What Do Nursery Web Spiders Eat? A Quick Guide to Their Diet

folder_openArachnida, Araneae
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Nursery web spiders are fascinating creatures that can often be found in tall grass, wooded edges, and shrubs. They belong to the family Pisauridae and are known for their unique method of creating a protective “nursery” for their young. But have you ever wondered what these spiders eat?

Like other spiders, nursery web spiders are carnivorous and rely on catching other insects for sustenance. Their diet primarily consists of flies, mosquitoes, and other small insects they can catch in their webs or by hunting. With their long legs and agile bodies, they can efficiently track down and capture these prey in their natural habitats.

Species Description

Physical Characteristics

Nursery web spiders are known for their elongated bodies and long legs that can span up to three inches. These spiders display various colors, ranging from pale grey-brown to dark brown, sometimes with white or gray markings. Their body structure often helps them blend in with plant or grass stalks when they position themselves with legs outstretched before and behind them. Here are some key features:

  • Elongated bodies
  • Long legs with up to a three-inch spread
  • Colors: Pale grey-brown, dark brown, white, or gray markings

Nursery Web Spiders Vs Other Spiders

Comparing them to other spiders, nursery web spiders fall into the same category of invertebrates and arthropods as wolf spiders and fishing spiders. However, they have distinct differences in their behaviors and physical characteristics. Here’s a comparison table:

Spider Type Nursery Web Spiders Wolf Spiders Fishing Spiders
Eye Arrangement Eight eyes in two rows Eight eyes in three rows Similar to nursery web spiders
Web Construction Build a “nursery tent” to protect their hatching young No webs; hunt on the ground No webs; some may hunt near water
Hunting Behavior Capture prey with their legs or webs Active hunters; Use fast speed and good vision Active hunters; Use their legs to sense vibrations on the water
Size Adults can reach up to an inch in size Varies, with some species reaching up to 1.38 inches Can be up to 3 inches; Large size helps them hunt bigger prey

In summary, you can identify nursery web spiders by their elongated bodies, long legs, and color variations. They differ from related spiders such as wolf spiders and fishing spiders in terms of eye arrangement, hunting behavior, and web construction.

Habitats and Distribution

Common Locations

Nursery web spiders are primarily distributed across North America. You may often find them in areas with tall grass, shrubs, and woodland edges. For example, Dolomedes triton is one of the most commonly encountered spiders in the eastern United States.

These spiders inhabit a variety of habitats, with some common locations including:

  • Grasslands
  • Woodlands
  • Leaves of plants
  • Residential yards

By searching for them in these places, you’ll have a higher chance of spotting these fascinating creatures.

Unique Habitats

Nursery web spiders have a couple of unique habitat preferences. While some prefer living on the ground in grasslands, others like to spend their time in shrubs or trees.

These spiders are quite versatile in terms of their living conditions, making them capable of thriving in various environments. Another interesting aspect of their habitat is their ability to adapt to urban areas, which is not a trait all spiders share.

Keep in mind that although they are primarily found in North America, some species have a widespread global distribution. This versatility is yet another distinguishing feature of nursery web spiders.

Diet of Nursery Web Spiders


Nursery web spiders primarily consume insects and earthworms. They are known to eat a variety of organisms, including:

  • Flies
  • Crickets
  • Grasshoppers
  • Beetles
  • Moths

Hunting Habits

As active hunters, nursery web spiders typically do not build webs for catching prey. Instead, they rely on their agility and stealth to capture their food.

  • Nursery web spiders use their long legs to stalk and ambush their prey.
  • They employ their strong silk thread to immobilize victims, holding them securely before consuming them.

Combining their adept hunting skills and varied diet, nursery web spiders play an essential role in controlling insect populations within their habitat. By preying on various insect species, they help maintain the delicate balance of their ecosystem.

Reproduction and Lifespan

Egg Protection

Female nursery web spiders carry egg sacs in their jaws to protect their developing offspring. They construct a “nursery tent” just before the eggs hatch, providing further protection to the spiderlings. This protective behavior increases the survival rate of spiderlings, allowing them to reach their first molt and eventually hatch from their eggs. A female spider guards the nursery web diligently, ensuring her young have a safe and secure environment1.

Mating Behaviour

Mating rituals among nursery web spiders are quite interesting. Male spiders present a gift of food to female spiders as a part of their courtship process. This food gift plays a crucial role in the process of copulation2. Males that offer a food gift are significantly more successful in mating with a female counterpart3. Additionally, the act of gift-giving allows the male spider to approach the female safely, reducing potential aggressiveness or rejection from the female. Once the gift is accepted, copulation occurs, and the male spider fertilizes the female’s eggs4.

