to dissipate.
My 4 year old was just laying on the couch and started SCREAMING and clutching her neck. I found the dead little asshole on the couch next to her, it looks just like this but the legs are black and the body is bright orange. Same bug?? She seems okay now but I’m super paranoid… I keep checking on her in her sleep. ? I feel awful if the pain is as bad as you guys say!!!
I was just laying in my bed reading when I felt a hot poker like sting I flipped on the light to find a lil green assassin bug, of which I was not familiar until I researched this resulting painful sting. I t has been30 minutes , swelling just under the skin kind of like a chicken pox lesion. No pain beyond a few seconds. I didn’t get to kill him because I just flicked in the floor. Couldn’t find him. Going to search for him. I don’t want another painful experience tonight.
Woke up at 3:20am. Got bit, before I could get light on I got bit second time. Both bites about an inch apart on my upper right arm. The next day my arm felt like I had gotten two tetanus shots and hit in the arm with a sledge hammer. It has been 5 days now. my arm has two purple circles about the size of a quarter and still swollen around that. Still hurts some, and now itches some. I will take a wasp sting any day of the week.!!! Wish I could upload pictures from the time it got me to now. Took pictures of the bug too. (I am allergic to hornets, so not surprised I reacted so strong, but this is crazy)
Hi I believe I was bitten by an assassin bug about 2 years ago. Every month that bite blisters up again, becomes extremely itchy for a few days and goes away again. I have a permanent red mark at the site of the bite. I have had a host of other health problems that started around the same time as the bite. However I cannot say for certain that they are related, I can only assume.
I didn’t see the bug that got under my sock. It felt as though someone injected a needle, about half an inch into the top of my foot where it meets the ankle. That was three days ago. The skin is not raised but there are two pin pricks. Symptoms are: stinging pain, swelling, redness and itch. What could it be and what can I do. No systemic reaction.
Just got bit by a Zelus Assassin bug on my belly and I am 6 months pregnant. Given that it’s not a big deal, I’m hoping that’s still the case even being pregnant. The bite hurt worse than ANY sting I’ve ever had. I was in bed and rolled over on what I thought was legit a needle/shot. When I looked I saw it and researched it. When I went to kill it, it went into a defensive stance and I smashed it. Really REALLY painful. This was 30 minutes ago and so far nothing affecting me otherwise.
The pain will ease. As they are not poisonous, just keep an eye out for an allergic reaction. I personally don’t think it will effect thr baby, however if consult your ob just to make sure.
Thank you so much. It’s been 24 hours and so far I seem fine 🙂
I was just stung twice by this mean little shit, I was laying in bed, watching TV on my side and it landed on my back and stung me. I knocked it off in my bed and since I had no idea what kinda Bug had just dive bombed me and I wasn’t feeling the pain yet, I tryed to catch it so I could throw it outside and it stung me for the second time on the tip of my finger. Had to chase it down again bc it was going under my pillow. Picked it up with a towel and mashed its little head in. I figured it had it coming seeing as I now have a pain like I’m being stung over and over again and my finger now has a heart beat
Ugh. I hate bugs. Kill them all.
EDITED: species
I witnessed a spider (Steatoda grossa) trying to take down an assassin bug (Rasahus hamatus) in its nymph stage. It is now a 7-legged spider.
Interestingly, the nymph assassin did not initially react to the spider “attack” in an aggressive manner, but rather, allowed the spider to wrap it up partially before, with minimal movement, using its hooked beak & front appendages to snap the spider leg, like a bent drinking straw.
An autopsy should have been performed on said bug before using label of unnecessary carnage…the family of Mr.Corsair will be contacting you 🤣🤣🤣