Are Asian Lady Beetles Harmful?

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Asian Lady Beetles look almost the same as native ones, but these bugs can be a pest. In this article, we look at what harms they cause and how to deal with them.

Have you ever come across yellow stains on your curtains or table that have a foul acidic odor? Well, these stains might be the work of the Asian Lady beetles.

These small colorful insects were originally found in countries like China and Japan but have traveled to different parts of North America as well.

While they are beneficial for farmers and gardeners, these insects can be harmful if you don’t know how to control their population.

This article will discuss all the details about Asian Lady beetles and how to control them.


Are Asian Lady Beetles Harmful


What Are Asian Lady Beetles?

The Asian beetles are native to the Asian countries Russia, Korea, Japan, and China. However, they are an invasive species here and were first reported in the US in Louisiana in 1988.

The adult lady beetles are about 0.25 inches in length and oval in shape. They have red or orange-colored bodies with black spots on the wing covers.

They lay eggs that are yellow, which produce orange and black colored larvae. The adult beetle and the larva consumes aphids and other soft-bodied insects.

Are They Harmful?

These insects do not infest wood, fabrics, or food. Also, they do not carry any diseases. In fact, they even help control the population of dangerous pests like aphids.

Despite these qualities, the Asian lady beetle population can be a problem to deal with. Let us find out why.

Do They Bite or Sting?

Yes, these beetles can bite when they feel threatened. An Asian lady beetle’s bite is strong enough to tear the human skin and cause great pain and discomfort to the victim.

Therefore it is important to be careful around these insects.

One more important thing to note is that continuous exposure to these ladybugs can trigger allergic reactions in the human body.

If you are allergic to them and are exposed, use ibuprofen to help reduce the pain. Also, rush to the nearest hospital to get a shot in case you see a severe reaction.


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Can They Enter Homes?

Yes, these ladybugs can easily enter homes using the tiny openings and cracks in the doors, windows, vents, and more.

If you have gaps around your windows or walls, these insects will definitely use them as entry points.

Although they do not cause any harm to the interiors of your house, these insects secrete a foul-smelling yellow liquid when they are disturbed. This liquid can leave a big stain mark on your clothes.

Are They Poisonous/Venomous?

As mentioned above, these bugs can inflict a good amount of pain through their bites, but you will be relieved to know that the Asian lady beetles are not venomous.

However, it is always wise to approach them carefully if you don’t want to be bitten or stained.

Are They Pests?

You can usually find these lady beetles in agriculture fields, home gardens, and woods.

They primarily depend on aphids to fulfill their diets, but when they run out of aphids to prey on, they shift their focus to consuming fruits like apples, grapes, and more.

These beetles will eat apples that are already attacked by birds or other pests. They usually prefer eating ripe apples.

If you find apples with large cavities or a foul taste or odor in your garden, it is probably these beetles feeding on them. Hence if you have apple trees in your yard, you might not want the ladybugs around.


Do Ladybugs Pee


Other Problems They Can Cause?

Although these insects are great for pest control, they are not welcome inside homes due to the fact that they can bite and leave smelly yellow stains throughout the house.

More importantly, it is almost impossible to stand the presence of these small insects roaming inside your house.

Therefore in the next section, we will discuss a few ways to get rid of them from your house.

How To Control Asian Lady Beetles?

To prevent these beetles from entering your house, make sure that you thoroughly check the house for cracks that can be entry points.

If you find such spots, seal them immediately. Do not ignore even tiny gaps around windows; these beetles can enter through a crevice as small as 1/8-inch in size.

You can seal these cracks with silicone and acrylic materials. Replace damaged door and window frames as well.

You can also use insecticides to limit the entry of these beetles.

Spray insecticides like cypermethrin, permethrin, bifenthrin, and more during the months of September and early October in your garden to get rid of them.

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Asian lady beetles hurt you?

The Asian lady beetles are capable of biting humans, which can cause a great deal of pain to the victim. However, these beetles are not venomous.
You must also know that they are capable of triggering allergic reactions in the human body. Therefore one must be careful around them.

Are Asian lady beetles good for the environment?

The Asian lady beetles are considered beneficial insects for farmers as they actively feed on different species of soft-bodied insects and aphids.
These pests are capable of causing significant damage to agricultural plants and yields. Farmers want these insects to be near the farming fields and yards.
However, these bugs can also become pests themselves, feeding on ripe Apples.

Do ladybugs lay eggs in houses?

Ladybugs usually do not lay eggs in houses. These insects often lay eggs on the leaves to keep them safe from predators and the weather.
They creep into homes to protect themselves from the cold weather. In jungles, they often search for tree bark or rock crevices to crawl into to escape the cold.

What STD do ladybugs carry?

Native ladybugs can carry the sexually-transmitted disease known as the Laboulbeniales fungal disease.
Even if a ladybug carrying this STD bites you, there is no need to panic, as the Laboulbeniales fungal disease only affects insects, centipedes, and other arthropods.

Wrap Up

The Asian lady beetles are a highly beneficial insect due to their active pest-controlling ability, and gardener prefer having them around.

However, they are also capable of causing allergic reactions in humans and leaving behind nasty bites.

Moreover, the Asian lady beetle can also become a pest for apple plantations themselves. Therefore, it is important to learn about these insects to be able to handle them better.

We hope this article provides all the necessary tips and tricks that you need to handle these insects carefully.

Thank you for reading the article. 





Do Ladybugs Pee

What Parasitized the Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle???



  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Lady Beetles

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • asian lady bug larve . they appear on my mail box all the time. i saw one eating a smaller one today. clarksdale mississippi

  • Jane Sutton
    July 1, 2014 6:51 am


    With regards to the Multi coloured Lady Beetle, I live in Kent, Southern England, I have these little critters on my Grapevine, we didn’t have them last year. Are they ok to be left alone or do I need to get rid of them?

    • It is a strongly held belief that the spread of Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles is having a negative impact on native species of Lady Beetles which are not as aggressive.

  • Jane Sutton
    July 1, 2014 6:51 am


    With regards to the Multi coloured Lady Beetle, I live in Kent, Southern England, I have these little critters on my Grapevine, we didn’t have them last year. Are they ok to be left alone or do I need to get rid of them?


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