In summary, the lifespan and reproduction of nursery web spiders involve a combination of protective behavior by females and a unique mating ritual involving food gifts from males. This combination of actions ensures the successful survival and reproduction of their species.

Interaction with Other Species


Nursery web spiders are predators that mainly feed on insects and other small arthropods. They do not build webs like the common web-making species, but instead, they actively hunt their prey on soil or plants, like wolf spiders, crab spiders, and jumping spiders. As a predator, the nursery web spider plays a vital role in controlling insect populations and maintaining a balance in the ecosystem.

Their hunting technique involves constructing a nursery web, where they closely guard their egg sacs and spiderlings. This makes them very protective and effective predators, ensuring the survival of their offspring.

Spiders and Humans

In general, nursery web spiders are not harmful to humans. They might occasionally enter houses, but they predominantly prefer living in tall grass, shrubs, and along wooded edges (source). Although their bite can cause mild discomfort, it is neither dangerous nor venomous to humans.

Nursery web spiders can also be considered beneficial to humans since they help regulate insect populations. By preying on insects and other pests, they contribute to a more balanced and healthy environment.

Conservation Status

The conservation status of nursery web spiders has not been widely assessed or documented. However, as a crucial part of the ecosystem, maintaining their population is essential. Factors such as habitat loss, excessive pesticide use, or climate change can have an impact on their numbers.

To help conserve the species and protect their habitats, you can take some simple steps:

  • Limit or avoid pesticide use in your garden.
  • Preserve areas with tall grasses and shrubs that serve as habitat.
  • Educate others about the importance and benefits of spiders in the ecosystem.

By understanding and appreciating the role of nursery web spiders in the ecosystem, we can promote their conservation and continue to benefit from their role as a natural pest control agent.

Interesting Facts

Did you know that nursery web spiders are large and can have up to a three-inch leg-spread? These amazing creatures can be found in tall grass, along wooded edges, and in shrubs.

Both wolf spiders and nursery web spiders care for their young in unique ways. For example, female wolf spiders carry their egg sac with them using appendages at the tip of their abdomen, while female nursery web spiders carry their egg sac in their jaws (Virginia Tech).

When it comes to identification, you can recognize nursery web spiders by their large size and distinct maternal behavior. Furthermore, they are part of a group of invertebrates called arthropods, which include other creatures like crayfish, shrimp, millipedes, centipedes, mites, and insects (Missouri Department of Conservation).

As for their diet, nursery web spiders are predators that mainly feed on various arthropods, such as grasshoppers, flies, moths, caterpillars, leafhoppers, some bees and ants, and even other spiders. In fact, spiders as a whole consume more insects than birds and bats combined (Missouri Department of Conservation).

To sum it up, nursery web spiders are fascinating creatures with unique maternal behaviors and a significant role in controlling insect populations. So next time you spot one, take a moment to appreciate their contribution to the ecosystem!

Scientific Classification of Nursery Web Spiders

Nursery web spiders belong to the family Pisauridae, specifically in the genera Pisaurina and Dolomedes. These spiders are part of the class Arachnida, order Araneae, and their scientific classification was established by Eugène Simon.

  • Family: Pisauridae
  • Order: Araneae
  • Class: Arachnida

Two notable species within the family Pisauridae are Pisaurina mira and Pisaura mirabilis. Both species share common traits as nursery web spiders, but they belong to different genera: Pisaurina mira is part of the genus Pisaurina, while Pisaura mirabilis belongs to the genus Dolomedes.

Nursery web spiders are known for their unique reproductive behavior. Male spiders perform intricate courtship rituals to attract females. After mating, females create a nursery web to protect their egg sac and guard the spiderlings after they hatch.

While nursery web spiders can bite if threatened, their bites are generally mild and without lasting effects for humans.

Feature Pisaurina mira Pisaura mirabilis
Genus Pisaurina Dolomedes
Reproductive behavior Nursery web Nursery web
Bite Mild, short-lived Mild, short-lived

To summarize, nursery web spiders comprise a diverse family of spiders with unique reproductive habits. Their scientific classification falls under the family Pisauridae, and examples of species within this family include Pisaurina mira and Pisaura mirabilis.


  1. Common Spiders of Maryland – Maryland’s Wild Acres
  2. Animal Reproductive Strategies | Organismal Biology – gatech.edu
  3. [EggProtection,NurseryWebs,and]]
  4. Sexual Selection on Male Body Size,Food Gifts, and Nets | Annual Review of Entomology








  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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