Ticks are small, blood-sucking arachnids that can be found in various regions across the world. They inhabit areas with high vegetation, such as forests and grasslands, where they can easily latch onto passing animals and humans. Learning about where ticks live helps you know how to avoid them and protect yourself from the diseases they can transmit.
In the United States, ticks are particularly prevalent in the coastal areas along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico Regions Where Ticks Live. Different species of ticks live in different regions, each transmitting various illnesses to humans and animals, such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia. Some ticks prefer to feed on birds and small rodents, while others latch onto larger mammals like deer and other wildlife.
Understanding the habitats of ticks and the risks they pose is crucial for your safety and well-being. When venturing into areas where ticks are known to live, take preventive measures like wearing protective clothing, using tick repellent, and regularly checking yourself and your pets for ticks. By being informed and prepared, you can minimize your chances of contracting tick-borne diseases.
Life Cycle of Ticks
Egg Stage
During the egg stage, female ticks lay their eggs on the ground. These eggs are usually found in clusters and can number in the thousands. The eggs eventually hatch into larvae, which are tiny, six-legged creatures.
Larva Stage
The larva stage is the first active stage of a tick’s life. During this time, the larvae search for a host – usually a small mammal or bird – to feed on blood. Once they find a suitable host, they attach themselves and engorge on blood. After feeding, they drop off the host and molt to become nymphs.
Nymph Stage
The nymph stage is a crucial stage in a tick’s life cycle. The tick’s size increases, and it becomes an eight-legged creature more similar in appearance to an adult tick. Nymphs typically look for larger hosts, such as humans and larger animals. Once they have successfully fed, they detach from their host, drop to the ground, and molt again, transforming into adult ticks.
Adult Stage
As adults, ticks continue to search for hosts to feed on for their final blood meal. This time, they may choose even larger hosts like deer or humans. Female ticks require this final meal to produce eggs and start the cycle again, while males may also feed but primarily search for a female to mate with. After feeding and mating, the adult ticks die, completing their life cycle.
Remember to watch out for ticks when you’re outdoors, as they can transmit various diseases during their feeding process. By knowing the stages of their life cycle, you can better understand how to protect yourself and your pets from these tiny but dangerous creatures.
Tick Habitats
Wooded Areas
Ticks thrive in wooded areas because of the abundance of shade and moisture. These environments offer the perfect conditions for them to survive. For instance:
- Ticks can be found on the ground
- They might also be found on trees and shrubs
Grassy Areas
In addition to wooded areas, ticks also live in grassy areas. Here, they can easily latch onto passing animals and humans. Some characteristics of grassy tick habitats are:
- Ticks often hide in tall grass
- They can be found in fields and meadows
Leaf Piles
Ticks find leaf piles to be an ideal habitat due to the moisture and shelter they provide. Keep in mind:
- Ticks can be found beneath leaf litter in wooded areas
- Regularly clearing leaves from your backyard can help reduce tick populations
Home Backyard
Unfortunately, ticks can be found in home backyards as well. This is especially true if your property borders wooded or grassy areas. To minimize the risk of tick encounters, consider:
- Keeping your grass mowed short
- Removing leaf piles and debris regularly
Tick Hosts
Birds and Mammals
Ticks can find a host on various birds and mammals. For instance, they often latch onto deer and rodents in their natural habitats. These creatures then inadvertently spread ticks to new locations.
Pets and Humans
Ticks are also common among household pets, such as dogs and cats. When your pets roam outdoors, they can pick up ticks, which may lead to possible bites and tick-borne diseases for both pets and humans. Taking precautions, like regularly checking your pets for ticks, helps reduce the risk.
Reptiles and Amphibians
Although not as common, ticks can also be found on reptiles and amphibians like lizards. These cold-blooded creatures can carry ticks, but the risk of tick-borne diseases in humans from these hosts is lower compared to warm-blooded animals like mammals and birds.
Behaviour of Ticks
Feeding Habits
Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. Their feeding process can take from 10 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the tick species and its stage of life. As they feed, they can transmit various pathogens that cause diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
- Locating hosts: Ticks find their hosts by detecting carbon dioxide exhaled by animals, like you and your pets.
- Attachment: Once they find a host, ticks will climb onto it and search for a suitable feeding spot, usually in warmer, thinner-skinned areas.
- Biting and feeding: Ticks will use their specialized mouthparts to cut into the skin and insert a feeding tube to draw blood.
Questing Behaviour
Questing is the behaviour ticks exhibit when they actively search for a host. Here’s how it works:
- Positioning: Ticks will wait on the tips of grasses or leaves with their front legs outstretched.
