What Eats Assassin Bugs? Predators Who Eat The Killer Bugs

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Assassin bugs are feared predators of the common garden, but what eats assassin bugs? What preys on the predator? Let’s find out.


Assassin bugs are one of the most feared predators in the insect kingdom. These bugs are voracious and indiscriminate eaters, and often their kills are quite gruesome.

Moreover, some varieties of these bugs can bite humans and even cause Chagas disease, a harmful affliction with no known vaccine or medicine.

However, nature has a way of balancing itself, and there are no apex predators in the wild. Assassin bugs have their own predators, and it’s important to know what they are so as to control them when needed.

In this article, we will look at what eats assassin bugs and how you can use them to control the population of these insects.

Assassin Bug Nymph


What Eats These Bugs?

There are many birds, spiders, rodents, and some types of praying mantises that eat assassin bugs. Some smaller mammals, frogs, lizards, and snakes also consider them good sources of food.

There are over 7,000 species of assassin bugs with more than 120 in North America alone. So it is hard to name one predator for each type. However, in most cases, assassin bugs are between 0.2 to 1.2 inches long and are no match for larger mammals and birds.

Who Eats Their Nymphs and Larvae?

While adult assassin bugs are fearsome carnivores, their nymphs are no less. In cotton fields, they can eat as many as 160 ball worm larvae in under 12 weeks.

But the nymphs themselves are preyed upon by spiders, birds, rodents, praying mantises, and even adult assassin bugs.

The nymphs usually have long heads and big legs. Their heads are round but narrow, and they have protruding, hinged mouthparts which are used to suck the insides of their prey. In most cases, the nymphs can’t fly.

Assassin Bug Nymph


How Do They Defend Themselves When Attacked?

Remember that protruding mouthpart we talked about? That pincer-like object can deliver a painful bite to anyone trying to touch these bugs.

They use it to push their venom inside their prey, along with some digestive enzymes that turn the insides of the victim into nothing but liquids. These bugs suck in the juice created, leaving just the outer shell intact.

But when attacked, this mouthpart can also be used to defend themselves. Assassin bugs are named after their ability to deliver death to their prey in a single blow, and they also make aggressive warning sounds when they fear an attacker.

What do Assassin Bugs Eat?

Well, let us turn the table around for a bit now and talk about the amazing predatory capabilities of these bugs.

Most adults feed on a huge variety of garden insects, including caterpillars and larvae of other bugs, sawflies, leaf beetles, aphids, and so on.

They kill and eat both harmful pests and beneficial insects in the garden, so keeping them around is a bit of a double-edged sword for gardeners.

How Can You Attract Them To Your Gaden?

If you have a major infestation from one of the assassin bugs’ prey, having them around might be an interesting, non-chemical-based way to get rid of your bug problem.

To invite assassin bugs to your garden, simply follow these steps:

Assassin Bug


Turn on the lights

Assassin bugs are attracted to lights, so if you have porch lights or night lights in your garden, Keep them on at night. Moreover, many of their prey are also attracted to light, so it makes their job much easier if you already have some in your backyard.

Keep some water

Assassin bugs need water to survive, so having a small pan with water in it would help them immensely. Make sure not to buy a very deep pan. It needs to be either very shallow or filled with gravel so that it can perch on edge and sip water without falling into it.


Some assassin bugs like to do their shady business of hunting under cover of mulch. By putting a few mounds of mulch here and there, you are giving them the perfect opportunity to hide out and get to the job you want them to do: kill pests.

Use narrow-spectrum pesticides

If you want to use other methods to kill bugs, make sure you use narrow-spectrum pesticides that are only intended to kill a specific species or type of bug. Don’t go for a wide-spectrum pesticide, which can harm the assassins as well.


A few bugs from this family love the sight of flowers, so having a few flowers in your garden is a nice way to welcome them there. If you have a veggie plantation, having marigolds and cucumbers can really spice up the garden and attract them in large numbers. You can also use herbs and spices like dill to bring them home.

What Eats Assassin Bugs


Why Might You Not Want These Bugs In Your Garden?

Now that we have discussed all the good things about these bugs let us turn our sights on some of the things you need to watch out for when you attract them to your garden.

They Bite

Assassin bugs are biters. They have developed their strong biting ability to hunt for prey, but it can work on humans as well. Some assassin bugs can even suck blood from your skin.

When the bug bites, it can cause pain, infection, and swelling in the body part. Using ice and pain meds might be a good early treatment, but if you have allergies to insect bites, get yourself to a doctor immediately.

Kissing Bugs Cause Diseases

The kissing bug is a type of assassin bug so named for its habit of biting humans on the mouth or the eyes. One bug can leave as many as 15-20 bites on your face at a time.

Kissing bug bites is usually harmless, but unfortunately, not always so. These bugs can be carriers for Chagas disease, a malady that can cause heart and liver problems, and has no cure or vaccine for it.

If left untreated, Chagas can be life-threatening, so it is best to make sure that you are not inviting kissing bugs into your home.

How to Keep Assassin Bugs Away

The easiest way to keep any bug outside your house is to make sure it has no way to enter your place. In the case of the assassin bug, this includes cracks and gaps in your walls, ceiling, windows, window frames, doors, and so on.

If you find any of these, seal them up immediately with caulk or duct tape.

Make sure you leave your pets indoors at night because assassin bugs might come inside with them. However, safety is best, so don’t sleep in the same room with your pet.

Cleanliness is another important thing when dealing with these bugs. Make sure you wash your mattresses, beddings, linens, and everything else that comes in contact with you at least 1-2 times a week.

If you have a fireplace, it is easy for these bugs to hitch a ride with some logs of wood. So makes sure you inspect your wood carefully before bringing it in.

Lastly, just like turning lights on invites these bugs to the garden, turning them off might deter them from coming to your place.

What Eats Assassin Bugs

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get rid of an assassin bug?

One option is to, of course, avoid giving them any opportunity to survive in your garden or home. Turn off your porch lights, don’t keep any open sources of water, and do not spread mulch around your garden. If you are not sure which pesticides to use, synthetic pyrethroids are one thing that might work.

What is the prey of an assassin bug?

Caterpillars, larvae, tadpoles, aphids, and other small insects and even insects bigger than assassin bugs are all potential prey to an assassin bug.

The wingless nymphs of the assassin bugs are also of a similar nature. These bugs sit quietly, waiting, and then ambush their prey, injecting a toxin into their bodies that turns their insides into liquid.

Are assassin bugs good to have around?

Yes and no. Assassin bugs are great predator insects, so if you have a particularly nasty pest in your garden, having them around might be very helpful.

On the other hand, assassin bugs can bite and even spread diseases to humans – so maintaining a safe distance is equally important.

What is special about assassin bugs?

Their voracious appetites and their ability to kill their prey with very little effort make them different from others. These bugs can bite and kill a victim with just one shot of their pincers. They are equally varied in their diets – they will eat anything from aphids to praying mantises if the chance comes along.

Wrap Up

Assassin bugs can be both helpful and harmful to your garden and home. If you are planning to bring them to your neck of the woods, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into.

These guys can clean up your garden of harmful pests, but they might be a nuisance if they get inside your house. Thank you for reading!


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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