- Climbing: When a potential host brushes against them, ticks will quickly climb onto it.
- Hunting: They then move around the host in search of a feeding site.
Overall, ticks are highly reliant on their questing behaviour to find a host and obtain the blood they need to survive.
Survival in Winter
Ticks can be quite resilient, even in winter. Some species can tolerate cold temperatures and remain active during this time, while others will enter a state of dormancy. Here are a few key points:
- Active species: In milder winter temperatures, some tick species can still be active and questing for hosts.
- Dormant species: Other tick species may enter a state of dormancy – this protects them from harsh winter conditions.
- Safety measures: It’s essential to remain vigilant during winter months, as there is still a potential risk of tick exposure, especially in warmer areas.
In conclusion, understanding the behaviour of ticks can help raise awareness on their feeding habits, questing behaviour, and survival strategies, ultimately helping you protect yourself and your pets from tick-borne diseases.
Types of Ticks
Blacklegged Tick
The Blacklegged Tick, often referred to as the “deer tick,” is a significant carrier of Lyme Disease. They are commonly found in the Eastern U.S. People often identify these ticks by their dark brown or black color and resemblance to a small watermelon seed.
- Main concerns: Lyme Disease transmission
- Distribution: primarily in the Eastern U.S.
Lone Star Tick
The Lone Star Tick also poses a threat to human health. One notable characteristic is the single white spot on the backs of female ticks. They’re prevalent in the southeastern U.S. but are also expanding their range. They transmit diseases like Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI) and Ehrlichiosis.
- Main concerns: STARI and Ehrlichiosis transmission
- Distribution: predominantly in the southeastern U.S.
Brown Dog Tick
The Brown Dog Tick is found worldwide but mainly in the southwestern U.S. and along the U.S.-Mexico border. These ticks mainly infest dogs, but they may also bite humans. They transmit harmful diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever to their hosts.
- Main concerns: Rocky Mountain spotted fever transmission
- Distribution: worldwide, with higher prevalence in the southwestern U.S. and U.S.-Mexico border area
Comparison Table
Tick Species | Main Concerns | Distribution |
Blacklegged Tick | Lyme Disease transmission | Primarily Eastern U.S. |
Lone Star Tick | STARI and Ehrlichiosis | Predominantly southeastern U.S. |
Brown Dog Tick | Rocky Mountain spotted fever | Worldwide, southwestern U.S. focus |
Understanding the differences between these tick species is crucial to stay informed and protect yourself from tick-borne diseases when spending time outdoors.
Ticks and Diseases
Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. When infected ticks bite you, they transmit the bacteria through their saliva. Common symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a skin rash. To reduce your risk, protect yourself from tick bites.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
This is a potentially fatal disease caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii. Transmission occurs through the bite of infected ticks. Symptoms include fever, headache, and rash. Prompt treatment with doxycycline can improve your chances of recovery. Learn more about Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Ehrlichiosis results from infection by the Ehrlichia bacteria. Ticks transmit the pathogen when they bite you. Symptoms include headache, fever, and fatigue. Timely antibiotic treatment is essential to prevent complications. Discover more about ehrlichiosis.
Anaplasmosis is caused by the bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Infected ticks can transfer the bacteria during a bite. Flu-like symptoms are common, and early treatment with antibiotics is crucial. Find out more about anaplasmosis.
This disease is caused by microscopic parasites that infect red blood cells. Infected ticks transmit the parasite when they bite. Symptoms include fever, chills, and fatigue. Treatment options involve a combination of medications. Learn more about babesiosis.
Colorado Tick Fever
Colorado tick fever is a viral disease transmitted by infected ticks. Symptoms include fever, headache, and muscle aches. There is no specific treatment, but most people recover on their own. Discover more about Colorado tick fever.
Heartland Virus
This is a rare but potentially severe disease caused by the Heartland virus. Ticks transmit the virus during a bite. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, and muscle aches. Supportive care is the primary treatment approach. Find out more about the Heartland virus.
Powassan Virus
The Powassan virus causes a rare and potentially fatal disease, with transmission occurring through infected tick bites. Signs include fever, vomiting, and seizures. There is no specific treatment, and severe cases can lead to long-term neurological issues. Learn more about the Powassan virus.
Bourbon Virus
The Bourbon virus is a rare and potentially serious illness transmitted by infected ticks. Symptoms include fever, headache, and rash. Currently, no specific treatment exists for Bourbon virus; supportive care is provided. Discover more about the Bourbon virus.
Tick Prevention
Protective Clothing
To prevent tick bites, wear light-colored clothing that covers most of your body. This helps you spot ticks easily and reduces the chances of them reaching your skin. Remember to:
- Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
- Tuck your pants into your socks for added protection.
Use of Permethrin
Permethrin is your friend when it comes to tick prevention. Consider using products with permethrin to keep ticks away, such as:
- Permethrin-treated clothing
- Insect repellents containing permethrin for your gear
Remember, always follow instructions on permethrin products to ensure safe and effective use.
By following these precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of encountering ticks while enjoying outdoor activities.
28 Comments. Leave new
I think this could be a Pigeon Tick (Argas reflexus), a common tick of central and southern Europe. They usually feed on pigeons, but if none are available they may also feed on other birds or, rarely, humans. Do you perhaps have pigeons nesting in your eaves or attic? Like most ticks, they can transmit some diseases, and apparently can cause problems for people who have an allergy to their bights. By its size I would say this one is a female.
Thanks so much Karl
That is exactly the same bug I just found in my house and have been trying to identify. I have occational bats in my attic, so I assume it is a bat tick that has run out of food. I would post photos but can’t figure out how to upload them to his site. I am in Wisconson too.
This is a “soft tick” in the family Argasidae. About the only species that occurs in the upper midwestern United States is the “bat tick”, Carios kelleyi.
Most ticks do not carry diseases, and most tick bites do not cause serious health problems. But it is important to remove a tick as soon as you find it. Removing the tick’s body helps you avoid diseases the tick may pass on during feeding. Removing the tick’s head helps prevent an infection in the skin where it bit you. See the Home Treatment section of this topic for the best way to remove a tick…’..
See all of the most recent blog post at our new homepage
Most ticks do not carry diseases, and most tick bites do not cause serious health problems. But it is important to remove a tick as soon as you find it. Removing the tick’s body helps you avoid diseases the tick may pass on during feeding. Removing the tick’s head helps prevent an infection in the skin where it bit you. See the Home Treatment section of this topic for the best way to remove a tick…’..
See all of the most recent blog post at our new homepage
That is a bat tick. They are host specific, however, one was found in Iowa with primate blood in it’s gut, and the homeowners don’t own a monkey. They are nocturnal, feed only briefly, up to 15 minutes, have 5 life cycles, can go up to 19 years between feedings, and when you exclude the bats they will go hunting for another host. If you have one tick you probably have hundreds of them. I was in a house where we found thousands of them.
They seem to bite women more often than men, and you can look them up on the CDC website. They seem to carry a gram negative organism. Cockroach spray kills them.
Thanks for your informative comment.
I am dealing with bat ticks right now. They feed at night. My bits are hot and itchy and last a long time. My boyfriend reacts worse though, his get oozy and pussy. I have tried to build them out but they keep coming. How do I get rid of them, short of burning my house down?
Hi Frank, when you said you found thousands, where did you find them? My originated in my roof I believe, then I re vapour barrierd it and dry walled and find it hard to believe they are still coming from the roof. Could they be in my floor cracks now, in my closet or coming up from the floor and crawl? If I cockroach spray them, does it have to hit them directly or can I spray the general area? I really don’t know where they are as they hide in the day. They move so slow I can’t imagine they are coming from too far. Looking forward to hearing from you.
That is a bat tick. They are host specific, however, one was found in Iowa with primate blood in it’s gut, and the homeowners don’t own a monkey. They are nocturnal, feed only briefly, up to 15 minutes, have 5 life cycles, can go up to 19 years between feedings, and when you exclude the bats they will go hunting for another host. If you have one tick you probably have hundreds of them. I was in a house where we found thousands of them.
They seem to bite women more often than men, and you can look them up on the CDC website. They seem to carry a gram negative organism. Cockroach spray kills them.
I actually found a few of these and initially thought it was a tick. I did a fair bit of research and determined that it is actually a predatory mite which does not feast on humans but instead on other small creatures – insects etc.
Thanks Michael,
Can you supply us with any links?
It is an Argasid tick, also called soft ticks. Feed on blood of mammals.
Dr. Chris Pet Vet show had a dog in the clinic that had, had a green tick removed. This tick bite causes paralysis of the hind legs on the dog that works it’s way upward to the chest. The dog starts gagging and can’t breathe. There is a antioxin that can be given but no guarantees.
100 tiny ticks attached to me the size of a period at the end of this sentence…………….
The grow as they suck blood.
I found one on me days later that had grown several times larger.
What do you call these and any dangers???
BIG Thnaks
100 tiny ticks attached to me the size of a period at the end of this sentence…………….
The grow as they suck blood.
I found one on me days later that had grown several times larger.
What do you call these and any dangers???
BIG Thnaks
I’m currently showing signs of late lymes disease after 5 months of coming back from india. I found a tick larva under my skin on my shin. 3 weeks after my return, I didn’t get it checked out. my home is infested with ticks as iv got a new dog who brought them into my home.
Iv fumigated the home and bedding, but after I got all settled. Took a week to wash the contents of the home. I was laying in bed and feltsomething bite me. I know this could be the Lymes, but I still checked it out. Mag tourch in hand checking my bed. There are all these white dots, so I sit with parranioa watching, these things started to grow infront of my very eyes. so I sprayed the bed again. But I think its ticks and not fleas.. after spraying my bedding with virbic I gave it 2 hours and climbed into bed as it was 4am and this morning I’m covered in white lumps on my legs. I got a lump out of my foot that was niggling away and it was aa tiny lump, cant mak out what it was but I burnt it and it sprang up and then withered. wtfis going on. please help me. do you think I have eggs under my skin and if so what do I take orally to kill these things under my skin. desperate is not the word. x
I’m currently showing signs of late lymes disease after 5 months of coming back from india. I found a tick larva under my skin on my shin. 3 weeks after my return, I didn’t get it checked out. my home is infested with ticks as iv got a new dog who brought them into my home.
Iv fumigated the home and bedding, but after I got all settled. Took a week to wash the contents of the home. I was laying in bed and feltsomething bite me. I know this could be the Lymes, but I still checked it out. Mag tourch in hand checking my bed. There are all these white dots, so I sit with parranioa watching, these things started to grow infront of my very eyes. so I sprayed the bed again. But I think its ticks and not fleas.. after spraying my bedding with virbic I gave it 2 hours and climbed into bed as it was 4am and this morning I’m covered in white lumps on my legs. I got a lump out of my foot that was niggling away and it was aa tiny lump, cant mak out what it was but I burnt it and it sprang up and then withered. wtfis going on. please help me. do you think I have eggs under my skin and if so what do I take orally to kill these things under my skin. desperate is not the word. x
Many state or local health departments will identify ticks for free. I only had to put it in a small zip lock baggie, an envelope and mail it . I live in WA. If it was on somebody or a dog, take the picture with you if you go to a dr. or a vet if you aren’t feeling well. If it was on a dog, your vet would probably be willing to i.d. it. They can’t do it if it was on a person.
Thanks for this helpful tip.
Yes that’s a pigeon tick. These are found more in countries with warm, humid climates.
ended up with 2 female cats that are (fixed) by a vet and are so full of pulgas ( fleas ) it,s not even funny anymore .they love me also ( the fleas…).a friend from Florida visited me and gave me some fleas collars ..great for 6 months…( they don,t have them here ) welcome to Costa Rica !it,s absolutely disaster….can.t believe it ..the locals are immune so the dogs and cats don,t bother them ..so no fleas collars either..so after 6 months the fleas comes back with a vengeance on my cats…and me ..help is hter some natural fleas killers or whatever..the would help me …
is there some natural local herbs or whatever,that I could use on my animals..can,t get fleas collars here ..?help ????
I am infested with ticks hand me down from my cat…this now for over 6 months… I seem to be a host to these paradites! I am taking Ivermectin pills to rid myself and it kills them but the eggs keep on coming…! I really don’t understand this…they need blood to reproduce…they dig into me they die…no eggs it should be…! Another thing…my ticks seem to fly or when I got to touch a live one it just vanished and I couldn’t see where it went…very fast and stealthy! Any suggestions on how to permanently rid myself of this infestation would be much appreciated
I’ve had a few of these in our holiday home in Noida, India. We sprayed dish washing liquid with water and a little dettol and they seem to die within a few seconds. But its not a permanent solution though.
I’ve been renting a place. Squirls and racoons in attic. Bites or little sores. Scabbing cause of itching in sleep. They never get better. Cause always scratching in sleep. I’m allergic to lot of bug saliva. Like bed bugs. I know what look like. But on my skin I start noticing little pin size fits that I scratch and they stay bleeding. They only become bigger, that look like round little sores and never get better cause keep scratching. I have photo’s paying this money to stay where I’m at. Manager won’t do any thing about it. He says all in my head. But won’t get rid of these room mates.( Squirls and racoons in attic above. And I can’t either).